Abstrak: Modern world of problems growing spirituality devastation. The pain of the human experie... more Abstrak: Modern world of problems growing spirituality devastation. The pain of the human experience, because what they want with modernity was not as expected. Spirituality should always lost the character of the man. This also happens in the field of music. Perform music exclusively the needs of the inner dimension sajatanpa care market and soul. Nasr offer solutions to the idea of Islamic art to give back or often the spiritual art, he exclaims. In connection with the music at the mention of the concept of spiritual music, she received the soul and intelligence method Sufis Sufism. A. Pendahuluan Kegembiraan menyambut datangnya renaissance 2 ternyata sekarang mulai meredup. Revolusi industri di Inggris pada abad ke 18 mulai menuai dampaknya. Dunia modern berkembang dengan sangat cepat hingga terkadang manusia sendiri terperanjat karena arus deras modernisasi di semua aspek. Teknologi berkembang dengan bebasnya. Ilmu pengetahuan semakin berkembang pesat dengan ditemukannya mesin, ...
The globalization era provides negative effects and positive effects. One of negative effect is t... more The globalization era provides negative effects and positive effects. One of negative effect is that too much information can be misleading. But it also provides a positive effect that provides support space for parties who used to be on the periphery. Rural areas have become able to actively participate in global competition with the help of internet network technology. Before the globalization of commodities in the suburbs often unable to compete because the value is considered not quality. This is due to the lack of explanation and information about the socio-historical material of the commodity. As a result it is not widely known so that its value does not rise. Appadurai parses this with its globalization view which presents opportunities to increase material value by increasing access to information media networks that increasingly reach all regions. Appadurai divides this global era into five overlays, ideoscapes, technoscapes, financescapes, ethnoscapes, mediascapes. This st...
This article aims to explain the history of the inculturation process of clean culture through to... more This article aims to explain the history of the inculturation process of clean culture through toilets in the twentieth century Surakarta society. The methodology used in this research is historical method using critical historical approach. Using this method, the authors analyze the process of using toilet in a holistic manner, the toilet that is not affected by the socio-political practices. The phenomena are analyzed by using the theory of hegemony Gramsci and the theory of inculturation. The result of this research is that the emergence of the concept of toilet brings a change in the standard of healthy life among the Javanese people. It bears new cultural values, e.g. the value of modesty and embarrassment that have not recognized by the Javanese people before. It also promotes the concept of privacy body that makes the birth of social stratification.
Lately, the Indonesian public has been obsessed with the phenomenon of Islamic preachers who alwa... more Lately, the Indonesian public has been obsessed with the phenomenon of Islamic preachers who always invoke hate speech, slander, and deception in the name of Islam. Islam then comes as frightening not only towards non-Muslims but also fellow Muslims. The Islamic teachings of “salvation” suddenly seemed to be hated, leading to propaganda to “harm” human beings and their natural environment. Much of the Islamic material comes down to the Jihadist war's sole teachings against the “enemies of Islam.” This situation must be stopped by evoking Islam's eternal teachings, namely the “salvation”. This article complements a discussion of recent phenomena and aims to reinforce arguments about the importance of conducting “social media jihad” to counter existing radical drownings. By conducting a method to understand a thick description of the dakwah phenomenon on social media that surfaces lately, especially of those with elements of violence and radicalism, shown that the conservatism...
Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management
Abstrak Silaturahim dalam kegiatan diba’iyah ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan ... more Abstrak Silaturahim dalam kegiatan diba’iyah ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan masyarakat dalam bentuk kekerabatan, tetangga, maupun persaudaraan, bahkan turut pula membawa efek yang sangat positif bagi pribadi orang yang melakukannya. Silaturrahim merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari pada perintah ajaran agama islam yaitu “hablum minannass” menjalin hubungan horisontal dengan sesama manusia. Untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan pada metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian, metode analisis datanya menggunakan konsep dari Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa: 1) Adanya kegiatan diba’iyah ini dapat menambah jalinan silaturahim warga Kelurahan Paju semakin erat, hal ini dikarenakan dengan diadakannya kegiatan diba’iyah masyarakat meluangkan waktu untuk berkumpul dengan tetanggan...
Hanusz's interest in kretek was very large when he discovered that kretek was the most powerf... more Hanusz's interest in kretek was very large when he discovered that kretek was the most powerful commodity in Indonesia. His astonishment began when the economic crisis in 1998 struck Indonesia violently to overthrow the Suharto regime. However, the kretek industry remains upright and does not experience obscurity at all. In fact, it tends to continue to exist. Hanusz found that the strength of the kretek industry was because it was supported by strong socio-cultural conditions. Kretek became king in his own palace, namely Indonesia. Starting from raw materials, energy, technology and most importantly the market is in Indonesia itself. This condition triggers the kretek industry to survive for more than 100 years in Indonesia, and makes kretek appropriate to be labeled as the Indonesian heritage.
Abstrak: Modern world of problems growing spirituality devastation. The pain of the human experie... more Abstrak: Modern world of problems growing spirituality devastation. The pain of the human experience, because what they want with modernity was not as expected. Spirituality should always lost the character of the man. This also happens in the field of music. Perform music exclusively the needs of the inner dimension sajatanpa care market and soul. Nasr offer solutions to the idea of Islamic art to give back or often the spiritual art, he exclaims. In connection with the music at the mention of the concept of spiritual music, she received the soul and intelligence method Sufis Sufism. A. Pendahuluan Kegembiraan menyambut datangnya renaissance 2 ternyata sekarang mulai meredup. Revolusi industri di Inggris pada abad ke 18 mulai menuai dampaknya. Dunia modern berkembang dengan sangat cepat hingga terkadang manusia sendiri terperanjat karena arus deras modernisasi di semua aspek. Teknologi berkembang dengan bebasnya. Ilmu pengetahuan semakin berkembang pesat dengan ditemukannya mesin, ...
The globalization era provides negative effects and positive effects. One of negative effect is t... more The globalization era provides negative effects and positive effects. One of negative effect is that too much information can be misleading. But it also provides a positive effect that provides support space for parties who used to be on the periphery. Rural areas have become able to actively participate in global competition with the help of internet network technology. Before the globalization of commodities in the suburbs often unable to compete because the value is considered not quality. This is due to the lack of explanation and information about the socio-historical material of the commodity. As a result it is not widely known so that its value does not rise. Appadurai parses this with its globalization view which presents opportunities to increase material value by increasing access to information media networks that increasingly reach all regions. Appadurai divides this global era into five overlays, ideoscapes, technoscapes, financescapes, ethnoscapes, mediascapes. This st...
This article aims to explain the history of the inculturation process of clean culture through to... more This article aims to explain the history of the inculturation process of clean culture through toilets in the twentieth century Surakarta society. The methodology used in this research is historical method using critical historical approach. Using this method, the authors analyze the process of using toilet in a holistic manner, the toilet that is not affected by the socio-political practices. The phenomena are analyzed by using the theory of hegemony Gramsci and the theory of inculturation. The result of this research is that the emergence of the concept of toilet brings a change in the standard of healthy life among the Javanese people. It bears new cultural values, e.g. the value of modesty and embarrassment that have not recognized by the Javanese people before. It also promotes the concept of privacy body that makes the birth of social stratification.
Lately, the Indonesian public has been obsessed with the phenomenon of Islamic preachers who alwa... more Lately, the Indonesian public has been obsessed with the phenomenon of Islamic preachers who always invoke hate speech, slander, and deception in the name of Islam. Islam then comes as frightening not only towards non-Muslims but also fellow Muslims. The Islamic teachings of “salvation” suddenly seemed to be hated, leading to propaganda to “harm” human beings and their natural environment. Much of the Islamic material comes down to the Jihadist war's sole teachings against the “enemies of Islam.” This situation must be stopped by evoking Islam's eternal teachings, namely the “salvation”. This article complements a discussion of recent phenomena and aims to reinforce arguments about the importance of conducting “social media jihad” to counter existing radical drownings. By conducting a method to understand a thick description of the dakwah phenomenon on social media that surfaces lately, especially of those with elements of violence and radicalism, shown that the conservatism...
Journal of Community Development and Disaster Management
Abstrak Silaturahim dalam kegiatan diba’iyah ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan ... more Abstrak Silaturahim dalam kegiatan diba’iyah ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan masyarakat dalam bentuk kekerabatan, tetangga, maupun persaudaraan, bahkan turut pula membawa efek yang sangat positif bagi pribadi orang yang melakukannya. Silaturrahim merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari pada perintah ajaran agama islam yaitu “hablum minannass” menjalin hubungan horisontal dengan sesama manusia. Untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan pada metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian, metode analisis datanya menggunakan konsep dari Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa: 1) Adanya kegiatan diba’iyah ini dapat menambah jalinan silaturahim warga Kelurahan Paju semakin erat, hal ini dikarenakan dengan diadakannya kegiatan diba’iyah masyarakat meluangkan waktu untuk berkumpul dengan tetanggan...
Hanusz's interest in kretek was very large when he discovered that kretek was the most powerf... more Hanusz's interest in kretek was very large when he discovered that kretek was the most powerful commodity in Indonesia. His astonishment began when the economic crisis in 1998 struck Indonesia violently to overthrow the Suharto regime. However, the kretek industry remains upright and does not experience obscurity at all. In fact, it tends to continue to exist. Hanusz found that the strength of the kretek industry was because it was supported by strong socio-cultural conditions. Kretek became king in his own palace, namely Indonesia. Starting from raw materials, energy, technology and most importantly the market is in Indonesia itself. This condition triggers the kretek industry to survive for more than 100 years in Indonesia, and makes kretek appropriate to be labeled as the Indonesian heritage.
Papers by agus setyawan