The rise of the internet and social media has sharpened the
fragmentation of religious authority.... more The rise of the internet and social media has sharpened the fragmentation of religious authority. In the Indonesian context, the mainstream religious authority held by Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has been challenged and threatened by micro-celebrity ustaz. This article examines the emergence of the Syarah Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah fanpage on Facebook, created and managed by Zulkarnain El Madury, who claims to be a preacher of the Muhammadiyah Central Board as it has threatened Muhammadiyah’s religious authority. It analyses Muhammadiyah’s efforts in maintaining its religious authority in cyberspace, by taking a closer look at what has been done by Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council, an assembly that has the exclusive authority to issue fatwas and official religious ijtihad within Muhammadiyah. This article also discusses lessons that can be learned from the case of Zulkarnain El Madury and the response of the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council.
يستنتج هذا البحث بأن الحديث "الأئمة من قريش" جملة خبرية مناسبة بالواقع والتاريخ. أخبرنا... more يستنتج هذا البحث بأن الحديث "الأئمة من قريش" جملة خبرية مناسبة بالواقع والتاريخ. أخبرنا أيضا هذا الحديث بأن الإمامة المستقبلة ستعود إلى أيدي قريش. يستند هذا الاستنتاج إلى فهم أحاديث "الأئمة من قريش" باستخدام المنهج الموضوعي للحديث ونهج النصية الأساسية. تبدأ المناقشة لهذه المقالة بمقدمة، وترجمة قريش، ورأي العلماء عن الأئمة في الإسلام، وجمع الأحاديث وتصنيفها، واعتبار سند الحديث، ونقد سند، ونقد متن، والآخر الخلاصة. يرى المنهج الموضوعي للحديث في الوحدة الموضوعية لفهم الحديث المبني على جمع الأحاديث وتصنيفها ، ونهج النصية الأساسية يرى في فهم الحديث المبني على عمومية اللغة العربية دون تأويل. المنهج والنهج والأسلوب يجرى لإيجاد فهم الحديث المبني على البيانات، وهو فهم نص الحديث مستند إلى نص الحديث الآخر.
Abstract : This paper discussed the methods used by ‘Ā’isyah as benchmark in criticizing matan ha... more Abstract : This paper discussed the methods used by ‘Ā’isyah as benchmark in criticizing matan hadith. The accusation against Islam about the lack of methodology in the study of hadith criticism, especially matan criticism, has forced contemporary Islamic scholars to create a method that can be used to criticize the substance of hadith. Indeed, the principles in criticized matan hadith have been made and used by ‘Ā’isyah. The ‘Ā’isyah manhaj of matan criticism has been tested the reliability. The writer concluded that the methodology of ‘Ā’isyah manhaj of matan criticism was proven reliable for tested the authenticity of hadith by used the correspondence of truth and coherence theories in philosophical epistemology as the method of analysis. Abstrak : Makalah ini membahas metode yang digunakan oleh 'Ā'isyah sebagai patokan dalam mengkritik matan hadis. Tuduhan terhadap Islam tentang kurangnya metodologi dalam studi kritik hadits, terutama kritik matan, telah memaksa ulama Islam kontemporer untuk menciptakan sebuah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengkritik substansi hadis. Memang, prinsip-prinsip dalam mengkritik hadits matan telah dibuat dan digunakan oleh 'Ā'isyah. The 'Ā'isyah manhaj kritik matan telah diuji reliabilitas. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa metodologi 'Ā'isyah manhaj kritik matan terbukti dapat diandalkan untuk menguji keaslian hadits dengan menggunakan korespondensi kebenaran dan koherensi teori dalam epistemologi filsafat sebagai metode analisis.
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 2019
This paper examines a recent product of Muhammadiyah’s collective ijtihad, namely Fikih Informasi... more This paper examines a recent product of Muhammadiyah’s collective ijtihad, namely Fikih Informasi (fiqh of information). Fikih Informasi is one of the outcomes of the 30th National Meeting of Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid (Muhammadiyah’s Council of Religious Affairs). Fikih Informasi represents Muhammadiyah’s attempt to provide guidance for its members and the Muslim community at large, on a usage of social media whch is based on Islamic teachings. The term fikih is an Indonesian word adapted from Arabic word fiqh and Majelis Tarjih’s understanding of the term does not entirely resemble the classical concept of fiqh as understood by majority of Muslim jurists. For this reason, in the first instance this article will explore Majelis Tarjih’s conception of the word fikih then will proceed to examine its application in the context of social media usage. During this process, the paper will argue that Majelis Tarjih employs the term fikih in its literal and Qur’anic meaning rather than using...
Tulisan ini membahas pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang ilmu falak, terutama dalam bidang hisab... more Tulisan ini membahas pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang ilmu falak, terutama dalam bidang hisab-rukyat. Di tengah minimnya ahli falak di Indonesia, terlebih di lingkungan Muhammadiyah, nama Syamsul Anwar terasa masih sangat asing di telinga kebanyakan orang. Akan tetapi jika kita melihat lebih saksama sesungguhnya dari tangan Syamsul Anwar-lah banyak pemikiran-pemikiran cemerlang tentang hisab- rukyat lahir dan sangat terasa kontribusinya bagi Muhammadiyah khususnya dan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya. Tulisan ini memokuskan pada beberapa pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang hisab-rukyat, yaitu mengenai kontekstualisasi pemahaman hadis-hadis tentang rukyat, hisab hakiki sebagai metode penentuan awal bulan dan interkoneksi studi hadis dan astronomi.
Tarjih: Jurnal Tarjih dan Pengembangan Pemikiran Islam, 2017
The Muhammadiyah movement aims to stimulate religious life according to Koran and Sunnah. Neverth... more The Muhammadiyah movement aims to stimulate religious life according to Koran and Sunnah. Nevertheless, many Indonesians still believe that Muhammadiyah refuses to recognize local cultural heritage and traditions. This paper discusses two aspects of Muhammadiyah, namely Salafism and modernism, as elements of tajdid (renewal) that encourage modernity in Aceh. The spirit of tajdid in Muhamadiyah's perspective has two meanings: (1) purification in akidah and ibadah (worship) in line with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW; and (2) tajdid means dynamizing people's lives with a creative spirit that is suitable to the challenges and demands of modern era.
The study of figures in the field of hadith studies has not been done much. In fact, this second ... more The study of figures in the field of hadith studies has not been done much. In fact, this second source of Islamic law can continue to exist because of their contribution and dedication. Indonesia once had a cleric who is recognized his capacity in the Muslim world. He is Yasin al-Fadani. This study will explain his contribution and dedication to hadith, especially on one of the themes of hadith named hadith musalsal . This type of research is qualitative research. In the data collection process, the author used a mixed-method, combining library studies and semi-structured interviews. Meanwhile, the data source is processed and analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Other sources relate to Shaykh Yasin al-Fadani and hadith musalsal, either in books, journals, or books, are also used. This research shows that Yasin al-Fadani's contribution in the form of works are the books he wrote about the hadith of Musalsal, among them al-‘Ujalah fi al-Ḥadīṡ al-Musalsalah, Waraqat fī...
Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, pengelolaan terhadap keberagaman dan perbedaan menjadi sat... more Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, pengelolaan terhadap keberagaman dan perbedaan menjadi satu hal mutlak yang harus menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Luputnya pengelolaan yang baik dari persoalan tersebut akan berakibat pada rusaknya tenun kebangsaan. Pancasila yang menjadi dasar negara sudah seharusnya diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Karena dari prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung dalam Pancasila inilah keberagaman dan perbedaan itu dapat diakomodasi
This paper address about one of the methods for understanding hadiths which is important to apply... more This paper address about one of the methods for understanding hadiths which is important to apply in the contemporary era. The objectives of this paper are: (1) to investigate the significance of maqāṣid al-sharīʻah in understanding hadiths, and (2) to know and analyse how to Muhammadiyah applies this approach in interpreting the hadiths. In order to reach out these two main objectives, literature studies and interviews were done to obtain data required. This paper is using qualitative method as a method of analyse. Based on this study, the writer found that the theory of taʻlīl al-aḥkām played an important role in interpreting hadiths in the light of maqāṣid al-sharīʻah. The methods used by Muslim scholars to investigate ‘illat (causa legis) can be applied to know the ultimate purposes (maqāṣid al-sharīʻah) in hadiths. The writer also found that indeed Muhammadiyah has applied the methods in fatwas that it has issued. That methods that Muhammadiyah applied in its fatwas are al-sabr...
: This study discusses the congregation law a woman to a man is not mahram. In society, conscious... more : This study discusses the congregation law a woman to a man is not mahram. In society, consciously or unconsciously habit congregation woman to a man become commonplace. This raises questions regarding how the law? A tradition relates that the Prophet Muhammad, had been a priest of a beautiful woman who is not mahram. The hadith is weak status, but by looking at a few other reasons and arguments, concluded that the law of the congregation woman to a man who is not mahram is allowed. Abstrak : Penelitian ini membahas hukum jemaat seorang wanita untuk seorang pria bukan mahram. Dalam masyarakat, sadar atau tidak sadar kebiasaan jemaat wanita untuk seorang pria menjadi hal yang biasa. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana hukum? Tradisi menceritakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad, telah menjadi imam wanita cantik yang bukan mahram. Hadits ini statusnya lemah, tetapi dengan melihat beberapa alasan lain dan argumen, menyimpulkan bahwa hukum wanita jemaat dengan seorang pria yang bukan m...
This research examines the thinking of a Muslim scholar, Asjmuni Abdurrahman, in his capacity as ... more This research examines the thinking of a Muslim scholar, Asjmuni Abdurrahman, in his capacity as an expert on fiqh and uṣūl al-fiqh, especially his ideas relating to hadiths of legal status ( aḥādīth al-aḥkām ). This type of research is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Research data collection techniques use documentation methods that are then processed and analyzed using descriptive-analytical methods. The primary data sources used are the book "Manhaj Tarjih Muhammadiyah: Metodologi dan Aplikasi" and the book "Memahami Makna Tekstual, Kontekstual & Liberal". This study showed that hadith can be reviewed from two things, namely sanad and matan . In sanad aspect, only the hadith of ṣaḥīḥ and ḥasan can be used as a legal basis, be it mutawātir or āḥād. The Matan aspect can be understood through the method of uṣūl al-fiqh ; if the hadith is related to ta'abbudi then it is understood textually, whereas if in anything other than ta'abbudi...
The interpretation of hadith has been developed is considered by some scholars not to address the... more The interpretation of hadith has been developed is considered by some scholars not to address the current reality. The use of hermeneutic methods is then considered capable of addressing problems related to the hadith's interpretation. However, this method caused controversy because it originated in Greece and Christian tradition. This method needs to be highlighted from the point of view of Muhammadiyah as one of Indonesia's largest Islamic organizations. This because the interpretation of some hadiths in Muhammadiyah has some similarities to hermeneutics' method. This research aims to analyze hermeneutics' elements in the hadith interpretation by analyzing Muhammadiyah's decisions and fatwas. The method used is the study of literature with a qualitative approach. The primary data source is Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah volume 3 and Tanya Jawab Agama volume 4. The data in this study was collected by the documentation method and analyzed with the content a...
Some scholars require leaders in Islam mustbe from the Quraysh lineage based on the hadith“The Im... more Some scholars require leaders in Islam mustbe from the Quraysh lineage based on the hadith“The Imams are from Quraysh”. This opinion seems utopian to be applied after the collapse of the Abbasids, especially in the southeast Asian country which was never led by descendants of the Quraysh. Theresearcher will study this hadithusing the thematic methods of hadith. The thematic study on hadithis seen in the integrity of the understanding based on the compilation and classification ofthe hadith.Thisdiscussion wascarried out to bring up an emic understandingin hadithscience, that is the understanding of the hadithbased on an explanation of other hadiths. This research concludes that the hadithis khabariyyahaccording to social-historical facts. This statement also confirms the prediction that future leadership will return to Quraysh.
The rise of the internet and social media has sharpened the
fragmentation of religious authority.... more The rise of the internet and social media has sharpened the fragmentation of religious authority. In the Indonesian context, the mainstream religious authority held by Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has been challenged and threatened by micro-celebrity ustaz. This article examines the emergence of the Syarah Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah fanpage on Facebook, created and managed by Zulkarnain El Madury, who claims to be a preacher of the Muhammadiyah Central Board as it has threatened Muhammadiyah’s religious authority. It analyses Muhammadiyah’s efforts in maintaining its religious authority in cyberspace, by taking a closer look at what has been done by Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council, an assembly that has the exclusive authority to issue fatwas and official religious ijtihad within Muhammadiyah. This article also discusses lessons that can be learned from the case of Zulkarnain El Madury and the response of the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council.
يستنتج هذا البحث بأن الحديث "الأئمة من قريش" جملة خبرية مناسبة بالواقع والتاريخ. أخبرنا... more يستنتج هذا البحث بأن الحديث "الأئمة من قريش" جملة خبرية مناسبة بالواقع والتاريخ. أخبرنا أيضا هذا الحديث بأن الإمامة المستقبلة ستعود إلى أيدي قريش. يستند هذا الاستنتاج إلى فهم أحاديث "الأئمة من قريش" باستخدام المنهج الموضوعي للحديث ونهج النصية الأساسية. تبدأ المناقشة لهذه المقالة بمقدمة، وترجمة قريش، ورأي العلماء عن الأئمة في الإسلام، وجمع الأحاديث وتصنيفها، واعتبار سند الحديث، ونقد سند، ونقد متن، والآخر الخلاصة. يرى المنهج الموضوعي للحديث في الوحدة الموضوعية لفهم الحديث المبني على جمع الأحاديث وتصنيفها ، ونهج النصية الأساسية يرى في فهم الحديث المبني على عمومية اللغة العربية دون تأويل. المنهج والنهج والأسلوب يجرى لإيجاد فهم الحديث المبني على البيانات، وهو فهم نص الحديث مستند إلى نص الحديث الآخر.
Abstract : This paper discussed the methods used by ‘Ā’isyah as benchmark in criticizing matan ha... more Abstract : This paper discussed the methods used by ‘Ā’isyah as benchmark in criticizing matan hadith. The accusation against Islam about the lack of methodology in the study of hadith criticism, especially matan criticism, has forced contemporary Islamic scholars to create a method that can be used to criticize the substance of hadith. Indeed, the principles in criticized matan hadith have been made and used by ‘Ā’isyah. The ‘Ā’isyah manhaj of matan criticism has been tested the reliability. The writer concluded that the methodology of ‘Ā’isyah manhaj of matan criticism was proven reliable for tested the authenticity of hadith by used the correspondence of truth and coherence theories in philosophical epistemology as the method of analysis. Abstrak : Makalah ini membahas metode yang digunakan oleh 'Ā'isyah sebagai patokan dalam mengkritik matan hadis. Tuduhan terhadap Islam tentang kurangnya metodologi dalam studi kritik hadits, terutama kritik matan, telah memaksa ulama Islam kontemporer untuk menciptakan sebuah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengkritik substansi hadis. Memang, prinsip-prinsip dalam mengkritik hadits matan telah dibuat dan digunakan oleh 'Ā'isyah. The 'Ā'isyah manhaj kritik matan telah diuji reliabilitas. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa metodologi 'Ā'isyah manhaj kritik matan terbukti dapat diandalkan untuk menguji keaslian hadits dengan menggunakan korespondensi kebenaran dan koherensi teori dalam epistemologi filsafat sebagai metode analisis.
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 2019
This paper examines a recent product of Muhammadiyah’s collective ijtihad, namely Fikih Informasi... more This paper examines a recent product of Muhammadiyah’s collective ijtihad, namely Fikih Informasi (fiqh of information). Fikih Informasi is one of the outcomes of the 30th National Meeting of Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid (Muhammadiyah’s Council of Religious Affairs). Fikih Informasi represents Muhammadiyah’s attempt to provide guidance for its members and the Muslim community at large, on a usage of social media whch is based on Islamic teachings. The term fikih is an Indonesian word adapted from Arabic word fiqh and Majelis Tarjih’s understanding of the term does not entirely resemble the classical concept of fiqh as understood by majority of Muslim jurists. For this reason, in the first instance this article will explore Majelis Tarjih’s conception of the word fikih then will proceed to examine its application in the context of social media usage. During this process, the paper will argue that Majelis Tarjih employs the term fikih in its literal and Qur’anic meaning rather than using...
Tulisan ini membahas pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang ilmu falak, terutama dalam bidang hisab... more Tulisan ini membahas pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang ilmu falak, terutama dalam bidang hisab-rukyat. Di tengah minimnya ahli falak di Indonesia, terlebih di lingkungan Muhammadiyah, nama Syamsul Anwar terasa masih sangat asing di telinga kebanyakan orang. Akan tetapi jika kita melihat lebih saksama sesungguhnya dari tangan Syamsul Anwar-lah banyak pemikiran-pemikiran cemerlang tentang hisab- rukyat lahir dan sangat terasa kontribusinya bagi Muhammadiyah khususnya dan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya. Tulisan ini memokuskan pada beberapa pemikiran Syamsul Anwar dalam bidang hisab-rukyat, yaitu mengenai kontekstualisasi pemahaman hadis-hadis tentang rukyat, hisab hakiki sebagai metode penentuan awal bulan dan interkoneksi studi hadis dan astronomi.
Tarjih: Jurnal Tarjih dan Pengembangan Pemikiran Islam, 2017
The Muhammadiyah movement aims to stimulate religious life according to Koran and Sunnah. Neverth... more The Muhammadiyah movement aims to stimulate religious life according to Koran and Sunnah. Nevertheless, many Indonesians still believe that Muhammadiyah refuses to recognize local cultural heritage and traditions. This paper discusses two aspects of Muhammadiyah, namely Salafism and modernism, as elements of tajdid (renewal) that encourage modernity in Aceh. The spirit of tajdid in Muhamadiyah's perspective has two meanings: (1) purification in akidah and ibadah (worship) in line with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW; and (2) tajdid means dynamizing people's lives with a creative spirit that is suitable to the challenges and demands of modern era.
The study of figures in the field of hadith studies has not been done much. In fact, this second ... more The study of figures in the field of hadith studies has not been done much. In fact, this second source of Islamic law can continue to exist because of their contribution and dedication. Indonesia once had a cleric who is recognized his capacity in the Muslim world. He is Yasin al-Fadani. This study will explain his contribution and dedication to hadith, especially on one of the themes of hadith named hadith musalsal . This type of research is qualitative research. In the data collection process, the author used a mixed-method, combining library studies and semi-structured interviews. Meanwhile, the data source is processed and analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Other sources relate to Shaykh Yasin al-Fadani and hadith musalsal, either in books, journals, or books, are also used. This research shows that Yasin al-Fadani's contribution in the form of works are the books he wrote about the hadith of Musalsal, among them al-‘Ujalah fi al-Ḥadīṡ al-Musalsalah, Waraqat fī...
Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, pengelolaan terhadap keberagaman dan perbedaan menjadi sat... more Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, pengelolaan terhadap keberagaman dan perbedaan menjadi satu hal mutlak yang harus menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Luputnya pengelolaan yang baik dari persoalan tersebut akan berakibat pada rusaknya tenun kebangsaan. Pancasila yang menjadi dasar negara sudah seharusnya diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Karena dari prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung dalam Pancasila inilah keberagaman dan perbedaan itu dapat diakomodasi
This paper address about one of the methods for understanding hadiths which is important to apply... more This paper address about one of the methods for understanding hadiths which is important to apply in the contemporary era. The objectives of this paper are: (1) to investigate the significance of maqāṣid al-sharīʻah in understanding hadiths, and (2) to know and analyse how to Muhammadiyah applies this approach in interpreting the hadiths. In order to reach out these two main objectives, literature studies and interviews were done to obtain data required. This paper is using qualitative method as a method of analyse. Based on this study, the writer found that the theory of taʻlīl al-aḥkām played an important role in interpreting hadiths in the light of maqāṣid al-sharīʻah. The methods used by Muslim scholars to investigate ‘illat (causa legis) can be applied to know the ultimate purposes (maqāṣid al-sharīʻah) in hadiths. The writer also found that indeed Muhammadiyah has applied the methods in fatwas that it has issued. That methods that Muhammadiyah applied in its fatwas are al-sabr...
: This study discusses the congregation law a woman to a man is not mahram. In society, conscious... more : This study discusses the congregation law a woman to a man is not mahram. In society, consciously or unconsciously habit congregation woman to a man become commonplace. This raises questions regarding how the law? A tradition relates that the Prophet Muhammad, had been a priest of a beautiful woman who is not mahram. The hadith is weak status, but by looking at a few other reasons and arguments, concluded that the law of the congregation woman to a man who is not mahram is allowed. Abstrak : Penelitian ini membahas hukum jemaat seorang wanita untuk seorang pria bukan mahram. Dalam masyarakat, sadar atau tidak sadar kebiasaan jemaat wanita untuk seorang pria menjadi hal yang biasa. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana hukum? Tradisi menceritakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad, telah menjadi imam wanita cantik yang bukan mahram. Hadits ini statusnya lemah, tetapi dengan melihat beberapa alasan lain dan argumen, menyimpulkan bahwa hukum wanita jemaat dengan seorang pria yang bukan m...
This research examines the thinking of a Muslim scholar, Asjmuni Abdurrahman, in his capacity as ... more This research examines the thinking of a Muslim scholar, Asjmuni Abdurrahman, in his capacity as an expert on fiqh and uṣūl al-fiqh, especially his ideas relating to hadiths of legal status ( aḥādīth al-aḥkām ). This type of research is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Research data collection techniques use documentation methods that are then processed and analyzed using descriptive-analytical methods. The primary data sources used are the book "Manhaj Tarjih Muhammadiyah: Metodologi dan Aplikasi" and the book "Memahami Makna Tekstual, Kontekstual & Liberal". This study showed that hadith can be reviewed from two things, namely sanad and matan . In sanad aspect, only the hadith of ṣaḥīḥ and ḥasan can be used as a legal basis, be it mutawātir or āḥād. The Matan aspect can be understood through the method of uṣūl al-fiqh ; if the hadith is related to ta'abbudi then it is understood textually, whereas if in anything other than ta'abbudi...
The interpretation of hadith has been developed is considered by some scholars not to address the... more The interpretation of hadith has been developed is considered by some scholars not to address the current reality. The use of hermeneutic methods is then considered capable of addressing problems related to the hadith's interpretation. However, this method caused controversy because it originated in Greece and Christian tradition. This method needs to be highlighted from the point of view of Muhammadiyah as one of Indonesia's largest Islamic organizations. This because the interpretation of some hadiths in Muhammadiyah has some similarities to hermeneutics' method. This research aims to analyze hermeneutics' elements in the hadith interpretation by analyzing Muhammadiyah's decisions and fatwas. The method used is the study of literature with a qualitative approach. The primary data source is Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah volume 3 and Tanya Jawab Agama volume 4. The data in this study was collected by the documentation method and analyzed with the content a...
Some scholars require leaders in Islam mustbe from the Quraysh lineage based on the hadith“The Im... more Some scholars require leaders in Islam mustbe from the Quraysh lineage based on the hadith“The Imams are from Quraysh”. This opinion seems utopian to be applied after the collapse of the Abbasids, especially in the southeast Asian country which was never led by descendants of the Quraysh. Theresearcher will study this hadithusing the thematic methods of hadith. The thematic study on hadithis seen in the integrity of the understanding based on the compilation and classification ofthe hadith.Thisdiscussion wascarried out to bring up an emic understandingin hadithscience, that is the understanding of the hadithbased on an explanation of other hadiths. This research concludes that the hadithis khabariyyahaccording to social-historical facts. This statement also confirms the prediction that future leadership will return to Quraysh.
Papers by Niki Alma Febriana Fauzi
fragmentation of religious authority. In the Indonesian context,
the mainstream religious authority held by Muhammadiyah and
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has been challenged and threatened by
micro-celebrity ustaz. This article examines the emergence of the
Syarah Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah fanpage on
Facebook, created and managed by Zulkarnain El Madury, who
claims to be a preacher of the Muhammadiyah Central Board as it
has threatened Muhammadiyah’s religious authority. It analyses
Muhammadiyah’s efforts in maintaining its religious authority in
cyberspace, by taking a closer look at what has been done by
Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council, an assembly that has the
exclusive authority to issue fatwas and official religious ijtihad
within Muhammadiyah. This article also discusses lessons that can
be learned from the case of Zulkarnain El Madury and the
response of the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council.
fragmentation of religious authority. In the Indonesian context,
the mainstream religious authority held by Muhammadiyah and
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has been challenged and threatened by
micro-celebrity ustaz. This article examines the emergence of the
Syarah Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah fanpage on
Facebook, created and managed by Zulkarnain El Madury, who
claims to be a preacher of the Muhammadiyah Central Board as it
has threatened Muhammadiyah’s religious authority. It analyses
Muhammadiyah’s efforts in maintaining its religious authority in
cyberspace, by taking a closer look at what has been done by
Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council, an assembly that has the
exclusive authority to issue fatwas and official religious ijtihad
within Muhammadiyah. This article also discusses lessons that can
be learned from the case of Zulkarnain El Madury and the
response of the Muhammadiyah Tarjih Council.