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Add & configure third-party apps in bulk

As an administrator, you can add and configure multiple third-party apps with a comma-separated values (CSV) file. From the Google Admin console, you can download a blank CSV template. Or, download a CSV file with all the third-party apps already in your Admin console to edit or add to.

Before you begin

  • Maximum CSV file size is 10 MB.
  • When you upload the file, the information in the Type, Id, Access, and Org Unit columns replaces existing information in your Admin console.
  • For information that you don't want to change, you can delete the column, leave the information as is, or delete it.
  • If you delete all information from a column, but leave the column in the CSV file, existing information is not removed when you upload the file.
  • If you don't want to edit a specific app, you can leave the row in the spreadsheet or remove it. If you remove an app from the file, the app is not deleted.

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Add & configure apps from a CSV file

Step 1: Download the CSV file
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using an account with super administrator privileges (does not end in @gmail.com).

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu and then Securityand thenAccess and data controland thenAPI controlsand thenManage Third-Party App Access.
    You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.

  3. (Optional) To only configure apps that have accessed Google data, for Accessed apps, click View list
  4. Click Bulk update list and choose an option: 
    • To download a blank CSV template, click Download Blank Template.
    • To download a CSV file with third-party apps that are already listed in your Admin console, click Download Configured Apps or Download Accessed Apps. When the download is complete, click Download CSV. You might have to click Tasks  first.
  5. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet application, such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
    The file has columns for the attributes of each of your configured apps. 
Step 2: Enter app information & save the file
  1. For each app that you want to configure, enter the information in the columns in the spreadsheet:
    • (Optional) App name—Enter the name of the app. Changes that you make to the app name in the CSV file don’t update in the Admin console. 
    • Type—Enter Android, iOS, or web application.
    • Id—For web apps, enter the OAuth client ID issued to the application. For Android and iOS apps, enter the OAuth client ID or the package or bundle ID the app uses in Google Play or the Apple App Store. 
    • Access—Enter trusted, blockedlimited, or unconfigured (unconfigures the app at the organizational unit specified in Org Unit).
    • Org Unit—Enter a forward slash ('/') to apply the app access setting to your entire domain. To apply access settings to specific organizational units, add a row to the spreadsheet for each org unit, repeating the App name, Type and ID. Enter the desired Access setting, and in Org Unit, the full path and name (for example, '/org_unit_1/sub_unit_1').
  2. After you complete the spreadsheet, save it as a CSV (.csv) file.
Step 3: Upload the file
  1. In the Admin console, click Attach CSV File. You might have to click Bulk update list first.
  2. Browse to and attach the CSV file.
  3. Click Upload.

You can review the progress of the upload. When complete, you get an email report.

If there's an error, enter the incomplete information and upload the file again. If there’s a processing error, download the log file from your Tasks list. For more information, go to Resolve errors (below on this page).

Resolve errors

Errors when you upload your CSV file
Error Cause & solution
File is empty The file doesn't contain any information. 
Incorrect file format or invalid column: column name. The columns in your file should be App Name, Type, Id, Verification Status, Users, Requested Services, Access, Requested Services with Scopes, and Org Unit. 
Column name column is missing. A required column is missing. Required columns are Type, Id, Access, and Org Unit. 
Row nn: Empty column name A column that requires information is empty in a specific row. For example, you'll see the error Row 2: Empty "Access" if you didn't enter the access level of the app. Add the information and try again.
File must be 10 MB or less. The CSV file is over 10 MB. Open the file and split the table into separate files. Save each one as a CSV file. Make sure you include the column headings row in all CSV files.
Row nn: Incorrect number of columns  The number of columns doesn't match the number of header columns for a row. Check the row details and try again. 
Can't read the file. Check and try again. There was an error reading the file. Check the file and try again.
Can't read the header. Check and try again. The uploaded CSV file has an invalid header. The headers in your file should be titled App Name, Type, Id, Verification Status, Users, Requested Services, Access, Requested Services with Scopes, and Org Unit. Check the headers and try again.
File has a duplicate column: column name. The uploaded CSV file has a duplicate column. Remove the duplicate column and try again.
Invalid file type. Upload CSV files only. The uploaded file type is not in CSV format. Save it as a CSV file and try again. 
Row nn: Unable to parse A row in the CSV file could not be parsed. Check the row details and try again.
Row nn: Invalid App-Type A row in the file has an invalid app type. Accepted app types are Android, iOS, or web application.
Row nn: Invalid status A row in the file has invalid information for Access. The Access column should have trusted, blocked, or limited. Update the column and try again.
Row nn: Duplicate entry You have a duplicate row. Remove the duplicate row and try again.
Row nn: Unknown error Unknown error occurred when parsing a row. Check the row details and try again. 
Errors in the log file
Error Cause & solution
ACTION FAILED: Validation An entry contains unsupported characters. Check the file and try again.
ACTION FAILED: UNKNOWN ERROR A temporary error occurred. Upload the CSV file again or upload items in smaller batches. 

One or more app IDs you entered are incorrect.

  • For web apps, enter the OAuth client ID issued to the application. 
  • For Android and iOS apps, enter the OAuth client ID or the package or bundle ID the app uses in Google Play or the App Store.
INVALID_ORG_UNIT_PATH The org unit you entered is invalid. Update the org unit and try again.
CONFIGURATION_LIMIT_REACHED You reached or exceeded the limit of 15,000 configured apps. The total number of third-party apps that you can configure (in bulk and individually) is 15,000. Remove additional rows and try again. 
FIRST_PARTY_APP_ERROR An app ID does not belong to a third-party app and cannot be configured. Remove the app from the file and try again.

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