Os governos locais gozam de autonomia pol��tica e fiscal substancial no Brasil. Em particular, os... more Os governos locais gozam de autonomia pol��tica e fiscal substancial no Brasil. Em particular, os governos locais s��o respons��veis pela prote����o do patrim��nio hist��rico e cultural, pela regulamenta����o do uso e da ocupa����o do solo, pela organiza����o e presta����o de servi��os p��blicos de interesse local (como sa��de, educa����o, transporte p��blico e assist��ncia social), bem como alguns programas focalizados de transfer��ncia condicionada de renda3.
Empirically, natural resource abundance has been found to be strongly associated with a host of n... more Empirically, natural resource abundance has been found to be strongly associated with a host of negative outcomes in cross-country time-series analyses. In the rst part of this paper, we systematically review the current literature. In particular, we focus on the measures of natural resource abundance employed in existing cross-country empirical research on the e ects of natural resources on political and economic outcomes.
Recently Mozaffar et al.[Mozaffar, S., Scarritt, JR, Galaich, G., 2003. Electoral institutions, e... more Recently Mozaffar et al.[Mozaffar, S., Scarritt, JR, Galaich, G., 2003. Electoral institutions, ethnopolitical cleavages and party systems in Africa's emerging democracies. American Political Science Review 97, 379���390] presented evidence suggesting that African party systems are somehow different from party systems elsewhere in the world. In doing so, they promoted the common notion of African exceptionalism.
Abstract Multiplicative interaction models are common in the quantitative political science liter... more Abstract Multiplicative interaction models are common in the quantitative political science literature. This is so for good reason. Institutional arguments frequently imply that the relationship between political inputs and outcomes varies depending on the institutional context. Models of strategic interaction typically produce conditional hypotheses as well.
Os governos locais gozam de autonomia pol��tica e fiscal substancial no Brasil. Em particular, os... more Os governos locais gozam de autonomia pol��tica e fiscal substancial no Brasil. Em particular, os governos locais s��o respons��veis pela prote����o do patrim��nio hist��rico e cultural, pela regulamenta����o do uso e da ocupa����o do solo, pela organiza����o e presta����o de servi��os p��blicos de interesse local (como sa��de, educa����o, transporte p��blico e assist��ncia social), bem como alguns programas focalizados de transfer��ncia condicionada de renda3.
Empirically, natural resource abundance has been found to be strongly associated with a host of n... more Empirically, natural resource abundance has been found to be strongly associated with a host of negative outcomes in cross-country time-series analyses. In the rst part of this paper, we systematically review the current literature. In particular, we focus on the measures of natural resource abundance employed in existing cross-country empirical research on the e ects of natural resources on political and economic outcomes.
Recently Mozaffar et al.[Mozaffar, S., Scarritt, JR, Galaich, G., 2003. Electoral institutions, e... more Recently Mozaffar et al.[Mozaffar, S., Scarritt, JR, Galaich, G., 2003. Electoral institutions, ethnopolitical cleavages and party systems in Africa's emerging democracies. American Political Science Review 97, 379���390] presented evidence suggesting that African party systems are somehow different from party systems elsewhere in the world. In doing so, they promoted the common notion of African exceptionalism.
Abstract Multiplicative interaction models are common in the quantitative political science liter... more Abstract Multiplicative interaction models are common in the quantitative political science literature. This is so for good reason. Institutional arguments frequently imply that the relationship between political inputs and outcomes varies depending on the institutional context. Models of strategic interaction typically produce conditional hypotheses as well.
Papers by Thomas Brambor