I am an Assistant Professor at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw in the Faculty of Law and Administration. I specialize in Human Rights, Public International Law, Constitutional Law and Cyber Law.
In addition to my work at the university, I have experience gained in the Constitutional Tribunal (Poland), Supreme Administrative Court (Poland), European Court of Human Rights (France).
I completed fellowships at the following universities: University of Naples Federico II (Italy); Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic); Osnabruck University (Germany); Ludovika University of Public Service (Hungary); J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia); Catholic University of Cordoba (Argentina).
One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. T... more One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. This paper examines the role of human rights in the AI alignment process. The subject of the analysis was acts adopted at the level of two European intergovernmental organisations, namely the European Union and the Council of Europe. The analysis aimed to describe the situations (their nature) in which references to human rights were made. This analysis showed that human rights may be considered a guide in European regulations related to AI. Both the AI Act and the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law are examples of third-generation human rights regulation acts. This means that the human-centric approach adopted in the context of activities within the AI lifecycle is not just a slogan. However, some studies have indicated that regulations may slow down the development of AI in Europe. There is also a question regarding the relationship between European regulations and those of other regions of the world. In particular, the provisions of the Convention clearly show the aspiration that human rights will be a factor in the alignment of goals between AI and humans worldwide.
Research Question (RQ): Public international law is intended to, among other things, introduce an... more Research Question (RQ): Public international law is intended to, among other things, introduce an element of stability in international relations. It is created by the subjects of this law which are the holders of rights and obligations under this law. However, we can distinguish several entities which, despite a lack of international legal personality, influence international relations. The question arises as to whether the existence of these other entities does not weaken the actions of the classic subjects of public international law, namely states and international intergovernmental organisations?
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to define a catalogue of entities that, despite the lack of international legal personality, influence international relations.
Method: This study was based on scientific and popular scientific literature. The research method used in this study was a descriptive analysis and critical interpretation of recent trends in the area of international relations.
Results: The research results show that, in addition to the classic catalogue of entities such as states and international intergovernmental organisations, we can distinguish several other entities that influence international relations, such as international private companies, international nongovernmental organisations, or international non-institutionalised forums for cooperation.
Organization: The research results, by distinguishing other (than classic ones) entities operating in international relations, may contribute to greater stability in international relations.
Society: The stability of international relations affects the security of nations and individuals.
Originality: The originality of this research is a critical approach to the existing catalogue of the subjects of public international law.
Limitations / further research: The research results may contribute to the debate on existing entities in public international law that influence international relations. Further research may even expand the traditional catalogue of subjects of public international law.
In 1803, the Supreme Court of the U.S. gave a judgment in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The 220... more In 1803, the Supreme Court of the U.S. gave a judgment in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The 220th anniversary of this event is a good occasion to describe the Polish model of constitutional review in the context of the American-style model. Although most countries have written constitutions, their constitutional review models can vary significantly. This research study was conducted to illustrate similarities and differences between the American and European models of constitutional review. In the study, the model of constitutional review in the United States and Poland was analysed. The author’s result of analyses of respective provisions of constitution and case-law in these countries presented that there are significant differences between the discussed models with regard to their organisation and functioning.
In the literature on the subject and international legal acts, there is no universal and common d... more In the literature on the subject and international legal acts, there is no universal and common definition of cyberspace. Due to the above lack, countries are moving towards regional cooperation in cybersecurity. This descriptive-analytical research was conducted to illustrate cybersecurity threats (faced by countries and private individuals), the list of which, as a result of digital transformation, is constantly growing. The analysis results presented that a wide range of potential cyber-attacks may affect objects of a tangible and intangible character. This research suggests that in cyberspace, which is essentially intangible, non-physical targets (values) can also be an object of a cyber-attack.
Cyberbezpieczeństwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej -podstawy prawne (międzynarodowe i krajowe) , 2023
W związku z brakiem międzynarodowego konsensusu co do statusu prawnego cyberprzestrzeni, państwa ... more W związku z brakiem międzynarodowego konsensusu co do statusu prawnego cyberprzestrzeni, państwa skupiły się na regionalnej współpracy, dotyczącej przede wszystkim tzw. cyberbezpieczeństwa i jest to w tej chwili główny obszar regulacyjny cyberprzestrzeni. Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/1148 i 2022/2555 można uznać za wyraz idei solidarności cyfrowej państw członkowskich UE. Służą one urzeczywistnieniu celu jakim jest (bezpieczne) funkcjonowanie rynku wewnętrznego UE, wyrównują poziom wiedzy w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich z zakresu cyberbezpieczeństwa, stanowią podstawę przepisów krajowych dotyczących cyberbezpieczeństwa. Warto jednak wspomnieć, że określone w art. 5 i 26 Konstytucji RP zadania Sił Zbrojnych, m.in. ochrona niepodległości państwa i niepodzielności jego terytorium, są w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej realizowane także przez Wojska Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni.
Celem niniejszego artykułu było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę, jaką w praktyce orzeczn... more Celem niniejszego artykułu było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę, jaką w praktyce orzeczniczej Trybunału Konstytucyjnego odgrywa orzecznictwo Federalnego Sądu Konstytucyjnego, oraz na pytanie o rodzaj spraw rozpoznawanych przez TK, w których odwołania do orzecznictwa FSK występowały najczęściej. Próba odpowiedzi na ww. pytania została udzielona po przeprowadzeniu badań empirycznych. Jako materiał empiryczny posłużyły orzeczenia TK, ogólnodostępne w Internetowym Portalu Orzeczniczym na stronie TK. W orzecznictwie TK nie zostało jednoznacznie wskazane, czy w wypad-ku odwoływania się przez TK do orzecznictwa FSK, TK dokonywał tego dla celów porównawczych, czy miało to związek z dokonywaniem przez TK wykładni norm prawnych lub w innym celu.
The article is pertaining to the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and... more The article is pertaining to the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and the Polish national law. Upon the introduction of the system of economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997, the article considers what rules determine the relationship between the application of the law by Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The paper concludes by showing how Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg refer to the right of property. It’s one of the fundamental human rights, when they examine a case. It occurs that clauses, which limit this right, are sometimes understood in a different way by Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights. Regarding the above, the case of Waldemar Nowakowski v. Poland of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is discussed. Furthermore, the article presents how the Polish Government executes the judgment of th...
In contemporary international law, we can distinguish a number of entities (apart from the tradit... more In contemporary international law, we can distinguish a number of entities (apart from the traditional ones) that have an impact on the development of international relations, as well as many forms of international cooperation. This text concerns international cooperation between government agencies of particular countries in the implementation of the Artemis program. The sources of this cooperation are the so-called Artemis Accords. The text attempts to evaluate the above-mentioned cooperation, i.e. assessment of the legal nature of entities implementing the above cooperation and assessment of the legal nature of the source of this cooperation, i.e. the Artemis Accords.
One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. T... more One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. This paper examines the role of human rights in the AI alignment process. The subject of the analysis was acts adopted at the level of two European intergovernmental organisations, namely the European Union and the Council of Europe. The analysis aimed to describe the situations (their nature) in which references to human rights were made. This analysis showed that human rights may be considered a guide in European regulations related to AI. Both the AI Act and the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law are examples of third-generation human rights regulation acts. This means that the human-centric approach adopted in the context of activities within the AI lifecycle is not just a slogan. However, some studies have indicated that regulations may slow down the development of AI in Europe. There is also a question regarding the relationship between European regulations and those of other regions of the world. In particular, the provisions of the Convention clearly show the aspiration that human rights will be a factor in the alignment of goals between AI and humans worldwide.
Research Question (RQ): Public international law is intended to, among other things, introduce an... more Research Question (RQ): Public international law is intended to, among other things, introduce an element of stability in international relations. It is created by the subjects of this law which are the holders of rights and obligations under this law. However, we can distinguish several entities which, despite a lack of international legal personality, influence international relations. The question arises as to whether the existence of these other entities does not weaken the actions of the classic subjects of public international law, namely states and international intergovernmental organisations?
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to define a catalogue of entities that, despite the lack of international legal personality, influence international relations.
Method: This study was based on scientific and popular scientific literature. The research method used in this study was a descriptive analysis and critical interpretation of recent trends in the area of international relations.
Results: The research results show that, in addition to the classic catalogue of entities such as states and international intergovernmental organisations, we can distinguish several other entities that influence international relations, such as international private companies, international nongovernmental organisations, or international non-institutionalised forums for cooperation.
Organization: The research results, by distinguishing other (than classic ones) entities operating in international relations, may contribute to greater stability in international relations.
Society: The stability of international relations affects the security of nations and individuals.
Originality: The originality of this research is a critical approach to the existing catalogue of the subjects of public international law.
Limitations / further research: The research results may contribute to the debate on existing entities in public international law that influence international relations. Further research may even expand the traditional catalogue of subjects of public international law.
In 1803, the Supreme Court of the U.S. gave a judgment in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The 220... more In 1803, the Supreme Court of the U.S. gave a judgment in the case of Marbury v. Madison. The 220th anniversary of this event is a good occasion to describe the Polish model of constitutional review in the context of the American-style model. Although most countries have written constitutions, their constitutional review models can vary significantly. This research study was conducted to illustrate similarities and differences between the American and European models of constitutional review. In the study, the model of constitutional review in the United States and Poland was analysed. The author’s result of analyses of respective provisions of constitution and case-law in these countries presented that there are significant differences between the discussed models with regard to their organisation and functioning.
In the literature on the subject and international legal acts, there is no universal and common d... more In the literature on the subject and international legal acts, there is no universal and common definition of cyberspace. Due to the above lack, countries are moving towards regional cooperation in cybersecurity. This descriptive-analytical research was conducted to illustrate cybersecurity threats (faced by countries and private individuals), the list of which, as a result of digital transformation, is constantly growing. The analysis results presented that a wide range of potential cyber-attacks may affect objects of a tangible and intangible character. This research suggests that in cyberspace, which is essentially intangible, non-physical targets (values) can also be an object of a cyber-attack.
Cyberbezpieczeństwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej -podstawy prawne (międzynarodowe i krajowe) , 2023
W związku z brakiem międzynarodowego konsensusu co do statusu prawnego cyberprzestrzeni, państwa ... more W związku z brakiem międzynarodowego konsensusu co do statusu prawnego cyberprzestrzeni, państwa skupiły się na regionalnej współpracy, dotyczącej przede wszystkim tzw. cyberbezpieczeństwa i jest to w tej chwili główny obszar regulacyjny cyberprzestrzeni. Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/1148 i 2022/2555 można uznać za wyraz idei solidarności cyfrowej państw członkowskich UE. Służą one urzeczywistnieniu celu jakim jest (bezpieczne) funkcjonowanie rynku wewnętrznego UE, wyrównują poziom wiedzy w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich z zakresu cyberbezpieczeństwa, stanowią podstawę przepisów krajowych dotyczących cyberbezpieczeństwa. Warto jednak wspomnieć, że określone w art. 5 i 26 Konstytucji RP zadania Sił Zbrojnych, m.in. ochrona niepodległości państwa i niepodzielności jego terytorium, są w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej realizowane także przez Wojska Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni.
Celem niniejszego artykułu było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę, jaką w praktyce orzeczn... more Celem niniejszego artykułu było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę, jaką w praktyce orzeczniczej Trybunału Konstytucyjnego odgrywa orzecznictwo Federalnego Sądu Konstytucyjnego, oraz na pytanie o rodzaj spraw rozpoznawanych przez TK, w których odwołania do orzecznictwa FSK występowały najczęściej. Próba odpowiedzi na ww. pytania została udzielona po przeprowadzeniu badań empirycznych. Jako materiał empiryczny posłużyły orzeczenia TK, ogólnodostępne w Internetowym Portalu Orzeczniczym na stronie TK. W orzecznictwie TK nie zostało jednoznacznie wskazane, czy w wypad-ku odwoływania się przez TK do orzecznictwa FSK, TK dokonywał tego dla celów porównawczych, czy miało to związek z dokonywaniem przez TK wykładni norm prawnych lub w innym celu.
The article is pertaining to the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and... more The article is pertaining to the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and the Polish national law. Upon the introduction of the system of economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997, the article considers what rules determine the relationship between the application of the law by Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The paper concludes by showing how Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg refer to the right of property. It’s one of the fundamental human rights, when they examine a case. It occurs that clauses, which limit this right, are sometimes understood in a different way by Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights. Regarding the above, the case of Waldemar Nowakowski v. Poland of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is discussed. Furthermore, the article presents how the Polish Government executes the judgment of th...
In contemporary international law, we can distinguish a number of entities (apart from the tradit... more In contemporary international law, we can distinguish a number of entities (apart from the traditional ones) that have an impact on the development of international relations, as well as many forms of international cooperation. This text concerns international cooperation between government agencies of particular countries in the implementation of the Artemis program. The sources of this cooperation are the so-called Artemis Accords. The text attempts to evaluate the above-mentioned cooperation, i.e. assessment of the legal nature of entities implementing the above cooperation and assessment of the legal nature of the source of this cooperation, i.e. the Artemis Accords.
Papers by Kamil Strzępek
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to define a catalogue of entities that, despite the lack of international legal personality, influence international relations.
Method: This study was based on scientific and popular scientific literature. The research method used in this study was a descriptive analysis and critical interpretation of recent trends in the area of international relations.
Results: The research results show that, in addition to the classic catalogue of entities such as states and international intergovernmental organisations, we can distinguish several other entities that influence international relations, such as international private companies, international nongovernmental organisations, or international non-institutionalised forums for cooperation.
Organization: The research results, by distinguishing other (than classic ones) entities operating in international relations, may contribute to greater stability in international relations.
Society: The stability of international relations affects the security of nations and individuals.
Originality: The originality of this research is a critical approach to the existing catalogue of the subjects of public international law.
Limitations / further research: The research results may contribute to the debate on existing entities in public international law that influence international relations. Further research may even expand the traditional catalogue of subjects of public international law.
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to define a catalogue of entities that, despite the lack of international legal personality, influence international relations.
Method: This study was based on scientific and popular scientific literature. The research method used in this study was a descriptive analysis and critical interpretation of recent trends in the area of international relations.
Results: The research results show that, in addition to the classic catalogue of entities such as states and international intergovernmental organisations, we can distinguish several other entities that influence international relations, such as international private companies, international nongovernmental organisations, or international non-institutionalised forums for cooperation.
Organization: The research results, by distinguishing other (than classic ones) entities operating in international relations, may contribute to greater stability in international relations.
Society: The stability of international relations affects the security of nations and individuals.
Originality: The originality of this research is a critical approach to the existing catalogue of the subjects of public international law.
Limitations / further research: The research results may contribute to the debate on existing entities in public international law that influence international relations. Further research may even expand the traditional catalogue of subjects of public international law.