Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: nilai-nilai karakter, proses penanaman, faktor... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: nilai-nilai karakter, proses penanaman, faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penanaman nilai-nilai karakter siswa SMK Salafiyah Kajen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik interviu, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis interaktif model Miles & Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan di SMK Salafiyah adalah nilai-nilai karakter Islam berbasis pondok pesantren; (2) Proses penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di SMK Salafiyah melalui konteks mikro dan konteks makro. Konteks mikro: integrasi nilai karakter dengan setiap mata pelajaran dan muatan lokal, budaya sekolah, dan kegiatan pengembangan diri. Konteks makro: keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat; dan (3) Faktor pendukung dan pengambat: (a) faktor pendukung: SMK Salafiyah mempunyai SDM yang memadai, siswa SMK Salafiyah mayoritas di pondok pesantren, adan...
QIJIS (Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies)
One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing... more One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing the issue related to minority groups. Chinese group in Indonesia is one of civil groups that may experience discrimination to date. As a minority ethnic and Muslim community in Indonesia, Chinese Muslims are inevitably in a vulnerable position. They should prove their patriotism toward the nation, Indonesia. This research finds out that the Chinese have been a community that exists way before Indonesia gained its independence: some even play a significant role in Islamization. Chinese Muslims in Indonesia also contribute to establishing the concept of nationalism in Indonesia. Additionally, Chinese Muslims seem to be successful in contextualizing a more substantial concept of nationalism by positioning Chinese ethnic as a cultural entity, not as a representative of “other nation,” and by assimilating local Muslims to play various societal roles. Besides, Chinese Muslims also practice mo...
COVID-19 is a disease or virus that has recently spread worldwide. The disease has also taken man... more COVID-19 is a disease or virus that has recently spread worldwide. The disease has also taken many casualties because the virus is notoriously deadly. An examination can be carried out using a chest X-Ray because it costs cheaper compared to swab and PCR tests. The data used in this study was chest X-Ray image data. Chest X-Ray images can be identified using Computer-Aided Diagnosis by utilizing machine learning classification. The first step was the preprocessing stage and feature extraction using the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The result of the feature extraction was then used at the classification stage. The classification process used was Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is one of the artificial neural networks with advanced feedforward which has one hidden layer called Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (SLFNs). The results obtained by GLCM feature extraction and classification using ELM achieved the best accuracy of 91.2...
The situational approach as an approach toward the leadership requires that a leader must be unde... more The situational approach as an approach toward the leadership requires that a leader must be understand with the behavior, nature and character of his subordinates, and the situation before using a certain style or type of leadership. This approach requires leaders to have the ability to diagnose human behavior. The success of a leader according to situational theory is determined by the characteristics of leadership with certain behaviors that are adjusted to the demands of the leadership situation and organizational situations faced by accounting the factors of space and time.
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the ability to connect, manipulate, and change the knowledge... more High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the ability to connect, manipulate, and change the knowledge and experience that is owned critically and creatively in determining decisions to solve problems in new situations. To include HOTS questions in a learning process is an obstacle for Madrasah teachers, including teachers of PC. LP. Maarif NU Lamongan. This community service aimed at improving the pedagogical competence of mathematics teachers of PC. LP. Maarif NU Lamongan. Community-Based Research (CBR) was employed through workshop and training administered by the Mathematics Study Program of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in designing and completing high order thinking questions followed by assistance. The results indicated that the ability of Madrasah teachers to solve HOTS questions as well as its implementation in classroom teaching and learning activities improved significantly.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Bagaimana strategi Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya, Baga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Bagaimana strategi Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya, Bagaimana faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik interview, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian meliputi: Ketua PP RMINU, PW RMINU, Kiai, Santri, yang dipilih secara purposif. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan dengan berbagai bukti temuan berupa rekaman suara, gambar, foto, kondisi ril lapangan sebagai fenomena atau realita sosial yang dialami. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis interaktif model Miles & Huberman melalui pemaknaan data yang tersaji selama di lapangan dan sesudah meninggalkan lapangan.
Counseling has been a need for people all over the world to the present day. This article will di... more Counseling has been a need for people all over the world to the present day. This article will discuss discourses and practices of counseling in Osing as illustrated in Lontar Yusuf Manuscript. The study applies a qualitative approach with the technique of content analysis. This article argues that counseling has not only been a dominant discourse and practice of the modern society in the West but also a cultural wealth in the traditional society in Indonesia, as can be seen in Banyuwangi people ( Osing ). This article further argues that traditional local values of Osing— such as moco saloko (passing on God’s teachings through songs), ngedapteyan (being aware, patient, and resilient), angering sang putri (relieving sorrow), and munajah (praying to God) — has been a foundation for discourses and practices of Osing which can develop awareness of basic concepts of counseling and therapeutic techniques based on the importance of religion and godliness. The result of this study shows th...
Desain ruang kelas yang sesuai dengan karakter budaya Indonesia akan memberikan pengalaman kepada... more Desain ruang kelas yang sesuai dengan karakter budaya Indonesia akan memberikan pengalaman kepada para siswa secara nyata akan keragaman budaya Indonesia. Mitra pada program pengabdian ini adalah lembaga pendidikan non formal yaitu PAUD KB Ari-Ari. Lokasi mitra terletak di Desa Sukosono, Kecamatan Kedung Kabupaten Jepara. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi kepada mitra, ada banyak persoalan yang melingkupi lembaga tersebut, yaitu; (1) Kurangnya SDM guru dalam memfasilitasi kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kecintaan siswa terhadap budaya Indonesia; (2) Kurangnya inovasi dan kreatifitas guru dalam mendesain ruang kelas berbasis budaya; (3) Tidak ada sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dapat meningkatkan kecintaan siswa terhadap warisan budaya Indonesia; dan (4) kurang kreatifnya guru dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa dalam rangka meningkatkan kecintaan terhadap budaya Indonesia. Adapun metode pelaksanakan program ini terdiri dar...
3D Games based on Augmented Reality is a new innovation in conventional learning process to descr... more 3D Games based on Augmented Reality is a new innovation in conventional learning process to describe photosynthesis process of Nature Science subjects. Utilization of learning media with Augmented Reality is due to the rapid growth of technology in education. 3D games based on Augmented Reality on the mobile is expected to facilitate teachers in providing photosynthesis material to students. This game will explain how the plant process makes its own food through the help of sunlight. Students will immediately play, learn and feel the process of how photosynthesis works. The learning process by utilize mobile games will make students become more active in the learning process.
Born with physical limitations doesn't necessarily have to be different with the normal peopl... more Born with physical limitations doesn't necessarily have to be different with the normal people in doing daily activities. The emersion of technology should have role as a bridge to the gaps that appears between people with disability and the normal one including the process of interaction and play games. This paper presents result of the research related to the development of game applications to educate society in providing basic understanding of Indonesian Sign Language / Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI). SIBI is commonly used by the deaf and the mute people as the standard language in interacting with others. Gamers will be presented some questions or cases related with the basic things of sing language, then they have to answer with SIBI hand's gesture. From this activity, the players are not only playing but also learning the proper SIBI language. The players' sign language answer will be captured by the leap motion sensor, leap motion will be capturing the ha...
Semenjak pandemi covid-19 terus meningkat dan menyebar, salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam pen... more Semenjak pandemi covid-19 terus meningkat dan menyebar, salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam pencegahan adalah menerapkan kegiatan belajar mengajar di rumah dengan tetap dikontrol oleh pendidik dan orang tua secara daring. Dengan metode pembelajaran online ini, membuat peserta didik perlu waktu untuk beradaptasi untuk menghadapi perubahan baru yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi penyerapan ilmu mereka. Kesiapan siswa merupakan hal penting yang harus diperhatikan untuk mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar guna mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan belajar siswa dengan prestasi belajar PAI berbasis daring. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian 140 siswa SMK Antartika 2 Sidoarjo. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi berupa hasil belajar PAI dalam bentuk ulangan harian 1, 2, UKK semester II dan kuesioner dibuat dalam bentuk form (google form) yang disebarkan mengg...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kelayakan media komik strip dengan tema analisis s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kelayakan media komik strip dengan tema analisis sunah dan hadis yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kelayakan teoritis, yaitu hasil validasi dosen ahli, dan berdasarkan kelayakan empiris, yaitu responss siswa. Penelitian R & D ini menggunakan model 4-D (4-D models ) yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu pendefinisian ( define) , perancangan ( design ), pengembangan ( develop ), dan penyebaran ( disseminate ). Namun penelitian ini dibatasi sampai pada tahap pengembangan ( develop ). Tahap define dalam implementasi pembelajaran Alquran Hadis di MA Asy-Syakur menggunakan Kurikulum 13 yang direvisi. Tahap design menghasilkan desain awal komik menjadi sebuah draf awal yang selanjutnya dilakukan pada tahap develop didapatkan hasil validasi oleh 3 dosen ahli. Langkah selanjutnya adalah uji coba terbatas kepada 15 siswa MA Asy-Syakur kelas X. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media komik strip dengan tema analisis sunah dan hadis yang dikembangkan layak...
Reading is the first verse that was revealed for the Muslims (surah alAlaq; 1-5),Indonesia as a p... more Reading is the first verse that was revealed for the Muslims (surah alAlaq; 1-5),Indonesia as a predominantly Muslim country in case of reading still at the low average. Based on the survey results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012 data resulted also showed that more than 86.8.% of Indonesian students read ability is still at a low level, the mayor of Surabaya City through BARPUSDA launched Surabaya as the City of Literacy, with some excellent programs like the reading corner, book review, book discussion, grebek reading garden community (TBM), and student literacy volunteer program in corporate with UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The aim of this study is to determine read ability of madrasah (high school) students and boarding school student in the city of Surabaya, to providing assistance for madrasah and boarding schools in Surabaya. The steps are carried out by: First, held in cooperation with the Regional Library and Archive Agency (BARPUSDA) Surab...
This research is an attempt to know the courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Ad... more This research is an attempt to know the courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran by Imam Nawawi. The question that is to be answered through this study is (1) how the courtesy to read Al-Quran in the book At-Tibyan, (2) How does the relevance of courtesy to read the Qur'an in the book of At-Tibyan in contemporary times? The research methods use library research. This study is conducted using data collection techniques by conducting observations on certain sources, seeking, studying books, articles, journals, theses or others related to this study. Data collection is divided into two sources, namely primary and secondary data. Then the data are analyzed using descriptive and contextual methods. The results show that courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran includes: Solemn, sincere, ethical, clean and holy State, facing the Qibla, start with Ta'awudz. While the relevance of courtesy reading the Quran in t...
Untuk merespon lahirnya Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 2012 tentang pendidikan tinggi khususnya tenta... more Untuk merespon lahirnya Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 2012 tentang pendidikan tinggi khususnya tentang pelaksanaan Tri dharma Perguruan Tinggi, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya menyelenggarakan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) sebagai salah satu bentuk pengabdian masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan KKN diharapkan mahasiswa belajar sekaligus memiliki semangat mengabdi sehingga akan terlahir generasi penerus bangsa yang memiliki civic responsibility. Kegiatan KKN sekaligus sebagai momentum yang sangat tepat untuk mendekatkan lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi dengan masyarakat. Ditinjau dari sisi pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan KKN, UIN Sunan Ampel mengimplementasikan dua metodologi; PAR (Participatory Action Research) dan ABCD (Asset Based Community Development), dan terbuka kemungkinan mengadopsi metodologi lain yang lebih memberikan manfaat pada komunitas dan universitas. Cakupan wilayah pengabdian masyarakat juga variatif baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Di wilayah Jawa Timur, kegiatan KKN dilaksanakan...
This research is a way to find out the implementation of E-Learning Alquran using video call at t... more This research is a way to find out the implementation of E-Learning Alquran using video call at the Tahfidz Sanggar entrepreneur Junwangi Krian Sidoarjo, especially in the corona virus pandemic, because in the habit of memorizing the Koran in general, throughout the Tahfidz Islamic boarding school the Koran always uses the Talaqqi method face to face. is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique is by interview, observation and documentation. The subject of the study includes the Director of Tahfidz Sanggar Entrepreneur, Waka Tahfidz, Supervising Teachers, Students and Students of Tahfidz Sanggar Entrepreneurs. The findings in this study are the implementation of the Qur'an talaqqi with Call Whatsapp video works well because there are three supporting factors, namely the first factor of discipline in learning Tahfidz. which is good by covering all the elements for starting the guiding teachers, the students. the second factor is the supervis...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: nilai-nilai karakter, proses penanaman, faktor... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: nilai-nilai karakter, proses penanaman, faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penanaman nilai-nilai karakter siswa SMK Salafiyah Kajen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik interviu, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis interaktif model Miles & Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan di SMK Salafiyah adalah nilai-nilai karakter Islam berbasis pondok pesantren; (2) Proses penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di SMK Salafiyah melalui konteks mikro dan konteks makro. Konteks mikro: integrasi nilai karakter dengan setiap mata pelajaran dan muatan lokal, budaya sekolah, dan kegiatan pengembangan diri. Konteks makro: keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat; dan (3) Faktor pendukung dan pengambat: (a) faktor pendukung: SMK Salafiyah mempunyai SDM yang memadai, siswa SMK Salafiyah mayoritas di pondok pesantren, adan...
QIJIS (Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies)
One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing... more One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing the issue related to minority groups. Chinese group in Indonesia is one of civil groups that may experience discrimination to date. As a minority ethnic and Muslim community in Indonesia, Chinese Muslims are inevitably in a vulnerable position. They should prove their patriotism toward the nation, Indonesia. This research finds out that the Chinese have been a community that exists way before Indonesia gained its independence: some even play a significant role in Islamization. Chinese Muslims in Indonesia also contribute to establishing the concept of nationalism in Indonesia. Additionally, Chinese Muslims seem to be successful in contextualizing a more substantial concept of nationalism by positioning Chinese ethnic as a cultural entity, not as a representative of “other nation,” and by assimilating local Muslims to play various societal roles. Besides, Chinese Muslims also practice mo...
COVID-19 is a disease or virus that has recently spread worldwide. The disease has also taken man... more COVID-19 is a disease or virus that has recently spread worldwide. The disease has also taken many casualties because the virus is notoriously deadly. An examination can be carried out using a chest X-Ray because it costs cheaper compared to swab and PCR tests. The data used in this study was chest X-Ray image data. Chest X-Ray images can be identified using Computer-Aided Diagnosis by utilizing machine learning classification. The first step was the preprocessing stage and feature extraction using the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The result of the feature extraction was then used at the classification stage. The classification process used was Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is one of the artificial neural networks with advanced feedforward which has one hidden layer called Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (SLFNs). The results obtained by GLCM feature extraction and classification using ELM achieved the best accuracy of 91.2...
The situational approach as an approach toward the leadership requires that a leader must be unde... more The situational approach as an approach toward the leadership requires that a leader must be understand with the behavior, nature and character of his subordinates, and the situation before using a certain style or type of leadership. This approach requires leaders to have the ability to diagnose human behavior. The success of a leader according to situational theory is determined by the characteristics of leadership with certain behaviors that are adjusted to the demands of the leadership situation and organizational situations faced by accounting the factors of space and time.
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the ability to connect, manipulate, and change the knowledge... more High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the ability to connect, manipulate, and change the knowledge and experience that is owned critically and creatively in determining decisions to solve problems in new situations. To include HOTS questions in a learning process is an obstacle for Madrasah teachers, including teachers of PC. LP. Maarif NU Lamongan. This community service aimed at improving the pedagogical competence of mathematics teachers of PC. LP. Maarif NU Lamongan. Community-Based Research (CBR) was employed through workshop and training administered by the Mathematics Study Program of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in designing and completing high order thinking questions followed by assistance. The results indicated that the ability of Madrasah teachers to solve HOTS questions as well as its implementation in classroom teaching and learning activities improved significantly.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Bagaimana strategi Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya, Baga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Bagaimana strategi Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya, Bagaimana faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat Islam Nusantara di Dunia Maya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik interview, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian meliputi: Ketua PP RMINU, PW RMINU, Kiai, Santri, yang dipilih secara purposif. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan dengan berbagai bukti temuan berupa rekaman suara, gambar, foto, kondisi ril lapangan sebagai fenomena atau realita sosial yang dialami. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis interaktif model Miles & Huberman melalui pemaknaan data yang tersaji selama di lapangan dan sesudah meninggalkan lapangan.
Counseling has been a need for people all over the world to the present day. This article will di... more Counseling has been a need for people all over the world to the present day. This article will discuss discourses and practices of counseling in Osing as illustrated in Lontar Yusuf Manuscript. The study applies a qualitative approach with the technique of content analysis. This article argues that counseling has not only been a dominant discourse and practice of the modern society in the West but also a cultural wealth in the traditional society in Indonesia, as can be seen in Banyuwangi people ( Osing ). This article further argues that traditional local values of Osing— such as moco saloko (passing on God’s teachings through songs), ngedapteyan (being aware, patient, and resilient), angering sang putri (relieving sorrow), and munajah (praying to God) — has been a foundation for discourses and practices of Osing which can develop awareness of basic concepts of counseling and therapeutic techniques based on the importance of religion and godliness. The result of this study shows th...
Desain ruang kelas yang sesuai dengan karakter budaya Indonesia akan memberikan pengalaman kepada... more Desain ruang kelas yang sesuai dengan karakter budaya Indonesia akan memberikan pengalaman kepada para siswa secara nyata akan keragaman budaya Indonesia. Mitra pada program pengabdian ini adalah lembaga pendidikan non formal yaitu PAUD KB Ari-Ari. Lokasi mitra terletak di Desa Sukosono, Kecamatan Kedung Kabupaten Jepara. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi kepada mitra, ada banyak persoalan yang melingkupi lembaga tersebut, yaitu; (1) Kurangnya SDM guru dalam memfasilitasi kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kecintaan siswa terhadap budaya Indonesia; (2) Kurangnya inovasi dan kreatifitas guru dalam mendesain ruang kelas berbasis budaya; (3) Tidak ada sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dapat meningkatkan kecintaan siswa terhadap warisan budaya Indonesia; dan (4) kurang kreatifnya guru dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa dalam rangka meningkatkan kecintaan terhadap budaya Indonesia. Adapun metode pelaksanakan program ini terdiri dar...
3D Games based on Augmented Reality is a new innovation in conventional learning process to descr... more 3D Games based on Augmented Reality is a new innovation in conventional learning process to describe photosynthesis process of Nature Science subjects. Utilization of learning media with Augmented Reality is due to the rapid growth of technology in education. 3D games based on Augmented Reality on the mobile is expected to facilitate teachers in providing photosynthesis material to students. This game will explain how the plant process makes its own food through the help of sunlight. Students will immediately play, learn and feel the process of how photosynthesis works. The learning process by utilize mobile games will make students become more active in the learning process.
Born with physical limitations doesn't necessarily have to be different with the normal peopl... more Born with physical limitations doesn't necessarily have to be different with the normal people in doing daily activities. The emersion of technology should have role as a bridge to the gaps that appears between people with disability and the normal one including the process of interaction and play games. This paper presents result of the research related to the development of game applications to educate society in providing basic understanding of Indonesian Sign Language / Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI). SIBI is commonly used by the deaf and the mute people as the standard language in interacting with others. Gamers will be presented some questions or cases related with the basic things of sing language, then they have to answer with SIBI hand's gesture. From this activity, the players are not only playing but also learning the proper SIBI language. The players' sign language answer will be captured by the leap motion sensor, leap motion will be capturing the ha...
Semenjak pandemi covid-19 terus meningkat dan menyebar, salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam pen... more Semenjak pandemi covid-19 terus meningkat dan menyebar, salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam pencegahan adalah menerapkan kegiatan belajar mengajar di rumah dengan tetap dikontrol oleh pendidik dan orang tua secara daring. Dengan metode pembelajaran online ini, membuat peserta didik perlu waktu untuk beradaptasi untuk menghadapi perubahan baru yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi penyerapan ilmu mereka. Kesiapan siswa merupakan hal penting yang harus diperhatikan untuk mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar guna mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan belajar siswa dengan prestasi belajar PAI berbasis daring. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian 140 siswa SMK Antartika 2 Sidoarjo. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi berupa hasil belajar PAI dalam bentuk ulangan harian 1, 2, UKK semester II dan kuesioner dibuat dalam bentuk form (google form) yang disebarkan mengg...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kelayakan media komik strip dengan tema analisis s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kelayakan media komik strip dengan tema analisis sunah dan hadis yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kelayakan teoritis, yaitu hasil validasi dosen ahli, dan berdasarkan kelayakan empiris, yaitu responss siswa. Penelitian R & D ini menggunakan model 4-D (4-D models ) yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu pendefinisian ( define) , perancangan ( design ), pengembangan ( develop ), dan penyebaran ( disseminate ). Namun penelitian ini dibatasi sampai pada tahap pengembangan ( develop ). Tahap define dalam implementasi pembelajaran Alquran Hadis di MA Asy-Syakur menggunakan Kurikulum 13 yang direvisi. Tahap design menghasilkan desain awal komik menjadi sebuah draf awal yang selanjutnya dilakukan pada tahap develop didapatkan hasil validasi oleh 3 dosen ahli. Langkah selanjutnya adalah uji coba terbatas kepada 15 siswa MA Asy-Syakur kelas X. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media komik strip dengan tema analisis sunah dan hadis yang dikembangkan layak...
Reading is the first verse that was revealed for the Muslims (surah alAlaq; 1-5),Indonesia as a p... more Reading is the first verse that was revealed for the Muslims (surah alAlaq; 1-5),Indonesia as a predominantly Muslim country in case of reading still at the low average. Based on the survey results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012 data resulted also showed that more than 86.8.% of Indonesian students read ability is still at a low level, the mayor of Surabaya City through BARPUSDA launched Surabaya as the City of Literacy, with some excellent programs like the reading corner, book review, book discussion, grebek reading garden community (TBM), and student literacy volunteer program in corporate with UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The aim of this study is to determine read ability of madrasah (high school) students and boarding school student in the city of Surabaya, to providing assistance for madrasah and boarding schools in Surabaya. The steps are carried out by: First, held in cooperation with the Regional Library and Archive Agency (BARPUSDA) Surab...
This research is an attempt to know the courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Ad... more This research is an attempt to know the courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran by Imam Nawawi. The question that is to be answered through this study is (1) how the courtesy to read Al-Quran in the book At-Tibyan, (2) How does the relevance of courtesy to read the Qur'an in the book of At-Tibyan in contemporary times? The research methods use library research. This study is conducted using data collection techniques by conducting observations on certain sources, seeking, studying books, articles, journals, theses or others related to this study. Data collection is divided into two sources, namely primary and secondary data. Then the data are analyzed using descriptive and contextual methods. The results show that courtesy reading the Quran in the book of At-Tibyan fi Adabi Hamalatil Quran includes: Solemn, sincere, ethical, clean and holy State, facing the Qibla, start with Ta'awudz. While the relevance of courtesy reading the Quran in t...
Untuk merespon lahirnya Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 2012 tentang pendidikan tinggi khususnya tenta... more Untuk merespon lahirnya Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 2012 tentang pendidikan tinggi khususnya tentang pelaksanaan Tri dharma Perguruan Tinggi, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya menyelenggarakan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) sebagai salah satu bentuk pengabdian masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan KKN diharapkan mahasiswa belajar sekaligus memiliki semangat mengabdi sehingga akan terlahir generasi penerus bangsa yang memiliki civic responsibility. Kegiatan KKN sekaligus sebagai momentum yang sangat tepat untuk mendekatkan lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi dengan masyarakat. Ditinjau dari sisi pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan KKN, UIN Sunan Ampel mengimplementasikan dua metodologi; PAR (Participatory Action Research) dan ABCD (Asset Based Community Development), dan terbuka kemungkinan mengadopsi metodologi lain yang lebih memberikan manfaat pada komunitas dan universitas. Cakupan wilayah pengabdian masyarakat juga variatif baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Di wilayah Jawa Timur, kegiatan KKN dilaksanakan...
This research is a way to find out the implementation of E-Learning Alquran using video call at t... more This research is a way to find out the implementation of E-Learning Alquran using video call at the Tahfidz Sanggar entrepreneur Junwangi Krian Sidoarjo, especially in the corona virus pandemic, because in the habit of memorizing the Koran in general, throughout the Tahfidz Islamic boarding school the Koran always uses the Talaqqi method face to face. is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique is by interview, observation and documentation. The subject of the study includes the Director of Tahfidz Sanggar Entrepreneur, Waka Tahfidz, Supervising Teachers, Students and Students of Tahfidz Sanggar Entrepreneurs. The findings in this study are the implementation of the Qur'an talaqqi with Call Whatsapp video works well because there are three supporting factors, namely the first factor of discipline in learning Tahfidz. which is good by covering all the elements for starting the guiding teachers, the students. the second factor is the supervis...
Papers by Abdulloh Hamid