Papers by Cengiz ERGÜN
The Journal of International Social Research, 2023
The 18th century was a politically crucial period for the Ottomans and the Habsburg Empire. The O... more The 18th century was a politically crucial period for the Ottomans and the Habsburg Empire. The Ottomans, who retreated from the lands they conquered in Europe in previous centuries due to the wars they lost against their arch-enemy Habsburg Empire, also had to cope with their internal problems.
At the beginning of the 18th century, the Habsburg envoy Anselm Franz von Fleischmann, who undertook a diplomatic mission in the Ottoman lands between 1711 and 1716, reported the Turkish social life and political developments to Vienna in nearly 70 documents. The reports, as mentioned above, include Fleischmann's correspondence with foreign politicians and his letters. These correspondences and reports can be a research topic for Digital History studies, a branch of Digital Humanities. It is possible to work on these documents with visualization tools in this context.
"Palladio" is a web-based platform that allows Humanities scholars to upload data and explore it through various visualization types easily. It is a digital research tool explicitly designed for humanistic inquiry. This study includes adapting Anselm Franz von Fleischmann's reports to Palladio, which is a multi-layered visualization tool. In this way, it is aimed to process a subject in the field of Diplomatic History with Digital History tools.
After the disappearance of feudality and the development of central governments, from the 16th ce... more After the disappearance of feudality and the development of central governments, from the 16th century onwards, states wanted to control the movements of their citizens by several documents. These documents were a kind of passports, which were also used as identity documents, and their arrangements varied from country to country. With the undisputed triumph of capitalism and nation-state in 19th century Europe, the state’s control over the people was predominantly considered as an internal matter. Competition between states in the economic and military fields revealed the importance of centralization. Statesmen, who wanted to take advantage of this competition, went on to increase control over the activities of their populations.
In the Ottoman Empire, the state-control over the movements of its citizens dates back well before the 19th century. Due to the manorial system in the Ottomans, the peasantry remained attached to their lands and the State imposed criminal sanctions on those who left their lands. There were serious migration waves to Western Anatolia and especially to Constantinople until the 20th century, and therefore it was necessary to prevent the entry of beggars and unemployed people without guarantees to the city. The obligation to have “yol hükmü” (road provision), whose name was changed to “mürur tezkeresi” (passing compass), was also one of these considerations.
In this study, it is aimed to shed light on the state-control over the people by making use of the Ottoman Archives and the memories of the travellers who visited the Ottoman Empire and aimed to give information about the travel permits and travel documents which were subject to an arrangement since the 19th century.
Osmanlı Devleti egemenliği altına aldığı hemen hemen her bölgeyi şüphesiz kendi yönetim anl... more Öz:
Osmanlı Devleti egemenliği altına aldığı hemen hemen her bölgeyi şüphesiz kendi yönetim anlayışıyla bir cazibe merkezi ve kültür beşiği haline getirmiştir. Bu yerleşim yerlerinden biri de Bilad-üş-Şam (Suriye, Filistin, Lübnan ve Ürdün) olarak bilinen bölgenin içinde yer alan Şam (Dimeşk eş-Şam) şehridir. Dünya'nın en eski yerleşimlerinden olan kent, M.S. 6. yüzyılda İslam egemenliğine girmiş, 1521 yılından 1. Dünya Savaşı'na kadar da Osmanlı hakimiyeti altında bulunmuştur. Kent, Avrupa dillerinde Damascus olarak bilinirken, Araplarca "eş-Şam" ya da günümüzde bilinen şekliyle "Şam" olarak anılmaktadır. Bugün bazı Batılı tarihçilerin herhangi bir belgeye dayanmayan iddialarının aksine şehir Osmanlı hakimiyetine girdikten sonra imar edilmiş ve ekonomik kalkınmasına devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Şam şehrinin İslam Devleti tarafından fethi, şehrin Emevi ve Osmanlı yönetimi altındaki durumuyla birlikte İslam şehirlerinin karakteristik özelliklerine değinilerek bilgi tasnifi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca 19.yy. da bölgenin ekonomik, idari ve sosyo-kültürel yönden Osmanlı hakimiyetinde nasıl bir durumda olduğu incelenecek; mevcut Osmanlı & İslam eserleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir.
The Ottoman Empire has, without a doubt, transformed almost every region under its sovereignty into a center of attraction and culture. One of these settlements is the city of Damascus which is located within the region known as Bilad Ush-Sham (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan). The city, which entered the Ottoman dominance from 1521 onwards, is known as Damascus in European languages and as Sham between Arabs. Today, contrary to the claims of some Western historians not based on any document, the city was reconstructed and developed economically after entering the Ottoman dominationIn this study, the conquest of the city of Damascus by the Islamic State, the situation under the Umayyad and Ottoman rule of the city, and the characteristics of the Islamic cities have been touched on. Also, it will be examined how the territory is in the Ottoman domination of the economic, administrative and socio-cultural aspects in 19th. century; Information about the current Ottoman & Islamic works will be given.
Thesis Chapters by Cengiz ERGÜN
The 19th century is an important historical period in the World in which political, economic, soc... more The 19th century is an important historical period in the World in which political, economic, social and technological developments are experienced. In particular, the development of transport and communication technologies has brought societies closer. However, new ideas of thought that emerged after the French Revolution had affected societies and shaken the empires. In this period, though the societies and cultures became closer to each other, the boundaries between the countries became more apparent as a requirement of states' central authority empowerment policies. Passports and travel permits were being used more systematically to prevent people from traveling or migrating without a reason.
Western Anatolia, which is home to many important centers for Christians, is a very popular area for foreigners, both religiously, culturally and commercially. The notes that the travelers took, at that time, provide us with many important clues about the region where the people living there. In this context, the observations and thoughts written by the Western travelers about the Armenians, which are a long history of more than five hundred years in Western Anatolia, are very important both for Armenian and Western Anatolian histories.
For centuries, Armenians have lived faithful to their state under Turkish domination. A number of groups with an innumerable contribution to the Ottoman society have been made foreign to their congregations and then to their states, with the provocations of European imperialist powers during the distribution of the empire.
In this study, the Armenians in 19th century was examined through the eyes of travelers under the headings of population, culture, education and economics.
Conference Presentations by Cengiz ERGÜN
Academic Poster, 2020
" For many years it was believed that the first contact of the Hungarians with Islam was through ... more " For many years it was believed that the first contact of the Hungarians with Islam was through the Turks. According to this widespread belief, the Muslim Turks' invasion, which took place in the middle of the 16th century and continued for hundred and fifty years, separated the Hungarians from other European Christians and caused them to fall behind. "
Books by Cengiz ERGÜN
19. Yüzyıl Seyyahlarının Gözünden Batı Anadolu'da Ermeniler, 2021
Anadolu Ermenileri, günümüz tarih yazıcılığında, genellikle içinde yer aldığı siyasi sorunlar açı... more Anadolu Ermenileri, günümüz tarih yazıcılığında, genellikle içinde yer aldığı siyasi sorunlar açısından ele alınmıştır. Anadolu’nun kadim halklarından biri olan Ermeniler sadece, Doğu Anadolu’nun yaşam koşullarına uyum sağlamış ve siyasi bir “sorun” un odağındaki toplum değildir. Osmanlı coğrafyasında diğer bütün topluluklar gibi Ermeniler de tarımda, ticarette, köy-kent hayatında, çarşıda, mahallede, düğünde, cenazede var oldular. Ekonomik koşulların ağırlaştığı dönemde Anadolu içlerinden batıya, özellikle liman kentlerine göç eden bir Ermeni topluluğundan bahsetmek mümkündür. Böylelikle Ermeniler de Anadolu’nun batısında uluslararası ticaretin merkezi, metropol kentlerde farklı bir yaşam tarzıyla karşılaştılar. Yaşlı imparatorluğun Batı dünyasına açılan penceresinde, farklılıkların içinde bazen kaynaşarak bazen ayrışarak yaşadılar. Cengiz Ergün’ün çalışması, Osmanlı dünyasının en önemli limanlarından biri sayılan İzmir merkezli bir çalışmadır, bu eser neredeyse hiç ele alınmayan Batı Anadolu Ermenilerine odaklanarak modernleşme sürecindeki Osmanlı toplumunun bir parçası olan Ermenilerin sosyal ve ekonomik hayata verdikleri katkıyı Batılı gezginlerin gözünden ele alıyor.
Büyük bir siyasi sorunun öznesi olmak dışında, Batı Anadolu Ermenilerinin kent kültürüne ve rengine katkısının, siyasi çalkantıların ve sorunların en yoğun olduğu zaman diliminde değerlendirilmesi ise ayrı bir önem taşır. Batılı güçlerin Osmanlı gayrı Müslim unsurlarıyla çok daha ilgili olduğu ve toplumsal ayrışmaların yaşandığı dönemi kapsayan eser bu özellikleriyle daha da dikkat çekicidir.
Doç. Dr. Olcay Yapucu Pullukçuoğlu
Papers by Cengiz ERGÜN
At the beginning of the 18th century, the Habsburg envoy Anselm Franz von Fleischmann, who undertook a diplomatic mission in the Ottoman lands between 1711 and 1716, reported the Turkish social life and political developments to Vienna in nearly 70 documents. The reports, as mentioned above, include Fleischmann's correspondence with foreign politicians and his letters. These correspondences and reports can be a research topic for Digital History studies, a branch of Digital Humanities. It is possible to work on these documents with visualization tools in this context.
"Palladio" is a web-based platform that allows Humanities scholars to upload data and explore it through various visualization types easily. It is a digital research tool explicitly designed for humanistic inquiry. This study includes adapting Anselm Franz von Fleischmann's reports to Palladio, which is a multi-layered visualization tool. In this way, it is aimed to process a subject in the field of Diplomatic History with Digital History tools.
In the Ottoman Empire, the state-control over the movements of its citizens dates back well before the 19th century. Due to the manorial system in the Ottomans, the peasantry remained attached to their lands and the State imposed criminal sanctions on those who left their lands. There were serious migration waves to Western Anatolia and especially to Constantinople until the 20th century, and therefore it was necessary to prevent the entry of beggars and unemployed people without guarantees to the city. The obligation to have “yol hükmü” (road provision), whose name was changed to “mürur tezkeresi” (passing compass), was also one of these considerations.
In this study, it is aimed to shed light on the state-control over the people by making use of the Ottoman Archives and the memories of the travellers who visited the Ottoman Empire and aimed to give information about the travel permits and travel documents which were subject to an arrangement since the 19th century.
Osmanlı Devleti egemenliği altına aldığı hemen hemen her bölgeyi şüphesiz kendi yönetim anlayışıyla bir cazibe merkezi ve kültür beşiği haline getirmiştir. Bu yerleşim yerlerinden biri de Bilad-üş-Şam (Suriye, Filistin, Lübnan ve Ürdün) olarak bilinen bölgenin içinde yer alan Şam (Dimeşk eş-Şam) şehridir. Dünya'nın en eski yerleşimlerinden olan kent, M.S. 6. yüzyılda İslam egemenliğine girmiş, 1521 yılından 1. Dünya Savaşı'na kadar da Osmanlı hakimiyeti altında bulunmuştur. Kent, Avrupa dillerinde Damascus olarak bilinirken, Araplarca "eş-Şam" ya da günümüzde bilinen şekliyle "Şam" olarak anılmaktadır. Bugün bazı Batılı tarihçilerin herhangi bir belgeye dayanmayan iddialarının aksine şehir Osmanlı hakimiyetine girdikten sonra imar edilmiş ve ekonomik kalkınmasına devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Şam şehrinin İslam Devleti tarafından fethi, şehrin Emevi ve Osmanlı yönetimi altındaki durumuyla birlikte İslam şehirlerinin karakteristik özelliklerine değinilerek bilgi tasnifi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca 19.yy. da bölgenin ekonomik, idari ve sosyo-kültürel yönden Osmanlı hakimiyetinde nasıl bir durumda olduğu incelenecek; mevcut Osmanlı & İslam eserleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir.
The Ottoman Empire has, without a doubt, transformed almost every region under its sovereignty into a center of attraction and culture. One of these settlements is the city of Damascus which is located within the region known as Bilad Ush-Sham (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan). The city, which entered the Ottoman dominance from 1521 onwards, is known as Damascus in European languages and as Sham between Arabs. Today, contrary to the claims of some Western historians not based on any document, the city was reconstructed and developed economically after entering the Ottoman dominationIn this study, the conquest of the city of Damascus by the Islamic State, the situation under the Umayyad and Ottoman rule of the city, and the characteristics of the Islamic cities have been touched on. Also, it will be examined how the territory is in the Ottoman domination of the economic, administrative and socio-cultural aspects in 19th. century; Information about the current Ottoman & Islamic works will be given.
Thesis Chapters by Cengiz ERGÜN
Western Anatolia, which is home to many important centers for Christians, is a very popular area for foreigners, both religiously, culturally and commercially. The notes that the travelers took, at that time, provide us with many important clues about the region where the people living there. In this context, the observations and thoughts written by the Western travelers about the Armenians, which are a long history of more than five hundred years in Western Anatolia, are very important both for Armenian and Western Anatolian histories.
For centuries, Armenians have lived faithful to their state under Turkish domination. A number of groups with an innumerable contribution to the Ottoman society have been made foreign to their congregations and then to their states, with the provocations of European imperialist powers during the distribution of the empire.
In this study, the Armenians in 19th century was examined through the eyes of travelers under the headings of population, culture, education and economics.
Conference Presentations by Cengiz ERGÜN
Books by Cengiz ERGÜN
Büyük bir siyasi sorunun öznesi olmak dışında, Batı Anadolu Ermenilerinin kent kültürüne ve rengine katkısının, siyasi çalkantıların ve sorunların en yoğun olduğu zaman diliminde değerlendirilmesi ise ayrı bir önem taşır. Batılı güçlerin Osmanlı gayrı Müslim unsurlarıyla çok daha ilgili olduğu ve toplumsal ayrışmaların yaşandığı dönemi kapsayan eser bu özellikleriyle daha da dikkat çekicidir.
Doç. Dr. Olcay Yapucu Pullukçuoğlu
At the beginning of the 18th century, the Habsburg envoy Anselm Franz von Fleischmann, who undertook a diplomatic mission in the Ottoman lands between 1711 and 1716, reported the Turkish social life and political developments to Vienna in nearly 70 documents. The reports, as mentioned above, include Fleischmann's correspondence with foreign politicians and his letters. These correspondences and reports can be a research topic for Digital History studies, a branch of Digital Humanities. It is possible to work on these documents with visualization tools in this context.
"Palladio" is a web-based platform that allows Humanities scholars to upload data and explore it through various visualization types easily. It is a digital research tool explicitly designed for humanistic inquiry. This study includes adapting Anselm Franz von Fleischmann's reports to Palladio, which is a multi-layered visualization tool. In this way, it is aimed to process a subject in the field of Diplomatic History with Digital History tools.
In the Ottoman Empire, the state-control over the movements of its citizens dates back well before the 19th century. Due to the manorial system in the Ottomans, the peasantry remained attached to their lands and the State imposed criminal sanctions on those who left their lands. There were serious migration waves to Western Anatolia and especially to Constantinople until the 20th century, and therefore it was necessary to prevent the entry of beggars and unemployed people without guarantees to the city. The obligation to have “yol hükmü” (road provision), whose name was changed to “mürur tezkeresi” (passing compass), was also one of these considerations.
In this study, it is aimed to shed light on the state-control over the people by making use of the Ottoman Archives and the memories of the travellers who visited the Ottoman Empire and aimed to give information about the travel permits and travel documents which were subject to an arrangement since the 19th century.
Osmanlı Devleti egemenliği altına aldığı hemen hemen her bölgeyi şüphesiz kendi yönetim anlayışıyla bir cazibe merkezi ve kültür beşiği haline getirmiştir. Bu yerleşim yerlerinden biri de Bilad-üş-Şam (Suriye, Filistin, Lübnan ve Ürdün) olarak bilinen bölgenin içinde yer alan Şam (Dimeşk eş-Şam) şehridir. Dünya'nın en eski yerleşimlerinden olan kent, M.S. 6. yüzyılda İslam egemenliğine girmiş, 1521 yılından 1. Dünya Savaşı'na kadar da Osmanlı hakimiyeti altında bulunmuştur. Kent, Avrupa dillerinde Damascus olarak bilinirken, Araplarca "eş-Şam" ya da günümüzde bilinen şekliyle "Şam" olarak anılmaktadır. Bugün bazı Batılı tarihçilerin herhangi bir belgeye dayanmayan iddialarının aksine şehir Osmanlı hakimiyetine girdikten sonra imar edilmiş ve ekonomik kalkınmasına devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Şam şehrinin İslam Devleti tarafından fethi, şehrin Emevi ve Osmanlı yönetimi altındaki durumuyla birlikte İslam şehirlerinin karakteristik özelliklerine değinilerek bilgi tasnifi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca 19.yy. da bölgenin ekonomik, idari ve sosyo-kültürel yönden Osmanlı hakimiyetinde nasıl bir durumda olduğu incelenecek; mevcut Osmanlı & İslam eserleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir.
The Ottoman Empire has, without a doubt, transformed almost every region under its sovereignty into a center of attraction and culture. One of these settlements is the city of Damascus which is located within the region known as Bilad Ush-Sham (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan). The city, which entered the Ottoman dominance from 1521 onwards, is known as Damascus in European languages and as Sham between Arabs. Today, contrary to the claims of some Western historians not based on any document, the city was reconstructed and developed economically after entering the Ottoman dominationIn this study, the conquest of the city of Damascus by the Islamic State, the situation under the Umayyad and Ottoman rule of the city, and the characteristics of the Islamic cities have been touched on. Also, it will be examined how the territory is in the Ottoman domination of the economic, administrative and socio-cultural aspects in 19th. century; Information about the current Ottoman & Islamic works will be given.
Western Anatolia, which is home to many important centers for Christians, is a very popular area for foreigners, both religiously, culturally and commercially. The notes that the travelers took, at that time, provide us with many important clues about the region where the people living there. In this context, the observations and thoughts written by the Western travelers about the Armenians, which are a long history of more than five hundred years in Western Anatolia, are very important both for Armenian and Western Anatolian histories.
For centuries, Armenians have lived faithful to their state under Turkish domination. A number of groups with an innumerable contribution to the Ottoman society have been made foreign to their congregations and then to their states, with the provocations of European imperialist powers during the distribution of the empire.
In this study, the Armenians in 19th century was examined through the eyes of travelers under the headings of population, culture, education and economics.
Büyük bir siyasi sorunun öznesi olmak dışında, Batı Anadolu Ermenilerinin kent kültürüne ve rengine katkısının, siyasi çalkantıların ve sorunların en yoğun olduğu zaman diliminde değerlendirilmesi ise ayrı bir önem taşır. Batılı güçlerin Osmanlı gayrı Müslim unsurlarıyla çok daha ilgili olduğu ve toplumsal ayrışmaların yaşandığı dönemi kapsayan eser bu özellikleriyle daha da dikkat çekicidir.
Doç. Dr. Olcay Yapucu Pullukçuoğlu