The essential of studies which focus on research methods in biology educational field is providin... more The essential of studies which focus on research methods in biology educational field is providing recommendations for the next researchers the proper methods they need to use. Unfortunately, this kind of research is still hard to find in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to access the diversity of research approaches, designs, variables, data collection and analysis techniques, as well as research subjects in the articles published in Indonesian biology educational journals throughout 2017. Content analysis was used as the research design in this study in which as many as 122 articles were analyzed. The results revealed that the most type, design, variable, data collection and analysis techniques, as well as the subject which frequently used, were R&D, Quasi-experimental, media/learning sources, questionnaire, frequency and percentage, and senior high school respectively. There were the variety of approaches, designs, data collection and analysis techniques, as considerable as research subjects which have been used in educational research. Moreover, there also findings that some several studies with the same research design applied different data collection and data analysis techniques. Thus, it is suggested to the next researchers to choose the most proper methods in conducting their researches.
Indonesia as Maritime Island has many water regions. Waterfall is one of the water region that ha... more Indonesia as Maritime Island has many water regions. Waterfall is one of the water region that has a large number of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The aim of this research is to collect and identify the various aquatic macroinvertebrates that can be found in several waterfalls in east Region of Malang, East Java. The research was carried out on September until November 2015 in six waterfalls: Coban Jahe, Coban Pelangi, Coban Trisula, Coban Kembar, Coban Ringin Gantung and Coban Pitu. Dragnet was used to collect the samplesof aquatic macroinvertebrates in some sampling point. The result of this research was found 38 families that belonged to 18 ordo in 6 different classes: Insecta, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Hirudinae, Turbellaria, and Crustacea. The information about the inventory of aquatic macroinvertebrates will give another suggestion for the local government to conserve this animals especially waterfall environment, not only as tourist area but also as a source of knowledge to do another research.
AIDS is one of mayor health problem in the world, commonly caused by Human Immunodeficiancy virus... more AIDS is one of mayor health problem in the world, commonly caused by Human Immunodeficiancy virus 1 (HIV-1). Reverse transcriptase is the target of the most widely used treatments for AIDS. One of the problem from treatments is drug resistant. This research aim to discover a new potential drug's candidate from natural compound to inhibit activity of HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase. Top ten compounds from Specs Natural Products database as the result of virtual screening by MTIOpenScreen are docked and analyzed using Pyrx 0.8 software. Based on analysis and visualization of 2D and 3D sructure using LigPlus and PyMol softwares, known that ZINC57657 (-8 Kcal/mol)and common drug against HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase, Lamivudine (-5,6 Kcal/mol) equally capable to bind in several amino acids (Thr 131 and Gln 23) located in the active site of HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase.
AIDS is a syndrome caused by HIV. The immune system of AIDS' patient was too weak to fight off ma... more AIDS is a syndrome caused by HIV. The immune system of AIDS' patient was too weak to fight off many infections. Many drugs developed to overcome these deadly disease. In this study, bioinformatic analysis performed on some drug candidate compounds that under development of FDA for AIDS' patient. The drug candidate compounds are Amdoxovir, Alovudine, Elvucitabine, Dexelvucitabine, Capravirine, Darunavie, Calanolide-A, Tipranavir and Enfuvirtide. Molinspiration and preADMET web server has been used as tool for analyzing that drugs. As a results, our study revealed that not all of these drug candidate compounds fulfilled the Lipinski's rule of five and toxicity test standart in silico.
Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure has been reported produce a number of biological effects on ... more Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure has been reported produce a number of biological effects on biomolecules, cells, and up to the entire body of the organisms. Mobile phone devices, the most powerful EMF transmitters in the environment of human life, have become widely and increasingly used by the public. The exponential growth of mobile communications has been accompanied by a parallel increase in the density of EMF. Insects is one component of ecosystems that have various roles, both positive and negative, such as biological control and pests. In this study, the effect of EMF radiation emitted by mobile phone on insect over several generations were observed. Drosophila melanogaster was used as model organism and generation time, adult filial number, and sex ratio were observed in this study. As a result, a cell phone exposure significantly affected the generation time, whereas no significant effect on the adult filial number and sex ratios of D. melanogaster.
Mobile phone is one of the wireless device that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR). In this... more Mobile phone is one of the wireless device that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR). In this study, the fluctuation of adult filial number and eclosion time at three different strain s of D. melanogaster that exposed by mobile phone were observed until fifth generation. GSM mobile phone with provider that using frequencies at 900/1800 MHz (3G) and HSDPA 2100 (4G) was used as a source of EMF exposure. In the results, at the filial number as a dependent variable, there were a significant differences on the strain factor (Sig. 0.041), generation factor (Sig. 0.001), as well as on the interaction of both factors (Sig. 0.025). At the time of generation as the dependent variable, the significant difference only appear in the strain factor (Sig. 0.02), while not at the generation factor (Sig. 0.863) and the interaction of both factors (Sig. 0.998).
Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) or yam seed extract is one of the natural ingredients that can be use... more Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) or yam seed extract is one of the natural ingredients that can be used as a pesticide. The study to assess the impact of yam seed extract on other organism need to be done. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of yam seed extract on mitotic phase in garlic (Allium sativum) root tips. The garlic roots were soaked for 24 hours at yam seed extract with 4 levels of concentration, ie 0% (control group), 25%, 50% and 75%. After soaking, garlic root tip was cut at 09:00 PM, 00:00 AM, and 03:00 AM. Kruskal-Wallis test was used (the anova assumputions were not met) to determine whether there was any significant differences in the number of cell in each phase of mitosis between different treatment groups. The p-value in cutting of the root at 09:00 PM were 0.40 (prophase); 0.392 (metaphase); 0.040 (anaphase); and 0.025 (telophase), at 00:00 AM were 0.172 (prophase); 0.172 (metaphase); 0.172 (anaphase); and 1.000 (telophase), and at 03:00 AM were 0.024 (prophase); 0.082 (metaphase); 0.082 (anaphase); and 0.013 (telophase). The conclusion from this study was the yam seed extract affected the mitotic phase of garlic root tips that were cut at 09:00 PM and 03:00 AM.
The Genetics lecture in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Un... more The Genetics lecture in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang (FMIPA UM) has its own characteristics distinguishing it from Genetics lecture at the other universities. One of characteristics is there are research projects designed by students utilizing various model organisms. Natural polyploidization is one of the concepts learned through the research project. Fern is used as one of model organisms in the research project. The aim of this study was to describe the utilization of ferns as a model organism in Genetics I course in FMIPA UM. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. The data were collected from January 2016 to September 2016 by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data were analyzed using an interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The validity of data were re-tested using an extension of participation, persistence of observation, and triangulation. The research results showed that through research project activities, the students (1) were able to learn the natural polyploidization concept contextually; (2) easier to understand the natural polyploidization concept; and (3) were trained to be a real researcher.
Genetics is one of difficult subject for many undergraduate students majoring biology. Authentic-... more Genetics is one of difficult subject for many undergraduate students majoring biology. Authentic-based research is one of learning activity believed could overcome the situation. One of Genetics course that facilitating the students to conduct authentic-based research is Genetics course in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang. The aim of this study was to describe the project research activities in Genetics course, especially the authentic-based research that utilize Drosophila melanogaster. The present study is qualitative descriptive with the object of this study is project activities in Genetics course. In this institution, the Genetics course is divided into Genetics I (taken by fourth semester students) and Genetics II (taken by fourth semester students). Data collection was conducted from 2014 until 2017 using open ended interviews and observation. An analytical strategy from Miles & Huberman was used to analyze the data. D. melanogaster was used as model organism in several Genetics projects. The genetics project was conducted from first until sixteenth week. In the project activities, the students get some flies strains, observe its phenotypes, design their research project, collect the data, analyze the data , prepare the report, ant present their project result. In this activities, students could practice to be a real researcher. Based on interviews with some students and observations during the presentation of the project reports, it can be seen that through this learning activities the students achieved better understanding about many genetics concepts. Moreover, several students have an opportunity to present their research results in International Conference events.
Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi UM offering A angkatan 2013 pada matakul... more Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi UM offering A angkatan 2013 pada matakuliah Strategi Belajar Mengajar (SBM) menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan lisan mahasiswa selama perkuliahan hanya 25%. Pemahaman terhadap materi yang kurang merupakan fakta yang nampak dan menyebabkan keaktifan lisan mahasiswa sangat rendah. Selain itu, pemberdayaan kecakapan sosial juga kurang nampak pada saat observasi dilaksanakan. Kecakapan sosial perlu diperhatikan karena kecakapan tersebut sangat dibutuhkan bagi para calon pendidik. Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan mahasiswa pada perkuliahan SBM tersebut. Penerapan pembelajaran cooperative script (CS) berbasis lesson study (LS) dilakukan sebagai usaha meningkatkan keaktifan lisan dan kecakapan sosial mahasiswa selama perkuliahan. Pembelajaran tersebut diterapkan selama dua siklus PTK dan setiap siklus terdiri atas dua pertemuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran CS berbasis LS berpotensi meningkatkan keaktifan lisan dan kecakapan sosial mahasiswa. Hal tersebut didukung oleh beberapa data, yaitu (1) peningkatan keaktifan lisan mahasiswa dari 25 % pada saat observasi menjadi 81,2 % selama siklus I dan 77,3 % selama siklus II; (2) kecakapan sosial dalam aspek kerjasama meningkat dari 36,36 % selama siklus I menjadi 41,96 % selama siklus II; dan (3) kecakapan sosial dalam aspek komunikasi dari 27,78 % meningkat menjadi 31,82 % selama siklus II. PTK ini akan dilanjutkan ke siklus berikutnya untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal.
ABSTRAK Pembelajaran bukan hanya proses yang menuntut tingginya pemahaman konsep yang diperoleh o... more ABSTRAK Pembelajaran bukan hanya proses yang menuntut tingginya pemahaman konsep yang diperoleh oleh siswa. Materi pembelajaran yang diperoleh, selain diharapkan mampu dipahami, juga diharapkan mampu disimpan dengan baik di dalam otak siswa. Cooperative Script (CS) merupakan salah satu strategi pembelajaran yang diusulkan berbagai peneliti pendidikan dalam usaha pemberdayaan retensi siswa. Menurut berbagai laporan yang telah dipublikasikan, siswa dengan kemampuan akademik rendah akan memiliki tingkat retensi yang lebih rendah pula. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat retensi siswa berkemampuan akademik rendah dengan tinggi yang memperoleh pembelajaran Biologi melalui strategi CS selama satu semester. Penelitian dilakukan selama dua periode selama dua tahun, tahun pertama pada subjek penelitian siswa kelas X dan tahun kedua pada siswa kelas XI SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada retensi hasil belajar antara siswa berkemampuan akademik tinggi dan rendah yang menerapkan strategi pembelajaran CS, baik pada tahun pertama (p=0.849) maupun pada tahun kedua (p=0,124). Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan adanya potensi strategi CS dalam memberdayakan retensi siswa berkemampuan akademik rendah pada tingkat yang sama dengan siswa akademik tinggi.
ABSTRAK Makroinvertebrata merupakan organisme alami yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah perairan, ter... more ABSTRAK Makroinvertebrata merupakan organisme alami yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah perairan, termasuk kawasan air terjun. Aktivitas manusia dapat mempengaruhi komposisi dan distribusi makroinvertebrata akuatik di wilayah perairan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis famili makroinvertebrata akuatik. Penelitian dilakukan di Kawasan Coban Jahe yang yang terletak di kawasan Perhutani RPH Sukopuro Kabupaten Malang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara penjaringan di beberapa titik dengan berbagai kondisi aliran air sepanjang 15 meter. Hasil identifikasi sampel menunjukkan keberadaan berbagai famili invertebrata di perairan Coban Jahe, yaitu Baetidae,
ABSTRAK Coban Trisula merupakan salah satu air terjun di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Sem... more ABSTRAK Coban Trisula merupakan salah satu air terjun di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru yang terletak di Desa Ngadas, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memberikan gambaran keberadaan berbagai famili makroinvertebrata akuatik di air terjun Coban Trisula. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan penjaringan di berbagai titik dengan berbagai kondisi aliran air sepanjang 15 meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberadaan berbagai famili makroinvertebrata di perairan Coban Trisula, Gyrinidae. Keberadaan berbagai famili tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
Radiasi medan elektromagnetik (EMF) dilaporkan mampu menghasilkan sejumlah efek biologis di tingk... more Radiasi medan elektromagnetik (EMF) dilaporkan mampu menghasilkan sejumlah efek biologis di tingkat biomolekul, sel, hingga keseluruhan tubuh organisme. Telepon genggam GSM merupakan perangkat elektromagnetik transmiter EMF terkuat di lingkungan sekitar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, enggunaan telepon genggam GSM semakin meningkat dan setiap hari manusia sulit terlepas dari perangkat elektronik tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, efek keberadaan telepon genggam GSM terhadap waktu eklosi Drosophila melanogaster diselidiki. D. melanogaster strain N dari Laboratorium Genetika Biologi UM dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM selama empat generasi secara berkelanjutan. Waktu eklosi pertama (waktu penetasan pupa pertama setelah persilangan) dari generasi satu hingga empat direkam dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, yaitu D. melanogaster yang tidak dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdepat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen (p = ,003). Rerata waktu eklosi tercepat berada di kelompok kontrol, sedangkan rerata waktu eklosi pertama terlama berada di kelompok eksperimen generasi 1. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa keberadaan telepon genggam GSM berpotensi mempengaruhi laju perkembangan D. melanogaster pada beberapa generasi tertentu saja.
The essential of studies which focus on research methods in biology educational field is providin... more The essential of studies which focus on research methods in biology educational field is providing recommendations for the next researchers the proper methods they need to use. Unfortunately, this kind of research is still hard to find in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to access the diversity of research approaches, designs, variables, data collection and analysis techniques, as well as research subjects in the articles published in Indonesian biology educational journals throughout 2017. Content analysis was used as the research design in this study in which as many as 122 articles were analyzed. The results revealed that the most type, design, variable, data collection and analysis techniques, as well as the subject which frequently used, were R&D, Quasi-experimental, media/learning sources, questionnaire, frequency and percentage, and senior high school respectively. There were the variety of approaches, designs, data collection and analysis techniques, as considerable as research subjects which have been used in educational research. Moreover, there also findings that some several studies with the same research design applied different data collection and data analysis techniques. Thus, it is suggested to the next researchers to choose the most proper methods in conducting their researches.
Indonesia as Maritime Island has many water regions. Waterfall is one of the water region that ha... more Indonesia as Maritime Island has many water regions. Waterfall is one of the water region that has a large number of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The aim of this research is to collect and identify the various aquatic macroinvertebrates that can be found in several waterfalls in east Region of Malang, East Java. The research was carried out on September until November 2015 in six waterfalls: Coban Jahe, Coban Pelangi, Coban Trisula, Coban Kembar, Coban Ringin Gantung and Coban Pitu. Dragnet was used to collect the samplesof aquatic macroinvertebrates in some sampling point. The result of this research was found 38 families that belonged to 18 ordo in 6 different classes: Insecta, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Hirudinae, Turbellaria, and Crustacea. The information about the inventory of aquatic macroinvertebrates will give another suggestion for the local government to conserve this animals especially waterfall environment, not only as tourist area but also as a source of knowledge to do another research.
AIDS is one of mayor health problem in the world, commonly caused by Human Immunodeficiancy virus... more AIDS is one of mayor health problem in the world, commonly caused by Human Immunodeficiancy virus 1 (HIV-1). Reverse transcriptase is the target of the most widely used treatments for AIDS. One of the problem from treatments is drug resistant. This research aim to discover a new potential drug's candidate from natural compound to inhibit activity of HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase. Top ten compounds from Specs Natural Products database as the result of virtual screening by MTIOpenScreen are docked and analyzed using Pyrx 0.8 software. Based on analysis and visualization of 2D and 3D sructure using LigPlus and PyMol softwares, known that ZINC57657 (-8 Kcal/mol)and common drug against HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase, Lamivudine (-5,6 Kcal/mol) equally capable to bind in several amino acids (Thr 131 and Gln 23) located in the active site of HIV 1 Reverse Transcriptase.
AIDS is a syndrome caused by HIV. The immune system of AIDS' patient was too weak to fight off ma... more AIDS is a syndrome caused by HIV. The immune system of AIDS' patient was too weak to fight off many infections. Many drugs developed to overcome these deadly disease. In this study, bioinformatic analysis performed on some drug candidate compounds that under development of FDA for AIDS' patient. The drug candidate compounds are Amdoxovir, Alovudine, Elvucitabine, Dexelvucitabine, Capravirine, Darunavie, Calanolide-A, Tipranavir and Enfuvirtide. Molinspiration and preADMET web server has been used as tool for analyzing that drugs. As a results, our study revealed that not all of these drug candidate compounds fulfilled the Lipinski's rule of five and toxicity test standart in silico.
Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure has been reported produce a number of biological effects on ... more Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure has been reported produce a number of biological effects on biomolecules, cells, and up to the entire body of the organisms. Mobile phone devices, the most powerful EMF transmitters in the environment of human life, have become widely and increasingly used by the public. The exponential growth of mobile communications has been accompanied by a parallel increase in the density of EMF. Insects is one component of ecosystems that have various roles, both positive and negative, such as biological control and pests. In this study, the effect of EMF radiation emitted by mobile phone on insect over several generations were observed. Drosophila melanogaster was used as model organism and generation time, adult filial number, and sex ratio were observed in this study. As a result, a cell phone exposure significantly affected the generation time, whereas no significant effect on the adult filial number and sex ratios of D. melanogaster.
Mobile phone is one of the wireless device that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR). In this... more Mobile phone is one of the wireless device that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR). In this study, the fluctuation of adult filial number and eclosion time at three different strain s of D. melanogaster that exposed by mobile phone were observed until fifth generation. GSM mobile phone with provider that using frequencies at 900/1800 MHz (3G) and HSDPA 2100 (4G) was used as a source of EMF exposure. In the results, at the filial number as a dependent variable, there were a significant differences on the strain factor (Sig. 0.041), generation factor (Sig. 0.001), as well as on the interaction of both factors (Sig. 0.025). At the time of generation as the dependent variable, the significant difference only appear in the strain factor (Sig. 0.02), while not at the generation factor (Sig. 0.863) and the interaction of both factors (Sig. 0.998).
Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) or yam seed extract is one of the natural ingredients that can be use... more Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) or yam seed extract is one of the natural ingredients that can be used as a pesticide. The study to assess the impact of yam seed extract on other organism need to be done. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of yam seed extract on mitotic phase in garlic (Allium sativum) root tips. The garlic roots were soaked for 24 hours at yam seed extract with 4 levels of concentration, ie 0% (control group), 25%, 50% and 75%. After soaking, garlic root tip was cut at 09:00 PM, 00:00 AM, and 03:00 AM. Kruskal-Wallis test was used (the anova assumputions were not met) to determine whether there was any significant differences in the number of cell in each phase of mitosis between different treatment groups. The p-value in cutting of the root at 09:00 PM were 0.40 (prophase); 0.392 (metaphase); 0.040 (anaphase); and 0.025 (telophase), at 00:00 AM were 0.172 (prophase); 0.172 (metaphase); 0.172 (anaphase); and 1.000 (telophase), and at 03:00 AM were 0.024 (prophase); 0.082 (metaphase); 0.082 (anaphase); and 0.013 (telophase). The conclusion from this study was the yam seed extract affected the mitotic phase of garlic root tips that were cut at 09:00 PM and 03:00 AM.
The Genetics lecture in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Un... more The Genetics lecture in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang (FMIPA UM) has its own characteristics distinguishing it from Genetics lecture at the other universities. One of characteristics is there are research projects designed by students utilizing various model organisms. Natural polyploidization is one of the concepts learned through the research project. Fern is used as one of model organisms in the research project. The aim of this study was to describe the utilization of ferns as a model organism in Genetics I course in FMIPA UM. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. The data were collected from January 2016 to September 2016 by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The data were analyzed using an interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The validity of data were re-tested using an extension of participation, persistence of observation, and triangulation. The research results showed that through research project activities, the students (1) were able to learn the natural polyploidization concept contextually; (2) easier to understand the natural polyploidization concept; and (3) were trained to be a real researcher.
Genetics is one of difficult subject for many undergraduate students majoring biology. Authentic-... more Genetics is one of difficult subject for many undergraduate students majoring biology. Authentic-based research is one of learning activity believed could overcome the situation. One of Genetics course that facilitating the students to conduct authentic-based research is Genetics course in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang. The aim of this study was to describe the project research activities in Genetics course, especially the authentic-based research that utilize Drosophila melanogaster. The present study is qualitative descriptive with the object of this study is project activities in Genetics course. In this institution, the Genetics course is divided into Genetics I (taken by fourth semester students) and Genetics II (taken by fourth semester students). Data collection was conducted from 2014 until 2017 using open ended interviews and observation. An analytical strategy from Miles & Huberman was used to analyze the data. D. melanogaster was used as model organism in several Genetics projects. The genetics project was conducted from first until sixteenth week. In the project activities, the students get some flies strains, observe its phenotypes, design their research project, collect the data, analyze the data , prepare the report, ant present their project result. In this activities, students could practice to be a real researcher. Based on interviews with some students and observations during the presentation of the project reports, it can be seen that through this learning activities the students achieved better understanding about many genetics concepts. Moreover, several students have an opportunity to present their research results in International Conference events.
Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi UM offering A angkatan 2013 pada matakul... more Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi UM offering A angkatan 2013 pada matakuliah Strategi Belajar Mengajar (SBM) menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan lisan mahasiswa selama perkuliahan hanya 25%. Pemahaman terhadap materi yang kurang merupakan fakta yang nampak dan menyebabkan keaktifan lisan mahasiswa sangat rendah. Selain itu, pemberdayaan kecakapan sosial juga kurang nampak pada saat observasi dilaksanakan. Kecakapan sosial perlu diperhatikan karena kecakapan tersebut sangat dibutuhkan bagi para calon pendidik. Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan mahasiswa pada perkuliahan SBM tersebut. Penerapan pembelajaran cooperative script (CS) berbasis lesson study (LS) dilakukan sebagai usaha meningkatkan keaktifan lisan dan kecakapan sosial mahasiswa selama perkuliahan. Pembelajaran tersebut diterapkan selama dua siklus PTK dan setiap siklus terdiri atas dua pertemuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran CS berbasis LS berpotensi meningkatkan keaktifan lisan dan kecakapan sosial mahasiswa. Hal tersebut didukung oleh beberapa data, yaitu (1) peningkatan keaktifan lisan mahasiswa dari 25 % pada saat observasi menjadi 81,2 % selama siklus I dan 77,3 % selama siklus II; (2) kecakapan sosial dalam aspek kerjasama meningkat dari 36,36 % selama siklus I menjadi 41,96 % selama siklus II; dan (3) kecakapan sosial dalam aspek komunikasi dari 27,78 % meningkat menjadi 31,82 % selama siklus II. PTK ini akan dilanjutkan ke siklus berikutnya untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal.
ABSTRAK Pembelajaran bukan hanya proses yang menuntut tingginya pemahaman konsep yang diperoleh o... more ABSTRAK Pembelajaran bukan hanya proses yang menuntut tingginya pemahaman konsep yang diperoleh oleh siswa. Materi pembelajaran yang diperoleh, selain diharapkan mampu dipahami, juga diharapkan mampu disimpan dengan baik di dalam otak siswa. Cooperative Script (CS) merupakan salah satu strategi pembelajaran yang diusulkan berbagai peneliti pendidikan dalam usaha pemberdayaan retensi siswa. Menurut berbagai laporan yang telah dipublikasikan, siswa dengan kemampuan akademik rendah akan memiliki tingkat retensi yang lebih rendah pula. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat retensi siswa berkemampuan akademik rendah dengan tinggi yang memperoleh pembelajaran Biologi melalui strategi CS selama satu semester. Penelitian dilakukan selama dua periode selama dua tahun, tahun pertama pada subjek penelitian siswa kelas X dan tahun kedua pada siswa kelas XI SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada retensi hasil belajar antara siswa berkemampuan akademik tinggi dan rendah yang menerapkan strategi pembelajaran CS, baik pada tahun pertama (p=0.849) maupun pada tahun kedua (p=0,124). Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan adanya potensi strategi CS dalam memberdayakan retensi siswa berkemampuan akademik rendah pada tingkat yang sama dengan siswa akademik tinggi.
ABSTRAK Makroinvertebrata merupakan organisme alami yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah perairan, ter... more ABSTRAK Makroinvertebrata merupakan organisme alami yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah perairan, termasuk kawasan air terjun. Aktivitas manusia dapat mempengaruhi komposisi dan distribusi makroinvertebrata akuatik di wilayah perairan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis famili makroinvertebrata akuatik. Penelitian dilakukan di Kawasan Coban Jahe yang yang terletak di kawasan Perhutani RPH Sukopuro Kabupaten Malang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara penjaringan di beberapa titik dengan berbagai kondisi aliran air sepanjang 15 meter. Hasil identifikasi sampel menunjukkan keberadaan berbagai famili invertebrata di perairan Coban Jahe, yaitu Baetidae,
ABSTRAK Coban Trisula merupakan salah satu air terjun di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Sem... more ABSTRAK Coban Trisula merupakan salah satu air terjun di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru yang terletak di Desa Ngadas, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memberikan gambaran keberadaan berbagai famili makroinvertebrata akuatik di air terjun Coban Trisula. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan penjaringan di berbagai titik dengan berbagai kondisi aliran air sepanjang 15 meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberadaan berbagai famili makroinvertebrata di perairan Coban Trisula, Gyrinidae. Keberadaan berbagai famili tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
Radiasi medan elektromagnetik (EMF) dilaporkan mampu menghasilkan sejumlah efek biologis di tingk... more Radiasi medan elektromagnetik (EMF) dilaporkan mampu menghasilkan sejumlah efek biologis di tingkat biomolekul, sel, hingga keseluruhan tubuh organisme. Telepon genggam GSM merupakan perangkat elektromagnetik transmiter EMF terkuat di lingkungan sekitar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, enggunaan telepon genggam GSM semakin meningkat dan setiap hari manusia sulit terlepas dari perangkat elektronik tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, efek keberadaan telepon genggam GSM terhadap waktu eklosi Drosophila melanogaster diselidiki. D. melanogaster strain N dari Laboratorium Genetika Biologi UM dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM selama empat generasi secara berkelanjutan. Waktu eklosi pertama (waktu penetasan pupa pertama setelah persilangan) dari generasi satu hingga empat direkam dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, yaitu D. melanogaster yang tidak dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdepat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen (p = ,003). Rerata waktu eklosi tercepat berada di kelompok kontrol, sedangkan rerata waktu eklosi pertama terlama berada di kelompok eksperimen generasi 1. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa keberadaan telepon genggam GSM berpotensi mempengaruhi laju perkembangan D. melanogaster pada beberapa generasi tertentu saja.
Papers by Ahmad Fauzi
enggunaan telepon genggam GSM semakin meningkat dan setiap hari
manusia sulit terlepas dari perangkat elektronik tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, efek keberadaan telepon genggam GSM terhadap waktu eklosi Drosophila melanogaster diselidiki. D. melanogaster strain N dari
Laboratorium Genetika Biologi UM dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM selama empat generasi secara berkelanjutan. Waktu eklosi pertama (waktu penetasan pupa pertama setelah persilangan) dari
generasi satu hingga empat direkam dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, yaitu D. melanogaster yang tidak dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdepat
perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen (p = ,003). Rerata waktu eklosi tercepat berada di kelompok kontrol, sedangkan rerata waktu eklosi pertama terlama berada di kelompok eksperimen generasi 1. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa keberadaan telepon genggam GSM berpotensi mempengaruhi laju perkembangan D. melanogaster pada beberapa generasi tertentu saja.
enggunaan telepon genggam GSM semakin meningkat dan setiap hari
manusia sulit terlepas dari perangkat elektronik tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, efek keberadaan telepon genggam GSM terhadap waktu eklosi Drosophila melanogaster diselidiki. D. melanogaster strain N dari
Laboratorium Genetika Biologi UM dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM selama empat generasi secara berkelanjutan. Waktu eklosi pertama (waktu penetasan pupa pertama setelah persilangan) dari
generasi satu hingga empat direkam dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, yaitu D. melanogaster yang tidak dipapar dengan telepon genggam GSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdepat
perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen (p = ,003). Rerata waktu eklosi tercepat berada di kelompok kontrol, sedangkan rerata waktu eklosi pertama terlama berada di kelompok eksperimen generasi 1. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa keberadaan telepon genggam GSM berpotensi mempengaruhi laju perkembangan D. melanogaster pada beberapa generasi tertentu saja.