Development Setup#

This setup guide assumes that the python command references a Python 3.7 version or higher. We recommend using pyenv for managing Python versions.

Upon checking out this package, please run the following:

pip install -e .[dev]

# if you use zsh you might need to escape `[` and `]`
pip install -e ".[dev]"

This will install all required packages with pip and setup a Git hook that does automated type and style checks when you try to create a new Git commit.

When you create commits on a branch, you can disable these checks temporarily with the --no-verify Git commit option.

Build Instructions#

To run the project tests:

# or
python tests

To build the project documentation:

python docs

This will put the documentation in docs/_build/html, where you can inspect it by opening index.html.

You can also run the code quality checks manually using

python type_check   # for Mypy type checks
python style_check  # for Black code style checks

Note that the above commands are executed automatically as part of the build command. Developers that want to merge their code changes in the project mainline are therefore advised to ensure that their commits do not violate the above commands. If you have configured your developer environment using ./ and are not relying on the --no-verify option, this should already be asserted when you create your commits.

Writing Type-Safe Code#

The codebase makes extensive use of type hints. The benefits of using types are twofold. On the one hand, typing the arguments and the return type of methods and functions provides additional layer of meta-information and improves the readability of the code. On the other, with the help of an external type-checker such as mypy we can statically catch a number of corner cases that can possibly cause bugs in production.

As explained above, in order to implement the latter, the type_check command is executed by the build toolchain. However, note that due to the large number of type errors currently reported by the mypy check, at the moment not all packages are type-checked. Until we finish the migration of existing packages, developers are advised to implement the following guidelines in order to ensure that code added to the repository is type-safe and type-checked.

  1. Add an empty file called .typesafe to each new package. Make sure that the marker files are added to test packages as well. You may omit this file if an ancestor package already is marked as .typesafe.

  2. Make sure that you provide proper type annotations for the parameters and the return type of every new method and function. This also applies to void method and functions as well as __init__ methods, which should be marked with return type None.

If you adhere to the above guidelines, you should be able to run python style_check and catch type errors early directly on your branch.

Editing the documentation#

GluonTS documentation follows the NumPy docstring format.

If you are editing docstrings in source code, you can preview them with the following commands:

make -C docs html                # generate the docs
open docs/_build/html/index.html # open the generated docs in a browser

Ensure that there are no syntax errors and warnings before committing a PR.

Using just, you can

  • build the entire documentation with just docs or

  • only translate the templates (like the tutorials) to .md files, using just compile_notebooks skip.

If you are directly editing *.rst files within the docs folder, you can use a sphinx-autobuild autobuild session that starts a web server and a watchdog that automatically rebuilds the documentation when you change an *.rst file:

cd docs                          # go to the docs folder
make livehtml                    # run the autobuild watchdog, ensure that
                                 # there are no syntax errors and warnings
open       # open the autobuild preview

Here are some useful links summarizing the Sphinx syntax: