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Being A Developer After 40

Being A Developer After 40

Is age an impediment or an advantage when you are a software developer? How does experience work? What are the consequences of your decisions in your professional life? Some thoughts from a self-taught developer over 40.

Read the complete speech:

Presentation given in Zürich, Switzerland, on April 25th 2016, at https://www.appbuilders.ch

Adrian Kosmaczewski

April 25, 2016

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  1. It looks like you’re talking about Windows NT in App

    Builders Zürich 2016. Would you like help? •Wat •Vade retro, Clippy
  2. 1997 CORBA & RUP 2000 SOAP & XML 2003 MDA

    & Software Factories 2006 Semantic Web & OLPC 2009 Augmented Reality 2012 Big Data 2015 Virtual Reality & Bots (?)
  3. plateau of productivity slope of enlightenment technology trigger peak of

    inflated expectations trough of disillusionment visibility maturity
  4. @akosma #appbuilders16 It looks like your presentation in App Builders

    Zürich 2016 is finished. Would you like help? •Auf Wiedersehen! •Adiós, amigos!