Mapendekezo yataonyeshwa baada ya kuandika kwenye sehemu ya utafutaji. Tumia mishale ya juu na chini ili kutathmini. Tumia ingia ili kuchagua. Ikiwa maneno yaliyochaguliwa ni kifungu cha maneno, kifungu hicho kitawasilishwa kwenye utafutaji. Ikiwa pendekezo hilo ni kiunganishi, kivinjari kitaelekeza kwenye ukurasa huo.
Jinsi ya kufanya
Jinsi ya kufika kwenye Kituo cha Usuluhishi
You can use the Resolution Center if you need to send or request money for things related to your Airbnb stay or experience.
Access the Resolution Center through the Help Center
You have up to 60 days after your reservation’s checkout date to submit a Resolution Center request.
If you’re within the 60 days allowed, there will be a link on your Help Center homepage to take you to the Resolution Center. It will be under Recommended for you and you’ll be able to click or tap it to Go to the Resolution Center.
You can always use the Help Center search and follow links to the Resolution Center.