This study aims to explore the factors influencing the preferences of non-Muslim customers toward... more This study aims to explore the factors influencing the preferences of non-Muslim customers towards Islamic banks in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. A quantitative approach was employed, with a sample of 232 non-Muslim customers participating as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires administered directly to the participants and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (CFA). The findings revealed four main preference factors: 1) access factors, encompassing variables related to facilities and location; 2) product quality factors, comprising variables pertaining to product, promotion, and reputation; 3) psychological factors, including variables of satisfaction, perception, and knowledge; and 4) socio-cultural factors, consisting of variables related to social status and religious status. These findings offer preliminary insights into the preferences of non-Muslim customers towards Islamic banks within Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Further studies are warran...
This study aims to find the effect of the @pemudahijrah Social Media Account on the Social Behavi... more This study aims to find the effect of the @pemudahijrah Social Media Account on the Social Behavior of Adolescents at MAN Model Sorong City. This type of research is quantitative, using a descriptive approach. The population in this study were all students of MAN Model Sorong who followed the @pemudahijrah account; as many as 200 people were divided into three grade levels, while the sample taken was 133 people. The research instrument used a Likert scale questionnaire. The data that has been collected is then processed using the SPSS 24.0 application for windows. Research shows that the f-count is 26,748. So that it can be concluded that f-count (26,748) > f-table (2,74), it can be stated that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected or it can be stated that there is an influence of the Instagram social media account @pemudahijrah (X) on the social behavior of adolescents in MAN Model Sorong (Y). The value of the coefficient of determination indicates that 17% of the variables of adole...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE)
The study aims to determine: (1) an overview of the level of effectiveness of madrasah head leade... more The study aims to determine: (1) an overview of the level of effectiveness of madrasah head leadership, teacher work motivation and teacher performance; (2) the effect of work motivation on teacher performance; (3) the effect of the effectiveness of the leadership of the head of the madrasa on the performance of teachers; (4) the effect of the effectiveness of the leadership of the madrasa head and the motivation of work together on the performance of teachers in MI, MTs, and MA Emeyodere. This study used a quantitative approach with a population of all MI, MTs, and MA Emeyodere teachers of 29 people. The sampling technique used is a saturated sample where all members of the population are sampled. The data were collected by disseminating questionnaires and subsequently analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) the effectiveness of the leadership of the head of the madrasah in the good category (3.79), the work motivation of teachers in the sufficient ca...
This study aims to map and analyze students’ interests before and after study program accredita... more This study aims to map and analyze students’ interests before and after study program accreditation, the effect of accreditation grade, and attempt to increase the value of accreditation. This study employed a mixed-methods approach with a sample of 218 participants for quantitative data and ten informants for qualitative data. The data were collected by using interviews, focus group discussion, observation, and questionnaires. To analyze the data, triangulation is performed to display the frequency distribution, and simple regression analysis is also carried out to find the data related to the effect of the accreditation. Study results expose that firstly, there was a significant improvement in the students’ interest after study program accreditation with an average of 87.5%. Secondly, the accreditation grade gave a positive and significant effect on students’ interest in choosing study programs at a public Islamic university in West Papua, Indonesia. Lastly, there were sever...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE), 2021
This study aims to determine the trend of society on the quality of higher education and the fact... more This study aims to determine the trend of society on the quality of higher education and the factors that influence it during COVID-19. Data was collected through the google search engine in the period March 2020 to November 2021. Bibliometric analysis techniques based on Google Trend big data were used. The results of the study found that 1) the community trend regarding the quality of higher education was quite good with a range of information retrieval above 10% and a sharp increase during the July period; 2) two main factors influence the trend of awareness of the quality of higher education, namely the acceptance of new students, and monitoring of accreditation ratings by BAN-PT. Therefore, higher education institutions must continue to improve binding quality services through accreditation instruments, especially on websites or online media owned by universities.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021
This study aimed to map and tests the factors that influence online learning success in the COVID... more This study aimed to map and tests the factors that influence online learning success in the COVID-19 era in Islamic Religious Higher Education in the West Papua region. Factors to be analyzed are student characteristics, internal motivation, instructor characteristics, quality of institutions and services, infrastructure and system quality, quality of courses and information, online learning environment. The sample size obtained from the Slovin formula was 302 students. Data collected through surveys by distributing questionnaires. Analysis of the regression model used to carry out data analysis. The results showed that the seven factors tested influenced online learning success in the COVID-19 era, with varying significance. Infrastructure and system quality are the most dominant influences (94.2%), while institutions' variety and services have no significant impact (6.3%). The conclusion is that the seven factors can be used to determine the success of online learning in the C...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan k... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja dengan budaya kerja pegawai madarasah di MTs. Sains Al Gebra Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi sebanyak 25 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel sensus dengan seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan sampel. Data dikumpulkan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan skala Linkert berskala 5 (Lima) dan selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan korelasi product moment dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan budaya kerja pegawai di MTs. Sains Al- Gebra Kota Sorong. Koefisien korelasi gaya kepemimpinan dengan budaya kerja sebesar 0,626 berarti memiliki hubungan kuat. Selanjutnya koefisien korelasi 0,569 antara lingkungan kerja dengan budaya kerja dengan korelasi sedang. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja dapa...
This paper aims to understand the two basic concepts that are the focus of the discussion, namely... more This paper aims to understand the two basic concepts that are the focus of the discussion, namely science and religion through a philosophy of science approach. This approach assumes seeing the foundation that allows the development of theoretical arguments about the nature of science (knowledge, science) and religion studied in the basic concepts of Philosophy of Science. The Philosophy of Science that is meant must have been formulated in a contextual-humanist-sociological manner that is social salvation. So that it can make a significant contribution to humanity as a whole. Thus, the Philosophy of Science will dynamically always be in line with the main mission of Islam, namely rahmatan Lil 'ālamīn.
The research encourages the explanation of the mitigation education model and complete disaster m... more The research encourages the explanation of the mitigation education model and complete disaster mitigation planning in early childhood education schools (PAUD). This research uses library research methods. Data is collected from books, research reports, journal articles, web (internet) relevant to the study of Disaster Mitigation in Schools. Next, the data were analyzed using the content analysis method (content analysis). The results showed that the COVID-19 outbreak disaster mitigation education for PAUD children was one of the reasons children were the most vulnerable during a disaster. Its function is to increase awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and participation in emerging pandemics. The stages of COVID-19 outbreak disaster mitigation in schools include 3 essential preparations. First, prepared, published (1) (2) the existence of school policies, approvals, and regulations. Second, planning, loading; (1) assesses risks, hazards, evaluates and resources; (2) reducing ri...
Journal of economics and business administration, 2020
Purpose: Papuan women have a dual role in the family. Apart from being a mother, she is also the ... more Purpose: Papuan women have a dual role in the family. Apart from being a mother, she is also the breadwinner for her family. Selling local agricultural products in traditional markets is their primary source of uncertain income. This condition is motivated by unpreparedness and competition with the transmigrants who live in the area. In general, this study aims to explore and offer a model for empowering indigenous Papuan women in improving the economy. The empowerment model referred to is linked to the perspective of Islamic finance. Approach/Methodology/Design: The research method is qualitative with interview techniques in collecting data. As many as 15 Papuan mothers from the Kokoda tribe in traditional markets were used as informants. Furthermore, the data collected was analyzed in three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, concluding/verification. Findings: The results showed that 1) the products that mama Papua sold were agricultural products. Sold traditionally...
Abstrak Kualitas mutu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat diukur melalui mekanisme akreditasi.... more Abstrak Kualitas mutu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat diukur melalui mekanisme akreditasi. Pelaksanaan akreditasi dapat terwujud apabila ada kepedulian dari pengelola untuk mengajuakan akreditasi lembaganya. Banyaknya Lembaga PAUD yang belum terakreditasi menjadi masalah tersendiri dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Papua Barat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan pengaruh sosialisasi dan pendampingan akreditasi terhadap motivasi akreditasi pengelola PAUD di Provinsi Papua Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi 931 lembaga dan diambil sampel sebanyak 150 sampel lembaga. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel dengan Teknik simple random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan menggunakan data skunder dari BAN Provinsi Papua Barat berupa arsip nilai akreditasi lembaga. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif dan sign...
Poor attendance (absenteeism) is associated with low academic achievement. A teacher not only ass... more Poor attendance (absenteeism) is associated with low academic achievement. A teacher not only assesses student achievement based solely on grades obtained through tests or exams but also assesses one of which comes from student attendance. Students who diligently entered to give a positive value in the assessment and vice versa, if rarely entered it will have a negative impact on learning outcomes. The study aims to determine and prove the relationship of absenteeism with learning outcomes in MTs. Sains Al Gebra Kota Sorong. This research uses quantitative approach with population of 67 people. The sampling technique used a census sample with all members of the population sampled. The data were collected by collecting documents in the form of learning grade and class abscess scores. Data analysis uses product moment correlation with 95% confidence level. The results showed that there is a strong and opposite relationship between absenteeism and student learning outcomes. The conclus...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE), 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the performance of certified teachers; (2) studen... more The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the performance of certified teachers; (2) student learning outcomes; (3) the effect of teacher certification on teacher performance; and (4) the effect of teacher certification on student learning outcomes in MTs. Model Sorong City. The research approach used is quantitative with survey techniques. The method of determining the sample used is a saturated sample. That is, 20 respondents sample the entire population. The analytical method used is a simple linear regression method. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the performance of certified teachers is good (3.56); (2) student learning outcomes are classified as good (3.97); (3) there is a positive and significant effect of teacher certification on teacher performance by 73.3%; and (4) there is a positive and significant effect of teacher certification on student learning outcomes by 64.3%. It can be concluded that the provision of certification allowances can improve teach...
Educational governance in schools is closely related to the concept of leadership and the quality... more Educational governance in schools is closely related to the concept of leadership and the quality of teacher work. Of course, a good leader must be able to understand and carry out various leadership functions in moving his teacher. So that the goals of the educational institutions he leads can be realized immediately. This study aims to examine the principal's leadership function and its contribution to teacher performance in minority Muslim schools. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach with a population of 30 teachers. The entire population was sampled using the saturated sampling technique. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires and analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The inferential analysis used a simple linear regression model. The results showed that: principals were able to carry out leadership functions well (76,7%), teacher performance is in the medium category (59,8%), and principal leadership contributes positively and significantly t...
Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah melalui ... more Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah melalui webinar pada guru di Papua Barat. Metode dampingan menggunakan Participatory Action Research (PAR). Peserta dampingan sebanyak 35 orang dari Kota dan Kabupaten Sorong. Digunakan empat tahapan dalam melakukan pendampingan yaitu, tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi guru dalam menulis artikel ilmiah mengalami peningkatan. Pada kondisi awal, guru memiliki kompetensi kurang baik (59,7) dan berhasil ditingkatkan menjadi baik (72,6). Dari pelaksanaannya, kegiatan webinar direspons positif dan sangat dibutuhkan guru (84,2) dalam upaya peningkatan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah. Kesimpulannya, pendampingan menggunakan webinar dapat menjadi pilihan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Papua Barat saat pandemi Covid-19.
This research aims to encourage the implementation of bold learning in the State Islamic HigherEd... more This research aims to encourage the implementation of bold learning in the State Islamic HigherEducation since the COVID-19 outbreak. The research method uses the CIPP evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam. The number of samples is set at 263 at a 5% margin of error. Data was collected through an open survey technique with a questionnaire-assisted instrument form Google. Analysis data is used as a quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed that the implementation of bold learning had been carried out well amid the co-19 pandemic. Contextindicators, inputs, processes, and average production are in a good category. Interesting finding students as learning objects of financial difficulties in fulfilling network access. The conclusion is a bold learning model that is quite effective and can be used as a learning medium accompanied byPandemic. In addition, as an agreement, an immediate policy on education costs must be carried out which is the impact of COVID-19.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2020
This study aims to explore how changes in community preferences, shari’ah economic development th... more This study aims to explore how changes in community preferences, shari’ah economic development through the tridharma of higher education and its contribution to the development of shari’ah economics. This study was conducted at the UIN Alauddin Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study applied library research. Data collection techniques in this study using discourse from books, articles, magazines, journals, and web (internet). Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, among others, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results show that there is a change in community preferences caused by external factors (changes in the social and economic environment) and internal factors in higher education in responding to community dynamics. Higher education can be used as a vehicle in the development of shari’ah Economy through the application of higher education tridharma. Furthermore, higher education also takes a significant role in developin...
This study aims to explore the factors influencing the preferences of non-Muslim customers toward... more This study aims to explore the factors influencing the preferences of non-Muslim customers towards Islamic banks in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. A quantitative approach was employed, with a sample of 232 non-Muslim customers participating as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires administered directly to the participants and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (CFA). The findings revealed four main preference factors: 1) access factors, encompassing variables related to facilities and location; 2) product quality factors, comprising variables pertaining to product, promotion, and reputation; 3) psychological factors, including variables of satisfaction, perception, and knowledge; and 4) socio-cultural factors, consisting of variables related to social status and religious status. These findings offer preliminary insights into the preferences of non-Muslim customers towards Islamic banks within Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Further studies are warran...
This study aims to find the effect of the @pemudahijrah Social Media Account on the Social Behavi... more This study aims to find the effect of the @pemudahijrah Social Media Account on the Social Behavior of Adolescents at MAN Model Sorong City. This type of research is quantitative, using a descriptive approach. The population in this study were all students of MAN Model Sorong who followed the @pemudahijrah account; as many as 200 people were divided into three grade levels, while the sample taken was 133 people. The research instrument used a Likert scale questionnaire. The data that has been collected is then processed using the SPSS 24.0 application for windows. Research shows that the f-count is 26,748. So that it can be concluded that f-count (26,748) > f-table (2,74), it can be stated that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected or it can be stated that there is an influence of the Instagram social media account @pemudahijrah (X) on the social behavior of adolescents in MAN Model Sorong (Y). The value of the coefficient of determination indicates that 17% of the variables of adole...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE)
The study aims to determine: (1) an overview of the level of effectiveness of madrasah head leade... more The study aims to determine: (1) an overview of the level of effectiveness of madrasah head leadership, teacher work motivation and teacher performance; (2) the effect of work motivation on teacher performance; (3) the effect of the effectiveness of the leadership of the head of the madrasa on the performance of teachers; (4) the effect of the effectiveness of the leadership of the madrasa head and the motivation of work together on the performance of teachers in MI, MTs, and MA Emeyodere. This study used a quantitative approach with a population of all MI, MTs, and MA Emeyodere teachers of 29 people. The sampling technique used is a saturated sample where all members of the population are sampled. The data were collected by disseminating questionnaires and subsequently analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) the effectiveness of the leadership of the head of the madrasah in the good category (3.79), the work motivation of teachers in the sufficient ca...
This study aims to map and analyze students’ interests before and after study program accredita... more This study aims to map and analyze students’ interests before and after study program accreditation, the effect of accreditation grade, and attempt to increase the value of accreditation. This study employed a mixed-methods approach with a sample of 218 participants for quantitative data and ten informants for qualitative data. The data were collected by using interviews, focus group discussion, observation, and questionnaires. To analyze the data, triangulation is performed to display the frequency distribution, and simple regression analysis is also carried out to find the data related to the effect of the accreditation. Study results expose that firstly, there was a significant improvement in the students’ interest after study program accreditation with an average of 87.5%. Secondly, the accreditation grade gave a positive and significant effect on students’ interest in choosing study programs at a public Islamic university in West Papua, Indonesia. Lastly, there were sever...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE), 2021
This study aims to determine the trend of society on the quality of higher education and the fact... more This study aims to determine the trend of society on the quality of higher education and the factors that influence it during COVID-19. Data was collected through the google search engine in the period March 2020 to November 2021. Bibliometric analysis techniques based on Google Trend big data were used. The results of the study found that 1) the community trend regarding the quality of higher education was quite good with a range of information retrieval above 10% and a sharp increase during the July period; 2) two main factors influence the trend of awareness of the quality of higher education, namely the acceptance of new students, and monitoring of accreditation ratings by BAN-PT. Therefore, higher education institutions must continue to improve binding quality services through accreditation instruments, especially on websites or online media owned by universities.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021
This study aimed to map and tests the factors that influence online learning success in the COVID... more This study aimed to map and tests the factors that influence online learning success in the COVID-19 era in Islamic Religious Higher Education in the West Papua region. Factors to be analyzed are student characteristics, internal motivation, instructor characteristics, quality of institutions and services, infrastructure and system quality, quality of courses and information, online learning environment. The sample size obtained from the Slovin formula was 302 students. Data collected through surveys by distributing questionnaires. Analysis of the regression model used to carry out data analysis. The results showed that the seven factors tested influenced online learning success in the COVID-19 era, with varying significance. Infrastructure and system quality are the most dominant influences (94.2%), while institutions' variety and services have no significant impact (6.3%). The conclusion is that the seven factors can be used to determine the success of online learning in the C...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan k... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja dengan budaya kerja pegawai madarasah di MTs. Sains Al Gebra Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi sebanyak 25 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel sensus dengan seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan sampel. Data dikumpulkan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan skala Linkert berskala 5 (Lima) dan selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan korelasi product moment dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan budaya kerja pegawai di MTs. Sains Al- Gebra Kota Sorong. Koefisien korelasi gaya kepemimpinan dengan budaya kerja sebesar 0,626 berarti memiliki hubungan kuat. Selanjutnya koefisien korelasi 0,569 antara lingkungan kerja dengan budaya kerja dengan korelasi sedang. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah gaya kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja dapa...
This paper aims to understand the two basic concepts that are the focus of the discussion, namely... more This paper aims to understand the two basic concepts that are the focus of the discussion, namely science and religion through a philosophy of science approach. This approach assumes seeing the foundation that allows the development of theoretical arguments about the nature of science (knowledge, science) and religion studied in the basic concepts of Philosophy of Science. The Philosophy of Science that is meant must have been formulated in a contextual-humanist-sociological manner that is social salvation. So that it can make a significant contribution to humanity as a whole. Thus, the Philosophy of Science will dynamically always be in line with the main mission of Islam, namely rahmatan Lil 'ālamīn.
The research encourages the explanation of the mitigation education model and complete disaster m... more The research encourages the explanation of the mitigation education model and complete disaster mitigation planning in early childhood education schools (PAUD). This research uses library research methods. Data is collected from books, research reports, journal articles, web (internet) relevant to the study of Disaster Mitigation in Schools. Next, the data were analyzed using the content analysis method (content analysis). The results showed that the COVID-19 outbreak disaster mitigation education for PAUD children was one of the reasons children were the most vulnerable during a disaster. Its function is to increase awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and participation in emerging pandemics. The stages of COVID-19 outbreak disaster mitigation in schools include 3 essential preparations. First, prepared, published (1) (2) the existence of school policies, approvals, and regulations. Second, planning, loading; (1) assesses risks, hazards, evaluates and resources; (2) reducing ri...
Journal of economics and business administration, 2020
Purpose: Papuan women have a dual role in the family. Apart from being a mother, she is also the ... more Purpose: Papuan women have a dual role in the family. Apart from being a mother, she is also the breadwinner for her family. Selling local agricultural products in traditional markets is their primary source of uncertain income. This condition is motivated by unpreparedness and competition with the transmigrants who live in the area. In general, this study aims to explore and offer a model for empowering indigenous Papuan women in improving the economy. The empowerment model referred to is linked to the perspective of Islamic finance. Approach/Methodology/Design: The research method is qualitative with interview techniques in collecting data. As many as 15 Papuan mothers from the Kokoda tribe in traditional markets were used as informants. Furthermore, the data collected was analyzed in three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, concluding/verification. Findings: The results showed that 1) the products that mama Papua sold were agricultural products. Sold traditionally...
Abstrak Kualitas mutu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat diukur melalui mekanisme akreditasi.... more Abstrak Kualitas mutu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat diukur melalui mekanisme akreditasi. Pelaksanaan akreditasi dapat terwujud apabila ada kepedulian dari pengelola untuk mengajuakan akreditasi lembaganya. Banyaknya Lembaga PAUD yang belum terakreditasi menjadi masalah tersendiri dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Papua Barat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan pengaruh sosialisasi dan pendampingan akreditasi terhadap motivasi akreditasi pengelola PAUD di Provinsi Papua Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi 931 lembaga dan diambil sampel sebanyak 150 sampel lembaga. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel dengan Teknik simple random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan menggunakan data skunder dari BAN Provinsi Papua Barat berupa arsip nilai akreditasi lembaga. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif dan sign...
Poor attendance (absenteeism) is associated with low academic achievement. A teacher not only ass... more Poor attendance (absenteeism) is associated with low academic achievement. A teacher not only assesses student achievement based solely on grades obtained through tests or exams but also assesses one of which comes from student attendance. Students who diligently entered to give a positive value in the assessment and vice versa, if rarely entered it will have a negative impact on learning outcomes. The study aims to determine and prove the relationship of absenteeism with learning outcomes in MTs. Sains Al Gebra Kota Sorong. This research uses quantitative approach with population of 67 people. The sampling technique used a census sample with all members of the population sampled. The data were collected by collecting documents in the form of learning grade and class abscess scores. Data analysis uses product moment correlation with 95% confidence level. The results showed that there is a strong and opposite relationship between absenteeism and student learning outcomes. The conclus...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE), 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the performance of certified teachers; (2) studen... more The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the performance of certified teachers; (2) student learning outcomes; (3) the effect of teacher certification on teacher performance; and (4) the effect of teacher certification on student learning outcomes in MTs. Model Sorong City. The research approach used is quantitative with survey techniques. The method of determining the sample used is a saturated sample. That is, 20 respondents sample the entire population. The analytical method used is a simple linear regression method. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the performance of certified teachers is good (3.56); (2) student learning outcomes are classified as good (3.97); (3) there is a positive and significant effect of teacher certification on teacher performance by 73.3%; and (4) there is a positive and significant effect of teacher certification on student learning outcomes by 64.3%. It can be concluded that the provision of certification allowances can improve teach...
Educational governance in schools is closely related to the concept of leadership and the quality... more Educational governance in schools is closely related to the concept of leadership and the quality of teacher work. Of course, a good leader must be able to understand and carry out various leadership functions in moving his teacher. So that the goals of the educational institutions he leads can be realized immediately. This study aims to examine the principal's leadership function and its contribution to teacher performance in minority Muslim schools. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach with a population of 30 teachers. The entire population was sampled using the saturated sampling technique. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires and analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The inferential analysis used a simple linear regression model. The results showed that: principals were able to carry out leadership functions well (76,7%), teacher performance is in the medium category (59,8%), and principal leadership contributes positively and significantly t...
Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah melalui ... more Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah melalui webinar pada guru di Papua Barat. Metode dampingan menggunakan Participatory Action Research (PAR). Peserta dampingan sebanyak 35 orang dari Kota dan Kabupaten Sorong. Digunakan empat tahapan dalam melakukan pendampingan yaitu, tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi guru dalam menulis artikel ilmiah mengalami peningkatan. Pada kondisi awal, guru memiliki kompetensi kurang baik (59,7) dan berhasil ditingkatkan menjadi baik (72,6). Dari pelaksanaannya, kegiatan webinar direspons positif dan sangat dibutuhkan guru (84,2) dalam upaya peningkatan kompetensi menulis artikel ilmiah. Kesimpulannya, pendampingan menggunakan webinar dapat menjadi pilihan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Papua Barat saat pandemi Covid-19.
This research aims to encourage the implementation of bold learning in the State Islamic HigherEd... more This research aims to encourage the implementation of bold learning in the State Islamic HigherEducation since the COVID-19 outbreak. The research method uses the CIPP evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam. The number of samples is set at 263 at a 5% margin of error. Data was collected through an open survey technique with a questionnaire-assisted instrument form Google. Analysis data is used as a quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed that the implementation of bold learning had been carried out well amid the co-19 pandemic. Contextindicators, inputs, processes, and average production are in a good category. Interesting finding students as learning objects of financial difficulties in fulfilling network access. The conclusion is a bold learning model that is quite effective and can be used as a learning medium accompanied byPandemic. In addition, as an agreement, an immediate policy on education costs must be carried out which is the impact of COVID-19.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2020
This study aims to explore how changes in community preferences, shari’ah economic development th... more This study aims to explore how changes in community preferences, shari’ah economic development through the tridharma of higher education and its contribution to the development of shari’ah economics. This study was conducted at the UIN Alauddin Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study applied library research. Data collection techniques in this study using discourse from books, articles, magazines, journals, and web (internet). Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, among others, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results show that there is a change in community preferences caused by external factors (changes in the social and economic environment) and internal factors in higher education in responding to community dynamics. Higher education can be used as a vehicle in the development of shari’ah Economy through the application of higher education tridharma. Furthermore, higher education also takes a significant role in developin...
Papers by Agus Yudiawan