My Indian OI Journey

The Beginning : It all started in the summer of 2017 when my eldest brother ( Arun Kumar ) returned from his college for summer vacation. I was in 8th grade. He used to do competitive programming back then and told me about it. He told me about IOI and ICPC and how prestigious these competitions were. I was learning QBASIC in school and decided to learn C++ around this time. I remember watching YouTube tutorials on C++, but I wouldn't really understand anything until my brother would teach me. After a few weeks of learning basic syntax, I started doing problems on Hackerrank and then eventually CodeForces. My brother used to send me problems which I would try to do. That's how it worked for the initial one or two months after which I lost interest and stopped doing problems. I had no idea how people participated in IOI and hence had no motivation to continue... Indian Computing Olympiad (ICO) 2020 : Around the month of August in 2019, I discovered about ICO while...