The paper investigates the Geodesign framework in designing a building according to existing norm... more The paper investigates the Geodesign framework in designing a building according to existing normative, using the case study of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to illustrate the process. The methodology is descriptive and based on an interview with an expert in this area and on the consultation of relevant local official urban regulation. The aim is to decode several steps and tools that are part of the everyday practice of a professional who deals with normative in Belo Horizonte. Thus, the main objectives are: (i) capture the process steps and bring it into a visual plan; (ii) highlight the tools used by professionals to decode local normative; (iii) visualise the entire set of actions that make up the process; (iv) elucidate an important step that may eventually become part of a Planning Support System. In particular, the main goal is to focus on one situation and identify possible tools and processes that might contribute to truly sharing the urban codes which determine the construction...
A demanda por informações sociais e demográficas na formulação e disseminação de políticas públic... more A demanda por informações sociais e demográficas na formulação e disseminação de políticas públicas municipais vem crescendo no país, no âmbito da promoção da parcela da população fragilizada economicamente. O conhecimento do significado, dos limites e potencialidades dos indicadores sociais pode ser de grande utilidade para os diversos agentes e instituições envolvidas na definição de políticas públicas. O objeto deste estudo é a utilização do geoprocessamento na identificação de áreas vulneráveis do município de Belo Horizonte, no campo da atuação das Políticas Públicas Sociais, como uma ferramenta de promoção da igualdade entre os munícipes. Percebe-se que o emprego de técnicas de geoprocessamento pode ser aplicado no mapeamento de áreas onde a falha de interlocução com o poder público estão expostas, incorrendo no que pode ser chamado de riscos sociais, por haver um menor efeito de transformação na sociedade causado pela ausência ou pouca atuação do poder público.
Users of geographic information should be able to refer the thematic parts to semantic reference ... more Users of geographic information should be able to refer the thematic parts to semantic reference systems, just as they refer the geometry (coordinates) to spatial reference systems. The talk will address the modeling and technology requirements resulting from this vision. In particular, the notions of semantic referencing, semantic projection, and semantic transformation (or translation) will be discussed. An example from the domain of vehicle navigation will demonstrate the ideas and their implications for semantic
An analysis pattern is any part of a requirement analysis specification that can be reused in the... more An analysis pattern is any part of a requirement analysis specification that can be reused in the design of other information systems as well. Urban management systems (e.g.: Tax Control Systems, Urban Transportation System) are implemented in a similar way for many counties. This paper proposes three analysis patterns that make possible the reuse of geographic database design for urban area planning and management applications, developed in Geographic Information System (GIS).
RESUMO: Este artigo enfoca a pertinência da Pesquisa Ação como um instrumento prático no desenvol... more RESUMO: Este artigo enfoca a pertinência da Pesquisa Ação como um instrumento prático no desenvolvimento da autonomia de professores de língua estrangeira. São relatados os resultados obtidos após o desenvolvimento de um ano de pesquisa-ação colaborativa no contexto ...
An important activity in the design of a particular database application consists in identifying ... more An important activity in the design of a particular database application consists in identifying the integrity constraints that must hold on the database, and that are used to detect and evaluate inconsistencies. It is possible to improve data quality by imposing constraints upon data entered into the database. These constraints must be identified and recorded at the database design level. However, it is clear that modeling geographic data requires models which are more specific and capable of capturing the semantics of geographic data. Within a geographic context, topological relations and other spatial relationships are fundamentally important in the definition of spatial integrity rules. This paper discusses the relationship that exists between the nature of spatial information, spatial relationships, and spatial integrity constraints, and proposes the use of OMT-G, an extension of the OMT model for geographic applications, at an early stage in the specification of integrity cons...
Abstract: This paper presents an extension of the UML-GeoFrame data model that includes a set of ... more Abstract: This paper presents an extension of the UML-GeoFrame data model that includes a set of new constructors to allow the definition of conceptual schemas for spatial database applications whose elements relationship forms a network.. Also, it is discussed how the GeoFrame conceptual framework is changed with the inclusion of new metaclasses and the corresponding stereotypes related to network elements. The extension proposed in this paper is evaluated using a class diagram for a water distribution company. 1
This paper presents an approach that helps to discover geographic locations from the recognition,... more This paper presents an approach that helps to discover geographic locations from the recognition, extraction, and geocoding of urban addresses found in Web pages. Experiments that evaluate the presence and incidence of urban addresses in Web pages are described. Experimental results, based on a collection of over 4 million documents from the Brazilian Web, show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
With the phenomenal growth of the WWW, rich data sources on many different subjects have become a... more With the phenomenal growth of the WWW, rich data sources on many different subjects have become available online. Some of these sources store daily facts that often involve textual geographic descriptions. These descriptions can be perceived as indirectly georeferenced data e.g., addresses, telephone numbers, zip codes and place names. Under this perspective, the Web becomes a large geospatial database, often providing up-to-date local or regional information. In this work we focus on using the Web as an important source of urban geographic information and propose to enhance urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using indirectly georeferenced data extracted from the Web. We describe an environment that allows the extraction of geospatial data from Web pages, converts them to XML format, and uploads the converted data into spatial databases for later use in urban GIS. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by a real urban GIS application that uses street addresses as ...
Consultas que incluem pelo menos um termo relacionado a geografia, como nomes de lugar e feicoes ... more Consultas que incluem pelo menos um termo relacionado a geografia, como nomes de lugar e feicoes naturais, sao hoje um subconjunto significativo das consultas submetidas as maquinas de busca. O interesse por informacao local na Web (busca local) vem aumentando a cada dia e para esse tipo de busca, a Web e um vasto repositorio de informacao local e geografica. No entanto, as maquinas de busca tradicionais apresentam limitacoes quanto ao reconhecimento do escopo geografico existente nas paginas da Web. Paginas referentes ao mesmo lugar, mas que usam nomes alternativos provavelmente nao serao recuperadas juntas. Alem disso, muitas vezes o contexto geografico existente nas paginas esta implicito, podendo ser inferido pela existencia, por exemplo, de um numero de telefone ou codigo postal. Para resolver esses problemas, esta tese tem como foco a Web local, propondo uma abordagem apoiada em uma ontologia de lugar urbano, que permita reconhecer, extrair e geocodificar evidencias geo-espaci...
In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems ... more In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been proposed. However, so far there isn’t a consensus model, which has generated several problems for the GIS area, such as the lack of interoperability among CASE tools that give support to these models. A UML profile, called GeoProfile, was proposed to standardize the task of geographical data modeling. The GeoProfile was designed based on the main models for geographic database in the literature, seeking to support some requirements for geographic applications modeling. This paper describes the use of Model Driven Architecture approach (MDA) in the design of geographic databases, using the GeoProfile aligned with international standards of ISO 19100 series. The paper also shows that with the automatic transformation of models is possible from a conceptual scheme with a high level of abstraction to achieve the generation of scripts for spatial databases.
One of the most important features in an urban geographic information system is the ability to lo... more One of the most important features in an urban geographic information system is the ability to locate addresses, in any form employed by the population, in a quick and efficient way. From an organized set of georeferenced address data, local governments, infrastructure companies, and the various agents that need to work in urban spaces can reliably and precisely locate points of their interest, in fields of application as diverse as public health services, crime fighting, product distribution, postal delivery and many others. This activity is known as geocoding, which can be defined as the process of locating points on the surface of the Earth from alphanumeric addressing data associated to events. This paper shows how geocoding can be implemented over incomplete and possibly inaccurate addressing data (which is the prevailing situation in Brazilian cities) and how users can benefit from the results of such a process. A geocoding quality indicator is proposed, with the intention of ...
In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems ... more In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been proposed. However, so far there isn’t a consensus model, which has generated several problems for the GIS area, such as the lack of interoperability among CASE tools that give support to these models. A UML profile, called GeoProfile, was proposed to standardize the task of geographical data modeling. This article shows the integration of GeoProfile with the international standards of ISO 19100 series, which are addressed to geographical information. This integration is presented through the different abstraction levels of the approach Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases for Geog... more After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases for Geographic Information Systems, experts have produced many different alternatives of conceptual data models from extensions of the Entity-Relationship model or of Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, the lack of consensus on which is the most suitable one for modeling applications in the geographical domain brings up a number of problems for field advancement, mainly problems of interoperability of database design and CASE tools. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach allows the development of systems from an abstract view until the corresponding implementation code that can be automatized by means of models transformation. A UML Profile is an extension mechanism of UML which allows a structured and precise extension of its constructors, being a good solution to standardize domain-specific modeling, as it uses the entire UML infrastructure. This chapter describes the use of MDA approach in the design of databases in geographical domain; using a UML Profile called GeoProfile aligned with international standards of ISO 191xx series. The chapter also shows that with the automatic transformation of models it is possible to achieve the generation of scripts for spatial databases from a conceptual data schema in a high level of abstraction.
Ligiane A. de Souza, Tiago M. Delboni, Karla A. V. Borges, Clodoveu A. Davis Jr. e Alberto H. F. ... more Ligiane A. de Souza, Tiago M. Delboni, Karla A. V. Borges, Clodoveu A. Davis Jr. e Alberto H. F. Laender UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Departamento de Ciencia da Computacao – Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos, 6627, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, PRODABEL – Empresa de Informatica e Informacao do Municipio de Belo Horizonte – Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 1275, 31230-000, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Data and knowledge exchange among users of urban information systems presents manychallenges. Thi... more Data and knowledge exchange among users of urban information systems presents manychallenges. This paper discusses issues related to the use of ontologies in the developmentof urban geographic information systems and proposes the creation of softwarecomponents from diverse ontologies as a way to share knowledge and data. These softwarecomponents are derived from ontologies using an object-oriented mapping. The translationof an ontology into an active information system component leads to ontology- ...
is one of six departments that make up the Division of Commerce at the University of Otago. The d... more is one of six departments that make up the Division of Commerce at the University of Otago. The department offers courses of study leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to undergraduate teaching, the department is also strongly involved in postgraduate research programmes leading to MCom, MA, MSc and PhD degrees. Research projects in software engineering and software development, information engineering and database, software metrics, knowledge-based systems, natural language processing, spatial information systems, and information systems security are particularly well supported.
After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases, experts... more After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases, experts have produced different alternatives of conceptual models. However, still today, there is no consensus on which is the most suitable one for modeling applications of geographic data, which brings up a number of problems for field advancement. A UML Profile allows a structured and precise UML extension, being an excellent solution to standardize domain-specific modeling, as it uses the entire UML infrastructure. This article proposes an UML profile developed specifically for conceptual modeling of geographic databases called GeoProfile. This is not a definite proposal; we view this work as the first step towards the unification of the various existing models, aiming primarily at semantic interoperability.
The paper investigates the Geodesign framework in designing a building according to existing norm... more The paper investigates the Geodesign framework in designing a building according to existing normative, using the case study of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to illustrate the process. The methodology is descriptive and based on an interview with an expert in this area and on the consultation of relevant local official urban regulation. The aim is to decode several steps and tools that are part of the everyday practice of a professional who deals with normative in Belo Horizonte. Thus, the main objectives are: (i) capture the process steps and bring it into a visual plan; (ii) highlight the tools used by professionals to decode local normative; (iii) visualise the entire set of actions that make up the process; (iv) elucidate an important step that may eventually become part of a Planning Support System. In particular, the main goal is to focus on one situation and identify possible tools and processes that might contribute to truly sharing the urban codes which determine the construction...
A demanda por informações sociais e demográficas na formulação e disseminação de políticas públic... more A demanda por informações sociais e demográficas na formulação e disseminação de políticas públicas municipais vem crescendo no país, no âmbito da promoção da parcela da população fragilizada economicamente. O conhecimento do significado, dos limites e potencialidades dos indicadores sociais pode ser de grande utilidade para os diversos agentes e instituições envolvidas na definição de políticas públicas. O objeto deste estudo é a utilização do geoprocessamento na identificação de áreas vulneráveis do município de Belo Horizonte, no campo da atuação das Políticas Públicas Sociais, como uma ferramenta de promoção da igualdade entre os munícipes. Percebe-se que o emprego de técnicas de geoprocessamento pode ser aplicado no mapeamento de áreas onde a falha de interlocução com o poder público estão expostas, incorrendo no que pode ser chamado de riscos sociais, por haver um menor efeito de transformação na sociedade causado pela ausência ou pouca atuação do poder público.
Users of geographic information should be able to refer the thematic parts to semantic reference ... more Users of geographic information should be able to refer the thematic parts to semantic reference systems, just as they refer the geometry (coordinates) to spatial reference systems. The talk will address the modeling and technology requirements resulting from this vision. In particular, the notions of semantic referencing, semantic projection, and semantic transformation (or translation) will be discussed. An example from the domain of vehicle navigation will demonstrate the ideas and their implications for semantic
An analysis pattern is any part of a requirement analysis specification that can be reused in the... more An analysis pattern is any part of a requirement analysis specification that can be reused in the design of other information systems as well. Urban management systems (e.g.: Tax Control Systems, Urban Transportation System) are implemented in a similar way for many counties. This paper proposes three analysis patterns that make possible the reuse of geographic database design for urban area planning and management applications, developed in Geographic Information System (GIS).
RESUMO: Este artigo enfoca a pertinência da Pesquisa Ação como um instrumento prático no desenvol... more RESUMO: Este artigo enfoca a pertinência da Pesquisa Ação como um instrumento prático no desenvolvimento da autonomia de professores de língua estrangeira. São relatados os resultados obtidos após o desenvolvimento de um ano de pesquisa-ação colaborativa no contexto ...
An important activity in the design of a particular database application consists in identifying ... more An important activity in the design of a particular database application consists in identifying the integrity constraints that must hold on the database, and that are used to detect and evaluate inconsistencies. It is possible to improve data quality by imposing constraints upon data entered into the database. These constraints must be identified and recorded at the database design level. However, it is clear that modeling geographic data requires models which are more specific and capable of capturing the semantics of geographic data. Within a geographic context, topological relations and other spatial relationships are fundamentally important in the definition of spatial integrity rules. This paper discusses the relationship that exists between the nature of spatial information, spatial relationships, and spatial integrity constraints, and proposes the use of OMT-G, an extension of the OMT model for geographic applications, at an early stage in the specification of integrity cons...
Abstract: This paper presents an extension of the UML-GeoFrame data model that includes a set of ... more Abstract: This paper presents an extension of the UML-GeoFrame data model that includes a set of new constructors to allow the definition of conceptual schemas for spatial database applications whose elements relationship forms a network.. Also, it is discussed how the GeoFrame conceptual framework is changed with the inclusion of new metaclasses and the corresponding stereotypes related to network elements. The extension proposed in this paper is evaluated using a class diagram for a water distribution company. 1
This paper presents an approach that helps to discover geographic locations from the recognition,... more This paper presents an approach that helps to discover geographic locations from the recognition, extraction, and geocoding of urban addresses found in Web pages. Experiments that evaluate the presence and incidence of urban addresses in Web pages are described. Experimental results, based on a collection of over 4 million documents from the Brazilian Web, show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
With the phenomenal growth of the WWW, rich data sources on many different subjects have become a... more With the phenomenal growth of the WWW, rich data sources on many different subjects have become available online. Some of these sources store daily facts that often involve textual geographic descriptions. These descriptions can be perceived as indirectly georeferenced data e.g., addresses, telephone numbers, zip codes and place names. Under this perspective, the Web becomes a large geospatial database, often providing up-to-date local or regional information. In this work we focus on using the Web as an important source of urban geographic information and propose to enhance urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using indirectly georeferenced data extracted from the Web. We describe an environment that allows the extraction of geospatial data from Web pages, converts them to XML format, and uploads the converted data into spatial databases for later use in urban GIS. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by a real urban GIS application that uses street addresses as ...
Consultas que incluem pelo menos um termo relacionado a geografia, como nomes de lugar e feicoes ... more Consultas que incluem pelo menos um termo relacionado a geografia, como nomes de lugar e feicoes naturais, sao hoje um subconjunto significativo das consultas submetidas as maquinas de busca. O interesse por informacao local na Web (busca local) vem aumentando a cada dia e para esse tipo de busca, a Web e um vasto repositorio de informacao local e geografica. No entanto, as maquinas de busca tradicionais apresentam limitacoes quanto ao reconhecimento do escopo geografico existente nas paginas da Web. Paginas referentes ao mesmo lugar, mas que usam nomes alternativos provavelmente nao serao recuperadas juntas. Alem disso, muitas vezes o contexto geografico existente nas paginas esta implicito, podendo ser inferido pela existencia, por exemplo, de um numero de telefone ou codigo postal. Para resolver esses problemas, esta tese tem como foco a Web local, propondo uma abordagem apoiada em uma ontologia de lugar urbano, que permita reconhecer, extrair e geocodificar evidencias geo-espaci...
In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems ... more In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been proposed. However, so far there isn’t a consensus model, which has generated several problems for the GIS area, such as the lack of interoperability among CASE tools that give support to these models. A UML profile, called GeoProfile, was proposed to standardize the task of geographical data modeling. The GeoProfile was designed based on the main models for geographic database in the literature, seeking to support some requirements for geographic applications modeling. This paper describes the use of Model Driven Architecture approach (MDA) in the design of geographic databases, using the GeoProfile aligned with international standards of ISO 19100 series. The paper also shows that with the automatic transformation of models is possible from a conceptual scheme with a high level of abstraction to achieve the generation of scripts for spatial databases.
One of the most important features in an urban geographic information system is the ability to lo... more One of the most important features in an urban geographic information system is the ability to locate addresses, in any form employed by the population, in a quick and efficient way. From an organized set of georeferenced address data, local governments, infrastructure companies, and the various agents that need to work in urban spaces can reliably and precisely locate points of their interest, in fields of application as diverse as public health services, crime fighting, product distribution, postal delivery and many others. This activity is known as geocoding, which can be defined as the process of locating points on the surface of the Earth from alphanumeric addressing data associated to events. This paper shows how geocoding can be implemented over incomplete and possibly inaccurate addressing data (which is the prevailing situation in Brazilian cities) and how users can benefit from the results of such a process. A geocoding quality indicator is proposed, with the intention of ...
In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems ... more In the last 20 years, several conceptual data models specific for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been proposed. However, so far there isn’t a consensus model, which has generated several problems for the GIS area, such as the lack of interoperability among CASE tools that give support to these models. A UML profile, called GeoProfile, was proposed to standardize the task of geographical data modeling. This article shows the integration of GeoProfile with the international standards of ISO 19100 series, which are addressed to geographical information. This integration is presented through the different abstraction levels of the approach Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases for Geog... more After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases for Geographic Information Systems, experts have produced many different alternatives of conceptual data models from extensions of the Entity-Relationship model or of Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, the lack of consensus on which is the most suitable one for modeling applications in the geographical domain brings up a number of problems for field advancement, mainly problems of interoperability of database design and CASE tools. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach allows the development of systems from an abstract view until the corresponding implementation code that can be automatized by means of models transformation. A UML Profile is an extension mechanism of UML which allows a structured and precise extension of its constructors, being a good solution to standardize domain-specific modeling, as it uses the entire UML infrastructure. This chapter describes the use of MDA approach in the design of databases in geographical domain; using a UML Profile called GeoProfile aligned with international standards of ISO 191xx series. The chapter also shows that with the automatic transformation of models it is possible to achieve the generation of scripts for spatial databases from a conceptual data schema in a high level of abstraction.
Ligiane A. de Souza, Tiago M. Delboni, Karla A. V. Borges, Clodoveu A. Davis Jr. e Alberto H. F. ... more Ligiane A. de Souza, Tiago M. Delboni, Karla A. V. Borges, Clodoveu A. Davis Jr. e Alberto H. F. Laender UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Departamento de Ciencia da Computacao – Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos, 6627, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, PRODABEL – Empresa de Informatica e Informacao do Municipio de Belo Horizonte – Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 1275, 31230-000, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Data and knowledge exchange among users of urban information systems presents manychallenges. Thi... more Data and knowledge exchange among users of urban information systems presents manychallenges. This paper discusses issues related to the use of ontologies in the developmentof urban geographic information systems and proposes the creation of softwarecomponents from diverse ontologies as a way to share knowledge and data. These softwarecomponents are derived from ontologies using an object-oriented mapping. The translationof an ontology into an active information system component leads to ontology- ...
is one of six departments that make up the Division of Commerce at the University of Otago. The d... more is one of six departments that make up the Division of Commerce at the University of Otago. The department offers courses of study leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to undergraduate teaching, the department is also strongly involved in postgraduate research programmes leading to MCom, MA, MSc and PhD degrees. Research projects in software engineering and software development, information engineering and database, software metrics, knowledge-based systems, natural language processing, spatial information systems, and information systems security are particularly well supported.
After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases, experts... more After many years of research in the field of conceptual modeling of geographic databases, experts have produced different alternatives of conceptual models. However, still today, there is no consensus on which is the most suitable one for modeling applications of geographic data, which brings up a number of problems for field advancement. A UML Profile allows a structured and precise UML extension, being an excellent solution to standardize domain-specific modeling, as it uses the entire UML infrastructure. This article proposes an UML profile developed specifically for conceptual modeling of geographic databases called GeoProfile. This is not a definite proposal; we view this work as the first step towards the unification of the various existing models, aiming primarily at semantic interoperability.
Papers by Karla borges