Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One ... more Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One of the most visible impacts caused by mining activity is the change in the nearby landscape. Steep slopes are common in open-pit mining area, thus the chance of landslides happening is high. To determine areas that are prone to landslides, the analysis of slope stability in the mining area is deemed necessary. “Bishop” methodology is used to determine the safety factor (SF) with the aid of “Rocscience Slide” software using “Mohr-Coulomb” strength type, with weight, cohesion, and friction angle as units in the parameter. And then a kinematic analysis is done by Stereonet projection in “Dips” software to determine the type of landslide. The safety factor value gained from the calculation is 1.112, and then after the treatment of slopes has been done, the safety factor value increases to 1.772, when referring to the bowless classification, which SF value> 1.25, it can be said that this slope is in a stable condition. After kinematic analysis had been done the type of landslide determined is “Wedge”. So it can be concluded that the slope on the east side of the pit is not safe, with a possibility of a Wedge type landslide occurring. But by changing its geometry we can produce a Safety Factor value that is considered safe.
Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy, 2021
Penelitian dilakukan di Bendungan Cipanas, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Topik utama y... more Penelitian dilakukan di Bendungan Cipanas, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Topik utama yang dibahas dalam makalah ini adalah perencanaan desain untuk pembangunan DAM, yang berkaitan dengan beberapa aspek stratigrafi, litologi, struktur geologi, dan rekayasa (sifat fisik dan mekanik batuan). Aspek stratigrafi kawasan bendungan ini meliputi beberapa formasi seperti Formasi Subang, Formasi Kaliwangu, Formasi Citalang, Tuf, dan Aluvial. Aspek Litologi Bendungan Cipanas terdiri dari beberapa litologi, dari tua ke muda adalah Satuan Batulempung Serpih (Tmbl) berumur Miosen Akhir, Satuan Batupasir Molluscan (Tpbpm) Pliosen Awal, Satuan Konglomerat (Tpk), Satuan Batupasir Kasar (Tpbk) . ), Satuan Batulempung Abu-abu Tua-Biru-Hijau (Tpbl) dimana ketiganya di atas berasal dari Pliosen Akhir – Pleistosen Awal, Satuan Tuf (Kt) dan Satuan Aluvium (Ka) adalah Holosen. Analisis stereonet yang berasal dari kelurusan dan pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa struktur geologi yang t...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One ... more Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One of the most visible impacts caused by mining activity is the change in the nearby landscape. Steep slopes are common in open-pit mining area, thus the chance of landslides happening is high. To determine areas that are prone to landslides, the analysis of slope stability in the mining area is deemed necessary. “Bishop” methodology is used to determine the safety factor (SF) with the aid of “Rocscience Slide” software using “Mohr-Coulomb” strength type, with weight, cohesion, and friction angle as units in the parameter. And then a kinematic analysis is done by Stereonet projection in “Dips” software to determine the type of landslide. The safety factor value gained from the calculation is 1.112, and then after the treatment of slopes has been done, the safety factor value increases to 1.772, when referring to the bowless classification, which SF value> 1.25, it can be said that this s...
Rencana pembangunan Bendungan AMERORO di Kabupaten Konawe yang sudah memasuki taha Detail Desain,... more Rencana pembangunan Bendungan AMERORO di Kabupaten Konawe yang sudah memasuki taha Detail Desain, sangat perlu mandapatkan data kondisi geologi Teknik bawah permukaan.Terkait dengan hal tersebut perlu ditentukan metode penyelidikan lapangan yang tepat agar diperoleh hasil yang paling mendekati, sebagai dasar pembuatan Detail Desain Bendungan A tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui metode penyelidikan tanah/batuan dan jenis bor dan macam pemborannya. Secara geologi daerah penelitian tersusun oleh batuan metamorf berupa sekis dan endapan Aluvium.Adapun karakteritik batuan metamorf sekis mempunyai struktur foliasi yang menyebabkan bidang belah dari batuan tersebut berlembar menyerupai daun.Untuk melakukan penyelidikan bawah permukaan yang baik perlu dilakukan Metoda Pemboran Vertikal dan Metode Geofisika dengan menggunakan Seismik Refraksi dangkal. Jenis pemboran yang akan dilakukan adal;ah pemboran inti penuh ( full corring ). Mesin bor yan diperlukan adalah mes...
Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One ... more Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One of the most visible impacts caused by mining activity is the change in the nearby landscape. Steep slopes are common in open-pit mining area, thus the chance of landslides happening is high. To determine areas that are prone to landslides, the analysis of slope stability in the mining area is deemed necessary. “Bishop” methodology is used to determine the safety factor (SF) with the aid of “Rocscience Slide” software using “Mohr-Coulomb” strength type, with weight, cohesion, and friction angle as units in the parameter. And then a kinematic analysis is done by Stereonet projection in “Dips” software to determine the type of landslide. The safety factor value gained from the calculation is 1.112, and then after the treatment of slopes has been done, the safety factor value increases to 1.772, when referring to the bowless classification, which SF value> 1.25, it can be said that this slope is in a stable condition. After kinematic analysis had been done the type of landslide determined is “Wedge”. So it can be concluded that the slope on the east side of the pit is not safe, with a possibility of a Wedge type landslide occurring. But by changing its geometry we can produce a Safety Factor value that is considered safe.
Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy, 2021
Penelitian dilakukan di Bendungan Cipanas, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Topik utama y... more Penelitian dilakukan di Bendungan Cipanas, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Topik utama yang dibahas dalam makalah ini adalah perencanaan desain untuk pembangunan DAM, yang berkaitan dengan beberapa aspek stratigrafi, litologi, struktur geologi, dan rekayasa (sifat fisik dan mekanik batuan). Aspek stratigrafi kawasan bendungan ini meliputi beberapa formasi seperti Formasi Subang, Formasi Kaliwangu, Formasi Citalang, Tuf, dan Aluvial. Aspek Litologi Bendungan Cipanas terdiri dari beberapa litologi, dari tua ke muda adalah Satuan Batulempung Serpih (Tmbl) berumur Miosen Akhir, Satuan Batupasir Molluscan (Tpbpm) Pliosen Awal, Satuan Konglomerat (Tpk), Satuan Batupasir Kasar (Tpbk) . ), Satuan Batulempung Abu-abu Tua-Biru-Hijau (Tpbl) dimana ketiganya di atas berasal dari Pliosen Akhir – Pleistosen Awal, Satuan Tuf (Kt) dan Satuan Aluvium (Ka) adalah Holosen. Analisis stereonet yang berasal dari kelurusan dan pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa struktur geologi yang t...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One ... more Mining activity, especially open-pit mining, has caused an effect on the nearby environment. One of the most visible impacts caused by mining activity is the change in the nearby landscape. Steep slopes are common in open-pit mining area, thus the chance of landslides happening is high. To determine areas that are prone to landslides, the analysis of slope stability in the mining area is deemed necessary. “Bishop” methodology is used to determine the safety factor (SF) with the aid of “Rocscience Slide” software using “Mohr-Coulomb” strength type, with weight, cohesion, and friction angle as units in the parameter. And then a kinematic analysis is done by Stereonet projection in “Dips” software to determine the type of landslide. The safety factor value gained from the calculation is 1.112, and then after the treatment of slopes has been done, the safety factor value increases to 1.772, when referring to the bowless classification, which SF value> 1.25, it can be said that this s...
Rencana pembangunan Bendungan AMERORO di Kabupaten Konawe yang sudah memasuki taha Detail Desain,... more Rencana pembangunan Bendungan AMERORO di Kabupaten Konawe yang sudah memasuki taha Detail Desain, sangat perlu mandapatkan data kondisi geologi Teknik bawah permukaan.Terkait dengan hal tersebut perlu ditentukan metode penyelidikan lapangan yang tepat agar diperoleh hasil yang paling mendekati, sebagai dasar pembuatan Detail Desain Bendungan A tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui metode penyelidikan tanah/batuan dan jenis bor dan macam pemborannya. Secara geologi daerah penelitian tersusun oleh batuan metamorf berupa sekis dan endapan Aluvium.Adapun karakteritik batuan metamorf sekis mempunyai struktur foliasi yang menyebabkan bidang belah dari batuan tersebut berlembar menyerupai daun.Untuk melakukan penyelidikan bawah permukaan yang baik perlu dilakukan Metoda Pemboran Vertikal dan Metode Geofisika dengan menggunakan Seismik Refraksi dangkal. Jenis pemboran yang akan dilakukan adal;ah pemboran inti penuh ( full corring ). Mesin bor yan diperlukan adalah mes...
Papers by harry pramudito