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Curriculum Vitae

University of Kentucky, Community and Leadership Development, Department Member
Karen Eugenie Rignall Department of Community and Leadership Development College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky 713 Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546 krign2@uky.edu ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS University of Kentucky, Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Leadership Development, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Sociology (August 2015-present) University of Kentucky, National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics (August 2013-July 2015) Georgetown University (Washington, DC), Qatar Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (August 2012 – June 2013) ACADEMIC TRAINING Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology, University of Kentucky (2012) M.A. Cultural Anthropology and History, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (1998) M.P.A Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs (international economic development), Princeton University (1994) B.A. Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs (international economic development) with a certificate in Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University (1992) Center for Arabic Studies Abroad (Year-long intensive study of Modern Standard/Classical Arabic) American University in Cairo (1995-1996) RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Collaborative and engaged research Small-holder agriculture and agrarian change Land tenure and land use change Comparative research: North Africa and Appalachia Social dimensions of energy and economic transition in rural extraction zones Political ecology and environmental change Rural community development Gendered dimensions of social inequality PUBLICATIONS Peer reviewed articles 2019 (Accepted) Is Rurality a Form of Gender-based Violence in Morocco? Journal of Applied Language and Culture Studies. 2019 Cantoni, R., and K. Rignall. Kingdom of the Sun: A Critical, Multiscalar Analysis of Morocco’s Solar Energy Strategy. Energy Research and Social Science 51: 20-31. Impact Factor (2017): 3.815. 2018 Rignall, K., and Y. Kusunose. Governing Livelihood and Land Use Transitions: The Role of Customary Tenure in Southeastern Morocco. Land Use Policy 78: 91-103. Impact Factor (2017): 3.194. 2018 Kusunose, Y., and K. Rignall. The Long-term Development Impacts of International Migration Remittances for Sending Households: Evidence from Morocco. Migration and Development 7(3):412-434. Impact factor: n.a. (journal started in 2012). 2017 Rignall, K., and M. Atia. The Global Rural: Relational Geographies of Poverty and Uneven Development. Geography Compass 11(7):1-11. Impact factor (2017): 2.161. 2017 Berriane, Y., and K. Rignall. La fabrique de la coutume au Maroc: le droit des femmes aux terres collectives [In French. English title: The Production of Custom in Morocco: Women’s Rights to Collective Lands]. Cahiers du Genre, 62: 97-118. Impact factor: n.a. [France’s premier academic journal for gender studies]. Author contributions: equal research and authorial responsibilities; Berriane translated into French. 2017 Rignall, K. La transformation de l’agriculture familiale dans la vallée du M’Goun: Nouvelles perspectives sur le passé et le futur de l’agriculture oasienne [In French. English title: The Transformation of Small-holder Agriculture in the Mgoun Valley: New Perspectives on the Past and Future of Oasis Agriculture]. Alternatives Rurales 5:40-56. Impact factor: n.a. [Moroccan academic journal for agrarian and rural development] 2016 Rignall, K. The Labor of Agrodiversity in a Moroccan Oasis. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 43(3):711-730. Selected for a virtual special issue, JPS 40: Greening Agrarian Studies, a collection of 40 of the most important articles on environmental themes from the journal's 40-year history. Impact factor (2017): 4.311. Ranked as the premier journal in Anthropology. 2016 Rignall, K. Solar Power, State Power, and the Politics of Energy Transition in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Environment and Planning A, 48:540-557. Impact factor (2017): 2.512. 2015 Rignall, K. Land and the Politics of Custom in a Moroccan Oasis Town. Anthropological Quarterly, 88(4): 941-968. Impact factor: n.a. [published by the George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic Study since 1921; not included in journal impact factor rankings] Edited book chapters 2013 Rignall, K. Time, Children, and Getting Ethnography Done in Southern Morocco. In Encountering Morocco: Reflections on North African Fieldwork and Ethnography. David Crawford and Rachel Newcomb (eds). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Other publications and interviews 2016 Rignall, K. Ecologies of Capitalism in Morocco’s Renewable Energy Transition [also published in French and Arabic translations]. In special issue: Questions Environmentales. Emancipations [Moroccan online journal dedicated to theories and practices of social mobilization, civil society, and democracy in Morocco, available at http://taharour.org] 2016 Rignall, K. Land and Labor in a Moroccan Oasis. Hour-long interview/podcast on tajine [online resource for accessible academic content on the society, culture, and history of North Africa, available at http://tajine.ottomanhistorypodcast.com/] 2015 Rignall, K. La dynamique socio-économique dans le Dadès M’goun à travers la mobilité des familles dans le temps et dans l’espace [Final report]. Tinghir, Morocco: RATDED, 2015. 2008 Rignall, Karen. Review of Pastoral Morocco: Globalizing Scapes of Mobility and Insecurity. Development and Change 39(4):717-718. FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS Extramural 2018 Public Engagement Fellow, Stories of Place in a Changing Appalachia. Whiting Foundation ($50,000 for research leave to develop environmental humanities and science curriculum and outreach program in Eastern Kentucky). 2018 Co-Principal Investigator, Measuring and Building on Local Food System Vitality for Consumers and Producers in the South, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, National Institute of Food and Agriculture ($493,577). 2018 Co-Principal Investigator, Extending Roots of Fresh Stop Markets Across the Southeast Region. Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Research and Education Grant ($268,000). 2013- Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation SBE Postdoctoral Research 2017 Fellowship, Assessing Poverty Dynamics in an Arid Agrarian Context--Socio-economic Mobility, Disparity, and Chronic Poverty in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Research collaborator: Dr. Yoko Kusunose, Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky ($208,568). 2013 Engaged Anthropology Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research ($5,000). 2012 Research Award, The American Institute for Maghrib Studies ($3,000). 2012 Donna Lee Bowen Graduate Student Travel Award, American Institute for Maghrib Studies ($500). 2011 Jeanne Jeffers Mrad Graduate Student Travel Award, American Institute for Maghrib Studies ($500). 2009 Dissertation Research Fellowship and Osmundsen Initiative Award, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research ($9,715). 2009 Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation ($5,606). Intramural 2018 Sustainability Challenge Grant Award, Just Food: Engaging UK in Racially Equitable Food Systems Development ($34,648). 2016 Research Activity Award ($2,000), Associate Dean for Research Office, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 2008 Graduate Student Research Support ($2,500), University of Kentucky. 2007 Multi-year Graduate Fellowship (three-year tuition support and stipend), University of Kentucky. 2007 Daniel R. Reedy Quality Achievement Award (three-year stipend), University of Kentucky. Other 2017 Hatch project, Understanding rural economic dynamics in eastern Kentucky: rural livelihood strategies and access to productive resources, Approved January 2017. AWARDS 2012 Robert M. Netting Best Student Paper Prize (Land, Livelihoods, and Renewing a Sense of Place in Pre-Saharan Morocco), Culture and Agriculture section of the American Anthropological Association. 2012 Harold K. Schneider Student Paper Prize (Land Use Change and the New Spatiality of Livelihoods in Pre-Saharan Morocco), Society for Economic Anthropology. 2012 Finalist, Roy A. Rappaport Student Panel and Award (The Aporias of Green Energy: Land, Sovereignty, and the Production of Solar Energy in Pre-Saharan Morocco), Anthropology and Environment section of the American Anthropological Association. LECTURES AND INVITED PRESENTATIONS 2019 Invited lecture, Community/University Collaborations for Just Transitions: Emerging Models from Appalachia. Facing Change Week Lecture Series, Center for Equality and Social Justice, University of Kentucky, April 8. Invited lecture, Nouvelle ruralité dans le Sud-est Marocaine à travers les changements socio-économiques. [Delivered in French. English title: The New Rurality in Southeastern Morocco in the context of Socio-economic Change]. Centre d’études doctorales, Université Chouab Doukkali, El Jadida, Morocco, March 28. Invited lecture, Nouvelle ruralité dans le Sud-est Marocaine à travers les changements socio-économiques. [Delivered in French. English title: The New Rurality in Southeastern Morocco in the context of Socio-economic Change]. Laboratoire de recherche: Géo-Environnement et développement des zones arides et semi-arides, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco, March 14. 2018 Invited symposium presenter, with Yasmine Berriane. La fabrique de la coutume au Maroc: le droit des femmes aux terres collectives [In French. English title: The Production of Custom in Morocco: Women’s Rights to Collective Lands]., for Workshop: Femmes et droits de propriété. Paris, France, June 11. 2018 Invited lecture, The Quotidian Politics of Agrarian Rurality in Morocco. Middle East and North African Studies Program. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, May 14. 2018 Invited panelist, Marx, Land, and Rent. Panel discussion: Marx, 150 Years Later. University of Kentucky Committee on Social Theory, February 28. 2017 Invited symposium presenter, The Aporias of Rights in Contested Energy Landscapes: What it Means to Claim a Rightful Share in Southern Morocco. Symposium, Neoliberalism: Spaces of Contention. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, April 14-15. 2017 Invited lecture, Who Owns Appalachia? Documenting Land Ownership and Use During a Time of Economic Transition. CLD Unexpected, Department of Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky, January 27. 2016 Invited symposium presenter, Emergent Value, Contested Landscapes: Sovereignty and Development in the Sahara. Symposium, Le Foncier, un objet d’étude interdisciplinaire [Land Tenure, An Object of Interdisciplinary Study]. L’Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, November 25. 2016 Invited lecture, Land, Rural Economies, and the Politics of Transition. CLD Unexpected, Department of Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky, April 15. 2015 Invited panelist, Materialisms and the Uses of Immaterial Labor in Southern Morocco. Annual Conference on Critical Geography, University of Kentucky, October 23-25. 2015 Invited lecture, Environmental Change as Uneven Development: Land Use and the Struggle over Narrative in Morocco’s Saharan Periphery. Department of Geography Colloquium Series, University of Kentucky, October 9. 2015 Invited lecture, Impact de la migration dans la vallée du Mgoun: Résultats d’une enquête dans la Province de Tinghir [Delivered in French. English title: The Impact of Migration in the Mgoun Valley: Results from a Survey in Tinghir Province]. Centre d'études et de recherches géographiques, Université Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco. March 19. 2015 Invited symposium presenter, Land and the Politics of Value in Unconventional Gas; Political Ecologies of Extraction. Saleh Kamel Symposium, An Energy Revolution? The Political Ecologies of Shale Oil in the Middle East, US and China. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., February 11-13. 2014 Invited lecture, Natural Experiments and Ethnographic Accidents: Methodological Insights from an Interdisciplinary Migration Study in Morocco. Department of Anthropology speaker series, University of Cincinnati, April 8. 2013 Invited lecture, Refiguring the Commons in Morocco's New Enclosures: Ethnographic Reflections on Land, Community, and the State. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Annual Qatar Post-doctoral Fellowship Lecture. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. April 2, 2013. 2013 Invited lecture, The Relationship between Agriculture and Migration in Household Livelihood Portfolios: Evidence from Morocco. Food Security Bureau Speaker Series. U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. May 30. PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS, ORGANIZED PANELS 2018 Gender, Labor, and the Transactions of Affect in a Moroccan Oasis Town. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, November 14-18. Land, Rent, and Valuation: What Incumbent Energy Regimes Can Tell us About Large-Scale Solar Power. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, April 10-14. 2017 New Labor Ecologies: Farming, Labor, and the Production of Landscape in a Moroccan Oasis. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 29-December 3. 2017 Panel co-organizer, Extreme Land Politics and Just Transition: Planning a New Appalachian Land Study. Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, March 9-12. 2016 Energy Sovereignties and the Politics of Novel Energy Landscapes. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Minneapolois, November 16-20. 2016 Panel co-organizer, Uneven Spatialities and the Production of Poverty Knowledge. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 30-April 2. 2016 Poverty, Possibility, and the Spatiality of Uneven Development in Morocco. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 30-April 2. 2016 Governing Livelihood and Land Use Transitions: The Role of Customary Tenure in Southeastern Morocco. World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington, D.C., March 14-18. 2016 Panel co-organizer, Comedy of the Commons. Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, February 25-27. 2016 Moderator, P.R.E.P. Talks (Prevent, reduce, and eliminate poverty): Local Food, Food Security and Justice. A community/university collaboration relating local food systems to social justice issues, sponsored by the Community Action Council, Lexington, KY, February 25. 2015 Co-organizer and participant, Symposium for Arab-American studies scholars on establishing a national research initiative on Arab Americans, Sponsored by the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) and Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., December 14. 2015 Organizer, University of Kentucky Committee on Social Theory Distinguished Lecture. Hosted and introduced Dr. Mahmood Mamdani, distinguished public intellectual and scholar of African history and politics at Columbia University and Makerere University (Uganda), October 2. 2015 Co-author on paper presented by Dr. Yoko Kusunose (Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky), Labor Migration, Poverty and the Long-term Development Impact of International Migration. Joint Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and the Western Agricultural Economics Association, San Francisco, July 26-28. 2015 Elusive Traditions: Women, Collective Land Tenure, and the Legacy of the French Colonial Project. Annual Meeting of the British Middle East Studies Association, London, England, June 24-26. 2015 Panel co-organizer. Extension Agents, Institutions, and the Possibilities for Social Justice. Community Development Society Annual International Conference, University of Kentucky, July 19-22. 2015 Colloquium co-organizer (with the Reseau des Associations de Tinghir pour la Démocratie et le Développement). La Dynamique Socio-économique dans le Dadès M’goun à travers la Mobilité des Familles dans le Temps et dans l’Espace. Research colloquium for survey participants, civil society activists, and local government officials, Tinghir, Morocco, March 28-29. 2015 Panel co-organizer. Agrarian Questions of Labor: A Roundtable Discussion on Political Ecology and Agrarian Labor Issues; Agrarian Questions of Labor in Kentucky. Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, February 26-28. 2014 L’Impact de la Migration: Terre, Agriculture, et Modes de Vie dans la Vallée de Mgoun (Tinghir). Migrations Marocaines: Transformations, transitions et perspectives futures, colloquium organized by Oxford University and L'Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès, Morocco, May 22-24. 2014 Situating Agrodiversity in the New Rurality of a Moroccan Oasis. Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Conference, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, June18-21. 2014 Panel co-organizer. The Agrarian Question and Political Ecology: In Three Acts. Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, February 27-March 1. 2014 Agrodiversity and the Agrarian Question in Morocco. Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, February 27-March 1. 2013 Panel organizer, invited session of the Anthropology and Environment Section of the American Anthropological Association, Green Power? On the Uses, Abuses and Limits of an Environmental Frame. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-24. 2013 The Politics of Competence: Contesting Water as Environment in Southern Morocco. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-24. 2012 The Aporias of Green Energy: Land, Sovereignty, and the Production of Solar Energy in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Finalist, Roy A. Rappaport Student Panel and Award, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 14-18. 2012 Theorizing Sovereignty in Terra Nullius: the Land Tenure Implications of Concentrated Solar Power in pre-Saharan Morocco. International Academic Conference on Global Land Grabbing II, Organized by the Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI) and Cornell University, Ithaca, October 17-19. 2012 The Practice of Agriculture and Peasantization in Pre-Saharan Morocco. American Institute for Maghrib Studies Annual Conference, Berber Societies: New Approaches to Space, Time, and Social Process, Tangier, Morocco, June 29-July 2. 2012 Discussant, Transitional Livelihoods, Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, April 14-15. 2011 Land, Livelihoods, and Renewing a Sense of Place in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Middle East Studies Association Conference, Washington, D.C., December 1-4. 2011 Customary Institutions in the Margins of Neoliberalism: Land, Labor and Capitalist Farming in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montréal, November 16-20. 2011 Roundtable panelist, Human Rights and Social Justice Committee Roundtable: Anthropological Insights into the 2011 Uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, March 29-April 2. 2011 Private Property and Collective Lands: Moroccan Neo-liberalism in the Pre-Saharan Periphery. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, March 29-April 2. 2011 Land Conflict, State Power, and the Perils of Agriculture in Pre-Saharan Morocco. Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, February18-19. 2010 The Problem of Land: Expanding Cultivation, Land, and Livelihood Transformations in Southern Morocco. Arid Lands: Environments and Societies at Risk Conference, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, May 20, 2010. 2010 Expanding Cultivation, Land, and Livelihood Transformations in Southern Morocco. Maghrebi Area Studies Symposium, Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange, Rabat, Morocco, April 24. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate teaching: Foundational Theories of Community and Leadership Development (CLD 300), Fall 2015, Fall 2016. Globalization: A Cross-cultural Perspective (SOC/CLD 380), Spring and Fall 2016. Capstone Seminar: Environmental Dimensions of Globalization (INT 495), Fall 2015. People and Cultures of Africa (ANT 326, Online course), Summer 2012. Cultural Diversity in the Modern World (ANT 160) Spring 2011. Graduate teaching: Gender Issues in Development (SOC/ANT 641), Spring 2017. Community Inequalities (CLD 560, mixed graduate/undergraduate course), Spring 2016. Critical Environmental Studies of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa (Masters seminar taught at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.), Spring 2013. Guest lectures: 2019 Guest seminar on Resources and Livelihoods in the Maghrib for undergraduate course, Development and Displacement in the Arab Word, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., April 11. Smallholder farming systems in North Africa for Dr. Keiko Tanaka’s course SAG 201: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture, February 16, 2019. Guest seminar on methodology for field-based research in rural Morocco for doctoral students at the Laboratoire de recherche: Géo-Environnement et développement des zones arides et semi-arides, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco, March 14. 2017 Smallholder farming systems in North Africa for Dr. Keiko Tanaka’s course SAG 201: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture, February 6. 2015 Field-based research methods for James Allen’s course, AEC 300 Topics in Agricultural Economics: Agriculture and Development Economics, November 18. 2014 Arid-lands agriculture and food policy in Dr. Lee Meyer’s course AEC 309: International Agriculture, World Food Needs and U.S. Trade in Agricultural Products. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT 2019 Faculty Learning Community, a group of College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment faculty dedicated to strengthening pedagogy 2017- Faculty Learning Community, University-wide community of faculty and staff dedicated to 2019 developing social justice methodologies for promoting equity in the classroom 2015- Faculty Learning Community, a group of College of Agriculture, Food, and 2017 Environment faculty dedicated to strengthening pedagogy 2016 Stories from the Classroom: Tales of Successful Collaborations between Instructors and Librarians, Sponsored by University of Kentucky Libraries, May 11. Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) Workshops and Consultancies: 2016 Navigating Conflict and Building Bridges, November 1. 2016 Consultancy with CELT for course re-design (CLD 300 Foundational Theories of Community and Leadership Development). 2016 How do I Handle This? Proactive Strategies to Prevent or Mitigate Incivility, February 17. 2016 Exploring the Use of Rubrics, Wednesday, January 27. 2015 CELT administered mid-term course evaluation (CLD 300 Foundational Theories of Community and Leadership Development) 2015 Writing Good Multiple Choice Questions, October 7. 2015 Assertion Evidence Design: Re-Thinking Presentation Slides, October 28. ADVISING Committee Chair: Heather Kinney MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky Committee member: Brittany Stanfield PhD, Cultural Anthropology, University of Kentucky Ruth Dike PhD, Cultural Anthropology, University of Kentucky Teya Cuellar MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky Martell Johnson MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2018) Tori Summey MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2018) Kelsey Shackleford MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2018) Josiah Liew BA, Gaines Center Thesis Committee Member, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2018) Joshua Jennings MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2017) Samson Tarpeh MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2017) Shawna Van Zee MA, Department of Interiors, University of Kentucky College of Design (Completed Spring 2017) Jacob Meadows MA, Appalachian Studies, Appalachian State University Heather Hyden MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Fall 2016) Whitney Duvall MS, Community and Leadership Development, University of Kentucky (Completed Spring 2016) SERVICE University of Kentucky service: 2018- Member, Search Committee (Community-Engaged Research Tenure-track Faculty 2019 Position), Department of Community and Leadership Development 2018 Member, External Review Committee, Program in Sustainable Agriculture 2018- Member, Awards Committee, Appalachian Center 2017- Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Community and Leadership Development 2019 2017- Member, Program Committee, Department of Community and Leadership Development 2019 2016- Member, Resources and Support Committee, Department of Community and Leadership 2017 Development 2016- Member, Departmental Awards Committee, Department of Community and Leadership 2017 Development 2017 Serving Out Loud Student Competition Judge, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 4H/FFA Field Day 2017 Reviewer, Food Connection Student Opportunity Grants Program 2013- Member, Steering Committee, Program in Sustainable Agriculture, College of Agriculture, 2019 Food, and the Environment 2016- Member, Digital Measures Implementation Team, College of Agriculture, Food, and the 2017 Environment Faculty affiliations: Appalachian Studies, Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK), Committee on Social Theory, Gender and Women’s Studies (in process) National service: 2017 Distinguished scholar committee Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association 2016 Funding proposal reviewer, National Science Foundation, Behavioral and Cognitive Science Division. 2016 Abstract submission reviewer, World Bank Land and Poverty Conference. 2011 Chair, Advisory Board, National Network for Arab-American Communities, a non-profit network of Arab American community-based organizations that represent the concerns of Arab Americans at the local level and collectively address these issues on the national level, (Member of the board from 2011, chair from 2016). Peer reviewer: 2019 Agriculture and Human Values, Canadian Journal of Development Studies /Revue canadienne d'études du développement, Cities, Journal of Peasant Studies 2018 Agriculture and Human Values, Land Use Policy, Political Sociology 2017 Sustainability Science 2016 Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2016 Geoforum 2015-2017 Violence Against Women LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Fluent in French, near fluency in Modern Standard Arabic (writing and reading), Moroccan colloquial Arabic and Egyptian colloquial Arabic; highly proficient in Spanish; beginning Tashelheit (southern Morocco Berber dialect); lived and worked throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. MEMBERSHIPS American Anthropological Association, American Institute for Maghrib Studies, Appalachian Studies Association, Middle East Studies Association. OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2005- Independent Consultant (community development, evaluation and training): Evaluation, 2007 program development, strategic planning services, feasibility studies for domestic and international community development and philanthropic organizations. 2002- National Outreach Director, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services 2005 (ACCESS), Dearborn, MI: Established first ever network of Arab-American community-based organizations with support for institutional capacity-building, effective service delivery, advocacy, and civic engagement. 2000- Country Director, Near East Foundation, Morocco: Directed rural community development 2001 organization focused on institutional capacity-building of local development associations, rural livelihoods, water and sanitation, community-based health initiatives, women’s leadership development, literacy, and environmental sustainability. 1999- Senior Associate, Westhill Partners, New York, NY: Senior associate for public policy and 2000 marketing communications firm, with special focus on the National Association for Rural Electric Cooperatives. 1992- Program Officer, Catholic Relief Services, Rabat, Morocco: Designed and developed the 1993 proposal for a $3 million microfinance project--the first ever in Morocco--funded by USAID, oversaw and evaluated community development projects throughout the country. 1992 Field Researcher, US Agency for International Development, Dakar, Sénégal: Conducted field research study on wholesale rice markets throughout Sénégal; crafted policy recommendations for USAID agricultural policy based on research results. Karen Eugenie Rignall CV page 10