AStyle 3.6.7: wrong indentation of multi-line string concat
AStyle 3.6.7: wrong indentation of multi-line assignment
AStyle 3.6.7: class modifiers indentation
Preserve function argument whitespace
HqMame is pretty dead(1) at this point. It is based on the last Mame version that supported the GDI graphics renderer, which was very unfortunately dropped by Mame. In order to update to a newer version, one of the other renderers like Direct3D would have to integrate xBRZ. Last time I looked this seemed like a horrendously complex and tedious endeavour. 1) It's not really dead, but working fine as ever with all the games I cared about at the time :>
HqMame is pretty dead(1) at this point. It is based on the last Mame version that supported the GDI graphics renderer. In order to update to a newer version, one of the other renderers like Direct3D would have to integrate xBRZ. Last time I looked this seemed like a horrendously complex and tedious endeavour. 1) It's not really dead, but working fine as ever with all the games I cared about at the time :>
HqMame is pretty dead(1) at this point. It is based on the last Mame version that supported the GDI graphics renderer. In order to update to a newer version, one of the other renderers like Direct3D would have to integrate xBRZ. Last time I looked this seemed like a horrendously complex and tedious endevous. 1) It's not really dead, but working fine as ever with all the games I cared about at the time :>
This is almost certainly a quality of implementation issue with VisualboyAdvance. xBRZ is about N times faster than other filters like HQX, where N is the number of CPU cores. I suspect VisualboyAdvance didn't properly implement multithreading and/or partial screen updates.