Former Employee. Graduate Staff; Fellow
Wang, W. L.; Soslow, R.; Hensley, M.; Asad, H.; Zannoni, G. F.; De Nictolis, M.; Branton, P.; Muzikansky, A.; Oliva, E. American Journal of Surgical Pathology (2011)
Han, G.; Soslow, R. A.; Reuter, V. E.; Oliva, E.; Gilks, C. B.; Asad, H.; Tickoo, S. K. Laboratory Investigation (2010)
KoĢbel, M.; Kalloger, S. E.; Carrick, J.; Huntsman, D.; Asad, H.; Oliva, E.; Ewanowich, C. A.; Soslow, R. A.; Gilks, C. B. American Journal of Surgical Pathology (2009)