Rahmad Hakim currently lecturer at the Islamic Economics Departement, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Received his Master of Muamalat Administration (M.MA) from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), and His Ph.D from Universitas Airlangga. Rahmad does research in Islamic Economics, Islamic Economic Thought, and Zakah.
The strategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds is important andimp... more The strategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds is important andimplemented properly. Especially in areas such as Malang Raya which has the highest numberof muzakki in East Java. The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of thestrategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds (ZIS) at the Amil ZakatInstitute (LAZ) Sahabat Mustahiq Malang. This research is a qualitative research with a casestudy approach. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, anddocumentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are data collection, datacondensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicatethat there are two kinds of strategies in raising funds, namely direct and indirect. Direct is astrategy that is carried out directly between amil zakat institutions and muzakki or donors.Direct activities in the form of direct mail via whatsapp, direct meetings with...
Al-Shafi'i | International Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies
This study aims to determine the concept of self-reliance of economics based on waqf in Pondok Mo... more This study aims to determine the concept of self-reliance of economics based on waqf in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Indonesia and the impact of it in the development of education and financial institutions. This research is descriptive qualitative, the method of collecting data using documentation, whereas the method of data analysis using content analysis. The result of this study indicate that concept of self-reliance economic system based on waqf in Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor begun from establishing of Waqf Enlargement Institution, known as YPPWPM, whose responsible is to develop, manage, and enlarge waqf asset through waqf business or social enterprise done by teachers and students under the supervision of headmaster, and the impact of waqf business towards education development is known from the cheapest tuition fees of the school and the meals for students, and also the scholarship for teachers while they study in higher education.
This study aims to analyze and compare the implementation of khiyar in online transactions at Sho... more This study aims to analyze and compare the implementation of khiyar in online transactions at Shopee, Tokopedia, and Bukalapak. This type of research is a comparative study with a qualitative approach in comparing the implementation of khiyar at Shopee, Tokopedia and Bukalapak. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data sources, with data collection techniques in the form interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses data analysis model of Miles, Huberman and Saldana. The results found that There are similarities transaction procedure that applies in the three marketplaces which are two types of khiyar applied, namely khiyar 'aib and khiyar ru'yah. Based on experienced transaction process carried out by sellers at Shopee, Tokopedia and Bukalapak, it was known that there are four sellers who both apply khiyar 'aib, while the application of khiyar aib was only applied by buyer at Tokopedia. On the other hand, khiyar ru'yah was not applied ...
The research aims to analyze the potential of using blockchain to promote integrated financial in... more The research aims to analyze the potential of using blockchain to promote integrated financial inclusion through Indonesian potential zakat funds. We use a qualitative approach (the business model canvas) as the analysis tool. We generate the data using the literature study. The essence of the zakat funds management implies that zakat assets should not be left idle. Further, greater zakat funds collected, managed, and distributed will deliver more benefits to mauquf alayh, greater divine rewards to the wakif, and greater funds received by nazir. Our results indicate that the zakat blockchain programs offer various benefits because blockchain facilitates more decentralized and borderless transactions. The benefits include achieving targets more effectively; avoiding overlap; developing zakat more systematically; monitoring more effectively in planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating nazhir zakat; and contributing to short, medium, and long-term national socioeconomic objectiv...
The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the LAZISMU fundraising strategy ... more The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the LAZISMU fundraising strategy in Batu City. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method so that it can describe what kind of fundraising strategy used by LAZISMU Batu City. The conclusion of this study shows that LAZISMU Batu City has two patterns in its fundraising strategy, namely, raising funds through available sources and raising funds by creating new funding sources. Fundraising on available sources by institutions uses methods such as identification of muzakki, use of direct and indirect fundraising methods, safeguarding and management of muzakki, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Raising by creating new funding sources is carried out through PPOB services in the form of bill payment service providers such as water, electricity, wifi, and others
Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in several negative socio-economic impacts, including an incre... more The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in several negative socio-economic impacts, including an increase in poverty rates and also a high level of exposure to and deaths cases. This paper aims to conduct an in-depth analysis related to dinamism in the interpretation of the recipient group of zakat (asnaf tsamaniyah) to solve the socio-economics problem caused by covid-19 in Indonesia. This study was qualitative with documentation as method of collecting data, the data analysed by content analysis approach by Miles and Huberman. The result found that dinamism in the interpretation of the recipient group of zakat to solve the socio-economics problem caused by covid-19 in Indonesia laid down by focusing on the poor and needy (fakir miskin) than other group of zakah recipient because the increase of poverty levels due to high dismissals and declining levels of public purchasing which caused to bankrupt. On the other hand, there is a new interpretation based on the fatwa of the Indonesian ...
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has produced rapid technological developments to support the ease of hu... more Industrial Revolution 4.0 has produced rapid technological developments to support the ease of human activity in all lines of life. In the economic and financial fields, this development is known as financial technology, commonly known as Fintech. Like two sides of a coin, financial technology offers ease of service in transactions, time efficiency, transaction flexibility, to increase financial literacy and information technology for the public. Conversely, some of the negative impacts of this financial technology include, the increasing culture of consumerism, hedonism to the practice of new style moneylenders that determine highinterest rates for borrowers online, as well as ways of billing outside the fair range. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis related to the role of Islamic rulings in the development of financial technology. The conclusions of this study are some of the roles of Islamic rulings in developing financial technology divided into three key aspects; f...
Halal has become a global issue today, not least in Indonesia. At the state level, Indonesia is p... more Halal has become a global issue today, not least in Indonesia. At the state level, Indonesia is planned to become the world halal center. This is clearly seen by the Ministry of Tourism trying to increase the number of tourists visiting Indonesia, especially visiting halal tourist destinations. Some regions are trying to compete to become areas that are friendly to halal tourism, including Lombok, Aceh and finally Malang City. Regarding the halal tourism trend, it is important to know about the concepts and parameters used in implementing halal tourism. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the concept of halal tourism and several parameters that are used as standard for halal tourism destination. The method of data collection uses documentary methods based on a review of both primary and secondary literature. The results of this study are that the concept of halal tourism can be classified into two importance aspects; first, the act of obedience, which described as a w...
This paper aims to explore Islamic economic thought Haji AbdulMalik Karim Amrullah in his work on... more This paper aims to explore Islamic economic thought Haji AbdulMalik Karim Amrullah in his work on Social Justice in Islam. Based onthe study conducted, research on the history of Islamic economicthought in Indonesia is still a little done. These considerations make thisresearch important to do. This type of research is qualitative with acharacter study approach (biography), the method of collecting data isobtained by documentation - that is, a study of the work of social justicein Islam Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah. The result of the study asfollows: first, that property ownership belongs to God, while humansare only managers of these assets. Secondly, there are three principles ofIslamic economics according to Hamka, namely: justice, free to act andfreedom.
This community service seeks to assist people grasp the notion of muamalah maaliyah by illustrati... more This community service seeks to assist people grasp the notion of muamalah maaliyah by illustrating real-life examples of sharia financial transactions in sharia cooperatives. Identification is the first step in the service method, which is followed by workshops, focus group discussions, and mentorship. As a result of the service, cooperative management and supervisors have a better understanding of the notion of Sharia finance.
Generasi millenial merujuk kepada mereka (pemuda) yang lahir antara awal tahun 1980 hingga awal 2... more Generasi millenial merujuk kepada mereka (pemuda) yang lahir antara awal tahun 1980 hingga awal 2000. Secara lebih spesifik antara tahun 1982 hingga 2000. Dapat pula disebut sebagai generasi Y, sebab mereka lahir setelah generasi X yang lahir pada rentang tahun 1960 hingga 1980. Dapat juga disebut sebagai generasi peter pan atau boomerang –sebab mereka, atau kita, memiliki dua kecenderungan yang negatif. Pertama, merugikan diri sendiri, atau bahkan membahayakan diri sendiri dengan melawan orangtua disebabkan karena problem ekonomi atau gaya hidup (life-syle). Kedua, memiliki kecenderungan untuk menunda, atau bahkan menerobos (short-cut) fase-fase remaja yang seharusnya dijalani, seperti; menikah dan memulai karir. Disebut generasi echo-boomer (mesin pendentum) sebab seringkali generasi inilah yang menjadikan sebuah wacana, kasus atau peristiwa menjadi topik yang tren – trending topic meskipun seringkali persitiwa tersebut biasa saja. Adapun beberapa ciri dari generasi millenial, ata...
Beberapa tahun terakhir diskursus tentang halal menjadi menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Jika tidak... more Beberapa tahun terakhir diskursus tentang halal menjadi menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Jika tidak salah prediksi, penulis berasumsi akan terjadi pergeseran tren dari ekonomi syariah menuju halal beberapa tahun mendatang. Pergeseran tren ini terbukti dengan makin populernya diskursus perihal halal di ruang publik, baik melalui media konvensional, seperti televisi, media cetak, maupun daring. Mengutip Global Islamic Economy Indicators (GIEI) 2016/2017, terdapat tujuh pilar utama ekosistem ekonomi Islam, lima di antaranya berkaitan dengan halal, yaitu halal food, halal travel, halal media and recreation, dan halal pharmaceuticals and cosmetics . Dua indikator lainnya adalah Islamic finance dan modest fashion . Dengan melakukan survei terhadap 73 negara; 57 negara di antaranya adalah anggota Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI) dan 16 negara lainnya bukan termasuk anggora OKI, dinyatakan, Indonesia dalam konteks ekosistem ekonomi Islam, berada pada urutan kesepuluh dengan skor 36, Ma...
The rapid development of Islamic financial institutions lately is quite encouraging, it would be ... more The rapid development of Islamic financial institutions lately is quite encouraging, it would be legitimacy that Islam is able to renpond the challenges of globalization and modernization. On the other hand, these developments would make the Islamic financial institutions as a measure of doctrine and Islamic values realized in the lives of all Muslims. But, about Islamic products and a contract that‘s practiced is being debated by economist Muslims worldwide.Assuming that ijtihad can be done in mu‟amalat according to the rule “al-Aslu fi l mu‟amalAt al ibahah illa ya‟ti dalilun „ala taN’rA«miha†make this debate more interenting with many opinions expressed by economist Muslims, especially Muslim mainstream economists.The core of the debate between Muslim economists is the method that being used in building the Islamic economic, either by adopting the practices, systems and the values of conventional economics that are relevant to shariah, or through methodology of us...
The strategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds is important andimp... more The strategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds is important andimplemented properly. Especially in areas such as Malang Raya which has the highest numberof muzakki in East Java. The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of thestrategy for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh funds (ZIS) at the Amil ZakatInstitute (LAZ) Sahabat Mustahiq Malang. This research is a qualitative research with a casestudy approach. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, anddocumentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are data collection, datacondensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicatethat there are two kinds of strategies in raising funds, namely direct and indirect. Direct is astrategy that is carried out directly between amil zakat institutions and muzakki or donors.Direct activities in the form of direct mail via whatsapp, direct meetings with...
Al-Shafi'i | International Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies
This study aims to determine the concept of self-reliance of economics based on waqf in Pondok Mo... more This study aims to determine the concept of self-reliance of economics based on waqf in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Indonesia and the impact of it in the development of education and financial institutions. This research is descriptive qualitative, the method of collecting data using documentation, whereas the method of data analysis using content analysis. The result of this study indicate that concept of self-reliance economic system based on waqf in Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor begun from establishing of Waqf Enlargement Institution, known as YPPWPM, whose responsible is to develop, manage, and enlarge waqf asset through waqf business or social enterprise done by teachers and students under the supervision of headmaster, and the impact of waqf business towards education development is known from the cheapest tuition fees of the school and the meals for students, and also the scholarship for teachers while they study in higher education.
This study aims to analyze and compare the implementation of khiyar in online transactions at Sho... more This study aims to analyze and compare the implementation of khiyar in online transactions at Shopee, Tokopedia, and Bukalapak. This type of research is a comparative study with a qualitative approach in comparing the implementation of khiyar at Shopee, Tokopedia and Bukalapak. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data sources, with data collection techniques in the form interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses data analysis model of Miles, Huberman and Saldana. The results found that There are similarities transaction procedure that applies in the three marketplaces which are two types of khiyar applied, namely khiyar 'aib and khiyar ru'yah. Based on experienced transaction process carried out by sellers at Shopee, Tokopedia and Bukalapak, it was known that there are four sellers who both apply khiyar 'aib, while the application of khiyar aib was only applied by buyer at Tokopedia. On the other hand, khiyar ru'yah was not applied ...
The research aims to analyze the potential of using blockchain to promote integrated financial in... more The research aims to analyze the potential of using blockchain to promote integrated financial inclusion through Indonesian potential zakat funds. We use a qualitative approach (the business model canvas) as the analysis tool. We generate the data using the literature study. The essence of the zakat funds management implies that zakat assets should not be left idle. Further, greater zakat funds collected, managed, and distributed will deliver more benefits to mauquf alayh, greater divine rewards to the wakif, and greater funds received by nazir. Our results indicate that the zakat blockchain programs offer various benefits because blockchain facilitates more decentralized and borderless transactions. The benefits include achieving targets more effectively; avoiding overlap; developing zakat more systematically; monitoring more effectively in planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating nazhir zakat; and contributing to short, medium, and long-term national socioeconomic objectiv...
The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the LAZISMU fundraising strategy ... more The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the LAZISMU fundraising strategy in Batu City. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method so that it can describe what kind of fundraising strategy used by LAZISMU Batu City. The conclusion of this study shows that LAZISMU Batu City has two patterns in its fundraising strategy, namely, raising funds through available sources and raising funds by creating new funding sources. Fundraising on available sources by institutions uses methods such as identification of muzakki, use of direct and indirect fundraising methods, safeguarding and management of muzakki, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Raising by creating new funding sources is carried out through PPOB services in the form of bill payment service providers such as water, electricity, wifi, and others
Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in several negative socio-economic impacts, including an incre... more The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in several negative socio-economic impacts, including an increase in poverty rates and also a high level of exposure to and deaths cases. This paper aims to conduct an in-depth analysis related to dinamism in the interpretation of the recipient group of zakat (asnaf tsamaniyah) to solve the socio-economics problem caused by covid-19 in Indonesia. This study was qualitative with documentation as method of collecting data, the data analysed by content analysis approach by Miles and Huberman. The result found that dinamism in the interpretation of the recipient group of zakat to solve the socio-economics problem caused by covid-19 in Indonesia laid down by focusing on the poor and needy (fakir miskin) than other group of zakah recipient because the increase of poverty levels due to high dismissals and declining levels of public purchasing which caused to bankrupt. On the other hand, there is a new interpretation based on the fatwa of the Indonesian ...
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has produced rapid technological developments to support the ease of hu... more Industrial Revolution 4.0 has produced rapid technological developments to support the ease of human activity in all lines of life. In the economic and financial fields, this development is known as financial technology, commonly known as Fintech. Like two sides of a coin, financial technology offers ease of service in transactions, time efficiency, transaction flexibility, to increase financial literacy and information technology for the public. Conversely, some of the negative impacts of this financial technology include, the increasing culture of consumerism, hedonism to the practice of new style moneylenders that determine highinterest rates for borrowers online, as well as ways of billing outside the fair range. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis related to the role of Islamic rulings in the development of financial technology. The conclusions of this study are some of the roles of Islamic rulings in developing financial technology divided into three key aspects; f...
Halal has become a global issue today, not least in Indonesia. At the state level, Indonesia is p... more Halal has become a global issue today, not least in Indonesia. At the state level, Indonesia is planned to become the world halal center. This is clearly seen by the Ministry of Tourism trying to increase the number of tourists visiting Indonesia, especially visiting halal tourist destinations. Some regions are trying to compete to become areas that are friendly to halal tourism, including Lombok, Aceh and finally Malang City. Regarding the halal tourism trend, it is important to know about the concepts and parameters used in implementing halal tourism. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the concept of halal tourism and several parameters that are used as standard for halal tourism destination. The method of data collection uses documentary methods based on a review of both primary and secondary literature. The results of this study are that the concept of halal tourism can be classified into two importance aspects; first, the act of obedience, which described as a w...
This paper aims to explore Islamic economic thought Haji AbdulMalik Karim Amrullah in his work on... more This paper aims to explore Islamic economic thought Haji AbdulMalik Karim Amrullah in his work on Social Justice in Islam. Based onthe study conducted, research on the history of Islamic economicthought in Indonesia is still a little done. These considerations make thisresearch important to do. This type of research is qualitative with acharacter study approach (biography), the method of collecting data isobtained by documentation - that is, a study of the work of social justicein Islam Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah. The result of the study asfollows: first, that property ownership belongs to God, while humansare only managers of these assets. Secondly, there are three principles ofIslamic economics according to Hamka, namely: justice, free to act andfreedom.
This community service seeks to assist people grasp the notion of muamalah maaliyah by illustrati... more This community service seeks to assist people grasp the notion of muamalah maaliyah by illustrating real-life examples of sharia financial transactions in sharia cooperatives. Identification is the first step in the service method, which is followed by workshops, focus group discussions, and mentorship. As a result of the service, cooperative management and supervisors have a better understanding of the notion of Sharia finance.
Generasi millenial merujuk kepada mereka (pemuda) yang lahir antara awal tahun 1980 hingga awal 2... more Generasi millenial merujuk kepada mereka (pemuda) yang lahir antara awal tahun 1980 hingga awal 2000. Secara lebih spesifik antara tahun 1982 hingga 2000. Dapat pula disebut sebagai generasi Y, sebab mereka lahir setelah generasi X yang lahir pada rentang tahun 1960 hingga 1980. Dapat juga disebut sebagai generasi peter pan atau boomerang –sebab mereka, atau kita, memiliki dua kecenderungan yang negatif. Pertama, merugikan diri sendiri, atau bahkan membahayakan diri sendiri dengan melawan orangtua disebabkan karena problem ekonomi atau gaya hidup (life-syle). Kedua, memiliki kecenderungan untuk menunda, atau bahkan menerobos (short-cut) fase-fase remaja yang seharusnya dijalani, seperti; menikah dan memulai karir. Disebut generasi echo-boomer (mesin pendentum) sebab seringkali generasi inilah yang menjadikan sebuah wacana, kasus atau peristiwa menjadi topik yang tren – trending topic meskipun seringkali persitiwa tersebut biasa saja. Adapun beberapa ciri dari generasi millenial, ata...
Beberapa tahun terakhir diskursus tentang halal menjadi menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Jika tidak... more Beberapa tahun terakhir diskursus tentang halal menjadi menarik untuk diperbincangkan. Jika tidak salah prediksi, penulis berasumsi akan terjadi pergeseran tren dari ekonomi syariah menuju halal beberapa tahun mendatang. Pergeseran tren ini terbukti dengan makin populernya diskursus perihal halal di ruang publik, baik melalui media konvensional, seperti televisi, media cetak, maupun daring. Mengutip Global Islamic Economy Indicators (GIEI) 2016/2017, terdapat tujuh pilar utama ekosistem ekonomi Islam, lima di antaranya berkaitan dengan halal, yaitu halal food, halal travel, halal media and recreation, dan halal pharmaceuticals and cosmetics . Dua indikator lainnya adalah Islamic finance dan modest fashion . Dengan melakukan survei terhadap 73 negara; 57 negara di antaranya adalah anggota Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI) dan 16 negara lainnya bukan termasuk anggora OKI, dinyatakan, Indonesia dalam konteks ekosistem ekonomi Islam, berada pada urutan kesepuluh dengan skor 36, Ma...
The rapid development of Islamic financial institutions lately is quite encouraging, it would be ... more The rapid development of Islamic financial institutions lately is quite encouraging, it would be legitimacy that Islam is able to renpond the challenges of globalization and modernization. On the other hand, these developments would make the Islamic financial institutions as a measure of doctrine and Islamic values realized in the lives of all Muslims. But, about Islamic products and a contract that‘s practiced is being debated by economist Muslims worldwide.Assuming that ijtihad can be done in mu‟amalat according to the rule “al-Aslu fi l mu‟amalAt al ibahah illa ya‟ti dalilun „ala taN’rA«miha†make this debate more interenting with many opinions expressed by economist Muslims, especially Muslim mainstream economists.The core of the debate between Muslim economists is the method that being used in building the Islamic economic, either by adopting the practices, systems and the values of conventional economics that are relevant to shariah, or through methodology of us...
Papers by Rahmad Hakim