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認証と認可と君と (The Triple-A: Authentication, Author...

Kengo Suzuki
February 09, 2018

認証と認可と君と (The Triple-A: Authentication, Authorization, and Android)

# 概要
サービス提供者間のデータ連携が活発になるにあたり、認証・認可の重要性が一層増しています。そのような背景に応じてか、Google Identity Platform上のAndroidの機能が続々と登場しています。また、OAuth2.0などの技術標準がより一般的になってきました。これらを上手く利用し、ユーザー体験の利便性を損なわない、セキュアなAndroidアプリを作る方法についてお話します。

# 扱う技術
- OAuth2.0 for Native Applications

# 詳細
"スマートフォン(スマホ)を使った金融サービスを生みやすくする。(中略) 同じサービスに同じ規制をかけ、銀行とフィンテック業者が連携しやすくする" と金融庁は宣言しました。Fintechに限らずサービスプロバイダは、ユーザーのデータをAPIなどを介して提供・利用し、新しい体験を創造していく流れが加速するでしょう。


この認証と認可には、OAuth2.0 for Native ApplicationやFIDO UAFといった仕様に従う必要が有ると思います。

では、そのような技術・標準・APIをAndroidでどのように適用すればいいのでしょうか? 本セッションでは、上述した技術や標準をAndroidアプリで使う場合の実装方法・気にすべきポイントといった部分についてお話させて頂きます。

Kengo Suzuki

February 09, 2018

More Decks by Kengo Suzuki

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  1. Obligatory Self Introduction - @ken5scal - 2018/0 ʙ : FOLIO

    - Security Architect/Engineer ˜'SPN4PGUXBSF
  2. API

  3. 1. OAuth 2.0 for Native Application 2. FIDO UAF 3.

    Firebase Authentication Overview
  4. 1. OAuth 2.0 for Native Application 2. FIDO UAF 3.

    Firebase Authentication 1. AndroidϞμϯϓϩάϥϛϯά 2. ken5scal.hatenablog.com Overview
  5. OAuth 2.0 in nutshell - OAuth … is a delegation

    protocol.ʢRFC6749ʣɹ - 4 Roles - OAuth2.0 for Native ApplicationʢRFC8252ʣ
  6. OAuth 2.0 Main Roles Client • ຊηογϣϯͷओ໾ • ROΛ୅ཧ͠ɺอޢ͞ΕͨϦιʔεʹΞΫηε͢Διϑτ •

    AndroidͰ͋Ε͹AndroidΞϓϦɹ΋͘͠͸SDK • Resource Owner (RO) • อޢ͞ΕͨϦιʔε΁ͷΞΫηεݖݶΛอ༗͢Δ • อޢ͞ΕͨϦιʔε͸جຊAPIͷܗΛऔΔࣄ͕ଟ͍ • ௨ৗɺΤϯυϢʔβʔʢਓʣ Authorization Server (AS) • ΞΫηετʔΫϯΛΫϥΠΞϯτʹൃߦ͢Δαʔόʔ • อޢ͞ΕͨϦιʔεʹ৴པ͞Ε͍ͯΔ • ROͷೝূͱݖݶ෇༩͕׬ྃͨ͠ޙʹτʔΫϯΛൃߦ Resource Server (RS) • อޢ͞ΕͨϦιʔεΛϗεςΟϯά͢Δαʔόʔ • τʔΫϯ͔ΒϦιʔε΁ͷϦΫΤετൣғΛ੍ݶ
  7. OAuth 2.0 for Native Application - RFC 8252 extends RFC

    6759 - released 2017/10 - Android-AppAuth - https://github.com/openid/ AppAuth-Android
  8. OAuth 2.0 before RFC8252 - Client is un-trusted to store

    secret - APK Reverse Engineering - Reading by Web Proxy - Easy to get spoofed - Implicit Flow is the way to go
  9. Problem with Implicit Flow - Unfriendly Token Refresh - Stealing

    the Redirect - Embedded User-Agent (WebView)
  10. Problem with Implicit Flow - Unfriendly Token Refresh - Stealing

    the Redirect - Embedded User-Agent (WebView)
  11. Problem with Implicit Flow - Unfriendly Token Refresh 1. Implicit

    Flow does not support Refresh Token 2. Cannot refresh token without user interaction
  12. Problem with Implicit Flow - Stealing the Redirect - Unfriendly

    Token Refresh - Embedded User-Agent (WebView)
  13. Defining Custom URL Scheme <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/ <category> android:name=“android.intent.category.DEFAULT” </category>

    <category> android:name=“android.intent.category.BROWSABLE” </category> <data> android:scheme="com.ken5scal.ex" android:host=“oauth2redirect” </data> </intent-filter>
  14. Sending a Request w/ custom URL Scheme Uri.parse("https://ex.com/authZ_ep").buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("response_type", "code")

    .appendQueryParameter("client_id", ${client_id}) .appendQueryParameter("scope", "profile") .appendQueryParameter(“state", “xxxxxxxxxxx") .appendQueryParameter( "redirect_uri", "com.ken5scal.ex:/oauth2redirect
  15. Problem with Implicit Flow - Stealing the Redirect 1. Cannot

    closely tie Redirect URL with actual App. 2. Token gets likely to be stolen by spoofing
  16. Problem with Implicit Flow - Stealing the Redirect - Unfriendly

    Token Refresh - Embedded User-Agent (WebView)
  17. Obtaining Plain-txt sensitive Info from WebView var webView = object

    : WebView(baseContext) { override fun dispatchKeyEventPreIme( event: KeyEvent?): Boolean { Log.d(“even_password", event?.keyCode.toString() return super.dispatchKeyEventPreIme(event)}}
  18. Stealing Cookie webView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient(){ override fun onPageFinished(view:

    WebView?, url: String?) { var cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(url) for (cookie in cookieManager.split(";") ) { //You can steal cookie here } }
  19. How to Address? - Authorization Code Grant Flow (Kinda) -

    Stealing the Redirect - Unfriendly Token Refresh - External User-Agent - Embedded User-Agent (WebView)
  20. Generate Code Verifier var srnm = SecureRandom() var codeVerifier =

    byteArrayOf(64) srnm.nextBytes(randomBytes) var codeChallenge = Base64.encodeToString(codeVerifier, Base64.NO_WRAP or Base64.NO_PADDING or Base64.URL_SAFE)
  21. Send Code Verifier with Uri.parse(“https://ex.com/authZ_ep”).buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("response_type", "code") .appendQueryParameter("client_id", $client_id) .appendQueryParameter(

    “redirect_uri", "com.ken5scal.ex:/oauth2redirect" .appendQueryParameter("scope", "profile") .appendQueryParameter("state", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .appendQueryParameter( "code_challenge", codeChallenge) .appendQueryParameter( "code_challenge_method", "S256")
  22. Access Token Request with Code Verifier Uri.parse(“https://ex.com/token_ep").buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("response_type", “code") .appendQueryParameter(“code”,$auth_code)

    .appendQueryParameter(“client_id”,$client_id) .appendQueryParameter( "redirect_uri", “com.ken5scal.ex:/oauth2redirect") .appendQueryParameter("code_verifier",$codeVerifier)
  23. Verify the challenge on Auth Server 3'$   EPU

  24. How to Address? - Stealing the Redirect - > PKCE

    - Unfriendly Token Refresh - > AuthZ Code Grant Flow = refresh token is available
  25. Alternative Approach for Redirect URL stealing - “https” scheme can

    be set as Redirect URL - For Android M or later, using App Link is Recommended - as it can tightly couple actual app and URL. - “App-claimed "https" scheme redirect URIs have some advantages compared to other native app redirect options in that the identity of destination app is guaranteed to the authorization server by the operating system. For this reason, native apps SHOULD use them over the other options where possible. 3'$
  26. Intent-filter for App Link <activity android:name=“com.ken5scal.ex.AuthResponseReceiverAc tivity"> <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> <action

    android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/ <data android:scheme="http" android:host="ex.ken5scal.com" android:pathPattern="/oauth2redirect"/> <data android:scheme="https" /> </intent-filter> </activity>
  27. Yet - RFC insists to do PKCE anyway because risk

    remains - “but the app is still a public client; further, the URI is sent using the operating system's URI dispatch handler with unknown security properties. (OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps, p10)”
  28. Use External User-Agent - Chrome Custom Tab - Google Sign

    In SDK - Becareful w/ External User-Agents - Use only trusted SDK
  29. Cross-App Request Forgery Protection - Protecting CSRF in Native App.

    - CSRF is type of attack “that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated.” - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)
  30. Cross-App Request Forgery Example - Attacker creates S3 bucket -

    Attacker makes a AuthZ request and receives response - Redirect the response to Target App. - User receives token (or auth_code) - User will uploads her/his data on Attacker’s S3 bucket - Granting access to unsafe resource
  31. State Parameter for CARF - Make something like CSRF Token:

    State Parameter - App creates a random value and send to server w/ AuthZ request var srnm = SecureRandom() var randomBytes = byteArrayOf(64) srnm.nextBytes(randomBytes) var state = Base64.encodeToString(randomBytes, Base64.NO_WRAP or Base64.NO_PADDING or Base64.URL_SAFE) - Auth server sends back the value with AuthZ response - App checks whether state parameters are the same. - If they are the same , they are in same session and safe - Recommended in RFC 6749 and RFC 8252
  32. OAuth2.0 for Android Summary - Follow RFC 8252 - AppAuth-Android

    is Good - https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-Android - Use - PKCE - Authorization Grant Type - External User-Agent
  33. ɹɹˎɹɹNot Yetɹɹɹʴ ɹ ɹɹ ɹ∧ʊ∧ ʊ∧ ɹʴɹɹʢ* ´∀ʆʣ´∀ʆʣ ɹɹɹnʗɹɹ ɹʘnɹɹʘn

    ɹ (((ż ɹʣ ɹ ůʘE) ůʘE))) ɹɹɹɹɹʢʊ˶ʋɹ˶ʋ ɹɹɹɹɹɹʋɹųɹ}ɹųɹ} ɹ ε≡Ξɹůϊ ʆJϊ ʆJ
  34. What is FIDO - Fast IDentity Online Alliance - Less

    relying on Password for AuthN - Scalable, Inter-operable, Open standard AuthN - Boards - Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft - LINE, MUFJ(Bank), Docomo
  35. Legacy AuthN: The Password - Not to mention it’s bad

    UX - Not good in term of the system - Easily targeted by phishing attack. - Chance of getting breached - Too much responsibility on Server-side
  36. Roles in FIDO  $SFEFOUJBM '*%0 ೝূث '*%0 ΫϥΠΞϯτ '*%0

  37. Authentication Request [{ "header": { "upv": { "major": 1, ”minor":

    1 }, "op": "Auth", "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "challenge": “this_is_challenge”, "policy": { "accepted": [ … ], "disallowd": [ … ] }
  38. Authentication Request [{ "header": { "upv": { "major": 1, ”minor":

    1 }, "op": "Auth", "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "challenge": “this_is_challenge”, "policy": { "accepted": [ … ], "disallowd": [ … ] }
  39. Authentication Request [{ "header": { "upv": { "major": 1, ”minor":

    1 }, "op": "Auth", "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "challenge": “this_is_challenge”, "policy": { "accepted": [ … ], "disallowd": [ … ] }
  40. Authentication Request [{ "header": { "upv": { "major": 1, ”minor":

    1 }, "op": "Auth", "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "challenge": “this_is_challenge”, "policy": { "accepted": [ … ], "disallowd": [ … ] }
  41. Signing val ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore") ks.load(null) val privateKey = ks.getEntry("authN_key",null)

    if (privateKey is KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) { val s = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA") s.initSign(privateKey.privateKey) s.update(authNResult) val assertionInByteArray = s.sign() }
  42. Sending Authentication Response [{ "assertions": [{ "assertion": "assertionInByteArray", "assertionScheme": "UAFV1TLV"

    }], "fcParams": "I_will_explain_this_next_time", "header": { "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "op": "Auth", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "upv": { "major": 1, "minor": 1} } }]
  43. Sending Authentication Response [{ "assertions": [{ "assertion": "assertionInByteArray", "assertionScheme": "UAFV1TLV"

    }], "fcParams": "I_will_explain_this_next_time", "header": { "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "op": "Auth", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "upv": { "major": 1, "minor": 1} } }]
  44. Sending Authentication Response [{ "assertions": [{ "assertion": "assertionInByteArray", "assertionScheme": "UAFV1TLV"

    }], "fcParams": “challenge_response”, "header": { "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "op": "Auth", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "upv": { "major": 1, "minor": 1} } }]
  45. What does this achieve? - Authenticity Verification - Integrity Verification

    - User AuthN on Android && Device AuthN on Server - 2FA by Default
  46. Revisiting FIDO AuthN  $SFEFOUJBM 7FSJGZ 4UPSF - Not to

    mention it’s bad UX - Easily targeted by phishing attack. - Chance of getting breached - Too much responsibility on Server-side 4JHOFE7FSJpDBUJPO 3FTVMU 7FSJGZUIFSFTVMU  *EFOUJGZ
  47. ɹɹˎɹɹNot Yetɹɹɹʴ ɹ ɹɹ ɹ∧ʊ∧ ʊ∧ ɹʴɹɹʢ* ´∀ʆʣ´∀ʆʣ ɹɹɹnʗɹɹ ɹʘnɹɹʘn

    ɹ (((ż ɹʣ ɹ ůʘE) ůʘE))) ɹɹɹɹɹʢʊ˶ʋɹ˶ʋ ɹɹɹɹɹɹʋɹųɹ}ɹųɹ} ɹ ε≡Ξɹůϊ ʆJϊ ʆJ
  48. Protecting Private Key - Is it stored in safely manner

    - How to verify storing method 1SJWBUF,FZ GPS"VUI/
  49. ɹɹˎɹɹNot Yetɹɹɹʴ ɹ ɹɹ ɹ∧ʊ∧ ʊ∧ ɹʴɹɹʢ* ´∀ʆʣ´∀ʆʣ ɹɹɹnʗɹɹ ɹʘnɹɹʘn

    ɹ (((ż ɹʣ ɹ ůʘE) ůʘE))) ɹɹɹɹɹʢʊ˶ʋɹ˶ʋ ɹɹɹɹɹɹʋɹųɹ}ɹųɹ} ɹ ε≡Ξɹůϊ ʆJϊ ʆJ
  50. Key Attestation - Ensure and certify keys by using CA

    private key in TEE - issuing X.509 Certificate IUUQTNTEONJDSPTPGUDPNFOVTMJCSBSZ⒎BTQY
  51. Key Attestation in Android - From Preinstalled Oreo - with

    Google Play Installed - All the device must be shipped with Attestaion Key - For Preinstalled Nougat - some Device has Attestation Key - Only HW-backed KeyStore is ensured
  52. Registration Request [{ "header": { "upv": { "major": 1, ”minor":

    1 }, "op": "Reg", <- "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "challenge": “this_is_challenge”, "username": “ken5scal”, <- "policy": { "accepted": [ … ], "disallowd": [ … ] }
  53. Generating AuthN_Key Pair val notBefore = Calendar.getInstance() val notAfter =

    Calendar.getInstance() notAfter.add(Calendar.YEAR, 10) val kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_EC,"AndroidKeyStore") val builder = KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder( "authN_key", KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN) builder .setDigests(KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256) .setAlgorithmParameterSpec( ECGenParameterSpec("prime256v1")) .setUserAuthenticationRequired(true) .setCertificateSubject( X500Principal(String.format("CN=%s, OU=%s", ”authN_key", applicationContext.packageName)) .setKeyValidityStart(notBefore.time) .setKeyValidityStart(notAfter.time)
  54. Retrieving Certificate val ks = KeyStore.getInstance( KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_EC, "AndroidKeyStore") ks.load(null) val

    certificate = ks.getCertificate("authN_key") val signedPubKey = Base64.encodeToString( certificate.encoded, Base64.NO_WRAP or Base64.NO_PADDING)
  55. Registration Response [{ "assertions": [{ "assertion": "attestationInByteArray", "assertionScheme": "UAFV1TLV" }],

    "fcParams": "finalHash", "header": { "appID": "https://hoge.com/SampleApp/uaf/facets", "op": "Reg", "serverData": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "upv": { "major": 1, "minor": 1} } }]
  56. Revisiting: Protecting Private Key - Is it stored in safely

    manner - How to verify storing method - Lost/Change Device 1SJWBUF,FZ GPS"VUI/
  57. FIDO UAF for Android Summary - 2FA by Default -

    Use Authenticator to authN user locally - Send signed verification over network (AuthN device remotely - Protecting private key - TEE - Key Attestation
  58. ɹɹˎɹɹNot Yetɹɹɹʴ ɹ ɹɹ ɹ∧ʊ∧ ʊ∧ ɹʴɹɹʢ* ´∀ʆʣ´∀ʆʣ ɹɹɹnʗɹɹ ɹʘnɹɹʘn

    ɹ (((ż ɹʣ ɹ ůʘE) ůʘE))) ɹɹɹɹɹʢʊ˶ʋɹ˶ʋ ɹɹɹɹɹɹʋɹųɹ}ɹųɹ} ɹ ε≡Ξɹůϊ ʆJϊ ʆJ