W Łk można wskazać osiem fragmentów, w których widoczne są odniesienia do Koh (2,40.52; 8,5–8a; 8... more W Łk można wskazać osiem fragmentów, w których widoczne są odniesienia do Koh (2,40.52; 8,5–8a; 8,25.35; 11,42; 12,2–3; 12,19; 12,20; 12,25). Najczęściej w passusach trzeciej ewangelii można widzieć echo słów zapisanych przez Eklezjastesa. Nie jest to jednak jedyny rodzaj związku zachodzący pomiędzy tymi tekstami. W Koh 1,16 bohater przedstawiony jako Salomon może być typem Jezusa pokazanego w Łk 2,40.52. W Łk 12,19 można widzieć natomiast prawdopodobną aluzję do Koh 8,15. Użycie typologii, aluzji i ech w zaprezentowanych powyżej fragmentach wpisuje się w badanie zależności intertekstualnych pomiędzy tekstami. Autor trzeciej ewangelii poprzez użycie Koh dokonuje jego reinterpretacji.
Conference: A Human: Prayer and Meditation
Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018
1. Please fill out this Appli... more Conference: A Human: Prayer and Meditation Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018 1. Please fill out this Application Form in full and save as YourName.doc (docx). 2. Attach the document (described in p.1) to an email addressed to: teka@umk.pl with “Conference Application” as the subject. 3. Attach abstract of your presentation (up to 400 or 800 words respectively).
The conference theme will focus broadly on Prayer and Meditation with the aim of gathering togeth... more The conference theme will focus broadly on Prayer and Meditation with the aim of gathering together senior and independent researchers, postgraduate students, and practitioners from across all academic disciplines. Whilst precedence is given to prayer and meditation, we wish also to encourage studies that focus upon the wide scope of practices and practical making use of such techniques. The conference will have an interdisciplinary character as is the tradition of Theological and Ethnological Academic Colloquia.
Proposed sessions’ structure: We strongly encourage participants from various scientific disciplines to submit an abstract in the following sessions: - Prayer and meditation in religious systems - Prayer and meditation as a conversation with the Lord - Contemporary prayer and meditation - Prayer and meditation techniques - Prayer and meditation as a cross-religious system - Prayer and meditation in sacred scriptures - Prayer and meditation in psychology and psychotherapy - Prayer and meditation in art In addition, we invite suggestions and proposals for additional panel sessions, although please inform us swiftly of any intention, indicating with whom you would like to cooperate or convene such a panel.
Na podstawie analizy Ap 2,14–17 można stwierdzić, że Kościół w Pergamonie "gości" i toleruje u si... more Na podstawie analizy Ap 2,14–17 można stwierdzić, że Kościół w Pergamonie "gości" i toleruje u siebie ludzi dopuszczających się grzechu bałwochwalstwa. Grzech ten dotyczy zarówno zewnętrznej, jak i wewnętrznej postawy człowieka. Przykładem potwierdzającym tę tezę jest historia Balaama, na którą powołuje się autor na-tchniony. Grzech idolatrii może być dobrym impulsem do nawrócenia. Tej radykalnej zmianie życia pomaga powrót do tożsamości chrzcielnej, która w Ap 2,17 jest zobrazo-wana poprzez symbole: manny ukrytej, białego kamienia oraz nowego imienia.
W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione możliwe elementy chrzcielne występujące w Ap 2–3. Można wy... more W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione możliwe elementy chrzcielne występujące w Ap 2–3. Można wymienić ich dwanaście: świecznik (2,5); owoc z drzewa życia (2,7); wieniec (2,10; 3,11); manna ukryta (2,17a); biały kamień (2,17b); nowe imię (2,17c); gwiazda (2,28); białe szaty (3,5.18); imię w księdze życia (3,5); drzwi otwarte (3,8); złoto oczyszczone w ogniu (3,18a); balsam do namaszczenia oczu (3,18b). Mimo, że autor Ap nigdzie wprost nie mówi o chrzcie, to na podstawie wyżej omówionych elementów można stwierdzić, że czyni on aluzje do tego sakramentu. Pokazuje również, w jaki sposób konsekwencje inicjacji chrześcijańskiej mają wpływać na rozwój tożsamości chrzcielnej. Poprzez chrzest człowiek staje się świadkiem Jezusa, jest włączony w Jego misję prorocką, przyobleka się w Niego, porzucając swoją koncepcję na siebie i kierując swoją egzystencję w stronę życia wiecznego poprzez realny udział w męce, śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” (Rev 14:13).
Exegetic-Theological Study
The second ble... more “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” (Rev 14:13). Exegetic-Theological Study The second blessing from the Book of Revelation expresses one of the most profound truths of Christianity, namely that dying with Christ enables us to take part in His resurrection. The presented interpretation of the blessing from Rev 14:13 serves as a springboard to further research on this and other blessings from the last book of Holy Scripture. Furthermore, it appears that this research question contributed to a deeper understanding of the meaning of blessings for a believer in Christ when the Book of Revelation was written and will contribute nowadays for contemporary Christians. Reading the contents of the last book of the New Testament will make it possible to find and interpret valuable guidelines given by Christ to us, his disciples.
Abstract. The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, Gog and Magog are
a few of the many antagonis... more Abstract. The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, Gog and Magog are a few of the many antagonists of God in the Book of Revelation. The symbolism of Revelation is not easy to decipher. Also in the case of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet there are many possibilities for interpretation. In our article this characters were presented as having an anti-Trinitarian dimension. We skipped aspects of understending them in the context on the imperialist Rome. The Dragon is the antithesis of God the Father, the Beast is the antithesis of the Son of God and the False Prophet is the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. Their work involves gathering his followers. We can identify Gog and Magog as enemies of God. The fight with them will take place in the end times. Every beliver fights each day with Gog and Magog of obedience to the Trinity and not to the diabolical triad.
W Łk można wskazać osiem fragmentów, w których widoczne są odniesienia do Koh (2,40.52; 8,5–8a; 8... more W Łk można wskazać osiem fragmentów, w których widoczne są odniesienia do Koh (2,40.52; 8,5–8a; 8,25.35; 11,42; 12,2–3; 12,19; 12,20; 12,25). Najczęściej w passusach trzeciej ewangelii można widzieć echo słów zapisanych przez Eklezjastesa. Nie jest to jednak jedyny rodzaj związku zachodzący pomiędzy tymi tekstami. W Koh 1,16 bohater przedstawiony jako Salomon może być typem Jezusa pokazanego w Łk 2,40.52. W Łk 12,19 można widzieć natomiast prawdopodobną aluzję do Koh 8,15. Użycie typologii, aluzji i ech w zaprezentowanych powyżej fragmentach wpisuje się w badanie zależności intertekstualnych pomiędzy tekstami. Autor trzeciej ewangelii poprzez użycie Koh dokonuje jego reinterpretacji.
Conference: A Human: Prayer and Meditation
Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018
1. Please fill out this Appli... more Conference: A Human: Prayer and Meditation Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018 1. Please fill out this Application Form in full and save as YourName.doc (docx). 2. Attach the document (described in p.1) to an email addressed to: teka@umk.pl with “Conference Application” as the subject. 3. Attach abstract of your presentation (up to 400 or 800 words respectively).
The conference theme will focus broadly on Prayer and Meditation with the aim of gathering togeth... more The conference theme will focus broadly on Prayer and Meditation with the aim of gathering together senior and independent researchers, postgraduate students, and practitioners from across all academic disciplines. Whilst precedence is given to prayer and meditation, we wish also to encourage studies that focus upon the wide scope of practices and practical making use of such techniques. The conference will have an interdisciplinary character as is the tradition of Theological and Ethnological Academic Colloquia.
Proposed sessions’ structure: We strongly encourage participants from various scientific disciplines to submit an abstract in the following sessions: - Prayer and meditation in religious systems - Prayer and meditation as a conversation with the Lord - Contemporary prayer and meditation - Prayer and meditation techniques - Prayer and meditation as a cross-religious system - Prayer and meditation in sacred scriptures - Prayer and meditation in psychology and psychotherapy - Prayer and meditation in art In addition, we invite suggestions and proposals for additional panel sessions, although please inform us swiftly of any intention, indicating with whom you would like to cooperate or convene such a panel.
Na podstawie analizy Ap 2,14–17 można stwierdzić, że Kościół w Pergamonie "gości" i toleruje u si... more Na podstawie analizy Ap 2,14–17 można stwierdzić, że Kościół w Pergamonie "gości" i toleruje u siebie ludzi dopuszczających się grzechu bałwochwalstwa. Grzech ten dotyczy zarówno zewnętrznej, jak i wewnętrznej postawy człowieka. Przykładem potwierdzającym tę tezę jest historia Balaama, na którą powołuje się autor na-tchniony. Grzech idolatrii może być dobrym impulsem do nawrócenia. Tej radykalnej zmianie życia pomaga powrót do tożsamości chrzcielnej, która w Ap 2,17 jest zobrazo-wana poprzez symbole: manny ukrytej, białego kamienia oraz nowego imienia.
W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione możliwe elementy chrzcielne występujące w Ap 2–3. Można wy... more W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione możliwe elementy chrzcielne występujące w Ap 2–3. Można wymienić ich dwanaście: świecznik (2,5); owoc z drzewa życia (2,7); wieniec (2,10; 3,11); manna ukryta (2,17a); biały kamień (2,17b); nowe imię (2,17c); gwiazda (2,28); białe szaty (3,5.18); imię w księdze życia (3,5); drzwi otwarte (3,8); złoto oczyszczone w ogniu (3,18a); balsam do namaszczenia oczu (3,18b). Mimo, że autor Ap nigdzie wprost nie mówi o chrzcie, to na podstawie wyżej omówionych elementów można stwierdzić, że czyni on aluzje do tego sakramentu. Pokazuje również, w jaki sposób konsekwencje inicjacji chrześcijańskiej mają wpływać na rozwój tożsamości chrzcielnej. Poprzez chrzest człowiek staje się świadkiem Jezusa, jest włączony w Jego misję prorocką, przyobleka się w Niego, porzucając swoją koncepcję na siebie i kierując swoją egzystencję w stronę życia wiecznego poprzez realny udział w męce, śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” (Rev 14:13).
Exegetic-Theological Study
The second ble... more “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” (Rev 14:13). Exegetic-Theological Study The second blessing from the Book of Revelation expresses one of the most profound truths of Christianity, namely that dying with Christ enables us to take part in His resurrection. The presented interpretation of the blessing from Rev 14:13 serves as a springboard to further research on this and other blessings from the last book of Holy Scripture. Furthermore, it appears that this research question contributed to a deeper understanding of the meaning of blessings for a believer in Christ when the Book of Revelation was written and will contribute nowadays for contemporary Christians. Reading the contents of the last book of the New Testament will make it possible to find and interpret valuable guidelines given by Christ to us, his disciples.
Abstract. The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, Gog and Magog are
a few of the many antagonis... more Abstract. The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, Gog and Magog are a few of the many antagonists of God in the Book of Revelation. The symbolism of Revelation is not easy to decipher. Also in the case of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet there are many possibilities for interpretation. In our article this characters were presented as having an anti-Trinitarian dimension. We skipped aspects of understending them in the context on the imperialist Rome. The Dragon is the antithesis of God the Father, the Beast is the antithesis of the Son of God and the False Prophet is the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. Their work involves gathering his followers. We can identify Gog and Magog as enemies of God. The fight with them will take place in the end times. Every beliver fights each day with Gog and Magog of obedience to the Trinity and not to the diabolical triad.
Papers by Karolina Olszewska
Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018
1. Please fill out this Application Form in full and save as YourName.doc (docx).
2. Attach the document (described in p.1) to an email addressed to: teka@umk.pl
with “Conference Application” as the subject.
3. Attach abstract of your presentation (up to 400 or 800 words respectively).
Term of application: 15. February 2018
Proposed sessions’ structure:
We strongly encourage participants from various scientific disciplines to submit an abstract in the following sessions:
- Prayer and meditation in religious systems
- Prayer and meditation as a conversation with the Lord
- Contemporary prayer and meditation
- Prayer and meditation techniques
- Prayer and meditation as a cross-religious system
- Prayer and meditation in sacred scriptures
- Prayer and meditation in psychology and psychotherapy
- Prayer and meditation in art
In addition, we invite suggestions and proposals for additional panel sessions, although please inform us swiftly of any intention, indicating with whom you would like to cooperate or convene such a panel.
Exegetic-Theological Study
The second blessing from the Book of Revelation expresses one of the most profound truths of Christianity, namely that dying with Christ enables us to take part in His resurrection. The presented interpretation of the blessing from Rev 14:13 serves as a springboard to further research on this and other blessings
from the last book of Holy Scripture. Furthermore, it appears that this research question contributed to a deeper understanding of the meaning of blessings for a believer in Christ when the Book of Revelation was written and will contribute nowadays for contemporary Christians. Reading the contents of the last book of the New Testament will make it possible to find and interpret valuable guidelines given by Christ to us, his disciples.
a few of the many antagonists of God in the Book of Revelation. The symbolism
of Revelation is not easy to decipher. Also in the case of the Dragon, the Beast and
the False Prophet there are many possibilities for interpretation. In our article this
characters were presented as having an anti-Trinitarian dimension. We skipped
aspects of understending them in the context on the imperialist Rome. The Dragon
is the antithesis of God the Father, the Beast is the antithesis of the Son of God and
the False Prophet is the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. Their work involves gathering
his followers. We can identify Gog and Magog as enemies of God. The fight with
them will take place in the end times. Every beliver fights each day with Gog and
Magog of obedience to the Trinity and not to the diabolical triad.
Toruń, 14.-15. June 2018
1. Please fill out this Application Form in full and save as YourName.doc (docx).
2. Attach the document (described in p.1) to an email addressed to: teka@umk.pl
with “Conference Application” as the subject.
3. Attach abstract of your presentation (up to 400 or 800 words respectively).
Term of application: 15. February 2018
Proposed sessions’ structure:
We strongly encourage participants from various scientific disciplines to submit an abstract in the following sessions:
- Prayer and meditation in religious systems
- Prayer and meditation as a conversation with the Lord
- Contemporary prayer and meditation
- Prayer and meditation techniques
- Prayer and meditation as a cross-religious system
- Prayer and meditation in sacred scriptures
- Prayer and meditation in psychology and psychotherapy
- Prayer and meditation in art
In addition, we invite suggestions and proposals for additional panel sessions, although please inform us swiftly of any intention, indicating with whom you would like to cooperate or convene such a panel.
Exegetic-Theological Study
The second blessing from the Book of Revelation expresses one of the most profound truths of Christianity, namely that dying with Christ enables us to take part in His resurrection. The presented interpretation of the blessing from Rev 14:13 serves as a springboard to further research on this and other blessings
from the last book of Holy Scripture. Furthermore, it appears that this research question contributed to a deeper understanding of the meaning of blessings for a believer in Christ when the Book of Revelation was written and will contribute nowadays for contemporary Christians. Reading the contents of the last book of the New Testament will make it possible to find and interpret valuable guidelines given by Christ to us, his disciples.
a few of the many antagonists of God in the Book of Revelation. The symbolism
of Revelation is not easy to decipher. Also in the case of the Dragon, the Beast and
the False Prophet there are many possibilities for interpretation. In our article this
characters were presented as having an anti-Trinitarian dimension. We skipped
aspects of understending them in the context on the imperialist Rome. The Dragon
is the antithesis of God the Father, the Beast is the antithesis of the Son of God and
the False Prophet is the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. Their work involves gathering
his followers. We can identify Gog and Magog as enemies of God. The fight with
them will take place in the end times. Every beliver fights each day with Gog and
Magog of obedience to the Trinity and not to the diabolical triad.