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After clicking the Search button, flight line search results will be shown in the right panel next to the map in alphabetical order. You can browse the data by clicking lines in the map or in the right panel's list.

Help: Processing Modes

Most UAVSAR data is acquired as fully polarimetric data. Often, there is at least one repeat of the same line, from which interferometric data may be obtained.
  • PolSAR: precision quad pol mode, single data take
  • InSAR Pair: precision interferogram for two data takes
  • InSAR Browse: low-res KML files showing interferogram (all sequential pairs)
  • SLC Stack: multiple data takes that can be interfered

Help: Bands

  • L-band: 25 cm wavelength, usually 80 MHz bandwidth (determines range resolution)
  • P-band (AIRMOSS): 1 m wavelength, 20-80 MHz bandwidth
  • Ka-band (GLISTIN-A): 8.5 mm wavelength, 40 MHz bandwidth

Help: Polarizations

Single-pol only includes HH. Quad-pol includes HH, HV, VH, and VV.
  • PolSAR: quad-pol
  • InSAR Pair: single-pol or quad-pol
  • InSAR Browse: single-pol
  • SLC Stack: single-pol or quad-pol
  • TomoSAR: quad-pol
  • TopSAR: single-pol

Help: Find

When clicking Search, the results will be filtered by anything in the Find text box. The possible ways to filter the results include any portion of:
  • Line name: This is composed of 6 characters describing the location (defined during flight planning), followed by 5 characters that define the heading (first 3 numbers, in degrees), followed by a two character increment. For example, SanAnd_00510.
  • Line description: This is determined during flight planning to describe the Principal Investigator's (PI) site. For example, San Andreas Fault - North.
  • Product ID: This defines the file names. For example, SanAnd_05510_09006_011_090218_L090_CX_01.
  • Flight ID: The first two digits indicate the year of the observation, and the last three digits identify which flight of that year. For example, 15141.
  • SOFRS flight request ID: This is the ID assigned by the NASA airborne Science Operations Flight Request System on behalf of the PI of the data take. For example, 14G036.

UAVSAR Data Search

A GeoJSON file with all flown lines is available here.
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Find (site name)


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