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For Free: Great Ideas. Lightly Used.
In total, I've written 605 essays, snippets, tutorials, podcasts, talks, and notes!
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Supa Pecha Kucha
slug: supapechakucha
1 minute
noteHow to download YouTube Videos quickly
I used to use yt5s all the time to rip and remix videos:
1 minute
noteWHCR Community & Technology
random radio chat
π§ WHCR#AIHome Assistant Voice Preview is an unusable mess.
I just got a Home Assistant Voice ( recently. I was so excited to try it out as a programmable Alexa.
22 minutes
note1 β₯
Last Week in AI - guest host in Jan
guest hosting last week in ai
π§ LastWeekinAI#AIRide Home podcast with Simon Willison
π§ TechMemeRideHome#AIDesigning a Logo
I recently kicked off a 99designs contest for a new logo:
2 minutes
noteActually Structured Journaling (Jan 2025)
I was very excited when I saw Cal Newport's episode on Structured Journaling ( come up, but I was disappointed by the recommendations:
1 minute
notePseudocode for Intentionality
I've been interested in being more intentional with my work, time and life recently. Here is **my working definition of how to be more intentional**.
3 minutes
noteDate Me!
if you like me\*, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
4 minutes
note2 β₯
The State of the AI in 2024 with ChitChatStocks
On this episode of Chit Chat Stocks, Ryan and Brett speak to Shawn Wang of Latent Space, who is an expert and on the ground working in the AI start-up space
π§ ChitChatMoney#AI #Financeswyx in 2024 End of Year wraps
i was involved in 3 end of year-ish recaps today:
1 minute
note1 β₯
Holding Space for Wicked (Part One)
15 minutes
noteEngineering AI Agents - OpenAI DevDay Singapore talk
this is the tracking doc for my talk on "Engineering AI Agents" for OpenAI DevDay Singapore. I'll add photos and notes and stuff when i'm done. note that the full slides contain a lot more info that i had to cut out of the ~~10~~ 9 minute talk.
1 minute
noteMy 2024 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
11 minutes
note#mac #tech10 β₯
Moving in Big Cities: Lugg vs Clutter
i recently had to move (from smolhaus 1.5 to a temporary place) and so had to evaluate some choices in moving options. TLDR: **I made a huge mistake not choosing Clutter**.
3 minutes
noteWinning, AI Eng, Devtools Angels, and DevRel
Second chat with Jack Bridger about a variety of pet topics with devtools and ai.
π§ ScalingDevtools#AI #DevRelEarly Stage Company Offsites
> this post was mostly dictated off the top of my head with Wispr AI
10 minutes
noteAI Eng with Sandra Kublik
The AI Engineer Persona - What defines this new role and how it keeps evolving
π§ SandraKublik#AIMy Fave Podcasts 2024 - The Big Reset
4.5 years after my initial podcast inventory (, with COVID and a career change under my belt, with my OPML file growing from 566 rss feeds in 2022 to 771\* in 2024 ( (with quite a few of my fave NPR podcasts dying), and my backlog mounting to 43GB (according to this script (, my outstanding episodes: 11915 (played: 22451)), I am now needing to declare podcast bankruptcy.
8 minutes
noteDevRel Death and ZIRP, AI Engineering, Cognition/Devin
Shawn βswyxβ Wang is back to talk with us about the state of DevRel according to ZIRP (the Zero Interest Rate Phenomenon), the data that backs up the rise and fall of job openings, whether or not DevRel is dead or dying, speculation of the near-term arrival of AGI, AI Engineering as the last job standing, the innovation from Cognition with Devin as well as their mis-steps during Devinβs launch, and whatβs to come in the next innovation round of AI.
π§ Changelog#AISwyx on Plan B Singapore podcast
We speak with Shawn Wang, CEO of SMOL AI, often credited for coining the term "AI Engineer". Living in San Francisco means riding driverless cars to work is an everyday affair, so how far behind is Singapore in AI adoption? Or are the citizens of Southeast Asia's tech hub too skeptical for it to work?
π§ PlanB#AI(incomplete) Organizing AI Engineer World's Fair 2024
We have just come off a very intense production period of the first AI Engineer World's Fair (, the large, multi-track format of the AI Engineer series of conferences that my biz partner Ben and I are building. I am historically bad at writing down lessons and thoughts, so I am sitting down at my laptop on a friday evening at a McDonald's with my m2 macbook air on 16% battery and writing and writing until my battery runs out of juice (or I do).
15 minutes
note2 β₯
Inventing the AI Engineer with Raza Habib
In this episode, I chatted with Shawn Wang about his upcoming AI engineering conference and what an AI engineer really is. It's been a year since he penned the viral essay "Rise of the AI Engineer' and we discuss if this new role will be enduring, the make up of the optimal AI team and trends in machine learning.
π§ HighAgency#AIAI Engineering, Devin, and the Future of Software - swyx on Modern Web Podcast
swyx rejoined Tracy and Rob for an introductory convo on AI Engineering and live Devin demo
π§ ModernWeb#AIThe Upload (short story)
> My first attempt at bringing back the short story ( in ~30 years.
9 minutes
essay1 β₯
AI Engineer Trends - Latent Space x AI Breakdown
NLW is back with Part 2 of his conversation with the hosts of Latent Space. In this segment they hone in on the trends Swyx and Alessio are seeing in what developers are building.
π§ AIBreakdown#AIFour Wars - Latent Space x AI Breakdown
NLW is joined today by the hosts of the Latent Space podcast for part one of a wide-ranging conversation about the changes and shifts in the AI market in early 2024.
π§ AIBreakdown#AIOrganizing State of Diffusion++
I manifested ( a "State of Diffusion++" meetup yesterday that I felt was a success. 200 people signed up! Here are some photos!
1 minute
notePensieve: Mar 8 2024 - on Dune 2
A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.
6 minutes
note#pensievePensieve: Mar 7 2024 - on Agency
A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.
3 minutes
note#pensieveswyx on Thursday Nights in AI
At this Thursday Nights in Ai hosts Ali Rohde and Josh Albrecht talk about the Rise of the AI Engineer with @swyx, host of the Latent Space podcast, and one of the most in-the-weeds commentators on the companies, papers, and trends rising and falling in AI, every single week.
π§ TNAI#AIswyx on ChinaTalk
swyx and Alessio joined Jordan Schneider to talk Latent Space with Chinese characteristics.
π§ ChinaTalk#AIswyx on ThursdAI
swyx joined Alex Volkov on his podcast for a surprise interview on Latent Space and AI Engineer.
π§ ThursdAI#AIBring Back Short Stories
There was a time, before the screens took over, when people read these things called "books". Remarkably efficient things. Always-on display. Could survive dropping from a great height. Somewhat fragile but who cares when you could mass produce thousands of the things for hundreds of dollars.
4 minutes
noteThe Making of an Industry - The Rise of AI Engineering, with Swyx
Last summer, Swyx wrote a blog post titled The Rise of the AI Engineer, which quickly went viral. In this episode, Swyx will revisit that blog post to see if anything changed. You will learn why AI engineers are a thing, the differences between AI and ML engineers, and why the demand for this specialization is larger than the supply. Swyx also reveals what defines an industry (and why it's not only about tools) and gives many good examples of successful products made using existing foundation models. Swyx and Alex also talk about the inner workings of AI and whether it's a good idea to run AI models on your own hardware.
π§ Scrimba#AIadd Whisper to your iOS Action Button
The new iPhones ditched the physical mute button with a software enabled action button, that allows some customization. the highest degree of customization is Shortcuts. Apple's default transcription is terrible. I got a new iPhone recently and so this is my chance.
1 minute
noteYou Should Have A Virtual Mailbox
If you fit one of these criteria:
2 minutes
noteMy Fave New Podcasts of 2023
As someone who does a lot of my learning via podcasts, I've been putting up picks lists for 4 years straight (see main 2019 list (, then my 2020 ( and 2021 ( and 2022 ( diffs), so it's time to do year 5(!)
3 minutes
note1 β₯
Navigating AI and Software 3.0 Tech Career on Code Ryan channel
Ryan is a newish creator who cold email, and I did my best to support him!
π§ CodeRyan#AI #CareersDwell and the Tools for Thought Hackathon
I worked on a little hackathon project at AGI House with Sasha. We won!
1 minute
noteRise of the AI Engineer on Real World Serverless
Chatted with Yan Cui who I have long followed on AWS Serverless things, on the Rise Of.
π§ RealWorldServerless#AIBouldering
My first introduction to bouldering was in 2017, in DUMBO Boulders in Brooklyn Bridge Park ( now closed (
4 minutes
note2 β₯
Being a minor AI public figure
I was recently involved in moderating a chat with Kanjun Qiu of Imbue at the MIT AI conf:\_NnFvPXFlNSkdMfqA?pli=1\&key=dTFRRHBTLVRZTEVCem0zal8tNVkxblh0V3k4VXhR
1 minute
noteAI Engineers, Pendants, and Tensions with OpenAI on Cognitive Revolution
Chatted with Nathan Labenz, who's work on CogRev I really admire, on the AI Eng thesis and conference!
π§ CogRev#AISoftware 3.0 and the AI Engineer on PodRocket
Went back on Podrocket to talk about AI Eng - with Tejas, who I fortunately hung out with at Infobip Shift in Croatia just a few weeks prior. This convo was really well done and edited and Tejas is an incredible interviewer. Proud of this one.
π§ PodRocket#AISoftware 3.0 and the AI Engineer Landscape (talk notes & slides)
## 2024 update
4 minutes
note1 β₯
Talk Software 3.0 and the AI Engineer Landscape
The talk form of my AI Eng blogpost, debuting a new chart of how I see the AI Eng landscape at a high level. Keynote at Infobip Shift 2023 pending.
Swyx's Simple Guide to Singapore
A personal guide to Singapore for foreign friends visiting.
9 minutes
essayOn Grind - from Investor to Creator to Founder
Sarah ( asks a provoking question that has been on my mind a lot as I transition from part time creator ( to founder:
4 minutes
essay250k downloads of Latent Space Pod
I last talked about my Latent Space adventures in April ( and last December ( Even as a well regarded developer- part-time-creator (, the Latent Space Newsletter + Pod has done much better than I usually do. Here are the stats as of today:
3 minutes
noteHow to allow popups in dynamically created webviews in Electron.js
My smol menubar ( project utilizes Electron's special webview tag ( to dynamically generate a list of sub browser windows for chat. For the last couple months I've had an issue with the SSO popups in this, namely that they just don't work at all, presumably because Electron blocks popups for you by default.
1 minute
noteChatting AI on Shoptalk Show
Rejoined Chris and Dave to reintroduce AI Engineering to the broader frontend world, and demystify things for beginners! Audio starts bad but improves halfway once we discovered I was using the wrong mic
π§ ShoptalkShow#AIswyx and Alessio on AI Breakdown
The hosts of AI Breakdown and Latent Space get together to discuss GPT4.5, Llama 2, AI Agents, AI Companions, and the Rise of the AI Engineer!
π§ AIBreakdown#AIHow to Blow Up a Category - Netlify's New Era and The JAMstack Endgame
> note - this is a hasty written braindump of feelings as emotions as I don't have the time to polish this essay up to my usual standards, but still wanted to capture this important moment and end in my life. pardon any poorly phrased and organized thoughts. The JSJam guys did a roundup of reactions here ( and Ricmac did one on The New Stack (
6 minutes
note2 β₯
From Dev to AI Founder with Quincy Larson of FreeCodeCamp
I caught up with Quincy again after many years from our first pod!
π§ Freecodecamp#AIHow to deal with fatal: bad object HEAD in git
as a cheapo who uses Apple iCloud (the world's worst ( sync service) as a sync service for my Obsidian Second Brain (, I have recently run into this issue a lot:
3 minutes
note4 β₯
[Newbie Tip] What to do when you 403 during pypi twine upload
I'm pretty new to the pypi packaging ecosystem so recently ran into some trouble pushing a python package:
2 minutes
note#pythonUsing Whisper to Transcribe Podcasts
## Prerequisites
1 minute
noteThe Traction vs Trust Equation of Cofounder Dating
One of the most common problems in the beginning stage of a founder journey is establishing the cofounder group. I thought I would jot down some notes from my own experience + that of friends in similar situations.
3 minutes
essay#startupsSourcegraph Cody + Exploring smol developer ft. swyx & Beyang Liu
We ask our AI coding assistant, Cody, to give us a tour of smol developer, a new tool for generating scaffolding for new code projects.
π§ Sourcegraph#AITalk Chains vs Agents - Langchain Webinar
LangChain Webinar @ 2023-06-28
I joined Harrison for the Langchain webinar showing my current state of thinking on agents. Video is not up yet but I am posting it here in case I forget. I joined Harrison for the Langchain webinar showing my current state of thinking on agents. Video is not up yet but I am posting it here in case I forget.
Deno and the Future of Dev Tools with Ryan Dahl
I was honored to be invited on to Deno's YouTube as part of their Deno KV Hackathon, to riff on KV and other storage solutions with Ryan Dahl.
π§ Deno#DevToolsSearching for The Early Founder Cadence
I've been quite inspired by David Sacks' The Cadence ( ever since I read it. It prescribes an operational process and ideal team structure for a 50-500 person startup - running sales, finance, product, and marketing in sync in quarterly cycles with effective communication between functions.
3 minutes
note1 β₯
Productivity vs Leverage on the Human Skills pod
I was honored to be invited on to KBall's new podcast to talk about career stuff again, my first in a while. This pod basically encapsulates all I have internalized about Naval and Tiago Forte's reflections on leverage. Enjoy
π§ Human Skills#CareerMy 2023 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
13 minutes
note#mac #tech3 β₯
(incomplete) Getting your O1 Visa as Fast as Possible (2024)
I have just received my O1A Visa and like for the H1B1 (, I figured I should write down my experience, thoughts, and tips for those who may wish to make the same journey. Note that I am not a professional at this, I'm just a guy who recently went through it so dont rely on me for precise facts, mostly a fellow traveler a little ahead of you.
6 minutes
noteMy New Startup Checklist
some of you may know I've recently started a new company. I'm not ready to talk about -that- yet, but I did want to capture some notes on logistical stuff I have had to ramp up on as a first time founder. hopefully this helps somebody out there.
5 minutes
note5 β₯
AI for Developers on Svelte Radio
This episode is special in the sense that it's not so much about Svelte in particular but for developers in general. If you haven't gone down the AI rabbit hole yet this episode is for you. Swyx gives us a crash course in what it is and how you can use it as a web developer. Enjoy!
π§ Svelte Radio#Tech #AIAngel Investing in Devtools on the Wannabe Angels podcast
Chatting with The Rideshare Guy and Colin Gardiner on the why and how of Devtools Angel Investing.
π§ Wannabe Angels#Tech #InvestingRanking #1 on HN in Mid April
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December (, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit today. I am now taking Latent Space ( (the new name enabled by the previous owner of that domain selling it to me in my first P2P domain purchase ( a lot more seriously with the support of my partner and friend Alessio.
2 minutes
noteTalking AI DX on the Alphalist CTO podcast
Tune in to discover how generative AI will change programming and how to start exploring the world of LLMs.
π§ Alphalist CTO#Tech #AI #DXHow to change custom domain on Substack
Since September, I've been running my AI newsletter on
2 minutes
noteHow to transcribe podcast audio (WhisperX with speaker diarization)
> Note: sometimes WhisperX is WAAYYYY too slow so I often end up using which somehow runs much faster.
1 minute
tutorialHow to Find Podcasts That Have Been Deleted
TLDR, rehosts all mp3s
2 minutes
tutorialHow to Reverse Interview Investors
I honestly never expected this to be a topic that was common enough to write up, however, it suddenly hit me today that it is the *ultra niche topics* that deserve writing up since it is the stuff that is outside the usual SERP riffraff.
4 minutes
note#careers #advice #investing3 β₯
The 2023 rewrite
Discussing the 2023 migration of to the SvelteKit 1.0 and the swyxkit template
2 minutes
note#meta #svelte #blogging2 β₯
Talking AI on the Techmeme RideHome podcast
I joined the Techmeme RideHome duo (Brian McCollough + Chris Messina) to chat AI with the gang!
π§ Techmeme Ridehome#Tech #AICrossing the Chasm with Jack Bridger's Scaling DevTools podcast
Everyone in tech should understand the technology adoption cycle and know which stage of the adoption cycle youβre at. Shawn Wang, known on the internet as swyx. Shawn is a writer, speaker and head of DX at Airbyte. He's also the editor of In this episode Shawn shares how DevTools can cross the chasm.
π§ Scaling Devtools#Tech #DevrelSigns that a Startup is Going Bad
All rocketship startups are alike, but every fading startup is fading in its own way.
6 minutes
note7 β₯
The State of the Cloud in 2023 with ChitChatMoney
The "Cloud" in its simplest form refers to servers with data stored on them and those servers can be accessed over the internet. Many companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet lead this fast-growing industry. Listen in as Brett and Ryan ask questions about the cloud and what growth will look like over the next few years. Enjoy the show!
π§ ChitChatMoney#Tech #FinanceOrganizing Developer Writing Retreats
One of my biggest and scariest projects of 2022 was co-organizing the first-ever **DEV | WRITERS | RETREAT** in Miami!
12 minutes
note1 β₯
My Fave New Podcasts of 2022
As someone who does a lot of my learning via podcasts, I've been putting up picks lists for 3 years straight (see main 2019 list (, then my 2020 ( and 2021 ( diffs), so it's time to do year 4 (!)
4 minutes
noteRanking #1 on HN in the December Dead Zone
For those who weren't aware (you would be if you were subscribed (\&next= on email!), I started a separate AI blog, L-space Diaries (, this year to 1) try out Substack in anger and 2) create a focused feed on a topic rather than a person (I also started DX Tips ( for devtools/devrel writing, but have been accordingly distracted).
1 minute
noteOn ChatGPT with the Changelog
To wrap up the year weβre talking about whatβs breaking the internet, again. Yes, weβre talking about ChatGPT and weβre joined by our good friend Shawn βswyxβ Wang. Between his writings on L-Space Diaries and his AI notes repo on GitHub, we had a lot to cover around the world of AI and what might be coming in 2023.
π§ Changelog#Tech #AIThe World Is Run By People No Smarter Than You
This post was written as a reflection at the first Dev Writers Retreat. It's been really weird doing this in the PermaParty city while the world seemingly falls apart outside. Here's my attempt to make sense of it.
3 minutes
essay15 β₯
How to add Tailwind 3 to Docusaurus 2 in 2022
We use Docusaurus at work, and while it shipped v2 this year it still has ( as of v2.3 ( not shipped with any Tailwind support at all. Googled and found this post ( which was almost everything I needed, but required some stuff in the comments for it to work.
3 minutes
tutorial10 β₯
The Absolute Best Way to Run Multiple npm Scripts in Parallel in 2022
Just a quick tutorial and explanation of how best to set up concurrently with named and colored log output since I had to look it up today.
2 minutes
tutorial8 β₯
Broad Swyx Interview with Infoshare Poland
A broad overview of everything I've been working on, including Temporal and Airbyte, Smart Clients vs Smart Servers, The Coding_Career Book, The Operating System of You, React Ecosystem, the case for Techno-Optimism in the face of cynicism.
π§ Infoshare#TechTalk Running a $200k side hustle with Stripe Checkout
Stripe Dev YouTube @ 2022-09-28
In this live session, Shawn Wang joins Paul Asjes and Cecil Phillip to chat about how he uses Stripe Checkout in this side projects. Weβll dive into the integrations and discuss some of the decisions he had to make when it comes to accepting pay. In this live session, Shawn Wang joins Paul Asjes and Cecil Phillip to chat about how he uses Stripe Checkout in this side projects. Weβll dive into the integrations and discuss some of the decisions he had to make when it comes to accepting pay.
Talk Notes for The End of Localhost (Infobip Shift 2022)
I returned to Zadar!
3 minutes
noteGetting Senpai To Notice You
How to break the cold start problem in content creation as a new entrant to any field, and getting the leaders of that field to at least read your writing and know your name.
5 minutes
essay4 β₯
Profile on Devx Project
I was interviewed for Livecycle's DevX interview series here ( Reproducing for posterity.
11 minutes
note1 β₯
10x-ing Svelte (Svelte Summit 2022 Talk Notes)
Some show notes for my Svelte Summit talk for those who are looking for all the references and cut content.
1 minute
noteThe God Endpoints will continue until morale improves
a brief meditation on why we keep trying to build God Endpoints and why we will fail until we figure out interfaces.
4 minutes
note1 β₯
Paradigm Lost (CascadiaJS 2022 Talk Notes)
Some show notes for my CascadiaJS talk for those who are looking for all the references and cut content.
3 minutes
note1 β₯
Talk Paradigm Lost
CascadiaJS @ 2022-09-01
A talk covering why frontend vs backend is now insufficient for "full stack", and how 4 trends are taking over - local first, async, data, and AI are taking my attention. A talk covering why frontend vs backend is now insufficient for "full stack", and how 4 trends are taking over - local first, async, data, and AI are taking my attention.
Real talk on DevRel with
Back again with Andrew Welch and crew to talk the evolving meta of DevRel.
π§ Devmode.FM#DevRelThe End of Localhost on InfoQ Podcast
Daniel Bryant interviewed me about my DXTips article on The End of Localhost! a really enjoyable tour through the post with commentary and reactions.
π§ InfoQ#DevToolsWhat if your Index Page was Smart?
Let's rethink the humble Index Page from first principles.
2 minutes
noteThe Surprisingly High Table Stakes of Modern Blogs
Bottom Line Up Front: You are probably underestimating how much goes into blogging technology these days.
6 minutes
essay#advice #writing5 β₯
How to write a Python Twitter Unfollow Script in 2022
The Twitter API has changed (from v1 to v2), and Python has gone from 2 to 3, and Google is still serving up loads of outdated results.
2 minutes
snippet#python #twitter #api3 β₯
Writing my first Security blogpost
Today's fun emergency at work was a first - writing a security postmortem for a breach of an *open source user* (aka not a breach of us, which seems the norm).
4 minutes
noteHow to Thought Lead, the Metacreator Ceiling, and Learning in Public on the Build in Public podcast
KP is the Build in Public guy and invited me on his pod to talk about LIP, but we sidetracked to talk about devrel, the content metagame, and my upcoming post on How to Thought Lead.
π§ BuildInPublic#LearninPublicBreaking Barbarian
This week in a Svelte Radio recording (, @rich-harris commented that something I said was "uniquely swyx": an offhand observation that "we are all professional streamers now" \ ^1 . I responded that I've been calling this behavior "barbarianism" - you can listen to the full explanation when the episode drops in future (
6 minutes
essayThe Great Unzippening
Society is splintering in an unacceptable way and I have a metaphor for it.
6 minutes
noteWhat to do when iCloud is stuck on uploading items
I use iCloud as my syncing engine for my Obsidian Second Brain (, and twice now I've seen iCloud get corrupted into a really bad state. I also back up everything to github (, so I dont really experience much data loss, but it is annoying to see iCloud be so unreliable at even the simple task of syncing mostly text files.
3 minutes
note6 β₯
How to Manifest a Meetup
> 2024 update: for those who work in devrel/organize less-social-more-technical meetups, I have now written How to Organize Meetups Good on (
8 minutes
note1 β₯
Talk Bun vs Deno - New Runtimes for the Third Age of JS
People are tearing up the foundations of JavaScript with new assumptions and a need for speed. Letβs look at the new kids on the block - Bun and Deno and explore how they might someday replace Node in your tech stack.
Talking DX on is one of the shows I really leaned on when learning the ropes in tech, so it was a huge honor to be invited.
π§ Yourself
An advanced tip for high-volume writers.
4 minutes
note#creators #writing #learning in public4 β₯
On The Importance of 15-5 Updates
We had a delightful discussion on the importance of writing weekly updates in this week's Coding Career Community meetup ( I rarely get so excited about an idea I immediately know I need to start doing it, so I'm choosing to write it up to commit to it, and to share it with you.
4 minutes
note1 β₯
Talking Careers on
We discuss what the career path for a developer advocate might look like, as well as podcast listening tools Listen Notes and Listenbox and how they help allow people to look up and listen to podcasts on their own terms rather than being stuck in a corporate garden.
π§, Cloudflare, and Techbro Therapy on
Shawn joins Adam to discuss Amplify and its place in the developer ecosystem, whether we should care about Cloudflare, yet, and how to cope with the anxiety that can come with being extremely online. Also, it sounds like Adam is a tech bro and he's NOT happy about it.
π§ outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning
My recent End of Localhost ( piece on Hacker News ( came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider mandatory (
3 minutes
note2 β₯
The 8 Jobs of Management
Recently, John Cutler tweeted (\&t=WJORvdw2EyoLB1ChjQ8NpA) a chart on the view of management:
1 minute
noteThe Hard Problem of Rendering Tweets
I've been unhappy with my tweet rendering strategy ( for a while - Twitter encourages you to use their heavy JS script to render tweets, which undoubtedly heaps all sorts of tracking on the reader, docks your lighthouse performance score by ~17 points, adds ~4 seconds to Time to Interactive, occasionally gets adblocked (so *nothing* renders!)
8 minutes
noteLearning in Public on Screaming in The Cloud
Corey Quinn is one of my favorite cloud/creators/podcasters/writers/comedians and I was honored to be invited on his pod!
π§ ScreamingInTheCloud#LearninPublicThe End of Localhost
> This post was originally published on my new dedicated DX site:
10 minutes
note9 β₯
Why I Moved Off
2 years ago I moved all my blogging to ( Today my main blog is on Github Issues ( and I've just launched DXTips on Hashnode (
1 minute
note7 β₯
The Radiating Circles of DX Architecture
> This post was originally published on my new dedicated DX site:
7 minutes
noteLessons in Competitive Comms from the Plaid-Stripe Kerfuffle
Now that the dust has settled on the Plaid-Stripe thing it's time to recap lessons learned.
3 minutes
note#prRunning Docker without Docker Desktop
Docker is great. Docker Desktop sucks. Here's my fix.
2 minutes
note2 β₯
My 2022 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
12 minutes
note#mac #tech10 β₯
The Third Year of the Third Age of JS on JSParty
I joined JSParty crew to talk more about the Third Age of JS after my Reactathon talk!
π§ JSParty#JSThe Law of Conservation of Risk
Risk cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be redistributed
7 minutes
essay#reflections #finance #riskTalk Notes: Third Age of JavaScript - Three Years In
Slides and show notes for my updated Talk at Reactathon
3 minutes
note#strategy #javascript1 β₯
Talk Third Age of JavaScript - Three Years In
I updated the epic Third Age talk for Reactathon 2022
Angel Investing your Time on Educative
I joined Lee Ngo a second time to talk about tech strategy and angel investing!
π§ on Will Larson's Infrastructure Engineering
a reprint of my interview on Will Larson's InfraEng project.
1 minute
note#dxReact Miami: Temporal - React for the Backend
These are the raw notes of my talk prep for my React Miami 2022 talk - Temporal - React for the Backend. Includes links and initial draft at the bottom.
4 minutes
note#temporalLinking your Microservices with Workflows on
I joined Brittney and Alex again to talk about Temporal and Self Provisioning Runtimes!
π§ Time Creators on
I joined Amy and James to talk about the Part Time Creator Manifesto!
π§ + Luck on Metamuse
I joined Adam and Mark who are one of the most thoughtful podcasters to talk about Learning in Public!
π§ Metamuse#Career #LIPCrossing the Chasm with Richard Feldman
Richard and Shawn Wang discuss how technologies "cross the chasm" from early adopters to mainstream
π§ Software Unscripted#DevRelThe $100b Bull Case for Temporal
Why Temporal is worth >$1b now, why it will be worth >$10b, and how it *could* be worth $100b
20 minutes
note#temporal1 β₯
Talking Temporal on Purrfect.Dev
I joined Brittney and Alex for the second time, this time to talk about Temporal instead of Svelte!
π§ Purrfect#TemporalHow to Download Twitter Spaces That Aren't Yours
Grabbing the audio
3 minutes
tutorial#tips10 β₯
Unabridged Conclusion to the State of JS
the full text of my State of JS writeup!
3 minutes
note#js14 β₯
Talk Temporal SDK Intros
Full length SDK intro workshops for Temporal's main SDKs.
The radiating circles in DevX with Swyx
i joined Pauline and Mike to give my updated thoughts on what great developer experience is!
π§ DevXPod#DX #DevRelSelf Provisioning Runtimes and Temporal on Serverless Chats
Talking workflow engines and my Self Provisioning Runtimes essay with Jeremy Daly, who is the GM for Serverless Cloud which is one of the best examples of SPRs
π§ ServerlessChats#Temporal #ServerlessThe McClusky Curve - Viral vs Evergreen Content
An insightful discussion on how to trade off aiming for viral or permanent posts.
1 minute
note#writing #contentLearning in Public on DevDiscuss
Chatting LIP with Gift Egwenu, Ben Halpern, and Ridhwana!
π§ DevDiscuss#LIPMoving to a GitHub CMS
Discussing the 2022 migration of to SvelteKit and GitHub Issues
1 minute
note#meta #bloggingMoving to Obsidian as a Public Second Brain
The case for having a -Public- Second Brain, and why I picked Obsidian.
5 minutes
note#meta #learn in public3 β₯
How to add JSDoc Typechecking to SvelteKit
As I build out swyxkit, I am finding that I am no longer prototyping and that I need to be able to refactor with confidence.
4 minutes
tutorial4 β₯
The 2022 Rewrite
Discussing the 2022 migration of to SvelteKit and GitHub Issues
3 minutes
note#meta #svelte #blogging11 β₯
Developer Health Space - Courage and Vulnerability with Swyx
This week, Shawn "Swyx" Wang, Head of Developer Experience at Temporal, joins us to discuss the value of courage and vulnerability for software developers.
π§ G2i#LIPDeveloper Careers on Cloudcast
Shawn Wang (@swyx, Head of Developer Experience @Temporalio) talks about the breadth of developer skills needed, how developers learn new technologies, and insights into important future trends for a broad set of developers.
π§ Cloudcast#Temporal #CareersTemporal as React for the backend on JSParty
Swyx is known for learning in public, and he joins the party to teach Ali and Nick about what heβs been working on with Temporal IO, what it is, and why heβs excited about it.
π§ JSParty#TemporalWhy TurboRepo Will Be The First Big Trend of 2022
TurboRepo is a big deal for the JS community because it addresses the monorepo problem head on, bringing 85% faster build speeds and great architecture/docs/marketing.
7 minutes
note#devtools #summaries #javascriptUsing Datasette for an ELT Personal Twitter Data Warehouse
EDA tools like Datasette dramatically lower the cost of data analysis, with a surprisingly simple ELT contract - You handle the Extract phase, it handles the Load, and exposes a standard UI for you to do dynamic Transforms.
5 minutes
note#datasette #tech #data #pythonDev Community on SourceGraph podcast
Why is building a technical community the most effective moat out there for startups? In this episode, swyx, who runs DevRel at Temporal and co-founded the Svelte Society, joins Beyang Liu, co-founder and CTO of Sourcegraph, to discuss the stress-induced heart palpitations that led him to transition from finance to tech, show how you can harness a willingness to look stupid to become a standout member of your community, and explain why every book should come with a Discord. Along the way, swyx shares some of the ways learning in public has changed his life, including how one blog post earned two job offers.
π§ SourceGraph#CommunityLIP and Temporal on MongoDB podcast
I chatted about "The Coding Career Handbook" and Temporal.
π§ MongoDB#TemporalHow to customize your Website with JS and CSS
The default website is kinda ugly. Here's how to customize your website if you use Transistor. But also it's a simple guide to do clientside customizations of almost any website whose code you don't control.
2 minutes
note#tips #js #cssFave New Podcasts in 2021
My picks of best podcasts I found in 2021, across tech, business, and creator categories. I also pick up on best of the best from 2020.
3 minutes
note#reflections #podcastsTalk React Server Components in Next.js 12 with Shawn "swyx" Wang
Zaiste Programming @ 2021-11-13
A short live stream about React Server Components support in Next.js 12. Together with swyx, we will try to build a simple notes app using the most recent Next.js version. A short live stream about React Server Components support in Next.js 12. Together with swyx, we will try to build a simple notes app using the most recent Next.js version.
Community Heat, or Why You Should Get Good at Events
A piece of advice I heard about marketing and community that I've repeated to founders ever since - Get Good at Events.
7 minutes
note#reflections #community #devrel1 β₯
Talk Mapping Developer Experience (ft. Silas Sao, Head of Experience Design, DataStax)
Swyx Youtube @ 2021-10-28
I chatted with Silas about how I'm looking at DX these days. We met at Kubecon and realized we were doing pretty similar things at our companies (which are closely related) so this is a honest discussion/session! I chatted with Silas about how I'm looking at DX these days. We met at Kubecon and realized we were doing pretty similar things at our companies (which are closely related) so this is a honest discussion/session!
100 Bytes of CSS to look great everywhere
Simple grab and go upgrade to the base user agent stylesheet to make for readable sites
3 minutes
note#css2 β₯
Connecting the dots in public on the Changelog
TToday weβre joined by Shawn βswyxβ Wang, also known as just βswyxβ β and weβre talking about his interesting path to becoming a software developer, what it means to βlearn in publicβ and how heβs been able to leverage that process to not only level up his skills and knowlege, but to also rapidly advance his career.
π§ Changelog#LIPHow to Market Yourself with Shawn βSwyxβ Wang
Today we talk about marketing yourself, both as a personal brand and at work. Our guest is Shawn βSwyxβ Wang, an engineering thought leader and author of βThe Coding Career Handbook.β Youβll learn several components of defining your brand, tips on expressing that brand in public, collateral and strategies that will help you at work, and more.
π§ UIBreakfast#MarketingEating the Cloud from Outside In
AWS is playing Chess. Cloudflare is playing Go.
8 minutes
note#cloud #aws #strategy3 β₯
Learning in Public with SWYX on Thunder Nerds
Today, we're thrilled to have Shawn as a guest on our podcast to discuss the past, present, and future state of JavaScript as well as the world of developer ergonomics and the magical possibilities of effortless platform management.
π§ ThunderNerds#LIPTalk Scaling and Measuring Developer Relations (with Sai Senthilkumar of Redpoint)
Swyx Youtube @ 2021-09-25
I was interviewed by Sai of Redpoint for about 150 founders and devrel folks based on these blogposts I was interviewed by Sai of Redpoint for about 150 founders and devrel folks based on these blogposts
Third Age of JS on WorkingCode
Today, we're thrilled to have Shawn as a guest on our podcast to discuss the past, present, and future state of JavaScript as well as the world of developer ergonomics and the magical possibilities of effortless platform management.
π§ WorkingCode#JavaScriptWhy do Webdevs keep trying to kill REST?
How I broke out of the tiresome REST vs GraphQL debate - by realizing that the real battle is between Smart Clients and Smart Servers!
9 minutes
note#react #graphql #rest #supabaseTalk React and the Meta of the Web with Sunil Pai
Swyx Youtube @ 2021-09-20
A wideranging podcast with Sunil covering the future of React, the Third Age of JavaScript, and the Meta of online discourse. A wideranging podcast with Sunil covering the future of React, the Third Age of JavaScript, and the Meta of online discourse.
September 11th from Singapore
just some memories 20 years after 9/11.
3 minutes
note#reflectionsTemporal on DevtoolsFM
Join us as we chat with Shawn Wang who's Head of Developer Experience at Temporal and a staunch advocate of learning in public.
π§ DevTools#TemporalTalk Temporal - React for the Backend
swyx doing the podcast tour talking about everything Temporal!
The Swipe Files Strategy for Part Time Creators
Swipe Files are underrated, passively compounding sources of personal leverage for your creator journey.
4 minutes
note#creators3 Reasons to Upgrade Git For The First Time Ever
Relatively new Git features that actually have me excited
2 minutes
note#git #tipsThe Self Provisioning Runtime
Improvements in DX in both programming languages and cloud infrastructure will eventually converge in a single paradigm, where you truly "just write business logic" and the platform mostly figures out the rest.
10 minutes
note#dx #ideas3 β₯
Talk 7 Lessons to Outlive React
There was a time before React, and there will be life after. If you tie yourself too closely to any technology, you might trap yourself and miss the next wave. Let's zoom out from the state management library du jour β what timeless lessons can we learn from React? In the talk I'll discuss lessons I've learned from studying React that I will take with me for the rest of my career.
Why Isn't Usage Based Billing A Bigger Category?
Usage billing is the new hotness for SaaS, and I have personally seen the pain it caused, but I was ultimately scared off from investing in it.
5 minutes
note#reflections #pricing1 β₯
Measuring Developer Relations
DevRel is hot but nobody knows how to measure it. That's because we don't agree on what effective DevRel *is*, and we don't agree on the tradeoffs of lagging vs leading metrics for a creative, unattributable, intimately human endeavor.
18 minutes
essay#dx #devrel #contentWhy I'm not a VC (yet)
There is too much money chasing too few operators.
5 minutes
note#reflections #money #vcThe Genius of Apple's Name
An excerpt from Becoming Steve Jobs that made me stop in my tracks.
3 minutes
note#apple #naming #techTemporal - the iPhone of System Design
Temporal ties Orchestration, Event Sourcing, and Workflows-as-Code in one distributed system and it is eating the world.
16 minutes
note#temporal #work #reflectionsSvelte on PodRocket
Curious about all of the hype around Svelte? Swyx joins us on this episode of PodRocket to talk about Svelte and all of the work he has been doing at Svelte Society.
π§ Podrocket#SvelteMy 2021 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
9 minutes
note#mac #techThe Particle/Wave Duality Theory of Knowledge
Learning is *BOTH* a discrete and a continuous process. If the tools we use don't respect this duality, information is lost β either writing involves too much effort, or reading requires too much context.
10 minutes
note#learning #epistemology #reflectionsThe 4 Types of Activity timeouts in Temporal
This post (together with the embedded talk) aims to give you a solid mental model on what each Activity timeout in Temporal does and when to use it.
8 minutes
note#temporal #architecture #golangMemento Vivere
Remember what life can do.
2 minutes
note#reflectionsWhy IaaS beat PaaS
The conclusions are far more nuanced when you ask the people involved at the time.
4 minutes
note#cloud #aws #azureBottom-Up Idea Exploration
My own content creation philosophy, explored through my own personal story with React
9 minutes
note#reflections #learninpublic #reactThe Power of Personal Podcasting
Celebrating following 100 episodes of my mixtape, and reflecting on why this works
8 minutes
note#creators #podcasts #reflectionsStripe Goes No-Code β Stripe Payment Links Explained
Stripe has entered the No Code market in a big way! I take a crack at explaining what it's doing and why.
4 minutes
note#tech #stripe #creatorsHow To Add Prettier and ESLint Automation to a React Codebase
Automated code quality with GitHub Actions, Husky, Lint-staged, Prettier, and ESLint
4 minutes
note#react #javascript #webdevHow to make your own luck on the Scrimba podcast
Shawn (Swyx) Wang joins us to discuss his book, The Coding Career Handbook π!
π§ Scrimba#LuckSwyx on DevJourney with Tim Bourgignon
Shawn took us along on his transition from his very well-paid trading job to his career as a developer. We talked about re-using your skills, boot camps, the power of networks, LearnInPublic, motivation, and much more.
π§ DevJourney#LIP$120k in Infoproduct Sales - How to Extend the Long Tail
*This post originated as an AMA on IndieHackers (*
6 minutes
note#creators #reflectionsHow To Optimize for Change
Lessons from React, GraphQL, and Rich Hickey on how to design software that doesn't implode the first time requirements change.
9 minutes
note#learnings #apidesign #techWhy Creator Clones Fail
The Innovator's Dilemma according to MKBHD, applied to YouTube's attempt to clone TikTok
5 minutes
note#strategy #creators #youtubeRevolutionizing Audio with Descript and Temporal
A case study I published for my work at Temporal
5 minutes
note#temporal #golang #podcasts #machinelearningDon't Rush to Simplicity
Expertise in a subject often goes in a bell curve of simple β complex β simple. Can we skip the complexity?
4 minutes
note#reflections #complexity #memesWhat if Stripe is the next Google?
Working out a thought exercise by Paul Graham.
3 minutes
note#reflectionsHow to Market Yourself (without Being a Celebrity)
Discussing personal branding and developer marketing with LearnInPublic.
π§ DataTalksClub#LIPTalk How to Market Yourself (without Being a Celebrity)
Discussing personal branding and developer marketing with LearnInPublic.
80/20 is the new Half-Ass
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything.
3 minutes
note#reflections #adviceHow to use SvelteKit with Netlify Forms
a simple tutorial
5 minutes
tutorial#svelte #netlify6 β₯
35 Principles for 35 Years
I turn 35 today. Here are 35 principles I have accumulated and try to live by.
7 minutes
note#reflections #adviceTalk Side Projects on the Modern Web Podcast
ModernWeb Podcast @ 2021-04-22
In this episode, Lindsay Wardell and Hunter Miller talk side projects with Shawn Wang. We discuss the projects they do on the side, and what kind of side projects they enjoy working on. Shawn also talks about his book, "The Coding Career Handbook", and how it started as a side project as well. We also talk about the importance of writing your own blog posts, and sharing your experience and learning in public to help both yourself and others, rather than blogging for numbers. We wrap up with a discussion on being a part-time creator, and finding a company that supports their employees and match what you're looking to do. In this episode, Lindsay Wardell and Hunter Miller talk side projects with Shawn Wang. We discuss the projects they do on the side, and what kind of side projects they enjoy working on. Shawn also talks about his book, "The Coding Career Handbook", and how it started as a side project as well. We also talk about the importance of writing your own blog posts, and sharing your experience and learning in public to help both yourself and others, rather than blogging for numbers. We wrap up with a discussion on being a part-time creator, and finding a company that supports their employees and match what you're looking to do.
Side Projects on the Modern Web Podcast
In this episode, Lindsay Wardell and Hunter Miller talk side projects with Shawn Wang. We discuss the projects they do on the side, and what kind of side projects they enjoy working on. Shawn also talks about his book, "The Coding Career Handbook", and how it started as a side project as well. We also talk about the importance of writing your own blog posts, and sharing your experience and learning in public to help both yourself and others, rather than blogging for numbers. We wrap up with a discussion on being a part-time creator, and finding a company that supports their employees and match what you're looking to do.
π§ ModernWeb#LIPTalk Grifters and Content Creation Traps
Maksim Ivanov @ 2021-04-21
We'll discuss how to grow and build your reputation online. Ethical ways to build your audience on Twitter. Things to avoid as a content creator. How to write things that matter. We'll discuss how to grow and build your reputation online. Ethical ways to build your audience on Twitter. Things to avoid as a content creator. How to write things that matter.
Talk Technical Community Builders
Who builds developer communities, why are companies investing in them, and why now? I joined Idan Gazit and Brian Douglas to talk about my post on Technical Community Builders.
Reflexive McLuhanism
First we shape X, then X shapes us.
3 minutes
note#reflections #reflexivity #mcluhanismSet Explicit Help Timeouts
A simple way to normalize asking for help.
4 minutes
note#reflections #advice #lampshadingBlogpost Annealing
Letting my writing improve under the heat of feedback
4 minutes
note#reflections #writing #learninpublicShortcodes vs MDX
Comparing the two popular custom dynamic content solutions!
6 minutes
note#writing #shortcodes #reactThe Part Time Creator Manifesto
Why we need more people creating Part Time and how you can do it too.
12 minutes
essay#creators #reflectionsPreemptive Pluralization is (Probably) Not Evil
What if we just assumed we might have two of everything?
6 minutes
note#reflections #programming #adviceLearning in Public on Developer Love
In episode 15 of Developer Love, Patrick speaks with Shawn βSwyxβ Wang of Temporal. They discuss divorcing your identity from your work, transparency in developer marketing, and the merits of learning in public.
π§ DeveloperLove#LIPDevrel and Dev Community on PodRocket
Ben and Brian talk to Shawn Wang, better known as Swyx, about infinite building, his experience as a Reddit moderator, blogging platforms, scaling developer relations, and more.
π§ Podrocket#DevrelTL;DR of Why React is Not Reactive
A recap of my first ever conference talk
2 minutes
note#react #speaking #summaryTechnical Community Builder is the Hottest New Job in Tech
What if the real product was the friends we made along the way?
10 minutes
note#dx #community1 β₯
Produce Consistency, Publish Quality by buffering.
2 minutes
note#reflections #blogging #creationTalking Svelte on Purrfect.Dev
I joined Brittney and Alex to talk Svelte and SvelteKit
π§ Purrfect#TemporalLove Letter to Singapore Mixed Rice
The most underrated part of Singapore that foreigners don't appreciate
5 minutes
note#reflections #singaporeTalk Third Age of Javascript
In this stream, we chat to Shawn Swyx Wang, developer, author of the Coding Career Handbook, and learn-in-public advocate. Come along and ask him your questions!
Talk Scrimba Livestream - Q&A
Scrimba @ 2021-02-25
In this stream, we chat to Shawn Swyx Wang, developer, author of the Coding Career Handbook, and learn-in-public advocate. Come along and ask him your questions! In this stream, we chat to Shawn Swyx Wang, developer, author of the Coding Career Handbook, and learn-in-public advocate. Come along and ask him your questions!
Talk Prerecording Conference Talks - 15 Tips to Make It Bigger and Better
GDCFP Day @ 2021-02-20
MI prepared this talk for Global Diversity CFP Day 2021 and here is the high quality backup for posterity! MI prepared this talk for Global Diversity CFP Day 2021 and here is the high quality backup for posterity!
Reviewing "TypeScript in 50 Lessons"
My first time being a technical reviewer for a published book!
4 minutes
note#reflections #typescriptClubhouse chat - Growing Digital Gardens w/ Maggie Appleton
Maggie and I hosted a Clubhouse chat on Digital Gardens and here is the recording! Later joined by Nikita Voloboev and other listeners.
π§ Swyx YouTube#DigitalGardensThe Simple Magic of Prefixed URLs
You can enhance the web by making wrappers around it.
2 minutes
note#ideasHow to Launch Your Product and Sustain Revenue - with Ryan Chenkie's Entrepreneurial Coders Podcast
Shawn Wang (aka swyx) chats about his experience writing and publishing his book, The Coding Career Handbook. He goes into detail about the challenges he encountered, how he learned from other people's launches, and how he was able to successfully launch the book and make it into something that provides meaningful revenue. He also talks about how to sustain revenue for your product after you launch.
π§ EntrepreneurialCoder#CreatorsEnablement vs Ownership Roles
Two ways to approach responsibility in a company.
6 minutes
note#reflections #management #ownershipTalk Build and deploy dynamic Jamstack apps with AWS Amplify
AWS Reinvent @ 2021-02-06
Jamstack is a modern web development architecture built with JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. This new way of building websites and applications delivers performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience. In this session, you learn how to bring your Jamstack applications to life in record time when you develop and deploy with AWS Amplify. You also learn how to easily and quickly develop cloud-enabled applications with your choice of REST or GraphQL APIs, rapidly release new features, avoid downtime during application deployment, and handle the complexity of simultaneously updating the front end and backend of your applications. Jamstack is a modern web development architecture built with JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. This new way of building websites and applications delivers performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience. In this session, you learn how to bring your Jamstack applications to life in record time when you develop and deploy with AWS Amplify. You also learn how to easily and quickly develop cloud-enabled applications with your choice of REST or GraphQL APIs, rapidly release new features, avoid downtime during application deployment, and handle the complexity of simultaneously updating the front end and backend of your applications.
Everything You Hate About Clubhouse Is Why It Will Win
Understanding new social media is a *sociological* exercise, not a logical one.
5 minutes
note#reflections #product #startupsErrors Are Not Exceptions
Many language ecosystems use try/catch paradigms to represent both errors and exceptions. This is wrong.
5 minutes
note#languages #golang #javascript3 β₯
Solving the Quality vs Consistency Tradeoff
Every creator wrestles with the tradeoff between quality and consistency. The answer - Default to consistency, and cut scope.
6 minutes
note#reflectionsThe Meta-Creator Ceiling
Don't play games you don't want to win.
5 minutes
note#reflections1 β₯
My Three Strikes Rule for Blogging
A simple way to decide when and what to write.
4 minutes
note#writingAmplify and DataStore - FSJam Podcast
In this episode we discuss Amplify, DataStore, the difference between teaching and learning in public, migrating existing projects to AWS, containers vs. serverless, and the endgame of layer 2 clouds.
π§ FSJam#AWSStrategy Turns
What got you here won't get you there.
7 minutes
note#strategy #adviceSuper Easy Automated Scraping with AWS Amplify
A tutorial on data scraping with AWS Amplify
5 minutes
tutorial#aws #tech #javascriptWhat drives Optimal Overhead?
The biggest unanswered question in the study of systems.
8 minutes
note#research #systemsNotes on The Psychology of Money
A review and reflection of Morgan Housel's bestselling collection of essays on personal/behavioral finance
9 minutes
note#finance #money #booksFibonacci Goals
A system for goalsetting.
3 minutes
note#ideasMy Path to Developer Relations and Thoughts on the Future of DevRel
Alex Lakatos interviewed me for the Devrel Advent calendar he put together
1 minute
note#reflectionsMy Journey from No CS Degree to AWS from Age 30 - 34
I was interviewed by Pete from No CS Degree on my journey, here are some extracts!
3 minutes
note#reflections #interviewsSwyx Interview on Daily Dev Tips
I was interviewed by Chris Bongers on Daily Dev Tips, here are some extracts.
1 minute
note#reflections #interviewsYou're Allowed To Make Your Own Tools
Making personal side projects for fun and profit.
4 minutes
note#adviceAn Annotated Guide to React Server Components
React Server Components are a nuanced, sweeping addition to React's existing capabilities. This is my guide.
54 minutes
note#react1 β₯
How to Design Almost Any Backend and Deploy It to AWS with No Code
With the Amplify Sandbox, it is really easy to model and think through any app backend scenario
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #aws #awsamplify #no codeTalk The Future of Dev Tools with Minko Gechev (Angular Core Team)
Swyx YouTube @ 2020-12-16
Minko has been working tirelessly for years on the Angular developer experience. We'll talk about the Language Server, Angular Schematics, and whatever else team Angular has been cooking up for developers! Minko has been working tirelessly for years on the Angular developer experience. We'll talk about the Language Server, Angular Schematics, and whatever else team Angular has been cooking up for developers!
Why You Should Pre-Sell
My thoughts on preselling, from having done it successfully exactly one time.
3 minutes
note#reflectionsMimicry vs Reflexivity
Two opposing forces that describe how perception and reality do battle.
5 minutes
note#reflections #philosophyYou Can Run Containers on AWS Amplify Now
AWS just added the easiest way to deploy long running serverful code alongside a serverless architecture.
3 minutes
tutorial#tech #awsThe Strange Case of the Danish Aarhus Mafia
Why are so many CS pioneers from Denmark?
2 minutes
note#randomLearning in Public and the Coding Career Handbook - Developer Tea
I joined Jon Cuttrell's podcast to talk about the book and got to talk some strategy stuff I rarely talk about!
π§ Developer Tea#CareersLanguage Servers are the New Frameworks
Developer Experience is shifting left, all the way to onKeyUp.
4 minutes
note#dxThe UX of Proving Our Humanity To Machines
What happens when we can't convince machines that we are human?
7 minutes
note#reflections #uxMy Favorite New Podcasts in 2020
An update to my favorite podcasts list with the ones I have found this year
5 minutes
note#reflectionsWrite Errors That Don't Make Me Think
How we plan to fail with Thoughtful Error Message Design at Temporal.
4 minutes
note#temporal #dx #developerexperience1 β₯
The Coding Career Handbook on the Coder Foundry YouTube
I was invited by the Coder Foundry guys to chat about learning in public, what it means to be a senior developer, why you should care where your code fits into the business, and why writing as a developer is so important.
π§ Coder Foundry#CareersTrading Derivatives with VBA, No Code, JavaScript, Negotiation, and DevRel on the KeyCuts podcast
This is a different beat than my usual - it focuses on my Finance career where I traded interest rate derivatives with Excel and VBA! The show notes are really good too.
π§ KeyCuts#CareersThe Roaring 2020's
Five themes I am optimistic about for the next decade - and more open questions I have no idea about.
6 minutes
note#predictionsThe Light and Dark Side of the API Economy
The 'API Economy' is a popular term for VC's and tech media, however Developers seem ironically out of the loop despite their central importance to the whole story. Here's my explanation, together with a dash of economics and social implications.
7 minutes
note#tech #economicsWhat's New in React on React Roundup
In this episode of React Round Up, we talked with Shawn Wang, a prolific React author, speaker and teacher, about the future of React. We discussed whatβs new in React Core, the React routing world, React DevTools (webpack, rollup, parcel, etc), CSS, and a whole lot more.
π§ React Roundup#ReactTemporal Transparency Update
Our 9th transparency update describing how we are shipping the upcoming Authentication feature
5 minutes
note#temporal #authenticationNaked Emperors in Tech
Some things we often repeat as truth just aren't. We should call bullshit more often.
3 minutes
note#reflections #techNotes on Serverless GraphQL with AWS AppSync
My Notes on Slobodan Stojanovic's Serverless GraphQL with AppSync talk
4 minutes
note#awsFound-Money Startups
'I will find free money for you' is one of my favorite business models. Here's a quick definition of Found-Money Startups and a short list I've been keeping.
5 minutes
note#startupsModerating a 220k Developer Community
Reflections from two-and-a bit years helping to run /r/Reactjs
8 minutes
note#reflectionsSvelte for Sites, React for Apps
Why we should stop trying to use the same tool for different jobs.
14 minutes
note#svelte #react #webdevThe Coding Career Handbook on the React Podcast
swyx and Chantastic talk the state of React and the Coding Career Handbook.
π§ React Podcast#CareersThe Coding Career Handbook on React Podcast
Shawn Swyx Wang opens up about his new book The Coding Career Handbook - His book shines a spotlight on career patterns and practices that many had to learn the hard way β you know, up hill in the snow both ways!
π§ React Podcast#CareersAmpliBox - a Self Hosted File Storage App with AWS Amplify
A demo using AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) using Amplify Storage, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS
2 minutes
note#tutorials #aws #svelte #tailwindNotes on Time Management from a Dying Professor
Notes on Randy Pausch's lecture on Time Management
7 minutes
note#notes #speechesChoice Architecture
Reflection on how both gyms and startups do choice architecture and how we can be more conscious of this
6 minutes
note#reflectionsService as a Service
Before you start offering Software as a Service, perhaps just offer a Service.
3 minutes
note#ideasFollow Up
Following up and following through is a well known formula for success. Yet people don't do it. Why?
2 minutes
essay#reflections #adviceWhy Tailwind CSS
Why I changed my mind on Tailwind CSS, and why I now consider it the Goldilocks Styling Solution
12 minutes
essay#tech #css #tailwind #reflectionsBeware The Fallacy of Composition
Many things that make sense individually don't make sense as a group.
3 minutes
essay#principles #advice #mental modelsTalk Lessons and Regrets from Shipping My $50000 Coronavirus Side Project
JS.LA @ 2020-09-29
This talk is about my personal journey shipping my side project,, from April to July this year. It involves both technical and nontechnical takeaways, from coding and designing the landing page and ecommerce fulfilment, to writing and marketing the book, all as a solo dev. Shipping side projects for money is a dream for many dev and I wanted to share what I learned doing mine. This talk is about my personal journey shipping my side project,, from April to July this year. It involves both technical and nontechnical takeaways, from coding and designing the landing page and ecommerce fulfilment, to writing and marketing the book, all as a solo dev. Shipping side projects for money is a dream for many dev and I wanted to share what I learned doing mine.
SWYX on Shoptalk Show Podcast
Shawn Wang, known as Swyx, talks with Dave and Chris about his career path from finance to coding, and now in developer experience. They chat about serverless functions, React, getting a broad sense of technology, Wang's Coding Career Handbook, what's next for SSR, checking out Vite, and what exactly is DevX / developer experience?
π§ Shoptalk Show Podcast#Careers5 TILs about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book
5 Things I Learned about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book
6 minutes
snippet#tech #til #nodejs #javascript #design patternsTalk The Operating System of You
Developers are mostly humans that run the same "hardware". Therefore most performance differences, especially the ones we can control, are down to our "OS" - our conscious prioritization and processing - and "firmware" - our unconscious personality and reactions. What can we do to better take care of our "hardware", and what does running better "software" look like?
REST Endpoint + CRUD with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB in 2 minutes
A lightning fast overview of everything you need to know to set up a REST endpoint with full CRUD capability with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and AWS Amplify in 2 minutes.
1 minute
note#awsTalk Typesafe, Fullstack React
A live coding talk given at React Global Summit 2020, with React, TypeScript GraphQL with an AWS Amplify backend.
Notes from Amir Shevat on Measuring & Managing Developer Relations
Notes from an a16z podcast about developer relations that I thought was valuable
6 minutes
note#devrelTypesafe, Fullstack React & GraphQL with AWS Amplify
This is the blog version of a talk I am giving at React Summit 2020
5 minutes
tutorial#react #graphql #awsBook Review - Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
One of the greatest autobiographies by a business icon and great writer
5 minutes
essay#reflections #review #businessNotes on Adversarial Interoperability
Summarizing thoughts from Seth Godin and Cory Doctorow on Interoperability
3 minutes
note#reflections #tech #strategyAgainst Namespacing Personal Sites
I care a lot about creating Cool URIs so I have been paralyzed more than I should be about what I'm calling "URL Architecture". In true fashion, I'm blogging about it.
2 minutes
tutorial#reflections #advice #metaCoding Career Tactics on ML Engineered Podcast
I returned to the MLE podcast to continue our conversation. Charlie is one of the best interviewers I have ever worked with and it was a pleasure to join him again.
π§ ML Engineered Podcast#CareersCoding Career Strategy on ML Engineered Podcast
Shawn Wang formerly worked in finance as a derivatives trader and equity analyst before burning out and pivoting towards tech. He's a prolific blogger who goes under the pseudonym "swyx" and recently published the excellent Coding Career Handbook. He's a graduate of Free Code Camp and Full Stack Academy now working at AWS as a Senior Developer Advocate.
π§ ML Engineered Podcast#CareersHow to Set Up SvelteKit with Tailwind CSS
A quick 3 step guide for myself on how to set up Svelte with Tailwind CSS
6 minutes
note#svelte #tailwindcss #javascriptIf You Sell Anything Online, This Book Will Make You Money
My glowing review of Rob Hope's Landing Page Hot Tips Book
3 minutes
note#reviewsHow to Create Luck
Your entire worldview changes when you realize you can *create luck*.
8 minutes
note#luck #advicePutting your Keyboard on Steroids with Karabiner Elements
I did a livestream with John Lindquist from today, and he blew my mind on how much mileage you can get out of your keyboard!
4 minutes
note#automationFirst Look at AWS Amplify Flutter (Developer Preview)
AWS Amplify launched a Flutter Integration, so I thought I would record a quick video and blogpost
7 minutes
tutorial#aws #flutterCheatsheet for moving from Master to Main
Notes I have collected on how to renaming the Git default/primary branch
2 minutes
note#techThe Coding Career Handbook on Zhia Chong YouTube
A quick interview on Zhia Chong's YouTube channel!
π§ Zhia Chong#CareersPrerecording Talks for Online Conferences
Tips for Speakers Prerecording Talks for Online Conferences
9 minutes
note#reflectionsDeveloper Exception Engineering
It's time we look beyond the easy questions in developer experience, and start addressing the uncomfortable ones.
7 minutes
note#dx1 β₯
Talk Growing a Meta-Language
7 years after release, React reaches millions of developers and billions of users. Its ideas have influenced other frameworks, even those in other languages like Swift UI and Jetpack Compose. Whatβs next? The community has been hard at work innovating in React formats, metaframeworks, and developer tooling. This fits an established pattern of how developer languages grow, and likely forms a roadmap for React in the Third Age of JavaScript.
Talk Growing a Meta-Language
ReactRally @ 2020-08-15
My React Rally 2020 talk on Dialects, Distros, Devtools, and the React SFC idea 7 years after release, React reaches millions of developers and billions of users. Its ideas have influenced other frameworks, even those in other languages like Swift UI and Jetpack Compose. Whatβs next? The community has been hard at work innovating in React formats, metaframeworks, and developer tooling. This fits an established pattern of how developer languages grow, and likely forms a roadmap for React in the Third Age of JavaScript.
Realtime Offline-First Chat App in 100 Seconds
A quick demo of how easy it is to add realtime, offline persistence to an app with Amplify DataStore
5 minutes
tutorial#aws #react #graphqlA Developer's Guide to Startup Fundraising
A Brief Guide to Startup Fundraising Terminology for Beginners
17 minutes
essay#startups #fundraising #money1 β₯
5 Q&A's on Writing and Selling My First Book
I answered some questions from someone planning to write their first book
9 minutes
note#reflectionsCoding Careers on the Junior to Senior Podcast
I spoke with David Guttman, who does a lot of mentoring and runs the AMAZING JS.LA community, on the Coding Career Handbook.
π§ JrToSr#CareersNotes on "Growing a Language"
Revisiting one of my favorite talks ever, on designing programming languages for user extensibility and collaboration
14 minutes
note#reflections1 β₯
4 Things I Learned from Mastering Mongoose.js
A quick book review of the new Mongoose.js book from Val Karpov
4 minutes
note#reflections #review #javascript #mongodb8 Landing Page Tips from Rob Hope
I submitted my book's landing page for Rob Hope's review and he obliged! Brutal feedback incoming.
3 minutes
note#reflections8 Q&A's for Bootcamp Students in 2020
I did a Q\&A for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp Prep students - copying out my answers here!
5 minutes
note#reflections #advice #learn in publicUnofficial VS Code Snippets for AWS Amplify
making my own vs code snippets helpers for working with AWS Amplify
2 minutes
snippet#tech #awsTalk JAMstack Chat with Amazon Pay India Team
YouTube @ 2020-07-23
A recorded casual chat I had with the Amazon Pay India team on JAMstack topics. The audience is a mix of technical and nontechnical team members, so this is a more high level/introductory overview. A recorded casual chat I had with the Amazon Pay India team on JAMstack topics. The audience is a mix of technical and nontechnical team members, so this is a more high level/introductory overview.
Coding Career Handbook - Newline Podcast
π§ NewLinePodcast#CareersSemi-Automatic npm and GitHub Releases with `gh-release` and `auto-changelog`
A snippet I use all the time
2 minutes
note#javascriptCoding Careers - AQOC Podcast
This week we're joined by Shawn Wang, Senior Developer Advocate at AWS and author of the excellent Coding Career Handbook. Shawn is a career-switcher; he transitioned into tech in his early thirties after a career in finance. He has written a lot about how aspiring devs can better accelerate their careers, and his views are nuanced and full of wisdom that's very relevant to all aQoC listeners (no matter what stage you're at in your career).
π§ AQOCPodcast#CareersMarketing Yourself - ProdReady Podcast
Hot off the launch of his new book, Shawn sits down to talk with me about personal marketing via working in public. We go into detail about how he wrote a book with the most insane bibliography you've ever seen and made $25,000 on launch day.
π§ ProdReadyPodcast#CareersLessons and Regrets from My $25000 Book Launch
Reflections on the Coding Career book launch
22 minutes
note#reflectionsLaunching the Coding Career Handbook!
I'm launching my career advice book today!
1 minute
note#adviceVersioned Docs in 30 Seconds with Amplify Console's Branch Subdomains
Amplify Console just got the ability to create a custom subdomain for every new branch. This makes creating versioned docs a cinch!
2 minutes
note#aws #inthirtysecondsTalk Coding Careers
A general talk about the Coding Career Handbook
Talk What's New in React
The React ecosystem is extremely fast moving and it can be hard to keep up. In 2019, the STAR thesis β Design Systems, Static Typing, Smart APIs, and Static/Server Rendering β mostly worked out. Is it over? What's next? Let's take stock of how React is evolving in 2020, and take some guesses at what you should be checking out and investing in.
Notes on RSI for Developers
I'm starting to feel some RSI in my left hand. It's a matter of time. I decided to collect some information about it to make improvements now rather than later.
5 minutes
Recounting my process of how I started with 2 HEY email invites and ended up raising $2575 in Donations to Support Diversity in Tech!
3 minutes
note#reflectionsSoftware Sessions Podcast - Learning in Public
I chatted with Jeremy Jung, host on Software Engineering Radio and now Software Sessions, about Learn in Public and the Coding Career Handbook!
π§ SoftwareSessions#CareersOpen Knowledge on Maintainers Anonymous Podcast
What does it mean to be code adjacent? Shawn Wang joins Henry to chat about not just open code but open thinking with his experience in community managing, the idea of tumbling, moderating /r/reactjs, starting the Svelete Society meetup, documenting and learning in public, being historians of our field, fresh notes vs. awesome lists, the meta language, and adoption curves. (recorded in June) (54 min)
π§ Maintainers Anonymous Podcast#CareersMy Life as a Con Man
Confidence is a dual edged sword. I trafficked in confidence when I was in finance, and now I see it everywhere I look.
9 minutes
note#reflections4 Q&A's on Blogging for Developers
Answering Q\&A's
3 minutes
note#adviceTalk Svelte Preprocessors and How to Write Them
SvelteSociety @ 2020-06-11
Svelte is a superset of HTML - but what if we don't want to write HTML? In this livecode talk we explore how Svelte preprocessors work, letting you write Sass, Pug, and even TypeScript inside of your Svelte comopnents! Svelte is a superset of HTML - but what if we don't want to write HTML? In this livecode talk we explore how Svelte preprocessors work, letting you write Sass, Pug, and even TypeScript inside of your Svelte comopnents!
Making AWS Amplify work with Rollup
AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make it work with Rollup with a few tweaks.
1 minute
tutorial#tech #aws #amplify #rollup #javascriptBringing AWS to App Developers
Where Amplify fits in AWS' trajectory, and why I am joining
9 minutes
tutorial#tech #aws #reflections #personalTalk Concurrent React From Scratch
Cloning Concurrent React with React Fiber and discussing Time Slicing and Suspense
The Third Age of JavaScript
A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now will look totally unrecognizable
5 minutes
essay#tech #trends #javascript8 β₯
Working The Reverse 9 to 5
Having weird sleeping hours is working out... very well for me.
3 minutes
note#reflectionsSlack is Fumbling Developers
Reflecting on the sudden switch away from Slack for Developer communities
6 minutes
note#reflectionsIE11 Mainstream End Of Life in Oct 2020
Making the case for Mainstream EOL of IE 11.
6 minutes
essay#tech #ie11 #webdevSvelte Radio Episodes
I joined the Svelte Radio podcast together with Antony and Kev from Svelte Society.
π§ SvelteRadio#SvelteDev Career Advice for the Coronavirus Recession
I chatted with Tanay Pratap about what new entrants to software engineering in India can do given the Coronavirus Recession
π§ TanayPratap#CareersThe Day I Became A Software Engineer
A single mindset shift that changed my entire attitude to software.
5 minutes
note#adviceTalk Data Fetching For Developers Who Are New to Svelte And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too
my first talk for svelte society online conf :)
Developer's Guide to Tech Strategy
This is a *very* high level overview of tech strategy; that is, the *business of software* rather than the art and science of creating software itself.
16 minutes
essay#careers #strategy #businessCloud Distros
The next step in the evolution of the Cloud is specialized distros.
7 minutes
essay#tech #cloud #aws #azureTalk Svelte and the Great Space Elevator
SvelteSociety @ 2020-04-17
Modern JS frameworks have run into a quandary - what we write is what we ship. Despite our best efforts at minifying and treeshaking, we cannot fight the fact that adding features means adding JS bundle size. This means we are often trading off user experience against developer experience for every fatiguing decision we make. But it doesn't have to be this way. As Tom Dale predicted, Compilers are the new Frameworks. Svelte is an exciting, newer JavaScript framework that was designed from the ground up with compilation and speed. In this talk, we'll look under its hood to understand how it works, so you know when and why you'd want to use it in future. Don't worry, it isn't Rocket Science! Modern JS frameworks have run into a quandary - what we write is what we ship. Despite our best efforts at minifying and treeshaking, we cannot fight the fact that adding features means adding JS bundle size. This means we are often trading off user experience against developer experience for every fatiguing decision we make. But it doesn't have to be this way. As Tom Dale predicted, Compilers are the new Frameworks. Svelte is an exciting, newer JavaScript framework that was designed from the ground up with compilation and speed. In this talk, we'll look under its hood to understand how it works, so you know when and why you'd want to use it in future. Don't worry, it isn't Rocket Science!
OSI Layers for Coding Careers
Let's think about the value chain of humans that code and how we interact.
3 minutes
note#careersHow to Market Yourself
Assemble your Personal Brand, your Domain, and your Coding Skills/Business Value, then Market Yourself in Public + at Work.
32 minutes
note#advice #marketing #careersI'm Writing A Book!
I'm writing a Dev Career Advice book... and I'm scared shitless!
3 minutes
note#careers #webdev #creator #adviceTalk Open Source Your Knowledge
BelgiumJS @ 2020-04-08
We all believe in the power of open source for code. But when we open source our knowledge, we can get the same benefits and it will last longer than any line of code that we will ever write. NOTE - a written version of this is available in the Coding Career Handbook. We all believe in the power of open source for code. But when we open source our knowledge, we can get the same benefits and it will last longer than any line of code that we will ever write. NOTE - a written version of this is available in the Coding Career Handbook.
5 Things I Learned from The DynamoDB Book
Reviewing Alex DeBrie's new the DynamoDB Book
8 minutes
note#books #dynamodb #awsHow to Use class instead of className with Preact and TypeScript
## Bottom Line Up Front
5 minutes
tutorial#tech #preact #react #typescript1 β₯
Want Better Design/CSS Skills? Spot the Difference!
A quick exercise to improve your attention to detail when implementing/designing with CSS.
3 minutes
tutorial#css #design #tailwindcss #tailwindHow and Why to Un-Reset Tailwind's CSS Reset
> 2021 edit: note that tailwind typography now comes with a `not-prose` class ( that unsets typography styles
3 minutes
tutorial#tailwind #css #nextjs #tailwindcss #techInstant GraphQL with OneGraph
Here's a recorded screenshare chat I had with Sean Grove (, Cofounder of OneGraph! We swapped out the Next.js API Routes that I manually set up in my livestreaming, to the premade GraphQL integration that OneGraph has with As a bonus, this takes care of user authentication so it doesn't rely on getting API keys!
1 minute
tutorial#tech #react #livecoding #next.js #tailwind #graphqlHow to use Web Components with Next.js and TypeScript
In my livestream today ( I had the need to bring in a spinner component to show work in progress in my app. However found that existing React spinners were too heavy. That's when I had the idea to use web components in my Next.js (React/Preact) app for the first time ever!
2 minutes
tutorial#tech #react #typescript #next.js #web componentsMake your own CMS livestream - Part 4
This is day 4 of my livecode CMS.
1 minute
tutorial#tech #react #livecoding #next.js #tailwind #graphqlA World Without Plugins
What happens if we did away with plugins altogether? The case for Imperative Recipes
7 minutes
essay#tech #javascript #api design #dx10 Principles I Learned from Tiago Forte's Building a Second Brain
10 Principles I Learned
8 minutes
essay#reflections #principles #second brain #tilMake your own CMS livestream - Part 3
This is day 3 of my livecode CMS.
2 minutes
noteHow To Add Monaco Editor to a Next.js app
## Bottom Line Up Front
6 minutes
tutorialMake your own CMS livestream - Part 2
This is day 2 of my livecode CMS. See Day 1 here (
1 minute
noteMake your own CMS livestream - Part 1
Livecoding my own CMS with Next.js + Preact + TypeScript + Tailwind UI
1 minute
note#livecodingThe Computer History Museum YouTube Channel
I have been enjoying the CHM's YouTube Channel.
2 minutes
note#favesEvery Public Engineering Career Ladder
A list of the public engineering career ladders I've found
4 minutes
note#careersMise en Place Writing
How to write more, faster, and better by decoupling writing from pre-writing
11 minutes
essay#reflections #advice #writing6 Things Markdown Got Wrong
John Gruber's Markdown is almost a perfect content authoring format. Here are 6 things it got wrong.
11 minutes
essay#tech #reflectionsFarewell, Netlify
On leaving Netlify
3 minutes
essay#reflections #netlify #personalWhat You Can Do with Netlify Build Plugins
Netlify Build Plugins are here! Here's a smattering of thoughts on what you can do with them.
7 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #pluginsTwitter as Universal Meta-Commentary Layer
Musing about how Twitter can enhance your Internet reading experience
4 minutes
essay#tech #twitter #learn in publicObservability for Frontend Developers
Some thoughts on how frontend developers can also embrace instrumenting their apps for observability
8 minutes
tutorial#tech #observability #webdevEvery Web Performance Test Tool
Check your site's speed quickly with a battery of tests
4 minutes
note#tech #performanceEssential Plugins for Gatsby Remark
Gatsby-Remark is one of those fun plugins that have their own plugins - but there are a lot of them. Here's a list I wrote down a few months ago of plugins I think everyone should use.
6 minutes
note#tech #react #gatsbyFormats over Functions
Why we should focus less on Implementation and more on Standardization
3 minutes
essay#tech #dx #api designJavaScript: the First 20 Years by Allen Wirfs-Brock and Brendan Eich
A link to the 190 page history of JS by its original creator and the editor of ES6.
1 minute
tutorial#tech #reflections #javascript #historyThe Power of Lampshading
How to turn Ignorance into Power
6 minutes
essay#advice #learn in publicUnit and Integration Testing for Plugin Authors
Some thoughts on how to set up testing with plugins
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #javascript #testing #node.jsReact Single File Components Are Here
React has long eschewed convention in favor of the extreme flexibility of JS. It is time for the next level in React authorship formats.
9 minutes
essay#tech #react #javascriptYou May Not Need Controlled Form Components
A common design pattern for forms in React is using Controlled Components - but involves a lot of boilerplate code. Here's another way.
10 minutes
tutorial#tech #react #webdev #javascriptThe Coronavirus Recession and What it Means for Developers
The US is probably going into recession - here's why I'm talking about it now, what it could look like, what Devs can do to prepare, and why it's not the End of the World.
7 minutes
note#adviceGuo Lai Ren (θΏζ₯δΊΊ)
One of the most powerful forms of persuasion is the argument from crossover people
5 minutes
essay#reflectionsFeedback Ladders
A post for the Netlify blog on how we did Code Reviews during my recent product rotation.
6 minutes
tutorial#reflections #careers #adviceWorking at a Startup From Series B to C
Some careful thoughts from joining a startup from Series B to C.
6 minutes
note#reflections #startupsWhy Svelte? (The Short Version)
The short version of Why Svelte
3 minutes
essay#tech #svelte #javascriptMarketing Yourself and Mentoring as a Developer on Egghead Podcast
Joel invited me back to speak on the Egghead podcast about Marketing and Mentoring
π§ Egghead#CareersCompile Svelte in Your Head by Tan Li Hau
Linking to a blogpost I was too lazy to do
2 minutes
essay#svelte #javascript #techThree Jobs of Containers
A great nugget I learned from watching Brian Holt's Intro to Containers workshop
6 minutes
note#tech #containersStarting Svelte Society
Thoughts on how I am doing with 4 months of Svelte Society in the bag.
8 minutes
essay#reflections #community #dx #sveltesocietySwitching to Android after 13 years of iOS
I have used iPhone/iOS for the longest time. Last month I switched to OnePlus 6T/Android. Here are my impressions.
7 minutes
note#reflectionsMocking and Using CRUD APIs with MirageJS and React-Query
This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great developer experience.
14 minutes
tutorial#javascript #react #testingHow I Approach First Principles Thinking
An explanation of First Principles via comparing Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning, and thoughts on Applications
7 minutes
essay#reflections #adviceSvelte and Community on JAMStack Radio
In episode 51 of JAMstack Radio, Brian joins Shawn Wang to discuss his role as a developer experience engineer at Netlify, the open-source JavaScript framework Svelte, and scaling community above code.
π§ JamsackRadio#SvelteDigital Garden Terms of Service
This is my attempt to explicitly define a not-legally-binding "terms of service" for people who peruse Digital Gardens, and the people who Learn in Public with them.
6 minutes
essay#writing #learn in public #second brain1 β₯
Metrics, Logs, and Traces in JavaScript Tools
The DX of JavaScript Developer Tools could be better if we added Metrics, Logs, and Traces
9 minutes
note#javascript #node.js1 β₯
Fixing Up the Svelte Community Site
Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
3 minutes
essay#tech #community #javascript #svelteUsing as a CMS
Blog on, publish on your own domain, using the API!
4 minutes
tutorial#techServerless Functions are Stateful
A reminder that serverless functions actually have a lot of state, and how the "function" analogy breaks down when you look through the abstraction
5 minutes
tutorial#serverless #til #techGood Enough
In general, you move faster and feel a lot less stress once you realize - You don't need "the best", you just need "good enough".
2 minutes
essay#principlesReact Distros
Why we no longer have frontend framework wars, and musing on the state of React metaframeworks today and tomorrow
8 minutes
essay#react #ideas #tech #strategyTalk Intro to Svelte and Svelte Ecosystem
JSandFriends @ 2020-02-19
Svelte is an exciting, newer JavaScript framework that was designed from the ground up with compilation and developer experience in mind. Yet the compiler can be a black box - how can a tiny framework ship so many features? This talk is a deep dive into Svelte's compiler and runtime to demystify this brilliant approach to solving the tradeoff between DX and UX. Svelte is an exciting, newer JavaScript framework that was designed from the ground up with compilation and developer experience in mind. Yet the compiler can be a black box - how can a tiny framework ship so many features? This talk is a deep dive into Svelte's compiler and runtime to demystify this brilliant approach to solving the tradeoff between DX and UX.
The Platinum Rule
You've heard of the Golden Rule? "Treat others as you want to be treated." Introducing the Platinum and Silver Rules.
3 minutes
essay#principles #reflectionsAvoiding Flash of Unthemed Code
If your site has a dark mode or custom theme, you might have a flash of the default theme before JavaScript loads. Here is the solution.
3 minutes
snippet#tech #svelte #css #uxBranding Bundles
The best way to communicate a group of benefits is to slap a label on it.
5 minutes
essay#marketingHow to Contribute to Open Source Frameworks
One of the best ways to level up in programming is to contribute to a high quality open source project, especially a framework.
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #svelte #open sourceGoogle Sheets v4 API with Netlify Dev
wiring up Google Sheets via a Netlify Function
10 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #low code2019 /r/ReactJS Survey Results
!\&name=large (\&name=large) (
5 minutes
essay#react #community #redditClientside Webmentions
How you can enhance your blog with webmentions without adding heavy build times.
7 minutes
tutorial#tech #indieweb #svelte #webmentions2 β₯
To Understand Concurrent React, Look Outside React
## Table of Contents
5 minutes
essay#react #tech #principles1 β₯
Big L Notation
In this post I sketch out `Big L` notation, which plots your learning as a function of `N` years of experience, with `P` peers.
6 minutes
essay#learn in public #advice #ideas"No Code" vs RPA
RPA seems to be NoCode Enterprise Editionβ’ and the pricing disparity is wild. But there are real differences and I am trying to note them down here.
3 minutes
note#tech #no codeIntro to Node-RED
I dipped into my automation repo ( today and explored Huginn. It didn't really appeal so I looked for alternatives and found Node-RED ( It uses a much more familiar toolchain (JS) and is draggy-droppy which I likey!
1 minute
tutorial#automation #no codeHow To Deploy a Django App to
Messing around learning Django and deploying
4 minutes
tutorial#python #deploying #django #render.comScrollbar Shenanigans
Styling scrollbars for my space on the Internet
4 minutes
tutorial#ux #css #techJan 2020 Recap
a belated recap, highlighting my best writing over the past couple months
2 minutes
essay#reflectionsScaling Coding Communities
People who can scale coding communities are π₯ π₯ π₯
1 minute
note#reflections #community #svelteFriendcatchers
Patrick McKenzie's simple concept for making friends on the Internet.
5 minutes
essay#advice #principlesMy Favorite Podcasts
250 Podcasts I enjoy listening to
10 minutes
essay#faves #podcasts1 β₯
Svelte as an Eleventy Template Engine
Svelte is a really nice authoring format for HTML components. I wanted to explore if I could extend Eleventy to use it.
8 minutes
tutorial#svelte #ssg #jamstack #techHow rollup-plugin-svelte Works
Svelte is often thought of as a compiler. But really it is a compiler within a bundler.
5 minutes
tutorial#tech #javascript #svelteLine Lengths
Reflecting on what I have learned about CSS Units and Line Lengths
4 minutes
essay#css #design #techDocumentation Levels
People can't use your code without docs. People might get overwhelmed with too many docs. How can we match the maturity of docs to the maturity of the project?
10 minutes
essay#dx #docs #open source #tech #ideasFailing to use HSL to do Palette Theming
Learning from Slack and Refactoring UI to create color palettes, then using HSL colors to do customizable theming with CSS variables
5 minutes
essay#css #fails #reflections #techEponymous Laws
Interesting Two Word ideas with names of people on them
6 minutes
essay#principlesWhy I Enjoy Svelte
Reasons I enjoy Svelte, despite not using it for work.
8 minutes
essay#tech #svelte #reflections3 β₯
Two Words
The best way to sell to, brand, persuade, or inspire people is to condense your idea down to Two Words.
9 minutes
essay#ideas #marketingSvelte Zen Garden
reigniting the Zen Garden era with modern technology
8 minutes
tutorial#tech #svelte #cssOptimistic, Offline-First Apps
This is my attempt adapting an Amplify DataStore tutorial to Svelte
10 minutes
tutorial#tech #svelte #awsWriting an Authentication Store in Svelte
This is my attempt today wrapping an Authentication workflow into a Svelte Store
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #svelte #auth #awsAutomated Data Scraping with Github Actions
A neat trick I discovered from Mikeal Rogers
4 minutes
tutorial#tech #ideas #open sourceCollapsing Layers
As Moore's Law ends, devices multiply, and software becomes critical to life, we must take another look at our full stack for continued gains in efficiency, reliability and security.
8 minutes
essay#tech #ideas #dx2 β₯
Best Practice Open Source Repo Setup
Quick and simple ways to set up Open Source Repos with Best Practices
3 minutes
tutorial#tech #open source #dxwriting Advice
Some thoughts on writing your first few writings
3 minutes
note#advice #writingCFP Advice
Some thoughts on writing your first few CFPs
19 minutes
essay#advice #tech #careersHow To Learn In Private
Of course I don't think that everything should be public. I don't even think everyone should Learn In Public. The majority of the time you are still learning in private. Here are some thoughts on how to do it well.
8 minutes
essay#advice #learning #learn in public1 β₯
The Many Jobs of JS Build Tools
A discussion of why JS developers use build tools like Webpack and what we do with them, for new JS developers.
13 minutes
essay#tech #javascriptPick Up What They Put Down
> Translations welcome! ( PortuguΓͺs (
6 minutes
essay#advice #learn in public #principles5 β₯
In Defense of Hammers
Let's say you needed a multipurpose tool. Which of these would you pick?
8 minutes
essay#advice #principlesNo Code JAMstack with Shawn Wang
- Podcast Link ( - Download Podcast ( ## No Code - Why is no code interesting to Software Engineers? - Business opportunity - Developer productivity - Should no code users be worried about platform lockin? - Yes - We have to understand what the good abstractions are and where complexity overtakes convenience - Software Engineers have a unique advantage here - What duties should no code platforms fulfil? just UI layer? Shopify store? What are the borders? - Nothing definite yet - Webflow Blogpost: No Code is a Lie ( - But everything can have a GUI layer - leading the API economy to transform into the GUI economy - Even the Vue ecosystem has added a UI on top of their CLI ( - State machines in UI Development - David Khourshid at React Rally ( - visual IDEs are winning over text editors - Bret Victor - the Future of Programming ( - **EDIT: THINGS I FORGOT TO MENTION** - Shopify and Wordpress are basically No Code platforms on top of Rails and PHP - there is also a trend of big platforms implementing internal no-code solutions: - Slack Workflow Builder ( - Asana No Code solution ( - Salesforce No Code ( - iOS Shortcuts was an acquisition ( - What is available in the GUI economy? - CSS - CMS - Ecommerce - PaaS - As developers, we use no code tools in our daily work - Nobody wants to use Passport.js anymore, we rather farm it out to Okta and Auth0 ## JAMstack - What is the JAMstack? - Jamstack Conf ( - ( - GitHub Pages ( - How do you compare JAMstack to No Code? - Very comparable - JAMstack is 'No Code backend' - serves frontend developers - But there are more people who just aren't developers at all - Non developers need a bit more handholding - frontend devs can at least help debug - JAMstack vs No Code is similar to Figma vs Canva - What code are you writing in the JAMstack? - Frontend + Glue code - In a No Code stack, you have to find your own frontend - heavily overlapping paradigms - Can go from No Code to JAMstack often, but not other way round - Are enterprises building JAMstack applications? - Sites: - Citrix's migration story ( - Trinet on Netlify ( - Ecommerce: - Loblaw's migration story ( - Popeye's migration story ( - Nike agency story ( - Apps: - Paypal - Bringing JAMstack to the Enterprise ( - FreeCodeCamp is built on Gatsby and Netlify ( - JAMstack as the counterpart to serverless - Precompilation in the JAMstack - help me understand Gatsby - Gatsby < React < JS - Gatsby helps give a good default Webpack config for performance - Webpack allows modules, preprocessing of code and images etc - Having build steps has problems, but is a net benefit for users by shipping more optimal - Gatsby allows you to pull in data pipeline aka content mesh ## Code - React vs Vue - Vue easier to start with - React has more jobs - FB dogfoods React - React as a universal UI language - Tom Dale - Compilers are the new Frameworks ( - Difference between SSR and Compiling - SSR generates HTML - Compiling framework runtime/footprint - React is trying to help optimize overall app footprint ## Career - Learning in Public - Essay - Talk - The Internet rewards spiky people - DHH Apple Card story ( - Sophie Alpert $600 story ( - David Perell: Naked Brands ( - React TypeScript Cheatsheet (
π§ SEDaily#No CodeBHAGs
Recently, I asked tweeple (
5 minutes
essay#ideas #goalsTalk Compile Svelte in Your Head (Lightning Talk)
ReactKnowledgeable @ 2019-12-06
A great way to break the black box of Svelte is to look at the compiled output. This helps you understand both the runtime and the compiler. a fuller discussion of this was done by Tan Li Hau
Nov 2019 Recap
Hello mailing list friends!
2 minutes
essay#reflectionsSwyx Faves: Software Engineering Daily
> "How to become a 10x engineer: listen to @software\_daily everyday." - Amjad Masad (
3 minutes
essay#faves #podcastsNarrow Waists
When talking about "Narrow Waists" I should clarify that I'm only referring to the term from the somewhat obscure "Internet Architecture" model of the different technology layers ( my notes here (
8 minutes
essay#tech #dx #ideas #api designTalk The Rise of JAMStack
Oredev @ 2019-11-07
An introduction to the JAMstack from a historical perspective as the next evolution from LAMP and MEAN stacks 20 years ago, Michael Kunze coined the LAMP stack to describe the success of open source architecture on the web, but it also betrayed the server-centric world of the time. 5 years ago, Val Karpov described the MEAN stack as a JavaScript centric alternative straddling frontend and backend worlds. A lot has happened since then. React rose to dominance, AWS Lambda started the Serverless movement, the "API economy" arose to serve developers, and Static Site Generators came back in a big way. What is driving this new stack of Javascript, APIs, and Markup?
The Perfect Restaurant
This is a *rant* of uninformed thoughts and theories about running a restaurant.
4 minutes
essay#rants #foodJAMstack panel on
A panel discussion about JAMstack - In this episode, we have a roundtable discussion with a variety of experienced web developers who are at different stages of using the JAMstack, from not at all, to exploring/ experimenting, to using to deliver client projects to production.
π§ Devmode.FM#JAMstackOct 2019 Recap
Hello mailing list friends!
2 minutes
essay#reflectionsJAMstack & Serverless with Netlify ( Podcast)
On this episode, we talk to Shawn βswyxβ Wang from Netlify about the JAMstack & Serverless revolution in frontend development. We discuss what exactly Netlify is, and how you can leverage the Edge, Build, and Dev aspect of it to make your development process more enjoyable. We talk about the challenges of maintaining Author Experience (AX) in the age of static site generators, using Live Preview functions in a CMS or service to help out. We also talk about how JavaScript edge workers will gain sentience as Skynet, and the AI language model that was so dangerous they couldnt release it.
π§ Devmode.FM#JAMstackPrivate Conversations are Private
I recently made a mistake. I make many, but this involved someone important to me and to people I know, so it stands out among the general cacophony of my many other failures. I wanted to own up to what I did, explain how I handled it, and in general take ownership of the problem.
3 minutes
essay#reflections #principles #learn in publicEnsembles vs Committees
A useful dichotomy for team dynamics.
2 minutes
essay#principlesThe Suspense is Almost Over - React Podcast
## Links * STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows ( on CSS-TRICKS * STAR Apps ( at SV Code Camp by Swyx * JAMStack ( β A modern architecture β Create fast and secure sites and dynamic apps with JavaScript, APIs, and prerendered Markup, served without web servers * Beyond React 16 | JSConf Iceland 2018 ( Dan Abramov's introduction to Async React (eventually Concurrent React) at JSConf Iceland 2018 * Fiber Reconciler ( doc on * React Fiber Architecture ( β a gist by Andrew Clark ( * A Cartoon Intro to Fiber ( β a talk by Lin Clark ( at React Conf 2017 * Dan's Tweet ( on ConcurrentMode and how it informs other React APIs * Building The New Facebook With React and Relay ( β an upcoming talk by Frank Yan ( and Ashley Watkins ( on Building The New Facebook With React and Relay * Building the New with React, GraphQL and Relay ( β talk at F8 2019 about v2 * Relay ( β A JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications * Apollo Client ( β A complete state management library for JavaScript apps * URQL ( β Universal React Query Library is a blazing-fast GraphQL client, exposed as a set of ReactJS components * Getting Closure on Hooks ( β Swyx demonstrating a simple mental model for hooks at JSConf.Asia 2019 * Umbrello React Flare ( β Github issue for tracking the React DOM implementation of the experimental React Events API * React Fire: Modernizing React DOM ( β Github issue for tracking React DOM modernization * React Native for Web ( β Run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM. A library by Nicholas Gallagher ( * Dominic Gannaway ( β React Core team member working on React Flare and React Fire * The Case for React Native Web Singularity ( A post by Swyx on React Native for Web as a template for a future React developer experience * SVELTE ( β Cybernetically enhanced web apps * glimmer ( β Fast and light-weight UI components for the web With the attention to detail you've come to expect from Ember * All you need to know about Ivy, The new Angular engine! ( β An article that seems to suggest it has everything you need to know about a thing I know nothing about
π§ React Podcast#ReactDonating $10k to FreeCodeCamp
I benefited from FreeCodeCamp and would like to give back
3 minutes
essay#reflections #techTalk STAR Apps
A 1hr talk about Storybook, TypeScript, Apollo GraphQL, and React
"No Code" Is A Lie
*Originally published on the Webflow blog (*
11 minutes
essay#reflections #no code #techAPI Design: Modifying Defaults
> This is a quick note on a API Design. I hope to make this an ongoing series.
3 minutes
essay#tech #api design #dxEjectable Defaults
Borrowing heavily from Gatsby Themes to improve the Sapper developer experience, and a discussion of how Ejectable Defaults fits with the Zero Config movement
13 minutes
essay#tech #javascript #dx #api designTalk A Skeptic's Intro to the JAMstack
An introduction to the JAMstack from a skeptical perspective
Sept 2019 Recap
Hello mailing list friends!
2 minutes
essay#reflectionsGit-Centric Workflow
*Published on the Netlify Blog (*
5 minutes
essay#tech #netlifyWhy I Won't Choose To Be A Manager
I recently decided that I will not *choose* to be a manager. This is how I arrived at that conclusion.
6 minutes
essay#reflections #managementThe World's Greatest Netlify Demo 2019
*Note: this was published as the Complete Intro to Netlify on the Netlify Blog ( and the FreeCodeCamp Channel (*
7 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlifyAdverse Status Updates and Trust
I noticed an asymmetry between adverse status updates and trust that I figured it would be worth a quick comment on.
2 minutes
essay#reflections #principlesWaterfall
The worlds of software, business, and music use the word "Waterfall" incredibly differently and they are completely ignorant of each other. I figured I would make a quick note to compare and contrast them!
2 minutes
essay#reflections #business #ideasYour Site's Calling Card
> Note: this tutorial is now out of date - I don't pre-generate og:image cards anymore as it added too much time to my builds
9 minutes
tutorial#tech #blogging1 β₯
A Better Way to Get Data
> Note: this was an unfinished draft, i published it anyway but it is incomplete
4 minutes
essay#tech #svelteWhy JavaScript Tooling Sucks
JavaScript Tooling is just too hard to use, and it's not your fault.
14 minutes
essay#tech #javascript2 β₯
Work in Progress Podcast
In this episode of our podcast we interview Shawn (@swyx) who made the leap from finance to tech. What started as a career reflection combined with burnout prompted him to seek a different path.
π§ Podcast#Learn In PublicBad Ways to Get Data
In working on my Sapper export library (, I ran into a very peculiar problem: my pages were being generated a lot more slowly than expected:
4 minutes
essay#tech #svelteStatic Svelte: JavaScript Blogging with 93% less JavaScript
This blog now uses Svelte & Sapper ( as a static site generator, where it previously used React & Gatsby ( This is achieved through Sapper's `sapper export` feature (
5 minutes
essay#tech #svelte #jamstack #metaUsing Next.js as a Static Site Generator for Netlify
How to deploy a Static Next.js Site to Netlify, and then upgrade it to use Dynamic Route Segments to become a full fledged Static Site Generator!
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #nextjsBuilding Authenticated Serverless Jamstack Apps with Gatsby and Netlify
Gatsby is more than a simple static site generator. It uses JavaScript to rehydrate Markup into a fully dynamic React app - which means you can use APIs to do all sorts of dynamic functionality!
12 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #gatsby #jamstack #authGraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries
My mistakes and insights on GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries.
3 minutes
essay#tech #graphqlKeyboard First
I enjoyed listening to Des and Paul's discussion of keyboard-first apps on their podcast today ( They discussed the rise of the `cmd+K` UI paradigm in apps like:
2 minutes
essay#product #ideasCompilers Copout
Today I dropped out of the Compilers course I accidentally registered myself for. I'm not proud of it but there's too much I want to do and I know I'm just going to do a shit job at everything by spreading my self thin and also putting an intense gun to my head.
1 minute
note#tech #reflectionsTalk Introduction to TypeScript
Netlify @ 2019-09-03
a 1hr netlify workshop introducing people to TS TypeScript is a megatrend in JavaScript, going from 46% of npm survey respondents in 2018 to 62% in 2019. This is an introduction to TypeScript for those familiar with JavaScript with a Q&A at the end. A 1hr internal Netlify lunch & learn.
JAMstack for Indie Hackers
*This article was published on Indie Hackers (!*
11 minutes
essay#tech #netlify #jamstack #indie hackingBook Poll 2019
I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran this poll (
1 minute
essay#books #reflectionsNetlify Year One - 360 Review
I thought I would write a quick coda to my Netlify Year One ( Recap. That post was entirely me looking back at myself. It's helpful to see what others said about me at my review.
2 minutes
essay#reflections #netlify(Incomplete) The introduction to TypeScript Generics you've been missing
> Note: this is an unfinished draft
1 minute
tutorial#tech #typescriptThe Case for the React Native Web Singularity
There is a possible "React Native Web Singularity", when it starts being a better standalone choice for developing for the mobile web than `react-dom`. If this speculation comes true, this would be gamechanging.
7 minutes
essay#tech #react #react native1 β₯
You Already Use Types
* Published on Freecodecamp (*
11 minutes
essay#tech #javascript #typescriptNotes on 'Metaphysics and JavaScript'
* Slides here (*
3 minutes
essay#tech #svelte #react #javascript #reflectionsHow to run Python and Portray on Netlify
How to deploy Python projects to Netlify
6 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #pythonSwyx Mix - Learn In Public
This week, Shawn "Swyx" Wang joins us in the Duck Pond to take a deep dive into his coding philosophy "Learning in Public." We take some time to discuss his role at Netlify, how he got started in coding (after a full career in a different industry!), and of course Jack White comes up.
π§ Ducktapes#Learn In PublicJAMstack or 'Pilha de Atolamento'? i18n in Gatsby + Netlify
*Originally published on (*
8 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlifySlowmad Q&A
The other thing about Netlify Year One ( that people are generally interested in is my experience of remote work. As I put it recently (
11 minutes
essay#reflections #nomad #remote10,000 Loose Fans
I broke past 10,000 Twitter followers on Saturday. Obviously this is a completely arbitrary milestone and pretty minor in the hierarchy of needs. I'm not celebrating.
6 minutes
essay#reflections #advice #learn in public #twitterWhy Naked Promises are Not Safe For Work
> Published on FreeCodeCamp's Developer News ( A followup for this was published in Errors are not Exceptions (
9 minutes
essay#tech #javascript #reactLearning React and TypeScript in Public
Todayβs guest Shawn Wang is a career changer starts off the show about how he got from finance to programming. The panel talks about how they each got started in programming. Shawn explains his Learn In Public manifesto. They discuss the benefits of learning in public and how concepts like Cunninhamβs Law and lampshading can be a good thing. Shawn talks about the differences between inbound and outbound marketing. The two biggest benefits of learning in public is that people will come to help you, it helps you to build capital, and it os the fastest way to learn. They discuss the balance between sharing too little and oversharing.
π§ React Roundup#Learn In PublicNetlify Environment Variables
We usually use Environment Variables as (global) variables, but did you know they can literally configure your environments as well?
4 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlifyNetlify Year One
> Update: I have since left Netlify ( Alex has published his own writeup on The Mo (
17 minutes
essay#netlify #reflectionsYou Can Learn A Lot For The Low Price Of Your Ego
You can learn in private, or you can learn in public. 99% of developers work and learn privately in the shadows, so why shouldn't you? Something magical happened when Shawn started creating resources and sharing what he learned in public. More advanced people began to help him by correcting him when he was wrong. By learning publically, he was able to both teach and learn at the same time!
π§ Kent C Dodds Podcast#Learn In PublicUsing Novela by Narative (updated)
With the growing community interest in Gatsby, we hope to create more resources that make it easier for anyone to grasp the power of this incredible tool.
1 minute
note#tech #gatsbyTalk Learn In Public
Developers are used to the idea of constant learning, especially in the fast moving Javascript ecosystem. But how often do we take a step back from learning to consider -how- we learn? In this talk we explore how Learning in Public can accelerate your career, bring value to your professional network, and ultimately make you a better developer, with examples all drawn from personal and other experience.
Fight Link Rot with Server- and Client-side Redirects (Netlify and Gatsby)
Why you need redirects on clientside and serverside and how to set that up with Gatsby and Netlify
4 minutes
tutorial#tech #gatsby #netlify #redirectsTests or Types: Why Not Both?
*Published on CSS Tricks as Types or Tests: Why Not Both? (*
1 minute
essay#tech #javascript #typescriptDeploying a Create-React-App Website to Netlify with HTTPS
Tutorial on Deploying a Create-React-App Website to Netlify with HTTPS
1 minute
tutorial#react #netlifyBetwixt Reason and Result
I'm writing to you from a cheap hostel in downtown Toronto ( Hostelling International (, highly recommend for solo travel, I have stayed in SF, LA, NY, PHL, TO, NZ and more I probably forget) where a cute anecdote just happened that illustrates an important principle.
7 minutes
essay#adviceSolve CORS once and for all with Netlify Dev
*Published on (*
5 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #corsTalk Lunch & Learn - Develop, Test, and Deploy Serverless Functions
This show-and-tell session will look at what you can do with serverless functions, how to get started creating and locally testing them with Netlify Dev, and finally deploying them as Netlify Functions with atomic deployments and instant rollbacks.
Add Netlify Identity Authentication to any React App in 5 minutes with React Context, Hooks and Suspense
Adding authentication is a pain point for many React beginners. Weβve made it ridiculously easy to add Netlify Identity onto any React app, including create-react-app, Gatsby, Next.js, or any other setup you may have, by wrapping it all into one simple React Hook! However, this article is more about effective design patterns for introducing authentication into React apps, and any reader should be able to write similar wrappers for their preferred provider.
6 minutes
tutorial#react #netlifyTalk JAMStack Jumpstart - Gatsby + Netlify
A 3-4hr workshop to introduce JAMstack and get started with Gatsby and Netlify
Talk Adaptive Intent-based CLI State Machines
Oclif does a lot of nice things, like offering flag and argument parsing, help documentation, and pluggability. That's good for the CLI developer. But what about the CLI user? Instead of viewing our CLI's as simple harnesses for procedure calls, how can we add an intelligent layer to interpret to user intent and guide them down a pit of success? How can we make our CLI's improve using information gained over time?
How To Name Things
> There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors. - Leon Bambrick (
15 minutes
essay#tech #naming #adviceReinforcement Learning: Game Theory
RL with multiple actors
6 minutes
note#machine learning #reinforcementLearning Gears
> Translations welcome! ( PortuguΓͺs (
6 minutes
essay#advice #learn in public #ideasLeaving a $350K/year job to learn coding
the title overly focuses on the finance career, but this is much more about learn in public and the freecodecamp journey. plenty of links supplied!
π§ FreeCodeCamp Podcast#Learn In PublicTalk Serverless GraphQL
A basic talk on how serverless functions work with GraphQL
Talk Getting Closure on Hooks
Cloning the React Hooks API in raw JS
Unsupervised Learning: Feature Transformation
Presenting the same information a different way... helps! Plus, one algorithm that does better than Principal Components Analysis!
4 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningUnsupervised Learning: Feature Selection
Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality!!
4 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningUnsupervised Learning: Clustering
Single Linkage, K-Means, Soft Clustering, and Kleinberg Impossibility
5 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningWrite My Code For Me
*My thoughts to self while weighing adding `netlify functions:create` to Netlify Dev. Originally a gist (*
9 minutes
essay#tech #dx #cliGetting Closure on React Hooks
Learn React Hooks by building a clone of React - in 30 minutes!
11 minutes
tutorial#tech #react #learn in public #open source6 β₯
Talk JAMStack - The Total Victory of JavaScript
An introduction to the JAMstack from a historical perspective and how it finally lets JS "win"
Unsupervised Learning: Information Theory Recap
A small detour to catch up on the basics of Information Theory we'll need
4 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningUnsupervised Learning: Randomized Optimization
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
7 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningUnsupervised Learning: Randomized Optimization
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
6 minutes
note#machine learning #unsupervised learningSupervised Learning: Bayesian Inference
Or, the unreasonable effectiveness of dumb rules
4 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningPost Bootcamp Mindmap
What are all the things you can do to improve as a developer after graduating from college or bootcamp?
3 minutes
essay#advice #techBe Wrong with Shawn Swyx Wang
A disussion about strategies for being a lifelong learner, how to get started in React, the growth of React's API surface area, Hooks, Suspense, Concurrent Mode, designing APIs, and the future of React.
π§ React Podcast#ReactSupervised Learning: Bayesian Learning
Lets update our priors! Oh wait we have none.
4 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: VC Dimensions
It's not venture capital, that's for sure
7 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: Computational Learning Theory
What's the big O of machine learning? Lets put some formal theory around HOW we learn!
7 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningTalk I can Babel Macros (and So Can You!)
JSConfHI @ 2019-02-07
An introduction to Babel Macros and how they can solve DX vs UX tradeoffs Babel macros are a new way to solve DX and UX tradeoffs by metaprogramming to write code the way that is best for you while delivering code that is best for the user. Case in point, JSX - but why stop there? In this talk we explore how I wrote babel-blade to solve the double declaration problem in clientside GraphQL libraries, and how to get started writing your first babel macro!
Supervised Learning: Support Vector Machines
Transforming dimensions, nearest neighbors, and boosting, all in service of "drawing the best line".
6 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: Ensemble Learning and AdaBoost
Better together - how bootstrapping samples of data can work better than the entire dataset, and how to boost it even further, and faster
6 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: Instance-based Learning and K-Nearest Neighbors
Regression isn't the only way. What if we were far, far... lazier about it?
4 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningTalk Immutability is Changing
Why Immutability in JS and why you shouldn't use Immutable.js to do it
Supervised Learning: Neural Networks
That one time we tried to emulate our brains with computer chips
5 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: Regression
Drawing lines among dots and more!
3 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningSupervised Learning: Classification Learning & Decision Trees
The simplest form of Classification algorithm
6 minutes
note#machine learning #supervised learningMachine Learning: An Overview
The three major branches of ML
5 minutes
note#machine learningSTAR Apps - A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows
*Published on CSS Tricks as STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows (*
1 minute
essay#tech #react #graphql #apollo #trendsTalk A Gentle Introduction to React and TypeScript
Real World React @ 2019-01-17
a live coding demo of starting with typescript for react devs TypeScript is increasingly being adopted in React apps at scale, from AirBnb to Shopify to Atlassian. In this live coding talk, we walk through best practices and introduce everything you need to know to get started, WITHOUT getting lost in arcane generic type logic! The theme of this talk is showing how TypeScript (TS) tooling helps write and document apps at scale. We'll do: - a live coding demo of starting with typescript for react devs - end with some resources and discussions of pitfalls
Cool Facts about Cuttlefish
This was just a short rant I prepared for Netlify's Allhands where we were asked to give a short lightning talk on any topic we wished. I picked cuttles. I actually saw one in real life diving in Fiji once!
2 minutes
essay#cuttlefish #rantsTurning the Static Dynamic with Gatsby + Netlify Functions + Netlify Identity
Gatsby is great for not only static sites but also traditional web applications. You can add authentication and serverless functionality and get up and running incredibly quickly with Netlify - here's how.
13 minutes
tutorial#tech #netlify #gatsbyNetworking Essentials: Network Security
What is Traffic Engineering?
8 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Traffic Engineering
What is Traffic Engineering?
6 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Software Defined Networking
Why Software Defined Networking is taking the networking world by storm
5 minutes
note#networkingMy New Mac Setup (2018-2020)
quick checklist for setting up a new macbook
7 minutes
note#macNetworking Essentials: Content Distribution
How CDNs, BitTorrent and Distributed Hash tables work
8 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Rate Limiting and Traffic Shaping
How Computer Networks shape, police, measure, and limit the traffic that flow across them.
6 minutes
note#networking3 Tips from Kent C Dodds for People Just Getting Started
advice for beginners from a podcast
2 minutes
note#advice #careerNetworking Essentials: Congestion Control
Bottlenecks inevitably arise in networks. How do we deal with them in TCP? How about in practical streaming applications like Youtube and Skype?
6 minutes
note#networkingTalk Babel β€οΈ GraphQL
Babel plugins can help solve DX and UX tradeoffs by metaprogramming to while delivering code that is why stop there? In this talk we explore how babel-blade solves the double declaration problem in all get started writing your first babel plugin!
Networking Essentials: DNS
Domain names, you buy them, you sell them, but how do they work?
4 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Router Design
A small detour into Router Hardware!
3 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Naming, Addressing, and Forwarding
How IP Addressing evolved over time, how it works today, and how we can transition to IPv6 in future
6 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Routing
How the Internet cobbles together thousands of Autonomous Systems with the Border Gateway Protocol
6 minutes
note#networkingThe Rise of Immer in React
> 2018: *Published on the Netlify Blog as The Rise of Immer in React (*
6 minutes
essay#tech #reactNetworking Essentials: Switching
Discussing why we need Switches in a network and how they work
6 minutes
note#networkingNetworking Essentials: Architecture and Principles
Discussing the architecture of the Internet and its the principles that guided its original design.
5 minutes
note#networkingInfinite Building
Tune in to hear Shawn talk about what it means to be an infinite learner and builder and how he uses this approach to further his career.
π§ Egghead#AdviceTalk Why React is -NOT- Reactive
diving into React's push-pull data flow and the importance of scheduling in React
Singapore H1B1 Tips
## much of the original piece below is outdated. this is my remaining 2023 updates for fellow singaporeans.
10 minutes
essay#reflectionsA Glance through Docusaurus, Docz, and React-Static
a survey of new documentation/static site generators
7 minutes
note#react #tech #webdev #javascript #docs1 β₯
Specialize In The New
> Author's note: This is part 4 of a series of essays I originally drafted about Opinions for your Tech Career ( Part 1 is Learn in Public (
4 minutes
essay#advice #learn in public #principlesClone Open Source Apps
> Author's note: This is part 3 of a series of essays I originally drafted about Opinions for your Tech Career ( Part 1 is Learn in Public (
3 minutes
essay#principles #advice #learn in publicKnow Your Tools
> Author's note: This is part 2 of a series of essays I originally drafted about Opinions for your Tech Career ( Part 1 is Learn in Public (
3 minutes
essay#advice #principles #learn in publicLearn In Public
The fastest way to build your expertise, network, and second brain.
8 minutes
essay#advice #principles #learn in public16 β₯
Quick Guide to setup your React + Typescript Storybook Design System
a no-bs guide to set up your new React and Typescript Design System powered by Storybook!
6 minutes
tutorial#javascript #tech #react #typescript #storybookTry React Suspense In 5 Minutes
3 minutes
noteSource Code for Life v0.1
Compiled Insights for Infinite Learners
14 minutes
note#life #advice #principlesReact Suspense Q&A
a friendly cheat sheet for those wondering what React Suspense is and if they should care
6 minutes
note#react #tech #javascriptOCaml Speedrun! π«πͺ
a guided walk through Jane Street's OCaml workshop
14 minutes
note#ocamlIntroduction to MobX 4 for React/Redux Developers
an introduction to mobx 4 for people coming from react and redux
15 minutes
note#mobx #react #mobx-reactA Walkthrough of *that* React Suspense Demo
Annotated commentary on the code behind the Movie search demo featuring React Suspense
15 minutes
tutorial#react #tech #javascriptScraping my Twitter Social Graph with Python and Selenium
Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
22 minutes
tutorial#tech #twitter #data science #python #selenium #javascriptWhat Happens When A User Edits A Post on
1 minute
noteHello, I am making a modern fullstack JS tutorial livestream. What questions do you have for me?
1 minute
noteHow To Google Your Errors
7 minutes
noteFlutter for React Native Devs in 30 Seconds
You may have heard of Flutter (, Google's answer to React Native. What should you know?
3 minutes
note#inthirtyseconds #flutter #react nativeServerless Machine Learning at Google
2 minutes
noteAre we human? Or are we reCAPTCHA?
2 minutes
noteFirebase Analytics in 30 Seconds
2 minutes
noteMedical Machine Learning in 30 Seconds
2 minutes
noteProductivity in Tech
In this conversation, we talk about Shawn's experience as a code school student and learn more about this growing source of alternative education.
π§ Productivity in Tech#ReactState of JS with Sacha Greif (SEDaily)
Sacha Greif is an independent designer and developer most prominent in his roles as co-author of Discover Meteor and community builder at, a design newsletter with over 35,000 subscribers, and Hacker News Kansai. He is currently best known in the Javascript community as the maintainer of VulcanJS, and for his annual State of Javascript survey which is now open for 2017. In this episode, Shawn Wang guests hosts a discussion about both projects and Sachaβs thoughts on independent web design and development.
π§ SEDaily#JS