
GluonTS is available from PyPi via:

pip install gluonts


GluonTS uses Semantic Versioning for managing versions. Since the library is actively developed we use v0 as the major version.

We plan to release a new minor version at the end of each quarter. The current planned releases can be found on GitHub.

Version Guarantees

Breaking changes are only introduced with a new minor release. Bug fixes and minor improvements are provided for the current release and are published on demand.

For production usage, we suggest restricting the version when installing GluonTS:

pip install gluonts==0.12.*

Optional and Extra Dependencies#


GluonTS uses a minimal dependency model.

This means that to use most models and features additional dependencies need to be installed.

Python has the notion of extras – dependencies that can be optionally installed to unlock certain features of a package.

When installing a package, they are passed via [...] after the package name, but before the version specifier:

pip install "some-package[extra-1,extra-2]==version"

We make extensive use of optional dependencies in GluonTS to keep the amount of required dependencies minimal. To still allow users to opt-in to certain features, we expose many extra dependencies.

For example, we offer support for reading and writing Arrow and Parquet based datasets using Apache Arrow. However, it is a hefty dependency to require, especially if one has no need for it. Thus, we offer the arrow-extra, which installs the required packages and can be simply enabled using:

pip install "gluonts[arrow]"



Models written using PyTorch are available via the gluonts.torch subpackage.

In addition to PyTorch we require PyTorch Lightning to be installed as well.

Both required dependencies are included in the torch-extra:

pip install "gluonts[torch]"


MXNet based models require a version of mxnet to be installed.


MXNet provides different package for CPU and GPU usages. Please refer to its documentation to select the right version fitting your use-case.

The mxnet-extra will install a CPU-only version:

pip install "gluonts[mxnet]"

3rd Party#


GluonTS includes a thin wrapper for calling the R forecast package.

In order to use it you need to install R and install the forecast package:

R -e 'install.packages(c("forecast", "nnfor"), repos="")'

You will also need to install R-extra dependencies with:

pip install "gluonts[R]"

The Prophet forecasting library is available via gluonts.model.prophet and requires the prophet package to be installed. You can get it by installing the prophet-extra:

pip install "gluonts[prophet]"



Since Python’s build in json package is known to be relatively slow, we use faster implementations if available: orjson (recommended) and ujson.

You can install orjson via:

pip install orjson


GluonTS will emit a warning if neither orjson nor ujson are installed. There is no functional difference between the different implementations, but especially when working with larger datasets, performance can be notably impacted when relying on the default json package.


GluonTS support Parquet files using PyArrow.

Further, arrow’s custom data formats are also supported.

To use these, either install the pyarrow package or use the arrow-extra:

pip install "gluonts[arrow]"



The shell module offers integration with Amazon SageMaker and is available through:

pip install "gluonts[shell]"