deskbird is the workplace management app that puts employees first.
The platform provides a smooth and user-friendly experience, allowing users to easily check the office's occupancy and adjust their schedule accordingly. With just 2 clicks, you can book a desk on a mobile, desktop, Slack or MS Teams app. That's why employees love it!
- Bring people back to the office by letting them choose the right day to come in, avoid commute regret. Employees can see when and if their colleagues will be in the office or working from home.
- Enhance team collaboration and engagement in workplace by giving priority to in-person meetings, creating office events and setting reminders to book desk and meeting rooms. With 2 clicks, users can book resources, such as hot desks, meeting rooms, and parking spaces for office days.
- Optimize office cost and reduce energy consumption through the powerful deskbird.
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Nibol empowers organizations to optimize workplace flexibility. Employees can seamlessly book desks, meeting rooms, and parking, while managing remote work and visitor access.
With Nibol users can:
- See who’s working where, and plan their work week.
- Book desks and meeting rooms at the office.
- Book parking spaces and shared resources that are available within the organization.
- Invite visitors on-site, without the bureaucracy.
- Receive personal deliveries at the office, with automated notifications on arrival.
Thanks to Nibol's dashboards and reports, companies can make decisions based on data.
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Skedda is the world's leading workplace space-scheduling platform. Infinitely customizable, the platform allows organizations to automate complex and time-consuming booking tasks, to better manage their spaces.
Skedda removes the hassle of manually managing all things 'space-scheduling', so that your teams can focus on work that matters. Organizations like Mercedes-Benz, Siemens and Harvard University are already using Skedda to help them do just that.
Regardless of the size of your organization, Skedda removes the logistical headache. Experience the award-winning Skedda difference today.
Skedda's platform features include complex scheduling automation, interactive maps and floorplans, mobile capabilities, user management, online payments, calendar sync, a tablet view, SSO support and 24/7 support.
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Freespace has been at the forefront of workplace design and technology solutions since its establishment in 2015. Distinguished by its innovative approach, Freespace stands out in the market as the sole provider of a fully integrated end-to-end workplace and sensor technology solution.
Freespace addresses common workplace challenges like too much real-estate, over-capacity on certain days, unsuitable workspace design or making the workplace a destination for employees. It offers workplace data insights, interactive hybrid work solutions, and tools for operating space more efficiently and sustainably.
Recognized as an industry leader in workplace analytics, sensors, employee experience app, signage and space management, Freespace delivers customer needs by integrating its technologies across existing office, building, and enterprise applications (end-to-end solution). With Freespace, organizations can make space for more efficient, productive, and dynamic workplaces.
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