Prof. Dr. Rudi Schmiede, (*1946). Fachgebiet: Soziologie | Arbeit, Technik und Gesellschaft, FB Gesellschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften, TU Darmstadt. Werdegang: 1972-1985 Forschungsassistent, 1985-1987 Heisenberg-Stipendiat Institut für Sozialforschung Frankfurt, 1977 Promotion Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 1984 Habilitation Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, seit 1987 Professor für Soziologie an der TU Darmstadt2005 Visiting Scholar an der University of California Irvine. Seit 10/2011 Professor im Ruhestand an der TUDarmstadt. Forschungsgebiete: Sozialstrukturelle Dimensionen von Ökonomie und Krise, Soziale Dimensionen und Gestaltung von IuK-Technologien, Arbeit in der Informationsgesellschaft, Informatisierung undWissen, Digitale Bibliotheken und Fachinformation, Bildungssystem und Weiterbildung.Mehr Informationen unter:
International Journal on Digital Libraries, Aug 1, 2004
This text gives an overview of the work of the author and his working group telos over the past 2... more This text gives an overview of the work of the author and his working group telos over the past 20 years and sketches the main focus of this work, i.e., creating technologies for distributed scientific resources and their intelligent retrieval.
Our project "Generic Portals" 1 focuses on the possibilities and problems created by the usage of... more Our project "Generic Portals" 1 focuses on the possibilities and problems created by the usage of web-technologies to support web-based Digital Library applications. We observe a divergence of services in the sphere of structured resources and scientific libraries´ services. Publications in the form of digital resources have introduced new dynamics into the information exchange in the scientific communities. The changes in the publication process are formed by so-called structured resources, whereas the resource can be seen as an encapsulated object. For the exchange of information we have only to know the interface of the structured resource in detail. W3C has published a working draft which includes a language named Web Service Description Language (WSDL) for describing interfaces of services. A Web service interface is a shared connection between functional components of applications. We consider the requirements for the integration of DL-applications via Web services. We present an adapted process model for supply of DL-oriented Web services. Further we present a component-based approach to relate researchers´ activities to so-called DL-oriented Web services. We obtain criteria for the description of DL-oriented Web services based on the researchers´ working process. Finally, we present a brief overview what kind of Web technologies might be reused for a prototypical implementation of DL-oriented Web services.
Denne artikels tese lyder: Industri-og virksomhedssociologiens teoretiske problemer og svagheder,... more Denne artikels tese lyder: Industri-og virksomhedssociologiens teoretiske problemer og svagheder, som idag igen beklages højlydt, kan for det første føres tilbage til samfundsteoriens almene uløste spørgsmål, og tydeliggør for det andet, at der i denne »profession«, er en vis berøringsangst overfor samfundsteoretiske spørgsmål. For at udfolde dette argument og begrunde det i teseform, må jeg skitsere nogle forudsaetninger: Jeg går i første omgang ind på Marx' analyse af lønarbejdet indenfor rammerne af hans teori om »lønarbejdets reelle subsumtion under kapitalen« for at vise, at hans begrundelse for arbejdets tiltagende abstrakte karakter ikke er tilstraekkelig (afsnit I). Jeg vil derefter redegøre for, at mere praecise anknytningspunkter for en bestemmelse af abstrakt arbejde, og dermed også centrale kategorier for industri-og virksomhedssociologien, lader sig finde gennem inddragelse af nyere debatter i relation til erkendelses-og videnskabs-og teknikkritik, som alle beskaeftiger sig med de nutidige abstraktionsprocessers oprindelser og karakter (afsnit II). I et tredje trin vil jeg tydeliggøre, at der med disse overvejelser kan indhøstes nye indsigter på to for analysen af arbejdet saerlig vigtige områder i de sidste ti år -nemlig i undersøgelser af arbejdsmarkedsstrukturen og af fagforeningernes funktion (afsnit III). Til slut kommer jeg ind på spørgsmålene om, hvordan den videre udvikling af lønarbejdet kan vurderes set i forhold til de nuvaerende automationstendenser, og i hvor høj grad man i denne sammenhaeng kan tale om den ofte naevnte »krise i arbejdssamfundet« (afsnit IV). Disse spørgsmåls spaendvidde medfører på grund af den komprimerede artikelform, at mange overvejelser kun kan skitseres groft, tentativt, og hypotetisk; et vist mål af spekulativ og uafsikret taenken kunne efter min fornemmelse imidlertid gøre ganske godt i den noget stivnede industrisociologiske profession. Denne artikel er den gennemarbejdede udgave af mit foredrag for Industri-og Virksomhedssociologisektionen på den 21. tyske Sociolog-kongres i Bamberg, oktober 1982.
SozioNet 1 forms part of a forthcoming national social science information portal, which is curre... more SozioNet 1 forms part of a forthcoming national social science information portal, which is currently being developed by the German Infoconnex 2 initiative. Inspired by successful examples like MathNet 3 or SOSIG 4 , SozioNet provides access to freely available web resources with relevance to social science. It is based on a network of social science institutions and scientists, to agree on and establish common metadata standards. SozioNet implements a general infrastructure for the creation of semantically rich metadata, and for the harvesting and retrieval of relevant resources with a domain specific focus.
With the development of informational capitalism and the network society, globalization and infor... more With the development of informational capitalism and the network society, globalization and informatization play an increasingly crucial role for understanding technology and society. Informatization describes a qualitative leap in technology development which opens up new dimensions of productivity by information modelling on the one hand, but which demands new forms of knowledge of information workers on the other hand. Work is becoming more flexible, but also more precarious and more polarized socially. These tendencies create a contradictory situation for the subject: formalization and new scopes of autonomy exist side by side. This constellation allows for new approaches to the social shaping of technologies. But they presuppose a fundamental change in attitude by both, system developers and social scientists.
The article discusses changes in scientific work (academic and applied) associated with new poten... more The article discusses changes in scientific work (academic and applied) associated with new potentials, but also coercions of information technologies. Background for this interest is the experience gained in several digital library projects that inclinations and willingness to use these technical possibilities is much less common than the developers of these systems, and we all, tended to think in recent years. This seems to be true even in those scientific disciplines which were and are at the forefront of the development, e.g. physics, mathematics, etc. The background for this observation is discussed looking at general economic and social changes, viewing the environments of work in the scientific sphere, the contents and their quantity and quality of supply in scientific IT systems, the user side in their communities of practice, and the technological and organizational basis of scientific information. Some strategic issues to improve the situation are discussed in the final part of the paper. In the last thirty years the role of knowledge, and especially of scientific knowledge and its information basis, has changed dramatically in the international economy and society. The new "Informational Capitalism" or "Digital Capitalism" (Schiller 1999) is characterized by a new stage of globalization, implying new forms of markets and organization, and by a dramatic take-off and intensification of overall informatization. In general, the new capacity of informational capitalism is the development of socio-technical systems which generate, communicate and process information around the globe in real-time. For society and organizations, the "network society" (Castells 1996) entails an increasing role of network forms of cooperation and organization, characterized by the creation of "horizontal" organizations with flat hierarchies, decentralized structures, focussed on continuous re-engineering of their resources with the concentration on their key competences and continuous rationalization along the value creation chain (cf. Knoke 2001, ch. 1). The new type of network or virtual organization brings the market as close as possible to every department, project, work group, and individual -it implies a "new immediacy" of the economy, an increased directness of economic forces shaping the conditions of the single economic unit (cf. Schmiede 2003;. Network structures play an increasing role on various levels. The new forms of network cooperation depend more or less on the digital information and
International Journal on Digital Libraries, Aug 1, 2004
This text gives an overview of the work of the author and his working group telos over the past 2... more This text gives an overview of the work of the author and his working group telos over the past 20 years and sketches the main focus of this work, i.e., creating technologies for distributed scientific resources and their intelligent retrieval.
Our project "Generic Portals" 1 focuses on the possibilities and problems created by the usage of... more Our project "Generic Portals" 1 focuses on the possibilities and problems created by the usage of web-technologies to support web-based Digital Library applications. We observe a divergence of services in the sphere of structured resources and scientific libraries´ services. Publications in the form of digital resources have introduced new dynamics into the information exchange in the scientific communities. The changes in the publication process are formed by so-called structured resources, whereas the resource can be seen as an encapsulated object. For the exchange of information we have only to know the interface of the structured resource in detail. W3C has published a working draft which includes a language named Web Service Description Language (WSDL) for describing interfaces of services. A Web service interface is a shared connection between functional components of applications. We consider the requirements for the integration of DL-applications via Web services. We present an adapted process model for supply of DL-oriented Web services. Further we present a component-based approach to relate researchers´ activities to so-called DL-oriented Web services. We obtain criteria for the description of DL-oriented Web services based on the researchers´ working process. Finally, we present a brief overview what kind of Web technologies might be reused for a prototypical implementation of DL-oriented Web services.
Denne artikels tese lyder: Industri-og virksomhedssociologiens teoretiske problemer og svagheder,... more Denne artikels tese lyder: Industri-og virksomhedssociologiens teoretiske problemer og svagheder, som idag igen beklages højlydt, kan for det første føres tilbage til samfundsteoriens almene uløste spørgsmål, og tydeliggør for det andet, at der i denne »profession«, er en vis berøringsangst overfor samfundsteoretiske spørgsmål. For at udfolde dette argument og begrunde det i teseform, må jeg skitsere nogle forudsaetninger: Jeg går i første omgang ind på Marx' analyse af lønarbejdet indenfor rammerne af hans teori om »lønarbejdets reelle subsumtion under kapitalen« for at vise, at hans begrundelse for arbejdets tiltagende abstrakte karakter ikke er tilstraekkelig (afsnit I). Jeg vil derefter redegøre for, at mere praecise anknytningspunkter for en bestemmelse af abstrakt arbejde, og dermed også centrale kategorier for industri-og virksomhedssociologien, lader sig finde gennem inddragelse af nyere debatter i relation til erkendelses-og videnskabs-og teknikkritik, som alle beskaeftiger sig med de nutidige abstraktionsprocessers oprindelser og karakter (afsnit II). I et tredje trin vil jeg tydeliggøre, at der med disse overvejelser kan indhøstes nye indsigter på to for analysen af arbejdet saerlig vigtige områder i de sidste ti år -nemlig i undersøgelser af arbejdsmarkedsstrukturen og af fagforeningernes funktion (afsnit III). Til slut kommer jeg ind på spørgsmålene om, hvordan den videre udvikling af lønarbejdet kan vurderes set i forhold til de nuvaerende automationstendenser, og i hvor høj grad man i denne sammenhaeng kan tale om den ofte naevnte »krise i arbejdssamfundet« (afsnit IV). Disse spørgsmåls spaendvidde medfører på grund af den komprimerede artikelform, at mange overvejelser kun kan skitseres groft, tentativt, og hypotetisk; et vist mål af spekulativ og uafsikret taenken kunne efter min fornemmelse imidlertid gøre ganske godt i den noget stivnede industrisociologiske profession. Denne artikel er den gennemarbejdede udgave af mit foredrag for Industri-og Virksomhedssociologisektionen på den 21. tyske Sociolog-kongres i Bamberg, oktober 1982.
SozioNet 1 forms part of a forthcoming national social science information portal, which is curre... more SozioNet 1 forms part of a forthcoming national social science information portal, which is currently being developed by the German Infoconnex 2 initiative. Inspired by successful examples like MathNet 3 or SOSIG 4 , SozioNet provides access to freely available web resources with relevance to social science. It is based on a network of social science institutions and scientists, to agree on and establish common metadata standards. SozioNet implements a general infrastructure for the creation of semantically rich metadata, and for the harvesting and retrieval of relevant resources with a domain specific focus.
With the development of informational capitalism and the network society, globalization and infor... more With the development of informational capitalism and the network society, globalization and informatization play an increasingly crucial role for understanding technology and society. Informatization describes a qualitative leap in technology development which opens up new dimensions of productivity by information modelling on the one hand, but which demands new forms of knowledge of information workers on the other hand. Work is becoming more flexible, but also more precarious and more polarized socially. These tendencies create a contradictory situation for the subject: formalization and new scopes of autonomy exist side by side. This constellation allows for new approaches to the social shaping of technologies. But they presuppose a fundamental change in attitude by both, system developers and social scientists.
The article discusses changes in scientific work (academic and applied) associated with new poten... more The article discusses changes in scientific work (academic and applied) associated with new potentials, but also coercions of information technologies. Background for this interest is the experience gained in several digital library projects that inclinations and willingness to use these technical possibilities is much less common than the developers of these systems, and we all, tended to think in recent years. This seems to be true even in those scientific disciplines which were and are at the forefront of the development, e.g. physics, mathematics, etc. The background for this observation is discussed looking at general economic and social changes, viewing the environments of work in the scientific sphere, the contents and their quantity and quality of supply in scientific IT systems, the user side in their communities of practice, and the technological and organizational basis of scientific information. Some strategic issues to improve the situation are discussed in the final part of the paper. In the last thirty years the role of knowledge, and especially of scientific knowledge and its information basis, has changed dramatically in the international economy and society. The new "Informational Capitalism" or "Digital Capitalism" (Schiller 1999) is characterized by a new stage of globalization, implying new forms of markets and organization, and by a dramatic take-off and intensification of overall informatization. In general, the new capacity of informational capitalism is the development of socio-technical systems which generate, communicate and process information around the globe in real-time. For society and organizations, the "network society" (Castells 1996) entails an increasing role of network forms of cooperation and organization, characterized by the creation of "horizontal" organizations with flat hierarchies, decentralized structures, focussed on continuous re-engineering of their resources with the concentration on their key competences and continuous rationalization along the value creation chain (cf. Knoke 2001, ch. 1). The new type of network or virtual organization brings the market as close as possible to every department, project, work group, and individual -it implies a "new immediacy" of the economy, an increased directness of economic forces shaping the conditions of the single economic unit (cf. Schmiede 2003;. Network structures play an increasing role on various levels. The new forms of network cooperation depend more or less on the digital information and
In unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen und auf verschiedenen Listen-nicht zuletzt auf der informatio... more In unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen und auf verschiedenen Listen-nicht zuletzt auf der informationswissenschaftlichen und bibliothekarischen Liste inetbib-läuft seit Längerem eine intensive Debatte über Fragen des Urheberrechts, dessen Auswirkungen in Forschung, Lehre und Studium und insbesondere den dazu vorliegenden Referentenentwurf des Justizministeriums (siehe: Leider haben sich dazu bislang überwiegend Bibliothekare und Informationsspezialisten sowie offizielle Hochschulsprecher geäußert, weniger die unmittelbar betroffenen Wissenschaftler, Hochschullehrer und Studierenden. Umso interessanter ist es, sich einige der Stellungnahmen von Wissenschaftlern kritisch anzuschauen. Vermutlich von den meisten FachkollegInnen unbemerkt, hat auch der bisherige Vorsitzende der DGS, Stephan Lessenich, als (eigentümlich subjektiv formulierte und auf der webpage der DGS nicht auffindbare, gleichwohl vom BMJV so bewertete) Stellungnahme der DGS ablehnend Stellung zu dem Referentenentwurf bezogen (siehe: 017_Stellungnahme_LMU_RefE_UrhWissG.pdf;jsessionid=7BEB7437EAF6DD0298E06D3BE02 B89DB.2_cid297?__blob=publicationFile&v=2). Er argumentiert dabei eher kurz formuliert in dieselbe Richtung, die einer seiner LMU-Hochschulkollegen (zusammen mit einem Kollegen aus Heidelberg) kürzlich genauer und polemischer ausgeführt hat. Ich setze mich im Folgenden (die wesentlichen Textteile wurden schon auf inetbib veröffentlicht) mit deren Stellungnahme auseinander – immer eingedenk dessen, dass im Prinzip die gleiche Position von der Führung unserer Fachgesellschaft vertreten und publiziert worden ist. Am Samstag, 29.04.2017, wurde im Feuilleton der FAZ ein Artikel zweier Wissenschaftler unter dem reißerischen Titel " Die Digitalisierung frisst unsere Rechte. Ansprüche von Autoren scheren die Bundesregierung offenbar nicht. Das zeigt die Novelle zum Wissenschaftsurheberrecht. Sie 1 Um das mühsame Abtippen der digitalen Verweise zu vermeiden, habe ich diesen Text im Manuskript auch öffentlich zugänglich unter meinem Namen auf eingestellt:
Papers by Rudi Schmiede