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Comments 1 to 20 out of 8948 in reverse chronological order.

\begin{equation*} \DeclareMathOperator\Coim{Coim} \DeclareMathOperator\Coker{Coker} \DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext} \DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom} \DeclareMathOperator\Im{Im} \DeclareMathOperator\Ker{Ker} \DeclareMathOperator\Mor{Mor} \DeclareMathOperator\Ob{Ob} \DeclareMathOperator\Sh{Sh} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafExt{\mathcal{E}\mathit{xt}} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafHom{\mathcal{H}\mathit{om}} \DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec} \newcommand\colim{\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\lim{\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Qcoh{\mathit{Qcoh}} \newcommand\Sch{\mathit{Sch}} \newcommand\QCohstack{\mathcal{QC}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Cohstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Spacesstack{\mathcal{S}\!\mathit{paces}} \newcommand\Quotfunctor{\mathrm{Quot}} \newcommand\Hilbfunctor{\mathrm{Hilb}} \newcommand\Curvesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{urves}} \newcommand\Polarizedstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{olarized}} \newcommand\Complexesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{omplexes}} \newcommand\Pic{\mathop{\mathrm{Pic}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Picardstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{ic}} \newcommand\Picardfunctor{\mathrm{Pic}} \newcommand\Deformationcategory{\mathcal{D}\!\mathit{ef}} \end{equation*}

On left comment #9797 on Section 13.3 in Derived Categories

I think it is interesting to give reasons to care for the definition of a -morphism in the category of triangulated categories (given before Definition 13.3.4), instead of just staying with plain natural transformations. I will call a -morphism as the one before Definition 13.3.4 a trinatural transformation (as other authors already do). Given a pre-triangulated category , I will denote to the category of triangles of , and to the full subcategory of distinguished triangles. A triangulated functor of pre-triangulated categories induces functors and . If is another triangulated functor, then a trinatural transformation induces natural transformations and . That is, if is a (distinguished) triangle in then we have a morphism of (distinguished) triangles in . We remark this is possible only if is trinatural, just naturality is not enough. (Note the assignments and become -functors from pre-triangulated categories to categories.) In particular, if is a trinatural isomorphism, then the triangle on top of the last diagram is distinguished if and only if the bottom one is.

On Laurent Moret-Bailly left comment #9796 on Lemma 15.23.2 in More on Algebra

I would also include (somewhere) the fact that if is finite, has torsion kernel and cokernel because is an isomorphism. (This is inspired by comment #9794).

On Laurent Moret-Bailly left comment #9795 on Definition 15.22.1 in More on Algebra

According to section 15.88, this should include a definition of torsion modules.

On Chen Xu-Yang left comment #9794 on Section 15.23 in More on Algebra

After Definition 0AV4 of the reflexive hull, it is claimed that the reflexive hull functor is left adjoint to the inclusion functor, which I've failed to write down a proof. I know that any homomorphism into a reflexive module factors through , but how do I show that such induced map is unique?

On Rubén Muñoz--Bertrand left comment #9793 on Lemma 59.63.5 in Étale Cohomology

Typo: extra ')' at the beginning of the proof.

On Lucas Henrique left comment #9792 on Section 27.22 in Constructions of Schemes

Where it reads "which is the direct sum of the coprojections corresponding to elements of ", shouldn't it be "corresponding to the elements "?

On tom left comment #9791 on Section 27.6 in Constructions of Schemes

(Unimportant remark) in the first paragraph does "the construction of the previous section" refer to the relative spec construction of sections 27.3-4 (two sections ago)?

On left comment #9790 on Lemma 13.14.6 in Derived Categories

For the interested reader, a proof in terms of ind-completions may be read here.

On Haohao Liu left comment #9789 on Lemma 58.16.4 in Fundamental Groups of Schemes

It seems that 04GU is used silently to get the morphism .

On Oliver left comment #9788 on Section 10.69 in Commutative Algebra

In the proof of 00LN, is the induction on descending or ascending?

On left comment #9787 on Lemma 59.70.9 in Étale Cohomology

Where is it needed that is etale?

On Shizhang left comment #9786 on Lemma 15.50.7 in More on Algebra

Line 2 of the proof: ... we can choose a prime (not if but) in...?

On Shizhang left comment #9785 on Lemma 15.50.3 in More on Algebra

The in (1) should be .

On Rubén Muñoz--Bertrand left comment #9784 on Lemma 10.23.2 in Commutative Algebra

For (7) and (8), didn't you mean as a -algebra? It seems proven in this case, and used that way in the proof and in 10.36.12 for instance.

On Frank left comment #9783 on Section 60.7 in Crystalline Cohomology

It doesn't seem like the proof sketch of Lemma 48.7.5 works in the generality that the lemma is stated. For instance, one could take and being the divided power polynomial algebra in one variable over Then, using the universal property of divided power polynomial algebras, should be the divided power algebra in one variable over But is not a thickening, since the ideal is not locally nilpotent (which is counter to the statement given in the proof sketch).

Maybe I'm missing some hypotheses that were implicitly given in the chapter (but which weren't explicitly stated), or misunderstanding the definition of a thickening?

On Laurent Moret-Bailly left comment #9782 on Lemma 15.114.8 in More on Algebra

Typo in statement (2): a a finite...

On Wataru left comment #9781 on Lemma 15.114.8 in More on Algebra

An exponent "e" is missing from the last displayed formula towards the end of the proof of Lemma 0EXX. (The "" on the left hand side should be a "".)

On ZL left comment #9777 on Lemma 13.13.8 in Derived Categories


On Jonas left comment #9776 on Lemma 10.99.4 in Commutative Algebra

For flatness of the ring map one needs to be non-zero.

On Keerthi Madapusi left comment #9775 on Section 88.30 in Algebraization of Formal Spaces

Is Lemma 30.4 missing a properness hypothesis? This is needed to invoke 087G.