A personal assistant utilizing MS SAPI 5.4 and Program# AIMLbot (AIML Set 1.0)
The goal for this project is a full personal assistant that understands speech and can respond naturally.
To set this apart from other personal assistants, this PA has a "personality" via AIML. Rather than responding to canned commands, it will process the sentence spoken to it, and decide if it is actionable or a conversation.
1st stage is to finalize the speech recognition and bot personality.
2nd stage to incorporate a knowledge base using NELL , Wolfram Alpha, and Google API. This will allow the bot to answer any question.
3rd stage is the personal assistant. Calendar , email , finance, organization management. Media control, device & file management.
The project will be kept modular.
AIMLbot source:
- Accepts speech from user and translates to string
- Processes string and responds via AIML
- Responds in synthesized speech or text.