إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أ... more لمستخلص إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أو منطوق القضیة وثانیهما المفاد الفرعی ویسمى بالمدلول الإلتزامی أو مفهوم القضیة الشرطیة. ومن جانب آخر إنّ مفهوم الشرطیة هو المفهوم الذی یستخدم أکثر من غیره فی النصوص الشرعیة بحیث نرى البحث حول إعتبار المفهوم للشرطیة فی علم الأصول یأتی قبل المفاهیم الأخرى. ووفق رأی الأصولیین إذا کان الأمر المعلّق فی الشرطیة من النصوص الشرعیة هو سنخ الحکم لا شخصه بحیث ینتفی سنخ الحکم بعد انتفاء الموضوع، فتلک الشرطیة لها مفهوم أی المدلول الالتزامی. ولکن هذا الأمر لا یتناغم ومبنى الأصولیین المشهور حول وضع الهیئات المذکور فی مباحث الألفاظ؛ ولأجل حل المشکلة حاول الکثیر من الأصولیین عرض الأدلة المناسبة ولکن لا تجدی هذه الاستدلالات نفعاً فی إثبات المفهوم للشرطیة ومن هنا یطفو هذا السؤال على السطح «کیف یمکن تبنی مفهوم الشرط فی القضایا الشرطیة حیث لا یتعارض ومبنى وضع الهئیات عند من یقول بالمفهوم فی القضایا الشرطیة؟» ولأجل إزالة هذا التعارض والوصول إلى الإجابة الرصینة، تابعنا أسلوب البحث التحلیلی والوصفی عبر التتبع فی آثار الأصولیین الموجودة فی المکتبات التخصصیة للفقه والأصول، إن المحاولات المبذولة والحلول المقدمة من جانب کبار الأصولیین لم تؤد إلى حل المشکلة، وفی النتیجة نرى أن الحلّ الوحید هو الإعراض عن المبنى المشهور حول وضع الهیئات.
The present article addresses the typology of the approaches to the science of the interrelatedne... more The present article addresses the typology of the approaches to the science of the interrelatedness of the qur'ānic chapters. To this end, this science has been bought under typological analyses from the viewpoints of the past and contemporary scholars. In the approaches of the past scholars, topics such as the narrative origins and the backgrounds of this science, the chainlike relationship between chapters, the thematic relationship between chapters, and the structure (architecture) theory of the Qur'ān have been discussed. On the other hand, the approaches of the contemporary scholars to this science have addressed the interrelatedness of the chapters in the light of theories such as "the unity of the Qur'ān", "the conceptual and contextual connectedness of the qur'ānic discourse", Sa'īd Ḥawwā's holistic approach in his book al-Asās, and a new approach entitled "symmetric order". Then, the article analyzes the ups and downs of this science and the reasons for them, and examines the development capacities of each of the foregoing approaches. It seems that the appearance of the interdisciplinary studies of the Qur'ān in the contemporary era outlines a promising future for this style of the qur'ānic studies.
The science of interpretation has a special position in the Islamic sciences and has been address... more The science of interpretation has a special position in the Islamic sciences and has been addressed seriously by Muslims from the very first days of Islam, because interpretation is to understand and discover the points of the best speech, i.e. the speech of the Sublime Allāh. One of the new commentaries on Muslims' divine book is al-Tafsīr al-munīr fī al-'aqīda wa al-sharī'a wa al-munhaj, authored by Wahba Zuḥaylī, the contemporary exegete and Qur'ān researcher. The study at hand has set out to examine and evaluate this commentary by the critical-analytical as well as library research methods. This has led to the identification of the differences of this commentary with other interpretive works. The strengths of this commentary are its investigation of the contemporary social, political, and jurisprudential issues as well as its high readability. On the other hand, the insufficient references to the new and old interpretive resources along with the scarcity of the scientific references of the commentary are among its weaknesses.
Along with proving the sufficiency of the Qur'ān for the extraction of the religious knowledge, t... more Along with proving the sufficiency of the Qur'ān for the extraction of the religious knowledge, the Qur'ānists have doubted the authenticity and the authoritativeness of the sunna and Ḥadīth. One of their reasons for the inauthenticity of the sunna is the inefficiency of the Ḥadīth evaluation and criticism system. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study first analyzes their main reasons for this inefficiency, including the existence of inauthentic traditions in Ḥadīth collections, the prevalence of forgery and fictions in Ḥadīth, the ignorance of internal criticism by Ḥadīth transmitters, the existence of gaps in the principles of the Rijāl ideas, and the existence of forgery and distortion in the chains of transmission. Then, the responses of the Ḥadīth defenders are discussed, including the possibility of justifying the Ḥadīths that have been deemed inauthentic, the ignorance of the different linguistic levels of the Ḥadīths, the Ḥadīth transmitters' constant efforts to purify the Ḥadīth legacy and identify the fabrications from the time of their issuance, the traditionists' efforts in and attention to the textual examination and strict Rijāl investigations.
The problem of human's two domains has a significant influence on human knowledge, and since the ... more The problem of human's two domains has a significant influence on human knowledge, and since the human privilege in the universe to the other beings as well as the immateriality of the soul and so on is based on proving the soul's substance separately, it worths to search in this issue about the ideas of two Western and Islamic philosophers. Ibn Sīnā with arguments such as the "suspending man" proves this matter; Descartes also proves this matter with ''Cogito argument''. In this paper, after explaining the views of these two philosophers, we have tried to compare these two perspectives. Ibn Sīnā considers the soul as "the first perfection of the natural body" and Descartes defines it as a "thinking substance". Both of them are dualists with two truly separate substances. In each of their proofs, simultaneously, they prove the soul's immateriality and its distinction from body and its self-consciousness. Their important difference is that the Ibn Sīnā's proof is a hypothetical state, while Descartes' Cogito is a personal experience which can be attained by a little meditation. Both of them believe in the mutual influence of the soul and body.
The request to see God is one of the theological paradoxes mentioned in the life story of Prophet... more The request to see God is one of the theological paradoxes mentioned in the life story of Prophet Moses (a) that apparently opposes his infallibility. The verse 143 of the chapter A'rāf is one of the places this story is narrated. The opponents of infallibility suggest that Moses knew God is not physical or visible, nor occupies a place, so why did he have such a request? The answer is that he made a mistake by asking so. Therefore, it negates his being an infallible. On the other hand, Hadiths as well as the views of the exegetes of the Qur'ān and theologians believe that Moses spoke out on behalf of his people and it wasn't his real request.
The performance of the units is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weight... more The performance of the units is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. These weights can be determined by data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. The inputs and outputs of the related Decision Making Unit (DMU) are assessed by a set of the weights obtained via DEA for each DMU. In addition, the weights are not generally common, but rather, they are very close to zero or they are even equal to zero. This means that some major criteria will not be considered. Another problem is the similarity of the efficiency scores of efficient DMUs. However, this is not the case in reality, and the performance of the DMUs should be completely ranked. Using common weights can solve these problems completely during measuring the performance of DMUs. There are some articles in the literature to determine common weight sets (CSWs), but none of them takes into account the bootstrap approach. This paper introduces a novel, empirical and robust algorithm based on bootstrap technique to find CSWs.
إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أ... more لمستخلص إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أو منطوق القضیة وثانیهما المفاد الفرعی ویسمى بالمدلول الإلتزامی أو مفهوم القضیة الشرطیة. ومن جانب آخر إنّ مفهوم الشرطیة هو المفهوم الذی یستخدم أکثر من غیره فی النصوص الشرعیة بحیث نرى البحث حول إعتبار المفهوم للشرطیة فی علم الأصول یأتی قبل المفاهیم الأخرى. ووفق رأی الأصولیین إذا کان الأمر المعلّق فی الشرطیة من النصوص الشرعیة هو سنخ الحکم لا شخصه بحیث ینتفی سنخ الحکم بعد انتفاء الموضوع، فتلک الشرطیة لها مفهوم أی المدلول الالتزامی. ولکن هذا الأمر لا یتناغم ومبنى الأصولیین المشهور حول وضع الهیئات المذکور فی مباحث الألفاظ؛ ولأجل حل المشکلة حاول الکثیر من الأصولیین عرض الأدلة المناسبة ولکن لا تجدی هذه الاستدلالات نفعاً فی إثبات المفهوم للشرطیة ومن هنا یطفو هذا السؤال على السطح «کیف یمکن تبنی مفهوم الشرط فی القضایا الشرطیة حیث لا یتعارض ومبنى وضع الهئیات عند من یقول بالمفهوم فی القضایا الشرطیة؟» ولأجل إزالة هذا التعارض والوصول إلى الإجابة الرصینة، تابعنا أسلوب البحث التحلیلی والوصفی عبر التتبع فی آثار الأصولیین الموجودة فی المکتبات التخصصیة للفقه والأصول، إن المحاولات المبذولة والحلول المقدمة من جانب کبار الأصولیین لم تؤد إلى حل المشکلة، وفی النتیجة نرى أن الحلّ الوحید هو الإعراض عن المبنى المشهور حول وضع الهیئات.
The present article addresses the typology of the approaches to the science of the interrelatedne... more The present article addresses the typology of the approaches to the science of the interrelatedness of the qur'ānic chapters. To this end, this science has been bought under typological analyses from the viewpoints of the past and contemporary scholars. In the approaches of the past scholars, topics such as the narrative origins and the backgrounds of this science, the chainlike relationship between chapters, the thematic relationship between chapters, and the structure (architecture) theory of the Qur'ān have been discussed. On the other hand, the approaches of the contemporary scholars to this science have addressed the interrelatedness of the chapters in the light of theories such as "the unity of the Qur'ān", "the conceptual and contextual connectedness of the qur'ānic discourse", Sa'īd Ḥawwā's holistic approach in his book al-Asās, and a new approach entitled "symmetric order". Then, the article analyzes the ups and downs of this science and the reasons for them, and examines the development capacities of each of the foregoing approaches. It seems that the appearance of the interdisciplinary studies of the Qur'ān in the contemporary era outlines a promising future for this style of the qur'ānic studies.
The science of interpretation has a special position in the Islamic sciences and has been address... more The science of interpretation has a special position in the Islamic sciences and has been addressed seriously by Muslims from the very first days of Islam, because interpretation is to understand and discover the points of the best speech, i.e. the speech of the Sublime Allāh. One of the new commentaries on Muslims' divine book is al-Tafsīr al-munīr fī al-'aqīda wa al-sharī'a wa al-munhaj, authored by Wahba Zuḥaylī, the contemporary exegete and Qur'ān researcher. The study at hand has set out to examine and evaluate this commentary by the critical-analytical as well as library research methods. This has led to the identification of the differences of this commentary with other interpretive works. The strengths of this commentary are its investigation of the contemporary social, political, and jurisprudential issues as well as its high readability. On the other hand, the insufficient references to the new and old interpretive resources along with the scarcity of the scientific references of the commentary are among its weaknesses.
Along with proving the sufficiency of the Qur'ān for the extraction of the religious knowledge, t... more Along with proving the sufficiency of the Qur'ān for the extraction of the religious knowledge, the Qur'ānists have doubted the authenticity and the authoritativeness of the sunna and Ḥadīth. One of their reasons for the inauthenticity of the sunna is the inefficiency of the Ḥadīth evaluation and criticism system. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study first analyzes their main reasons for this inefficiency, including the existence of inauthentic traditions in Ḥadīth collections, the prevalence of forgery and fictions in Ḥadīth, the ignorance of internal criticism by Ḥadīth transmitters, the existence of gaps in the principles of the Rijāl ideas, and the existence of forgery and distortion in the chains of transmission. Then, the responses of the Ḥadīth defenders are discussed, including the possibility of justifying the Ḥadīths that have been deemed inauthentic, the ignorance of the different linguistic levels of the Ḥadīths, the Ḥadīth transmitters' constant efforts to purify the Ḥadīth legacy and identify the fabrications from the time of their issuance, the traditionists' efforts in and attention to the textual examination and strict Rijāl investigations.
The problem of human's two domains has a significant influence on human knowledge, and since the ... more The problem of human's two domains has a significant influence on human knowledge, and since the human privilege in the universe to the other beings as well as the immateriality of the soul and so on is based on proving the soul's substance separately, it worths to search in this issue about the ideas of two Western and Islamic philosophers. Ibn Sīnā with arguments such as the "suspending man" proves this matter; Descartes also proves this matter with ''Cogito argument''. In this paper, after explaining the views of these two philosophers, we have tried to compare these two perspectives. Ibn Sīnā considers the soul as "the first perfection of the natural body" and Descartes defines it as a "thinking substance". Both of them are dualists with two truly separate substances. In each of their proofs, simultaneously, they prove the soul's immateriality and its distinction from body and its self-consciousness. Their important difference is that the Ibn Sīnā's proof is a hypothetical state, while Descartes' Cogito is a personal experience which can be attained by a little meditation. Both of them believe in the mutual influence of the soul and body.
The request to see God is one of the theological paradoxes mentioned in the life story of Prophet... more The request to see God is one of the theological paradoxes mentioned in the life story of Prophet Moses (a) that apparently opposes his infallibility. The verse 143 of the chapter A'rāf is one of the places this story is narrated. The opponents of infallibility suggest that Moses knew God is not physical or visible, nor occupies a place, so why did he have such a request? The answer is that he made a mistake by asking so. Therefore, it negates his being an infallible. On the other hand, Hadiths as well as the views of the exegetes of the Qur'ān and theologians believe that Moses spoke out on behalf of his people and it wasn't his real request.
The performance of the units is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weight... more The performance of the units is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. These weights can be determined by data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. The inputs and outputs of the related Decision Making Unit (DMU) are assessed by a set of the weights obtained via DEA for each DMU. In addition, the weights are not generally common, but rather, they are very close to zero or they are even equal to zero. This means that some major criteria will not be considered. Another problem is the similarity of the efficiency scores of efficient DMUs. However, this is not the case in reality, and the performance of the DMUs should be completely ranked. Using common weights can solve these problems completely during measuring the performance of DMUs. There are some articles in the literature to determine common weight sets (CSWs), but none of them takes into account the bootstrap approach. This paper introduces a novel, empirical and robust algorithm based on bootstrap technique to find CSWs.
Papers by Ali Ahmad Roshanaei
إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أو منطوق القضیة وثانیهما المفاد الفرعی ویسمى بالمدلول الإلتزامی أو مفهوم القضیة الشرطیة. ومن جانب آخر إنّ مفهوم الشرطیة هو المفهوم الذی یستخدم أکثر من غیره فی النصوص الشرعیة بحیث نرى البحث حول إعتبار المفهوم للشرطیة فی علم الأصول یأتی قبل المفاهیم الأخرى. ووفق رأی الأصولیین إذا کان الأمر المعلّق فی الشرطیة من النصوص الشرعیة هو سنخ الحکم لا شخصه بحیث ینتفی سنخ الحکم بعد انتفاء الموضوع، فتلک الشرطیة لها مفهوم أی المدلول الالتزامی. ولکن هذا الأمر لا یتناغم ومبنى الأصولیین المشهور حول وضع الهیئات المذکور فی مباحث الألفاظ؛ ولأجل حل المشکلة حاول الکثیر من الأصولیین عرض الأدلة المناسبة ولکن لا تجدی هذه الاستدلالات نفعاً فی إثبات المفهوم للشرطیة ومن هنا یطفو هذا السؤال على السطح «کیف یمکن تبنی مفهوم الشرط فی القضایا الشرطیة حیث لا یتعارض ومبنى وضع الهئیات عند من یقول بالمفهوم فی القضایا الشرطیة؟» ولأجل إزالة هذا التعارض والوصول إلى الإجابة الرصینة، تابعنا أسلوب البحث التحلیلی والوصفی عبر التتبع فی آثار الأصولیین الموجودة فی المکتبات التخصصیة للفقه والأصول، إن المحاولات المبذولة والحلول المقدمة من جانب کبار الأصولیین لم تؤد إلى حل المشکلة، وفی النتیجة نرى أن الحلّ الوحید هو الإعراض عن المبنى المشهور حول وضع الهیئات.
إنّ القضایا التی توصف بالشرطیة تکون ذات مفادین أحدهما اصلی والذی یسمى بالمدلول المطابقی أو منطوق القضیة وثانیهما المفاد الفرعی ویسمى بالمدلول الإلتزامی أو مفهوم القضیة الشرطیة. ومن جانب آخر إنّ مفهوم الشرطیة هو المفهوم الذی یستخدم أکثر من غیره فی النصوص الشرعیة بحیث نرى البحث حول إعتبار المفهوم للشرطیة فی علم الأصول یأتی قبل المفاهیم الأخرى. ووفق رأی الأصولیین إذا کان الأمر المعلّق فی الشرطیة من النصوص الشرعیة هو سنخ الحکم لا شخصه بحیث ینتفی سنخ الحکم بعد انتفاء الموضوع، فتلک الشرطیة لها مفهوم أی المدلول الالتزامی. ولکن هذا الأمر لا یتناغم ومبنى الأصولیین المشهور حول وضع الهیئات المذکور فی مباحث الألفاظ؛ ولأجل حل المشکلة حاول الکثیر من الأصولیین عرض الأدلة المناسبة ولکن لا تجدی هذه الاستدلالات نفعاً فی إثبات المفهوم للشرطیة ومن هنا یطفو هذا السؤال على السطح «کیف یمکن تبنی مفهوم الشرط فی القضایا الشرطیة حیث لا یتعارض ومبنى وضع الهئیات عند من یقول بالمفهوم فی القضایا الشرطیة؟» ولأجل إزالة هذا التعارض والوصول إلى الإجابة الرصینة، تابعنا أسلوب البحث التحلیلی والوصفی عبر التتبع فی آثار الأصولیین الموجودة فی المکتبات التخصصیة للفقه والأصول، إن المحاولات المبذولة والحلول المقدمة من جانب کبار الأصولیین لم تؤد إلى حل المشکلة، وفی النتیجة نرى أن الحلّ الوحید هو الإعراض عن المبنى المشهور حول وضع الهیئات.