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28 年來的 KDE

社群 28 年歷史的各個時刻的導覽,從我們所依賴的科技開始。也請見我們的 KDE 20 週年的書籍




1969 年,Ken ThompsonDennis Ritchie 開始開發 UNIX。一開始,UNIX 是使用組合語言撰寫的,不過一段時間之後它就被用 Ritchie 所發明的高階語言 C 重寫。

Thompson 和 Ritchie Thompson 和 Ritchie

C++ 被創造出來

1979 年,Bjarne Stroustrup 開始開發「包含型別的 C (C with classes)」,這之後會變成 C++ 語言。Stroustrup 認為,它是當時唯一讓人能寫出既高效率又簡潔的程式的語言。

Bjarne Stroustrup Bjarne Stroustrup


1984 年,Richard Stallman 開始開發 GNU,一個基於 Unix 的完全自由的作業系統——Unix 當時是專有軟體。GNU 是 GNU is Not Unix 的遞迴縮寫。

Richard Stallman Richard Stallman

Linux 核心

在 1991 年,Linus Torvalds 創立了基於 MINIXLinux 核心。(MINUX 是由 Andrew Tanenbaum 所寫的 Unix 版本。)Linux 的出現讓自由軟體的歷史出現革命性的進展,讓自由軟體變得更多人使用。請見 Linux 核心開發 25 週年時的宣傳圖.

Linus Torvalds Linus Torvalds


1993 年,最初的自由發行版開始出現,基於 GNU 及 Linux。一個 GNU/Linux 發行版一般由 Linux 核心、GNU 工具和函式庫,以及一大群應用程式所組成。

GNU 與 Tux GNU 與 Tux

Qt 被創造出來

1995 年,挪威公司 Troll Tech 建立了跨平台框架 Qt。隔年 KDE 將會透過 Qt 被製作出來。Qt 在這 20 多年間已經成為了主要 KDE 科技的基礎。在此可以瞭解更多 Qt 歷史

Qt 標誌 Qt 標誌

KDE 發表

1996 年,Matthias Ettrich 宣佈了「酷桌面環境」 "Kool Desktop Environment" (KDE) 的創立,它是一個 Unix 系統用的圖形介面,使用 Qt 與 C++ 製作並為普通使用者所設計。"KDE" 這個名字是致敬當時專有的圖形環境 CDE。在此可以閱讀 KDE 專案最初的發表

Matthias Ettrich Matthias Ettrich

KDE One 研討會

1997 年,大約 15 個 KDE 開發者在德國阿恩斯貝格舉辦研討會,進行開發並討論專案的未來。這次活動後來被稱作 KDE One

來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫 來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫

KDE Beta 1

KDE beta 1 版本在專案發表剛好 12 個月之後釋出了。釋出版說明強調 KDE 不只是一個視窗管理員,而是一個整合的環境,而視窗管理員只是它的一部分。

KDE Beta 1 螢幕截圖 KDE Beta 1 螢幕截圖

KDE e.V. 成立

1997 年,在財務和法律上代表 KDE 社群的非營利組織 KDE e.V. 在德國杜賓根成立。

KDE e.V. 標誌 KDE e.V. 標誌

KDE 自由 Qt 基金會成立

The foundation agreement for the KDE Free Qt Foundation is signed by KDE e.V. and Trolltech, then owner of Qt. The Foundation ensures the permanent availability of Qt as Free Software.

心中有 Qt 的 Konqi 心中有 Qt 的 Konqi

KDE 1 釋出

KDE 在 1998 年釋出了它的圖形環境的第一個穩定版,亮點有一個應用程式開發框架、KOM/OpenParts,以及它的辦公室套裝軟體的預覽。



1999 年 4 月,KDE 發表了一隻龍,Konqi,作為 KDE 輔助中心的動畫助理吉祥物。由於它非常受歡迎,從 3.x 版以後它替換了前一個專案吉祥物,Kandalf。KDE 2 螢幕截圖有秀出 Konqi 和 Kandalf。

Konqi Konqi

KDE Two 研討會

1999 年 10 月,稱作 KDE Two 的 KDE 開發者第二次研討會辦在德國埃蘭根。KDE Two 研討會的報告在此可供閱讀。

團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫) 團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫)

KDE 桌面

KDE 2 的 beta 1 版本可以看出一個專案名稱轉變。原先將專案稱作 "K Desktop Environment"(K 桌面環境)的釋出公告開始將它稱作「KDE 桌面」(KDE Desktop)。

KDE 2 標誌 KDE 2 標誌

KDE Three Beta 研討會

2000 年 7 月,KDE 開發者的第三次 (beta) 研討會在挪威特呂西爾舉辦。在此閱讀研討會中做了什麼。

來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫 來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫

KDE 2 釋出

KDE 釋出了第二個版本,主要的新資訊有 Konqueror 網頁瀏覽器兼檔案管理員,以及 KOffice 辦公室套裝軟體。KDE 的程式碼為 2.0 幾乎全部重新寫過。


KDE 專案

2.1.2 版的釋出公告 也有另一個變更:用詞。公告開始稱 KDE 為「KDE 專案」。

KDE 2.1 開始畫面 KDE 2.1 開始畫面

KDE 女性

In March 2001, the creation of community women's group was announced. The KDE Women aimed to help increase the number of women in free software communities, particularly in KDE. Watch the video "Highlights of KDE Women" of the Akademy 2010.

Katie,Konqi 的女朋友 Katie,Konqi 的女朋友

KDE Three 會議

In March 2002, about 25 developers gathered for the third KDE meeting in Nuremberg, Germany. KDE 3 was about to be released and the KDE 2 code needed to be migrated to the new library Qt 3.

KDE Three 的團體照 KDE Three 的團體照


KDE 釋出了第三個版本,重要的新功能包含 KDEPrint,一個新的列印框架、50 的語言的翻譯、以及 KDE 教育專案所維護的一組教育應用程式。


KDE e.V. 會議

In August 2002, there was a meeting of board members of the KDE e.V. that was essential to establish how the organization works. At this meeting it was decided, among other things, that the brand "KDE" would be registered and that new members should be invited and supported by two active members of e.V..

團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫) 團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫)

KDE 3.1

In version 3.1 the community presented KDE with a new look, a new theme for widgets, called Keramik, and Crystal as default theme for the icons. See KDE 3.1 New Feature Guide.

KDE 3.1 KDE 3.1


2003 年 8 月,來自不同國家大約 100 位 KDE 貢獻者在捷克的一個城堡辦了會議。這次活動被稱作 Kastle(與城堡 Castle 同音),是社群國際年度會議 Akademy 的前身。

Kastle 的團體照 Kastle 的團體照

Akademy 2004

In August 2004, the first international meeting of the community took place. The event was held in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and launched a series of international events called "Akademy" which take place annually since then. The event got its name because it happened in the "Filmakademie" city film school. See the group photos of all Akademies.

Akademy 2004 的團體照 Akademy 2004 的團體照

KDE 3.5

KDE 3.5 釋出。這個版本帶來幾個新功能,其中包含:SuperKaramba,讓您用「小程式」自訂您的桌面的工具;Amarok 與 Kaffeine 兩個播放器;以及媒體燒錄器 K3B。請查看 KDE 3.5:新功能的視覺化介紹

KDE 3.5 KDE 3.5

第一次 Akademy-Es

In March 2006, the first meeting of Spanish KDE contributors took place in Barcelona. Since then, Akademy-Es has turned into an annual event. Learn more about Spanish KDE contributors group.

第一次 Akademy-es 的照片 第一次 Akademy-es 的照片

KDE Four 核心會議

In July 2006, the developers of the KDE core libraries gathered in Trysill, Norway, for the KDE Four Core meeting. The event was a kind of successor to the KDE Beta Three Conference and KDE Three Meeting and in it developers worked on the development of KDE 4 and stabilization of some core libraries to the project.

團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫) 團體照(來自 Cornelius Schumacher 的圖庫)


In March 2007, several contributors of KDE and Gnome met in A Coruña, Spain, an event which sought to establish a collaboration between the two projects. The event became known as Guademy, a mixture of Guadec, the name given to the Gnome event with Akademy, KDE event name.

Guademy 的團體照 Guademy 的團體照

KDE 4 Alpha 1

In May 2007, the alpha 1 version of KDE 4, codenamed "Knut", was announced. This announcement showed a completely new desktop, with a new theme, Oxygen, new applications like Okular and Dolphin, and a new desktop shell, Plasma. See KDE 4.0 Alpha 1: A Visual Guide to New Features.

KDE 4 Alpha 1 KDE 4 Alpha 1

KDE 4 開發平台

In October 2007, KDE announced the release candidate of its development platform consisting of basic libraries and tools to develop KDE applications.

Konqi 開發者 Konqi 開發者


In 2008, the community announced the revolutionary KDE 4. In addition to the visual impact of the new default theme, Oxygen, and the new desktop interface, Plasma; KDE 4 also innovated by presenting the following applications: the PDF reader Okular, the Dolphin file manager, as well as KWin, supporting graphics effects. See KDE 4.0 Visual Guide.

KDE 4.0 KDE 4.0

KDE 社群

4.1 版的公告就已經開始傾向將 KDE 稱作「社群」而不只是一個「專案」了。這個變更在隔年的品牌重塑公告被正式認知並承認。

Konqis 社群 Konqis 社群

First Camp KDE

In January 2009, the first edition of Camp KDE took place in Negril, Jamaica. It was the first KDE event in the Americas. After that, there were two more US-based conferences, in 2010 in San Diego, and another in 2011 in San Francisco.

2009 的團體照 2009 的團體照

Gran Canaria Desktop Summit

In July 2009, the first Desktop Summit, a joint conference of the KDE and Gnome communities, took place in Gran Canaria, Spain. The Akademy 2009 was held with this event.

DS 2009 的團體照 DS 2009 的團體照


KDE 社群達到了一百萬個 SVN 提交。2006 年 1 月時超過 500,000 個提交,2007 年 12 月時超過 750,000 個提交,而僅僅 19 個月之後貢獻數量已經超過一百萬了。貢獻數量的提升是 KDE 4 的革新所帶來的。

當時的活躍貢獻者 當時的活躍貢獻者

First Randa Meetings

In September 2009, the first of a series of events known as Randa Meetings took place in Randa, in Swiss Alps. The event brought together several sprints of various community projects. Since then, Randa Meetings take place annually.

first RM 的團體照 first RM 的團體照


In November 2009, the community announced changes to its brand. The name "K Desktop Environment" had become ambiguous and obsolete and is replaced by "KDE". The name "KDE" is no longer just referring to a desktop environment, but now represents both the community and the project umbrella supported by this community.

品牌圖表 品牌圖表

KDE 軟體集合

從 [4.3.4 版之後],KDE 的公告開始將整批產品稱作「KDE 軟體集合」(KDE Software Compilation, KDE SC)。目前我們已經放棄了這個稱呼。

品牌地圖 品牌地圖


In April 2010, the first meeting of Brazil KDE contributors took place. The event was held in Salvador, Bahia, and was the only Brazilian Akademy edition. From 2012 on, the event expanded to a meeting for all Latin American contributors.

Akademy-Br 的團體照 Akademy-Br 的團體照

Join the Game

In June 2010, the KDE e.V. announced the supporting membership program "Join the Game", which aims to encourage financial support to the community. By participating in the program you become a member of the KDE e.V., contributing to an annual amount and being able participate in the organization's annual meetings.

JtG 標誌 JtG 標誌

KDE SC 4.5

In August 2010, the community announced version 4.5 of its products: Development Platform, Applications and Plasma Workspaces. Each of them began to have a separate release announcement. One of the highlights of this version was the Plasma interface for netbooks, announced in version 4.4.

Plasma Netbook 螢幕截圖 Plasma Netbook 螢幕截圖

Calligra 軟體套件

In December 2010, the community announces the Calligra Suite, a split from the KOffice suite. KOffice was discontinued in 2011.

Calligra 軟體套件標誌 Calligra 軟體套件標誌

第一次 Conf KDE India

In March 2011, the first conference of the KDE and Qt community in India took place in Bengaluru. Since then, the event has taken place annually.

Conf India 的團體照 Conf India 的團體照

桌面峰會 2011

In August 2011, another joint conference of the KDE and Gnome communities took place in Berlin, Germany. Nearly 800 contributors from all over the world came together to share ideas and collaborate on various free software projects.

DS 2011 的團體照 DS 2011 的團體照

Plasma Active

The community released the first version of its interface for mobile devices, Plasma Active. Later, it was superseded by Plasma Mobile.

Plasma Active 1 螢幕截圖 Plasma Active 1 螢幕截圖

第一次 LaKademy

In April 2012, the first meeting of the KDE contributors in Latin America, LaKademy, took place. The event was held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The second edition took place in 2014 in São Paulo, and since then has been an annual event. So far, all editions were held in Brazil, where the highest number of contributors from the Latin American community is based.

LaKademy 2012 的團體照 LaKademy 2012 的團體照

KDE 宣言

KDE Manifesto, a document that presents the benefits and obligations of a KDE project, was released. It also introduces the core values that guide the community: Open Governance, Free Software, Inclusivity, Innovation, Common Ownership, and End-User Focus.

KDE Manifesto Art KDE Manifesto Art

新的 Konqi

In December 2012, the community launched a competition to create a new mascot using Krita. The competition winner was Tyson Tan, who created new looks for the Konqi and Katie.

Konqi 新設計 Konqi 新設計


2013 年 9 月,KDE 社群宣佈了各產品的釋出時程的變更。現在三大產品:Workspaces、Applications 和平台各有自己的釋出時間。這個變更反映了 KDE 科技的結構變化。這個變化帶來了新一代的社群產品,它們會在隔年釋出。

Graph of the KDE technologies separated Graph of the KDE technologies separated

Frameworks 5

Frameworks 5 (KF5) 的第一個穩定版釋出,KF5 是 KDE Platform 4 的繼承者,作為基於 Qt 5 的新世代 KDE 函式庫讓 KDE 開發平台更模組化,也使跨平台開發變得更容易。

KDE 科技的開發發展 KDE 科技的開發發展

Plasma 5

Plasma 5 第一個穩定版的釋出。Plasma 5 是 Plasma 的新世代,並帶來新的主題:Breeze。變更包含移植到一個基於 OpenGL(ES) 場景圖 (scenegraph) 而完全利用硬體加速的圖形系統。這個 Plasma 版本使用 Qt 5 和 Frameworks 5 作為基底。

Plasma 5 螢幕截圖 Plasma 5 螢幕截圖

GCompris 加入 KDE

In December 2014, the educational software suite GCompris joins the project incubator of KDE community. Bruno Coudoin, who created the project in 2000, decided to rewrite it in Qt Quick to facilitate its use on mobile platforms. It was originally written in GTK+.

GCompris 標誌 GCompris 標誌

Plasma 行動

KDE 社群發表了 Plasma 行動,一個智慧型手機用的介面,使用 Qt、Frameworks 5 和 Plasma Shell 科技。

Plasma 行動照片 Plasma 行動照片

Wayland 上的 Plasma

The first live image of Plasma running on Wayland was made available for download. Since 2011, the community works in support of Wayland by KWin, the Compositor of Plasma, and the Window Manager.

Wayland 上的 KWin Wayland 上的 KWin

Plasma 5.5

Version 5.5 is announced with several new features: new icons added to the Breeze theme, support for OpenGL ES in KWin, progress to support Wayland, a new default font (Noto), a new design.

Plasma 5.5 螢幕截圖 Plasma 5.5 螢幕截圖

KDE Neon

The community announced the inclusion of another project in its incubator, KDE Neon, based on Ubuntu. Developers, testers, artists, translators and early adopters can get fresh code from git as it is committed by the KDE community.

Neon 5.6 螢幕截圖 Neon 5.6 螢幕截圖

Akademy 2016 是 QtCon 的一部分

Akademy 2016 took place as a part of QtCon in September 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The event brought together the Qt, FSFE, VideoLAN and KDE communities. It celebrated 20 years of KDE, 20 years of VLC, and 15 years of FSFE.

QtCon banner QtCon banner

Kirigami UI

Kirigami 釋出。Kirigami 是一群 QML 部件,用來開發手機或桌面用的基於 Qt 的應用程式。

Kirigami 標誌 Kirigami 標誌

KDE 發表它的未來願景

In early 2016, as a result of a survey and open discussions among community members, KDE has published a document outlining its vision for the future. This vision represents the values that its members consider most important: "A world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy." The idea in defining this vision was to make clear what are the main motivations that drive the community.

KDE announced the Advisory Board

In order to formalize the cooperation among the community and the organizations that have been its allies, KDE e.V. announced the Advisory Board. Through the Advisory Board, organizations can provide feedback on community activities and decisions, to participate in regular meetings with KDE e.V., and to attend to Akademy and community sprints.

KDE 慶祝 20 週年

On October 14, KDE celebrated its 20th birthday. The project that started as a desktop environment for Unix systems, today is a community that incubates ideas and projects which go far beyond desktop technologies. To celebrate its anniversary the community published a book written by its contributors. We also had parties been held in eight countries.

Elias Silveira 所作的 KDE 20 週年畫作 Elias Silveira 所作的 KDE 20 週年畫作

KDE Slimbook 發表

In partnership with a Spanish laptop retailer the community announced the launch of the KDE Slimbook, a ultrabook that comes with the KDE Plasma and KDE Applications pre-installed. The laptop offers a pre-installed version of KDE Neon and can be purchased from the retailer's website.

KDE Slimbook KDE Slimbook

QtCon Brasil is announced

Inspired by QtCon 2016, which took place in Berlin and brought together the KDE, VLC, Qt and FSFE communities, KDE community in Brazil hosted QtCon Brasil in 2017. The event was held in São Paulo and brought together Qt experts from Brazil and abroad in two days of talks and one day of training.

KDE 設立目標

KDE 設立了它接下來四年的目標。作為成員自 2015 年以來的努力的一部分,社群訂立了三個接下來數年間的主要目標:改善它的軟體的可用性與工作效率、確保它的軟體幫助保護使用者的隱私,並且鼓勵新的合作者的貢獻與整合。


Handshake 基金會捐贈 300,000 美元給 KDE

In 2018, the Handshake Foundation made a donation of USD 300,000 to KDE e.V. The money was used to finance projects, fund the development of Calligra Office Suite and to continue our commitment to keep creating free and open source software for users worldwide.

Handshake 基金會 Handshake 基金會

Debian Joins KDE Advisory Board

Debian, the famous Linux distribution founded in 1993, joined KDE's Advisory Board to further deepen the collaboration between both communities. With this, we expect both communities to grow even stronger and to keep working together to build FLOSS projects.

Debian 社群 Debian 社群

Pineapple 基金捐贈 200,000 美元給 KDE

Pineapple, an anonymous philanthropic fund, donated USD 200,000 to KDE e.V in 2018. This allowed KDE to keep paying for all the expenses related to our community, such as sprints and events.

Pineapple 基金 Pineapple 基金

KDE-powered newspaper achieves world first

The Janayugom daily newspaper becomes the first in the world to switch to a completely free software stack for its publication. The regional paper has 100,000 subscribers across Kerala, India. An event celebrating the move is attended by the state's Chief Minister. Plasma, Okular, Krita, and more are deployed on systems across 14 different offices.

KDE 改用 GitLab 作為它的線上開發平台

2019 年,KDE 移轉到使用 GitLab 作為我們主要的 DevOps 平台。這個改變讓 KDE 社群能夠更有效率的做事,並且降低新貢獻者加入我們的門檻。我們的 GitLab 實體在 KDE Invent

KDE 採用 GitLab KDE 採用 GitLab

2019 年的新目標

KDE announces a new slate of goals for the near future at Akademy 2019. The community has whittled down a long list of proposals and chose to prioritize a consistent user experience across all KDE software, getting KDE apps into the hands of users with the help of new packaging methods, and improving the Wayland session.

KDE adopts Matrix as an Instant Messaging Platform

Matrix, an Open Source, decentralized and secure Instant Messaging platform, became the default and recommended way of communication for those who like their instant messaging graphical. Matrix allows community members to use a web-based, desktop or mobile clients, as well as native KDE clients, such as Neochat. IRC channels still exist and are bridged to Matrix, ensuring that members using different systems can communicate easily with each other. Likewise Telegram channels, although these are not considered official, as Telegram does not open source the code for its servers or encryption methods.


KDE PinePhone 發表

KDE's Plasma Mobile developers team up with PINE64 to create the PinePhone KDE Community Edition, a mobile phone that runs solely Free Software, is easy to hack and protects your privacy.

KDE PinePhone KDE PinePhone

GCompris celebrates its 20th Anniversary and is deployed in thousands of schools in Kerala, India

In 2020 GCompris celebrated its 20th birthday and was also deployed in many schools in Kerala, India. KDE educational applications have been helping students around the world for decades and are part of the KDE Educational Project.

馬拉雅拉姆語的 GCompris 馬拉雅拉姆語的 GCompris

Slimbook 成為 KDE 贊助者

以 Linux 為中心的西班牙電腦品牌 Slimbook 作為贊助者加入了 KDE。他們已經提供預裝 GNU/Linux 及 Plasma 的各種電腦許多年了,並且持續透過他們的貢獻支援 KDE 與開源。

Alejandro López (right), CEO at Slimbook, with Adriaan de Groot from the KDE e.V. board. Alejandro López (right), CEO at Slimbook, with Adriaan de Groot from the KDE e.V. board.

PINE64 作為贊助者加入 KDE

PINE64 公司的目標是提供使用開源軟體、經濟實惠且高品質的手機和其他裝置。發售使用 KDE 軟體的裝置多年之後,PINE64 成為了 KDE 贊助者

PinePhone - KDE 社群版 PinePhone - KDE 社群版

TUXEDO Computers 成為 KDE 贊助者

TUXEDO Computers 提供預裝 GNU/Linux 和 KDE Plasma 的多種產品。他們支持開源軟體已有多年,而現在他們成為了 KDE 贊助者

Herbert Feiler, CEO of TUXEDO Computers. Herbert Feiler, CEO of TUXEDO Computers.

Valve 為 Steam Deck 選擇了 KDE Plasma

Steam 的製作公司 Valve 發表了他們的可攜式遊戲電腦 Steam Deck,其預設桌面體驗使用 KDE Plasma。KDE 開發者與 Valve 合作讓 Steam Deck 能順利使用 Plasma。

在 Steam Deck 上執行的 KDE Plasma 在 Steam Deck 上執行的 KDE Plasma

First in-person post-Pandemic Akademy held in Barcelona

Akademy 2022 was held in Barcelona from the 1st to the 7th of October. it was the first time in two years Community members and guests laid out in person what had been going on within KDE's projects (and adjacent projects), the state of the art, and where things were headed.

Attendees to the 2022 Akademy held in Barcelona. Attendees to the 2022 Akademy held in Barcelona.

KDE runs two consecutive fundraisers and completes them both

KDE attempted two new fundraising initiatives in 2022. The first involved raising funds for a specific app: Kdenlive, KDE's video editor. Our goal was to raise €15,000 to enable developers to add much-requested features and stabilize the code. The second initiative was the end-of-year fundraiser, where we aimed to raise €20,000. Both fundraisers were massive successes, surpassing the goals we had set. This achievement stands as a testament to the generosity of community members, supporters, and users.

Katie and Konqi thank you for your donation. Katie and Konqi thank you for your donation.

KDE 自由 Qt 基金會慶祝 25 週年

The Foundation guarantees the present and future freedom of the Qt framework as it has the right to release Qt under the BSD license if necessary to ensure that Qt remains open source. This remarkable legal guarantee protects the free software community and creates trust among developers, contributors, and customers.

KDE 自由 Qt 基金會幫助維持 Qt 工具函式庫的自由。 KDE 自由 Qt 基金會幫助維持 Qt 工具函式庫的自由。

g10 Code 成為 KDE 贊助者

g10 Code GmbH joined the ranks of KDE patrons. g10 Code provides custom development, enhancements, and audits of cryptographic software -- in particular for the popular GnuPG encryption and digital signature tools.

g10 標誌。 g10 標誌。

KDE 釋出 Plasma 6

With Plasma 6, our technology stack underwent two major upgrades: a transition to the latest version of our application framework, Qt, and a migration to the modern Linux graphics platform, Wayland. The launch was dubbed "MegaRelease", as new versions of KDE's apps and Frameworks, along with a new version of Plasma Mobile were all published at the same time.

預設 Plasma 6 桌面環境。 預設 Plasma 6 桌面環境。