Traffic congestion is one of the problems that happens every day. The level of traffic. Congestio... more Traffic congestion is one of the problems that happens every day. The level of traffic. Congestion that occurred in Yogyakarta, especially around Universitas Gadjah Mada is progressively increased. The cause of the increasing level of congestion is the lack information for traffic user about the congestion itself. Therefore, a media that can provide the congestion information digitally, easily accessible and interactive is required. Media information is in the form of a website that inform traffic congestion that occurs at traffic light around Universitas Gadjah Mada. Information on the level of traffic congestion was obtained by photographing directly at the location of the survey to according to pre-determined time. Then the data was inserted into a database, and the results were linked with the Google Maps API. In the end the map inside interactive website can be accessed by the user. Interactive map and the website making were conducted using the following web programming langua...
Abstrak. Alamat merupakan salah satu komponen wajib pada identitas penduduk dan dokumen legal-for... more Abstrak. Alamat merupakan salah satu komponen wajib pada identitas penduduk dan dokumen legal-formal lain yang digunakan dalam berbagai kepentingan serta kegiatan sehari-hari. Dalam dunia nyata terdapat variasi penulisan alamat. Variasi penulisan alamat ini memiliki elemen yang terkait aspek lokalitas wilayah maupun yang terkait dengan ketiadaan standar pengalamatan. Variasi penulisan alamat diinventarisasi melalui survei lapangan dan survei secara daring. Survei dilakukan di wilayah perdesaan dan perkotaan untuk dapat memotret berbagai tipe penulisan alamat. Tipologi penulisan alamat tersebut kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasar dua model. Berdasarkan fungsinya, ada alamat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan legal-formal dan alamat yang digunakan untuk penunjuk atau penanda lokasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik wilayahnya terdapat tipologi alamat perdesaan dan alamat perkotaan. Di model alamat perdesaan terdapat 18 komponen sedangkan di model alamat perkotaan terdapat 16 komponen. Selanjutn...
Visualisasi Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam memahami ketentuan... more Visualisasi Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam memahami ketentuan pemanfaatan ruang yang dapat diterapkan oleh masyarakat pada bidang tanah yang dimiliki. Penggabungan dari peta pola ruang 2D dengan informasi peraturan zonasi menjadi satu yaitu peta RDTR 3D. Ketinggian maksimal bangunan pada peraturan zonasi digunakan sebagai ketinggian atau koordinat Z. Saat ini, terdapat banyak perangkat lunak yang memberikan layanan dalam visualisasi data 3D yang dapat diakses secara online, salah satunya yang dapat digunakan secara gratis atau opensource adalah cesium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat visualisasi 3D RDTR Kota Yogyakarta dengan cesium dan membandingkan dua metode visualisasi dalam cesium. Pada cesium terdapat cesium stories dan cesium demo dalam membagikan hasil visualisasi agar dapat diakses pengguna secara online. Cesium stories lebih mudah digunakan oleh pembuat peta dibanding cesium demo. Cesium demo lebih fleksibel dalam menampilkan peta
Indonesia was part of the first Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) adopter since 1993 [8]. The m... more Indonesia was part of the first Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) adopter since 1993 [8]. The motivation of SDIs development is to connect thematics spatial data among governments agencies in Local and Central Governments. Data sharing able to reduce data redundancy and allows spatial data to be used multiple times for various purposes [21, 12]. Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2014 concerning the National Geospatial Information Network, Central and Local Government develop their geoportal or web gis. This research aims to evaluate the web gis or geoportal at local level based on Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude Toward Using (ATU), and Actual Usage (AU). The data source of this research is correspondent’s questionnaire answer. The questionnaire filled up by Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda) in Indonesia. To obtain research results, the step of study is developing questionnaire, sending questionnaire, ...
International journal of geoinformatics, Jun 1, 2018
<em>Validating land boundaries and their ownership status have become a huge task to be com... more <em>Validating land boundaries and their ownership status have become a huge task to be completed by local land offices in Indonesia. In order to accelerate the validation process, government-facilitated participatory mapping processes which have been endorsed by many local land offices. This study examines the applicability of participatory approaches in validating land boundaries for supporting land registration processes. Aerial photo-map was used as the base to plot land parcels, which later was used to produce a working map. Field surveys were conducted to verify land boundaries. The availability of participatory land parcel map was not only useful to accelerate land registration processes, but was also able to serve as a visual tool which helps anticipating boundary disputes and land development at village level. The results of the study shown that participatory map contributed in improving quality of land registration map but suffers level of detailing in respect to actual shape and area of land boundaries</em>
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is aiming to be a university that leads dissemination of applicatio... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is aiming to be a university that leads dissemination of application of energy conservation principles with its Green Campus concept. One of Green Campus concepts is the green behaviour by giving information and inviting citizens to use energy, water and paper efficiently and giving education to citizens about environmental issues. One of the examples in energy efficiency practice is car-free streets. Energy consumption can be shown by number of vehicles and number of vehicles can be shown by sound level comparison or sound level mapping. Sound level mapping is a graphic representation of the sound level distribution existing in a given region, for a defined period. The higher sound level indicates more vehicle pass through an area. Number of vehicles and limited street capacities create traffic jam frequently. During a traffic jam, vehicle burn fuel but not moving and cause bad effect to environment. Sound level mapping is needed to know how big the ef...
Land data collection is one of the important stages in land registration activities. The data gen... more Land data collection is one of the important stages in land registration activities. The data generated from the data collection activities determine the quality of the resulting product. In addition, it is necessary to consider the limitation of resources so that efficiency also needs to be done in planning the achievement of targets.Various innovations have been made. Applications for Android-based land data collection have been widely developed. Until now there has been no adequate research related to the evaluation of the use of Android-based applications. This paper aims to find out usability issue of the Android-based land data collection tool. User needs analysis helps prepare the necessary forms. The usability of MapIt GIS application, seen from the aspects of usability, is sufficient.
<em>The development of information technology and GIS sparked the possibility of constructi... more <em>The development of information technology and GIS sparked the possibility of constructing a more efficient, actual and accurate land information system. Meanwhile, on the other hand, community needs (as policy recipients) and government (as policy makers) are getting higher with actual and accurate data and information. Data and information users are increasingly demanding and critical in the current era of information disclosure.The National Land Agency (BPN) as the provider of land services has in such a way proceeded in its journey to accommodate the various demands of the people in the field of land. Utilization of information system technology developed BPN to provide better service to the community, among others through LOC, KKP and finally with the support of Internet technology that is KKP-Web. In the course of many successful demands fulfilled, but can not be denied there are still problems in the completion of mapping the plot of land as the most essential part in the construction of a good land database.SIGP raises opportunities with a participatory approach, where there are potential efeisiencies that need to be underlined. While on the other hand PGIS still leaves a challenge related to quality control and standard procedures.</em>
The development of intelligent transport systems in Indonesian cities has been started since many... more The development of intelligent transport systems in Indonesian cities has been started since many years ago. This paper evaluates the implementation of intelligent transportation system (ITS) in some Indonesian cities, i.e. Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo and Denpasar. Applications of ITS in Indonesian cities are identified, i.e.: Area Traffic Control System (ATCS), traffic infrastructure, travel information, public transport, commercial vehicle, traffic information and e-ticketing system. The problems are then analysed, i.e.: financial support and human resources. It is suggested that these things to be taken into consideration when developing ITS system, i..e. sustainability, open system, user friendly, vendor support, reliability, feasibility, investment and high level of domestic content .
Most government decisions and action at national and local levels have a spatial component. Local... more Most government decisions and action at national and local levels have a spatial component. Local government activities with spatial components include, but are not limited to, spatial planning, land management, taxation, and the issue of building and site permits. A framework for governing spatially related activities needs to be formulated. An emerging concept of Spatially Enabled Government (SEG) is currently being developed, refined and implemented in many countries. SEG will increase efficiency, transparency and accountability of government activities. This paper will discuss the SEG concept, its prospects and challenges when implemented in the context of Indonesian local government.
2017 7th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), 2017
Spatial data are indispensable in supporting disaster responders. Accurate locations of disaster ... more Spatial data are indispensable in supporting disaster responders. Accurate locations of disaster areas will help responders to create an appropriate response in reducing the impact of the disaster. Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (BIG-Badan Informasi Geospasial) has made spatial data available for emergency response activities across the country. In 2011, BIG launched a geoportal, which is a part of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (NSDIN). For data related to the disaster, Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) handles them that is a part of the network. At the national level, the data are in medium and small scale and not suitable for operational purposes such as in disaster response. Indonesian law on geospatial information has ordered the local government to develop local SDI to solve it. In disaster response phase, the data should reflect the latest situation, complete and reliable. They should be available in a short time period. SDI has ...
JGISE: Journal of Geospatial Information Science and Engineering, 2021
Batas wilayah merupakan informasi geospasial dasar yang penting dan berguna dalam pembangunan sua... more Batas wilayah merupakan informasi geospasial dasar yang penting dan berguna dalam pembangunan suatu wilayah. Kabupaten Tabalong telah melaksanakan kegiatan penetapan dan penegasan batas desa dengan mengesahkan batas desa definitif sebanyak 117 dari 131 desa/kelurahan. Terdapat 51 desa yang berbatasan dengan daerah (kabupaten/provinsi) lain. Berdasarkan hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan, segmen batas desa yang berbatasan dengan daerah lain harus sesuai dengan segmen batas daerah yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penetapan batas desa definitif yang berbatasan dengan daerah lain pada tahun 2012-2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis geospasial. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi dokumen data sekunder dari instansi terkait. Metode analisis geospasial menggunakan sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) yaitu teknik tumpang susun terhadap data-data geospasial format digital. Teknik an...
Traffic congestion is one of the problems that happens every day. The level of traffic. Congestio... more Traffic congestion is one of the problems that happens every day. The level of traffic. Congestion that occurred in Yogyakarta, especially around Universitas Gadjah Mada is progressively increased. The cause of the increasing level of congestion is the lack information for traffic user about the congestion itself. Therefore, a media that can provide the congestion information digitally, easily accessible and interactive is required. Media information is in the form of a website that inform traffic congestion that occurs at traffic light around Universitas Gadjah Mada. Information on the level of traffic congestion was obtained by photographing directly at the location of the survey to according to pre-determined time. Then the data was inserted into a database, and the results were linked with the Google Maps API. In the end the map inside interactive website can be accessed by the user. Interactive map and the website making were conducted using the following web programming langua...
Abstrak. Alamat merupakan salah satu komponen wajib pada identitas penduduk dan dokumen legal-for... more Abstrak. Alamat merupakan salah satu komponen wajib pada identitas penduduk dan dokumen legal-formal lain yang digunakan dalam berbagai kepentingan serta kegiatan sehari-hari. Dalam dunia nyata terdapat variasi penulisan alamat. Variasi penulisan alamat ini memiliki elemen yang terkait aspek lokalitas wilayah maupun yang terkait dengan ketiadaan standar pengalamatan. Variasi penulisan alamat diinventarisasi melalui survei lapangan dan survei secara daring. Survei dilakukan di wilayah perdesaan dan perkotaan untuk dapat memotret berbagai tipe penulisan alamat. Tipologi penulisan alamat tersebut kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasar dua model. Berdasarkan fungsinya, ada alamat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan legal-formal dan alamat yang digunakan untuk penunjuk atau penanda lokasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik wilayahnya terdapat tipologi alamat perdesaan dan alamat perkotaan. Di model alamat perdesaan terdapat 18 komponen sedangkan di model alamat perkotaan terdapat 16 komponen. Selanjutn...
Visualisasi Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam memahami ketentuan... more Visualisasi Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam memahami ketentuan pemanfaatan ruang yang dapat diterapkan oleh masyarakat pada bidang tanah yang dimiliki. Penggabungan dari peta pola ruang 2D dengan informasi peraturan zonasi menjadi satu yaitu peta RDTR 3D. Ketinggian maksimal bangunan pada peraturan zonasi digunakan sebagai ketinggian atau koordinat Z. Saat ini, terdapat banyak perangkat lunak yang memberikan layanan dalam visualisasi data 3D yang dapat diakses secara online, salah satunya yang dapat digunakan secara gratis atau opensource adalah cesium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat visualisasi 3D RDTR Kota Yogyakarta dengan cesium dan membandingkan dua metode visualisasi dalam cesium. Pada cesium terdapat cesium stories dan cesium demo dalam membagikan hasil visualisasi agar dapat diakses pengguna secara online. Cesium stories lebih mudah digunakan oleh pembuat peta dibanding cesium demo. Cesium demo lebih fleksibel dalam menampilkan peta
Indonesia was part of the first Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) adopter since 1993 [8]. The m... more Indonesia was part of the first Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) adopter since 1993 [8]. The motivation of SDIs development is to connect thematics spatial data among governments agencies in Local and Central Governments. Data sharing able to reduce data redundancy and allows spatial data to be used multiple times for various purposes [21, 12]. Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2014 concerning the National Geospatial Information Network, Central and Local Government develop their geoportal or web gis. This research aims to evaluate the web gis or geoportal at local level based on Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude Toward Using (ATU), and Actual Usage (AU). The data source of this research is correspondent’s questionnaire answer. The questionnaire filled up by Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda) in Indonesia. To obtain research results, the step of study is developing questionnaire, sending questionnaire, ...
International journal of geoinformatics, Jun 1, 2018
<em>Validating land boundaries and their ownership status have become a huge task to be com... more <em>Validating land boundaries and their ownership status have become a huge task to be completed by local land offices in Indonesia. In order to accelerate the validation process, government-facilitated participatory mapping processes which have been endorsed by many local land offices. This study examines the applicability of participatory approaches in validating land boundaries for supporting land registration processes. Aerial photo-map was used as the base to plot land parcels, which later was used to produce a working map. Field surveys were conducted to verify land boundaries. The availability of participatory land parcel map was not only useful to accelerate land registration processes, but was also able to serve as a visual tool which helps anticipating boundary disputes and land development at village level. The results of the study shown that participatory map contributed in improving quality of land registration map but suffers level of detailing in respect to actual shape and area of land boundaries</em>
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is aiming to be a university that leads dissemination of applicatio... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is aiming to be a university that leads dissemination of application of energy conservation principles with its Green Campus concept. One of Green Campus concepts is the green behaviour by giving information and inviting citizens to use energy, water and paper efficiently and giving education to citizens about environmental issues. One of the examples in energy efficiency practice is car-free streets. Energy consumption can be shown by number of vehicles and number of vehicles can be shown by sound level comparison or sound level mapping. Sound level mapping is a graphic representation of the sound level distribution existing in a given region, for a defined period. The higher sound level indicates more vehicle pass through an area. Number of vehicles and limited street capacities create traffic jam frequently. During a traffic jam, vehicle burn fuel but not moving and cause bad effect to environment. Sound level mapping is needed to know how big the ef...
Land data collection is one of the important stages in land registration activities. The data gen... more Land data collection is one of the important stages in land registration activities. The data generated from the data collection activities determine the quality of the resulting product. In addition, it is necessary to consider the limitation of resources so that efficiency also needs to be done in planning the achievement of targets.Various innovations have been made. Applications for Android-based land data collection have been widely developed. Until now there has been no adequate research related to the evaluation of the use of Android-based applications. This paper aims to find out usability issue of the Android-based land data collection tool. User needs analysis helps prepare the necessary forms. The usability of MapIt GIS application, seen from the aspects of usability, is sufficient.
<em>The development of information technology and GIS sparked the possibility of constructi... more <em>The development of information technology and GIS sparked the possibility of constructing a more efficient, actual and accurate land information system. Meanwhile, on the other hand, community needs (as policy recipients) and government (as policy makers) are getting higher with actual and accurate data and information. Data and information users are increasingly demanding and critical in the current era of information disclosure.The National Land Agency (BPN) as the provider of land services has in such a way proceeded in its journey to accommodate the various demands of the people in the field of land. Utilization of information system technology developed BPN to provide better service to the community, among others through LOC, KKP and finally with the support of Internet technology that is KKP-Web. In the course of many successful demands fulfilled, but can not be denied there are still problems in the completion of mapping the plot of land as the most essential part in the construction of a good land database.SIGP raises opportunities with a participatory approach, where there are potential efeisiencies that need to be underlined. While on the other hand PGIS still leaves a challenge related to quality control and standard procedures.</em>
The development of intelligent transport systems in Indonesian cities has been started since many... more The development of intelligent transport systems in Indonesian cities has been started since many years ago. This paper evaluates the implementation of intelligent transportation system (ITS) in some Indonesian cities, i.e. Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo and Denpasar. Applications of ITS in Indonesian cities are identified, i.e.: Area Traffic Control System (ATCS), traffic infrastructure, travel information, public transport, commercial vehicle, traffic information and e-ticketing system. The problems are then analysed, i.e.: financial support and human resources. It is suggested that these things to be taken into consideration when developing ITS system, i..e. sustainability, open system, user friendly, vendor support, reliability, feasibility, investment and high level of domestic content .
Most government decisions and action at national and local levels have a spatial component. Local... more Most government decisions and action at national and local levels have a spatial component. Local government activities with spatial components include, but are not limited to, spatial planning, land management, taxation, and the issue of building and site permits. A framework for governing spatially related activities needs to be formulated. An emerging concept of Spatially Enabled Government (SEG) is currently being developed, refined and implemented in many countries. SEG will increase efficiency, transparency and accountability of government activities. This paper will discuss the SEG concept, its prospects and challenges when implemented in the context of Indonesian local government.
2017 7th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), 2017
Spatial data are indispensable in supporting disaster responders. Accurate locations of disaster ... more Spatial data are indispensable in supporting disaster responders. Accurate locations of disaster areas will help responders to create an appropriate response in reducing the impact of the disaster. Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (BIG-Badan Informasi Geospasial) has made spatial data available for emergency response activities across the country. In 2011, BIG launched a geoportal, which is a part of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (NSDIN). For data related to the disaster, Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) handles them that is a part of the network. At the national level, the data are in medium and small scale and not suitable for operational purposes such as in disaster response. Indonesian law on geospatial information has ordered the local government to develop local SDI to solve it. In disaster response phase, the data should reflect the latest situation, complete and reliable. They should be available in a short time period. SDI has ...
JGISE: Journal of Geospatial Information Science and Engineering, 2021
Batas wilayah merupakan informasi geospasial dasar yang penting dan berguna dalam pembangunan sua... more Batas wilayah merupakan informasi geospasial dasar yang penting dan berguna dalam pembangunan suatu wilayah. Kabupaten Tabalong telah melaksanakan kegiatan penetapan dan penegasan batas desa dengan mengesahkan batas desa definitif sebanyak 117 dari 131 desa/kelurahan. Terdapat 51 desa yang berbatasan dengan daerah (kabupaten/provinsi) lain. Berdasarkan hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan, segmen batas desa yang berbatasan dengan daerah lain harus sesuai dengan segmen batas daerah yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penetapan batas desa definitif yang berbatasan dengan daerah lain pada tahun 2012-2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis geospasial. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi dokumen data sekunder dari instansi terkait. Metode analisis geospasial menggunakan sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) yaitu teknik tumpang susun terhadap data-data geospasial format digital. Teknik an...
Papers by Heri Sutanta