TTIP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and the 28 member states of Europe... more TTIP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and the 28 member states of European Union that is currently being negotiated, rather quietly, under liberal arguments for free trade (Aktar and Jones, 2014; Francois et al, 2013; Hamilton, 2014:82). If it goes through, it will represent the richest, most powerful agreement globally because together the two economies account for approximately three-quarters of global financial markets (Hamilton, 2014:82). It is presented to be beneficial for the two parties involved, as well as countries excluded from the deal because trade, through competition and specialisation boosts growth and, supposedly, therefore, spreads and improves quality of life (De Gucht, 2014; Feensta and Taylor, 2008:32; Francois et al, 2013; Grimwade, 2000:29-35).
I I intend to explore the intentions for TTIP that lie under the surface of free trade justification. Its global geopolitical context and the investment state dispute settlement shall be examined because they reveal much more about it. I shall show that the United States is using TTIP as a tool to maintain its global influence.
TTIP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and the 28 member states of Europe... more TTIP is a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and the 28 member states of European Union that is currently being negotiated, rather quietly, under liberal arguments for free trade (Aktar and Jones, 2014; Francois et al, 2013; Hamilton, 2014:82). If it goes through, it will represent the richest, most powerful agreement globally because together the two economies account for approximately three-quarters of global financial markets (Hamilton, 2014:82). It is presented to be beneficial for the two parties involved, as well as countries excluded from the deal because trade, through competition and specialisation boosts growth and, supposedly, therefore, spreads and improves quality of life (De Gucht, 2014; Feensta and Taylor, 2008:32; Francois et al, 2013; Grimwade, 2000:29-35).
I I intend to explore the intentions for TTIP that lie under the surface of free trade justification. Its global geopolitical context and the investment state dispute settlement shall be examined because they reveal much more about it. I shall show that the United States is using TTIP as a tool to maintain its global influence.
Papers by Juliet Grenville
I I intend to explore the intentions for TTIP that lie under the surface of free trade justification. Its global geopolitical context and the investment state dispute settlement shall be examined because they reveal much more about it. I shall show that the United States is using TTIP as a tool to maintain its global influence.
I I intend to explore the intentions for TTIP that lie under the surface of free trade justification. Its global geopolitical context and the investment state dispute settlement shall be examined because they reveal much more about it. I shall show that the United States is using TTIP as a tool to maintain its global influence.