
von Shopify


Version 15.0.1 30. Jul 2024


Ideal für Spezialprodukte und auffällige Marken

Enthält Support für:

  • Mega-Menü
  • Fixierter Header
  • Schau dir alle Funktionen hier an

Enthält Support für:

  • Mega-Menü
  • Fixierter Header
  • Schau dir alle Funktionen hier an


Ein geräumiges Design

Erregen Sie die Aufmerksamkeit eines Käufers mit fetten Überschriften, dünnen Strichen, industriellen Schriftarten und einer kontrastreichen Farbpalette auf dezentem Hintergrund.

Präsentieren Sie die Produktqualität

Produktabschnitte unterstützen größere Produktkarten, spezielle Produkthighlights und maßgeschneiderte FAQs, damit Käufer fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können.

Layout und Stil anpassen

Flexibles Design und Anpassungseinstellungen, mit denen Sie Ihr Erlebnis aktualisieren können, damit es Ihrer Markenvision entspricht.

Dieses Theme eignet sich gut für

  • Redaktionelle Inhalte: Optimiert für längere Textabschnitte zur Unterstützung von Storytelling
  • Schnelle Einrichtung: Die Schritte zur Einrichtung des Themes sind minimal und ermöglichen einen schnellen Start
  • Visual Storytelling: Entwickelt, um Bilder zur Unterstützung des visuellen Storytellings zu präsentieren

Marketing und Conversion

  • Blogs
  • Cross-Selling
  • Empfohlene Produkte
  • FAQ-Seite
  • Presseberichte
  • Produktbewertungen
  • Promo-Banner


  • Bild-Zoom
  • Bildergalerien
  • Größentabelle
  • Hochauflösende Bilder
  • Hover-Effekt auf Bildern
  • Lookbooks
  • Nutzungsinformationen
  • Produktoptionen
  • Produktvideos
  • Slideshow
  • Versand/Lieferinformationen
  • Zutaten oder Nährwertangaben


  • Empfohlene Produkte
  • Erweiterte Suche
  • Fixierter Header
  • Mega-Menü
  • Produkt-Filter und -Sortierung

Warenkorb und Checkout

  • Abholungen im Geschäft
  • Quick Buy
  • Warenkorbanmerkungen

Dieses Theme eignet sich gut für

  • Redaktionelle Inhalte: Optimiert für längere Textabschnitte zur Unterstützung von Storytelling
  • Schnelle Einrichtung: Die Schritte zur Einrichtung des Themes sind minimal und ermöglichen einen schnellen Start
  • Visual Storytelling: Entwickelt, um Bilder zur Unterstützung des visuellen Storytellings zu präsentieren

Marketing und Conversion

  • Blogs
  • Cross-Selling
  • Empfohlene Produkte
  • FAQ-Seite
  • Presseberichte
  • Produktbewertungen
  • Promo-Banner


  • Bild-Zoom
  • Bildergalerien
  • Größentabelle
  • Hochauflösende Bilder
  • Hover-Effekt auf Bildern
  • Lookbooks
  • Nutzungsinformationen
  • Produktoptionen
  • Produktvideos
  • Slideshow
  • Versand/Lieferinformationen
  • Zutaten oder Nährwertangaben


  • Empfohlene Produkte
  • Erweiterte Suche
  • Fixierter Header
  • Mega-Menü
  • Produkt-Filter und -Sortierung

Warenkorb und Checkout

  • Abholungen im Geschäft
  • Quick Buy
  • Warenkorbanmerkungen

6 Bewertungen

50 % Positiv

  • 3 positive Bewertungen
  • 2 neutrale Bewertungen
  • 1 negative Bewertungen
Eine Bewertung schreiben
Ari's Glow Candle Co.
4. Mai 2024

I really like this theme a LOT but the blog function is not my favorite. The blog section doesn't display all blogs and the Blog menu only leads to one blog at a time which is not ideal for businesses that like to implement this feature. I also noticed that the Blog page is one-sided? The blog only displays on one side of the page so all of the blogs are sitting on the left side of the page.

Antwort von Shopify 24. Mai 2024

Hey there, thanks for sharing your feedback. You can check out an app such as PageFly (https://bit.ly/4dSLbcO) which is free and allows you to customize a blog page using their app. You can also look into hiring a developer from the Partner Marketplace (https://bit.ly/3Idxo0a), if you need to fully integrate a customized blog page into your theme's code.

5. Nov 2023

I am totally satisfied with this theme. Well matched with black-white colouring, anonymous-pro font looks artistic and mobile responsive. I am using at my website https://areaberlin.com, check and see the results.

Antwort von Shopify 17. Nov 2023

Hello, thanks for the review! We strive to have our themes work fluently from desktop to mobile so that all users have a great experience. It's great that you can express your brand fully using Taste.

31. Jul 2023

Hi... I was sure I know something about how to create a website ... at least basics. But I can not do 2 simple modifications: 1. can not add payment with credit cards (it is active in my payment options) - I just see paypal and can not add another payment option 2. when I add new section - I can not change order between them - it is very much frustraiting

Antwort von Shopify 7. Aug 2023

Hey there, it's possible that your payment icons are not showing if you are using a third party payment provider. This is something that we can help with, just reach out to our Support (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA) so that we can take a closer look. We can also help you on how to rearrange sections in the theme editor, here is a help document that explains this too (https://bit.ly/45nccjz).

Better Coffee Club
23. Dez 2022

Fantastic theme with more features than you might need. Easy to modify and looks great! Could use some more flexibility with how videos appear on the page. Parallax options for blocks/photos would also be nice.

Antwort von Shopify 2. Jan 2023

Hi, happy new year! Thanks for this review, glad to hear the theme is working for you. You might be able to leverage the Collage section for more video options, but we'd love to hear your suggestions more in-depth. Please feel free to reach out with your feedback and a Support Advisor will be happy to capture it for our engineers (https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA)

Support dieses Themes von Shopify

Über uns
  • 151 O’Connor St, Ottawa, ON, ON, CA


Version 15.0.1 July 30, 2024

Taste 15.0.1 introduces a few bug fixes.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fix issues where when the header section is hidden, some functionalities were broken.
  • Update cart errors to be output as a string rather than a HTML element.
  • Escape variant option names so that when an option includes quotation marks it doesn’t cause undesired effects.
  • Fix placeholder product cards that were not showing a default price and make the check more robust.

Version 15.0.0 June 20, 2024

Taste 15.0.0 adds support for combined listing products and products with over 2,000 variants, includes several enhancements for B2B online stores and localization improvements.


  • Support for products with over 2,000 variants (when released)
  • Support for combined listing products
  • Structured data for Product and Article drops generated by new structured_data liquid filter
  • Now possible to enable/disable the display of customer avatars via the Shopify admin (without editing code)
  • New “Extra Extra Large” font size option for headers


  • Default values for sections and blocks are now translated in the store's default language
  • Optimized CSS to improve rendering performance
  • Store policies are now displayed in the footer by default
  • Product page, featured product card and cart now display “Duties included” text
  • Country selector no longer requires diacritics to match – for example, in French, typing ‘Etats’ will match ‘États-Unis’
  • Removed drop shadows from variant images in the quick add modal
  • Updated root locale keys of the regional locales to their default variations

Fixes and improvements

  • Implemented client-side validation to better enforce quantity rules
  • Fixed an issue where option value selection was incorrect if the user selected an option before fully loading
  • Slideshow updated to address irregular movement during scroll
  • Fixed an issue where product variant images were not being displayed on mobile
  • Fixed an issue where image thumbnail was not updated when a product variant featured media changed
  • Improved quantity accuracy when using Quick Order List to add to cart (no longer dropping clicks)
  • Quick Order List allows multiple variants to be updated at once
  • Quick Add Bulk now displays “out of stock” for items with no inventory
  • Improved quantity accuracy when using Quick Add Bulk to add to cart (no longer dropping clicks)
  • Significant network performance improvements for Quick Add Bulk
  • Product media correctly displayed in the Quick Add Bulk modal when a user selects a variant
  • Several UX improvements for Quick Add Bulk modal on desktop
    • Centered "View cart” button text
    • Optimized header and footer spacing
    • Clicking product name now links to the product details page
    • Removed superfluous underlined space on “View full details” link

Version 14.0.0 April 24, 2024

Taste 14.0.0 adds a new Quick Add Bulk setting, two improvements for “Sign in with Shop”, and a host of performance and interaction improvements.


  • The new Quick Add Bulk functionality can be added to the product grid and featured collection sections, offering buyers an efficient, keyboard-optimized bulk buying flow.
  • Buyers who “Sign in with Shop” will now see the avatar associated with their Shop account in the header in place of the generic customer account icon.
  • The Classic Customer Accounts Login Page now includes a “Sign in with Shop” button for merchants with “Sign in with Shop” enabled.


  • Filters can now include images.
  • The Quick Order List section has greatly improved support for keyboard navigation.
  • The maximum number of products per page has been increased to 36.
  • Multicolumn, Collection list, Product grids, and Related products have an increased maximum of 6 columns.

Fixes and improvements

  • General UX improvements to swatches and other areas of the filter experience.
  • Padding improvements for Collections at various column sizes.
  • Fixed a bug where switching variants on a product without a media attached to it could disable the add to cart button.
  • Fixed a similar bug related to products without variant images.
  • Updated branding and copy to change references from Twitter to X.
  • Updated price filter to work with currency formats that use commas.

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Was ist in jedem Theme aus dem Theme Store enthalten?

  • Mit den neuesten Shopify-Funktionen kompatibel

    Die Themes im Shopify Theme Store sind garantiert auf dem neuesten Stand und mit dem ständig wachsenden Funktionsumfang von Shopify kompatibel.

  • Auf Geschwindigkeit getestet und genehmigt

    Jedes Theme im Theme Store erfüllt die Performance-Standards von Shopify und bietet deinen Käufern ein schnelleres Einkaufserlebnis.

  • Kostenloser unbegrenzter Test

    Teste das Theme kostenlos mit deinen eigenen Produkten, den Farben deiner Marke und deinen Anpassungen.

  • Kostenlose hochauflösende Bilder

    Demo-Shop sind nicht enthalten, aber bei Shopify Burst findest du kostenlose Stock-Fotos.

  • Kostenlose Theme-Updates

    Hol dir die neuesten Funktionen und Fixes für Themes aus dem Theme Store. Du kannst deinen Kauf jederzeit erneut herunterladen.