I'm Professor in Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco. I work on climate change, water quality, pollution, environment, water ecosystems, watershed, erosion, etc.
Machine learning (ML) models are commonly used in solar modeling due to their high predictive acc... more Machine learning (ML) models are commonly used in solar modeling due to their high predictive accuracy. However, the predictions of these models are difficult to explain and trust. This paper aims to demonstrate the utility of two interpretation techniques to explain and improve the predictions of ML models. We compared first the predictive performance of Light Gradient Boosting (LightGBM) with three benchmark models, including multilayer perceptron (MLP), multiple linear regression (MLR), and support-vector regression (SVR), for estimating the global solar radiation (H) in the city of Fez, Morocco. Then, the predictions of the most accurate model were explained by two model-agnostic explanation techniques: permutation feature importance (PFI) and Shapley additive explanations (SHAP). The results indicated that LightGBM (R2 = 0.9377, RMSE = 0.4827 kWh/m2, MAE = 0.3614 kWh/m2) provides similar predictive accuracy as SVR, and outperformed MLP and MLR in the testing stage. Both PFI and...
La pollution par les métaux lourds est un problème d’actualité qui préoccupe toutes les communaut... more La pollution par les métaux lourds est un problème d’actualité qui préoccupe toutes les communautés soucieuses de maintenir leur patrimoine hydrique à un certain degré de qualité. L’étude des métaux lourds dans les sédiments est une contribution à la détermination, à la compréhension et à la prévision de la pollution métallique. Cette contribution est d’autant plus importante que ce compartiment peut aussi bien, selon sa nature et ses conditions environnantes, jouer le rôle de réservoir en cas d’apport massif, que le rôle de source polluante si les conditions de relargage se montrent favorables. Cette étude se fixe comme objectifs la détermination du niveau de la pollution par les métaux lourds, de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed qui joue un rôle important sur le plan socioéconomique (alimentation en eau potable, irrigation, pèche, écotourisme, ...), ainsi que la détermination de l’importance des apports en ces éléments métalliques liés aux sédiments, drainés par les eaux de la pa...
En mer d’Alboran, le cortège argileux est composé principalement d’illite, de smectite, de kaolin... more En mer d’Alboran, le cortège argileux est composé principalement d’illite, de smectite, de kaolinite et de chlorite auxquelles viennent s’associer du quartz et des feldspaths. Les complexes gonflants sont subordonnés. Les cartes de répartition montrent une bonne similitude entre la distribution de l’illite et de la chlorite d’une part, et entre celle de la smectite et de la kaolinite d’autre part. La répartition des minéraux argileux en mer d’Alboran met en évidence l’influence majeure de l’héritage continental comme pour le reste de la Méditerranée occidentale. Toutefois, les apports par la circulation océanique à travers les eaux atlantiques entrantes, par les vents et par néoformation contribuent à un enrichissement local et permet de distinguer deux secteurs, occidental et oriental. Le secteur occidental est caractérisé par des teneurs importantes en smectite et en kaolinite, alors que le secteur oriental montre plutôt des taux plus élevés en illite et en chlorite. L’évolution d...
Les métaux lourds dans les sédiments de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed (région de Meknès, Maro... more Les métaux lourds dans les sédiments de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed (région de Meknès, Maroc) Heavy metals in sediments of the retaining of dam Sidi Chahed (Meknes, Morocco) Maroc Résumé — La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d'accumulation des sédiments qui constitue un réservoir potentiel de stockage des polluants. L'étude des sédiments de la retenue de barrage a pour but de documenter l'histoire de la pollution métallique qui peut être d'origine naturelle ou anthropique. L'évaluation de cette ampleur se fait par l'étude des sédiments des carottes qui ont été prélevées au niveau de quatre points de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed et qui sont réparties dans l'espace (oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Lmallah et embouchure oued Jajouiyne). Ces sédiments prélevés à l'aide d'un carottier ont été transportés dans des sacs en plastique et conditionnés à la température de 4°C jusqu'au laboratoire. Ensuite...
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 30, 2008
The gulf of Cadiz is one of the most interesting areas to study mud volcanoes and structures rela... more The gulf of Cadiz is one of the most interesting areas to study mud volcanoes and structures related to cold fluid seeps since their discovery in 1999. In this study, we present results from gravity cores collected from Ginsburg and Meknes mud volcanoes and from circular structure located in the gulf of Cadiz (North Atlantic Moroccan margin) during the cruise TTR14 in 2004 on board of the R/V Logachev. The clay mineralogical analysis by XRD shows a difference in clay mineral amounts mainly in smectite between the different studied structures. Ginsburg MV shows high percentage of smectite with an average of 44% whereas Meknes MV displays illite rich clay association, smectite average percentage is about 16%. In circular structure, amount of smectite is about 13%. This variation in clay mineralogy association between the mud volcanoes suggests different nature and depth of parent layers and fluids feeding the mud volcanoes in gulf of Cadiz.
Twenty surficial sediment samples, distributed in space and time in Sidi Chahed dam (NE Meknes) w... more Twenty surficial sediment samples, distributed in space and time in Sidi Chahed dam (NE Meknes) were collected using an Eckman grab sampler. The analysis focused on the physico-chemical characteristics and heavy metal content (Fe, Mn, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd) by ICP-AES after digestion of the fraction less than 200 microns. The elements As, Pb, Cd and Cr contents are high compared to watershed natural geochemical levels. Runoff, erosion of agricultural land and domestic sewage spills are likely sources of contamination. The elements As, Pb, Cd and Cr contents are high compared to watershed natural geochemical levels. Runoff, erosion of agricultural land and sewage spills are likely sources of contamination.
This study focuses on the geotechnical characterization of soils in the area of study located at ... more This study focuses on the geotechnical characterization of soils in the area of study located at the western end of the plain of Sebou. The interest of this work is to identify, quantify and take into account the variability for a better estimate of the geotechnical risk. To this end, a database was created. Firstly, a study of the lithological distribution of soils is performed. Then, a statistical analysis of physical and mechanical parameters is realized in order to look for possible correlations between the main parameters. This simple descriptive analysis is followed by a multidirectional statistical study: a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and an Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC). This study showed that the first three principal axes absorb more than 72% of the total variance and the first principal component explains (CP1 or F1) up to 32%. The AHC method allowed to divide all samples into four classes more or less homogeneous with a degree of dissimilarity of 35.7%.
The present work appeals to a classification approach based on a network of artificial neurons of... more The present work appeals to a classification approach based on a network of artificial neurons of type Self-Organizing map SOM. This algorithm has been used to better discriminate individuals (measuring points) by highlighting nonlinear relationships unobtainable with classic methods of ordination. Thus, from an unsupervised learning of an artificial neural network, this algorithm searches iteratively for similarities among the observed data and represents them on a map output (Kohonen map). In this study, 88 surface sediment samples were collected at 22 stations, during the four seasons of the agricultural year 2010-2011, at the retaining of Sidi Chahed Dam (region FezMeknes). Each sample is represented by 14 physicochemical parameters. The SOM map input layer consists of normalized values of the 88 samples. The output is represented by a two-dimensional map.The results obtained overall present slight spatial and temporal deviation of physicochemical parameters that would be relate...
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Sep 2, 2014
The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 ... more The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 km at the NE of Meknes city and about 30 km at the NW of Fez city on the main road between Fez and Sidi Kacem. It was commissioned in 1997 and has a capacity of 170 million m3. It crosses three different structural units with the Middle Atlas to the south, the basin know the center and south-north Rif wrinkles. The use of ArcGIS and Global Mapper has been used to characterize the edge of the dam and its retention Sidi Chahed from ASTER images making several thematic maps which are: the map contours, the DTM, the map slopes and their exposure, thematic map of sub-basins, the thematic map of the river system and its classification, the superposition of the structural and drainage networks, thematic map of rainfall and late distribution maps of physico-chemical parameters. From thematic maps produced for the watershed studied, several geometric calculations were performed to characterize the watersheds under long view, width, equivalent rectangle, area, perimeter and compactness index. These parameters indicate that sub tanks are elongated favoring low flow rates, a greater flow of water and a total amount of time of considerable precipitation harvested. Rainfall results, which were obtained from the isohyets maps are divided into 7 classes with lower values since the Middle Atlas at the south (850 mm) to the Sidi Chahed dam at the north (450 mm).
La mer d'Alboran constitue la partie située à l’extrême ouest de la mer Méditerranée. Ell... more La mer d'Alboran constitue la partie située à l’extrême ouest de la mer Méditerranée. Elle est comprise entre l'Espagne au nord, l'Algérie et le Maroc au sud et le détroit de Gibraltar à l'ouest. Elle appartient à la chaine bético-rifaine et représente un point d’échange à travers le détroit de Gibraltar entre l’océan atlantique à l’Ouest et le bassin algéro-baléare à l’Est. Le présent travail porte sur la prédiction des teneurs en carbone organique dans les dépôts du Quaternaire terminal de la mer d’Alboran, en utilisant deux outils de modélisation : la régression linéaire multiple et les réseaux de neurones artificiels de type Perceptron Multicouches ( PMC ) . Ces derniers ont été effectués avec le langage Matlab qui représente un réseau multicouche non récurent en se basant sur un apprentissage supervisé et un algorithme de levenberg Marquardt. Les résultats obtenus aboutissent à modéliser avec performance les relations entre le carbone organique et les autres paramètres environnementaux dans chacune des bases de données analysées et par conséquent de prédire les teneurs en carbone organique dans les dépôts du Pléistocène – Holocène de la mer d’Alboran.
A lineament analysis of Middle Atlas Plateaus was carried out by interpretation of ETM+ images ac... more A lineament analysis of Middle Atlas Plateaus was carried out by interpretation of ETM+ images acquired by Landsat 7 satellite. The features of geological interest detected during the interpretation process were digitized using a raster-based GIS software. Synthesis map of lineaments was produced from combining four methods; filtering techniques, color compositions, ratios bands and principal components analysis (PCA). In the study area, knowledge of structural lineaments is very interesting to identify areas suitable for circulation of groundwater. A spatial statistic analysis of the lineaments was performed to detect their frequency and main direction, helped then to identify interesting technical for extraction lineaments.
Eight trace elements (Pb, Cd, As, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were analyzed by ICP-AES in surface sedi... more Eight trace elements (Pb, Cd, As, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were analyzed by ICP-AES in surface sediments of Sidi Chahed dam and its watershed (NE of Meknes, Morocco). Several thematic maps on spatial distributions of heavy metal concentrations were obtained by integration of data into a GIS. The results show low contents of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu which reflect natural conditions in relation to the area geological nature. They also highlight the presence of contamination respectively dominated by As (3.930 to 7.179 μg/g), Pb (8.62 to 19.09 μg/g), Cd (1.271 to 3.038 μg/g) and Cr (19,95 à 79,07 μg/g) with significant levels above those taken as reference stations in the watershed. Sources of this contamination would probably related runoff, erosion of agricultural land, spills of sewage and road traffic. It is therefore an anthropogenic metal pollution related to agricultural activity using fertilizers and pesticides.
The region of Sidi Abdalwahd is located in the High Moulouya, about 3 km NE of Mibladane. It occu... more The region of Sidi Abdalwahd is located in the High Moulouya, about 3 km NE of Mibladane. It occupies the SE of the Mibladane-Ahouli Paleozoic-buttonhole. The geological map, drawn, shows a geological substratum with varied backgrounds ranging from Paleozoic to Jurassic. These lands are capped by current and quaternary deposits. Current deposits, composed of detritus, are deposits of slope, spreading alluvial fans and / or bottom of the valley. These deposits were created by landslides and intermittent flow, diffuse type of concentrated torrential. Quaternary deposits are in the form of three terraces (T3, T1 and T2) to staggered nested. These deposits, sedimentological characteristics similar to the current deposits, were established by flow intermittent torrential type in bioclimatic conditions comparable to current conditions. Deposits recorded neotectonic events that have been expressed by joints and faults, having a role in the drainage pattern and the current route of the vall...
La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d’accumulation des sédiments qui constitue ... more La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d’accumulation des sédiments qui constitue un réservoir potentiel de stockage des polluants. L’étude des sédiments de la retenue de barrage a pour but de documenter l’histoire de la pollution métallique qui peut être d’origine naturelle ou anthropique L’évaluation de cette ampleur se fait par l’étude des sédiments des carottes qui ont été prélevées au niveau de quatre points de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed et qui sont réparties dans l’espace (oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Lmallah et embouchure oued Jajouiyne). Ces sédiments prélevés à l’aide d’un carottier ont été transportés dans des sacs en plastique et conditionnés à la température de 4°C jusqu'au laboratoire. Ensuite, ils ont été découpés en tranches de 5cm d’épaisseur, séchés à l’étuve pendant 48 heures à 80°C. Après broyage, la fraction inférieure à 200 μm a été extraite par tamisage. Le dosage des teneurs en huit éléments traces métalliques:...
The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about... more The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 km at the NE of Meknes city and about 30 km at the NW of Fez city on the main road between Fez and Sidi Kacem. It was commissioned in 1997 and has a capacity of 170 million m3. It crosses three different structural units with the Middle Atlas to the south, the basin know the center and south-north Rif wrinkles. The use of ArcGIS and Global Mapper has been used to characterize the edge of the dam and its retention Sidi Chahed from ASTER images making several thematic maps which are: the map contours, the DTM, the map slopes and their exposure, thematic map of sub-basins, the thematic map of the river system and its classification, the superposition of the structural and drainage networks, thematic map of rainfall and late distribution maps of physico-chemical parameters. From thematic maps produced for the watershed studied, several geometric calculations were performed to characteriz...
Modélisation de l'érosion hydrique via les SIG et l'équation universelle des pertes en so... more Modélisation de l'érosion hydrique via les SIG et l'équation universelle des pertes en sol au niveau du bassin versant de l'Oum Er-Rbia - Morocco. The objective of the present work was to estimate soil losses in the oued Oum Er-Rbia watershed (SW Middle Atlas, Morocco). The adopted method is based on the use of Wischmeier model and geographic information system (GIS). The mean and maximum values of rainfall erosivity factor R were 90 and 119, respectively. The soil erodibility factor K is ranged from 0.01 to 0.54 (mean= 0.33). The topographical factor LS varied from 0 to 216 (mean= 16). Thecombination of different maps related to different parameters (R, K, LS, vegetation cover C and anti-erosive practices P) allowed obtaining the erosion map. The obtained results showed that the erosion affected the entire Oum Rbia watershed, but with different degrees. The mean of rate of soil loss was of 224 t / ha / year, with 45% of the basin area is subject to erosion between 50 an...
The detailed study of the ostracofauna of three cores, taken on the Moroccan Western Mediterranea... more The detailed study of the ostracofauna of three cores, taken on the Moroccan Western Mediterranean margin (Alboran sea), between 240 and 785 m of depth is carried out. It has leads, for the first time, to obtaining informations about quantitative and qualitative ostracodes distribution in this region from the last glacial maximum to the Recent. It also allowed to propose a sedimentary typical sequence highlighting the principal climatic variations and consequently the corresponding chronological limits.
In 2004, during the TTR 14 mission aboard the R/V Professor Logachev, several mud volcanoes have ... more In 2004, during the TTR 14 mission aboard the R/V Professor Logachev, several mud volcanoes have been sampled for further studies related to the field of geology, geochemistry and sedimentology. These mud volcanoes are discovered on gulf of Cadiz. Four core samples were taken from two sites : the Ginsburg mud volcano crater and a circular structure near by the kidd mud volcano.The DRX mineralogical analyses run on these four cores samples show the following findings : The average percentage composition of the two core samples taken from the Ginsburg mud volcano crater is 40 % smectite and 30 % kaolinite. The average percentage composition of the samples taken from the neighbouring circular structure of the Kidd mud volcano indicated less than 10 % smectite, 35 % kaolinite, and 35 % illite. This heterogeneity in the distribution of the clayey minerals can be bound to the nature of the materials of the origin and to the alteration process occurring during the mud volcano activities. K...
In Morocco, as in most developing countries, landfill is still the only solution for the final di... more In Morocco, as in most developing countries, landfill is still the only solution for the final disposal of municipal solid waste. The choice of suitable site for waste disposal is one of the main problems in waste management. This requires that many environmental and economic considerations be respected. This paper describes a decisional step for locating a suitable site to dispose the municipal solid wastes of using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The methodology adopted is based on a multi-criteria analysis grid and was applied the case of the Meknes area in Morocco. The landfill sitting criteria were subdivided in two types: exclusion or constraint criteria and assessment criteria. These criteria are based on geographical data from several layers such, geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, demography, topography, etc. The prevailing wind direction, distance from city, proximity to water body, visual exposition, and proximity to road networks were also considered. After integrat...
Machine learning (ML) models are commonly used in solar modeling due to their high predictive acc... more Machine learning (ML) models are commonly used in solar modeling due to their high predictive accuracy. However, the predictions of these models are difficult to explain and trust. This paper aims to demonstrate the utility of two interpretation techniques to explain and improve the predictions of ML models. We compared first the predictive performance of Light Gradient Boosting (LightGBM) with three benchmark models, including multilayer perceptron (MLP), multiple linear regression (MLR), and support-vector regression (SVR), for estimating the global solar radiation (H) in the city of Fez, Morocco. Then, the predictions of the most accurate model were explained by two model-agnostic explanation techniques: permutation feature importance (PFI) and Shapley additive explanations (SHAP). The results indicated that LightGBM (R2 = 0.9377, RMSE = 0.4827 kWh/m2, MAE = 0.3614 kWh/m2) provides similar predictive accuracy as SVR, and outperformed MLP and MLR in the testing stage. Both PFI and...
La pollution par les métaux lourds est un problème d’actualité qui préoccupe toutes les communaut... more La pollution par les métaux lourds est un problème d’actualité qui préoccupe toutes les communautés soucieuses de maintenir leur patrimoine hydrique à un certain degré de qualité. L’étude des métaux lourds dans les sédiments est une contribution à la détermination, à la compréhension et à la prévision de la pollution métallique. Cette contribution est d’autant plus importante que ce compartiment peut aussi bien, selon sa nature et ses conditions environnantes, jouer le rôle de réservoir en cas d’apport massif, que le rôle de source polluante si les conditions de relargage se montrent favorables. Cette étude se fixe comme objectifs la détermination du niveau de la pollution par les métaux lourds, de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed qui joue un rôle important sur le plan socioéconomique (alimentation en eau potable, irrigation, pèche, écotourisme, ...), ainsi que la détermination de l’importance des apports en ces éléments métalliques liés aux sédiments, drainés par les eaux de la pa...
En mer d’Alboran, le cortège argileux est composé principalement d’illite, de smectite, de kaolin... more En mer d’Alboran, le cortège argileux est composé principalement d’illite, de smectite, de kaolinite et de chlorite auxquelles viennent s’associer du quartz et des feldspaths. Les complexes gonflants sont subordonnés. Les cartes de répartition montrent une bonne similitude entre la distribution de l’illite et de la chlorite d’une part, et entre celle de la smectite et de la kaolinite d’autre part. La répartition des minéraux argileux en mer d’Alboran met en évidence l’influence majeure de l’héritage continental comme pour le reste de la Méditerranée occidentale. Toutefois, les apports par la circulation océanique à travers les eaux atlantiques entrantes, par les vents et par néoformation contribuent à un enrichissement local et permet de distinguer deux secteurs, occidental et oriental. Le secteur occidental est caractérisé par des teneurs importantes en smectite et en kaolinite, alors que le secteur oriental montre plutôt des taux plus élevés en illite et en chlorite. L’évolution d...
Les métaux lourds dans les sédiments de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed (région de Meknès, Maro... more Les métaux lourds dans les sédiments de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed (région de Meknès, Maroc) Heavy metals in sediments of the retaining of dam Sidi Chahed (Meknes, Morocco) Maroc Résumé — La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d'accumulation des sédiments qui constitue un réservoir potentiel de stockage des polluants. L'étude des sédiments de la retenue de barrage a pour but de documenter l'histoire de la pollution métallique qui peut être d'origine naturelle ou anthropique. L'évaluation de cette ampleur se fait par l'étude des sédiments des carottes qui ont été prélevées au niveau de quatre points de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed et qui sont réparties dans l'espace (oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Lmallah et embouchure oued Jajouiyne). Ces sédiments prélevés à l'aide d'un carottier ont été transportés dans des sacs en plastique et conditionnés à la température de 4°C jusqu'au laboratoire. Ensuite...
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 30, 2008
The gulf of Cadiz is one of the most interesting areas to study mud volcanoes and structures rela... more The gulf of Cadiz is one of the most interesting areas to study mud volcanoes and structures related to cold fluid seeps since their discovery in 1999. In this study, we present results from gravity cores collected from Ginsburg and Meknes mud volcanoes and from circular structure located in the gulf of Cadiz (North Atlantic Moroccan margin) during the cruise TTR14 in 2004 on board of the R/V Logachev. The clay mineralogical analysis by XRD shows a difference in clay mineral amounts mainly in smectite between the different studied structures. Ginsburg MV shows high percentage of smectite with an average of 44% whereas Meknes MV displays illite rich clay association, smectite average percentage is about 16%. In circular structure, amount of smectite is about 13%. This variation in clay mineralogy association between the mud volcanoes suggests different nature and depth of parent layers and fluids feeding the mud volcanoes in gulf of Cadiz.
Twenty surficial sediment samples, distributed in space and time in Sidi Chahed dam (NE Meknes) w... more Twenty surficial sediment samples, distributed in space and time in Sidi Chahed dam (NE Meknes) were collected using an Eckman grab sampler. The analysis focused on the physico-chemical characteristics and heavy metal content (Fe, Mn, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd) by ICP-AES after digestion of the fraction less than 200 microns. The elements As, Pb, Cd and Cr contents are high compared to watershed natural geochemical levels. Runoff, erosion of agricultural land and domestic sewage spills are likely sources of contamination. The elements As, Pb, Cd and Cr contents are high compared to watershed natural geochemical levels. Runoff, erosion of agricultural land and sewage spills are likely sources of contamination.
This study focuses on the geotechnical characterization of soils in the area of study located at ... more This study focuses on the geotechnical characterization of soils in the area of study located at the western end of the plain of Sebou. The interest of this work is to identify, quantify and take into account the variability for a better estimate of the geotechnical risk. To this end, a database was created. Firstly, a study of the lithological distribution of soils is performed. Then, a statistical analysis of physical and mechanical parameters is realized in order to look for possible correlations between the main parameters. This simple descriptive analysis is followed by a multidirectional statistical study: a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and an Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC). This study showed that the first three principal axes absorb more than 72% of the total variance and the first principal component explains (CP1 or F1) up to 32%. The AHC method allowed to divide all samples into four classes more or less homogeneous with a degree of dissimilarity of 35.7%.
The present work appeals to a classification approach based on a network of artificial neurons of... more The present work appeals to a classification approach based on a network of artificial neurons of type Self-Organizing map SOM. This algorithm has been used to better discriminate individuals (measuring points) by highlighting nonlinear relationships unobtainable with classic methods of ordination. Thus, from an unsupervised learning of an artificial neural network, this algorithm searches iteratively for similarities among the observed data and represents them on a map output (Kohonen map). In this study, 88 surface sediment samples were collected at 22 stations, during the four seasons of the agricultural year 2010-2011, at the retaining of Sidi Chahed Dam (region FezMeknes). Each sample is represented by 14 physicochemical parameters. The SOM map input layer consists of normalized values of the 88 samples. The output is represented by a two-dimensional map.The results obtained overall present slight spatial and temporal deviation of physicochemical parameters that would be relate...
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Sep 2, 2014
The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 ... more The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 km at the NE of Meknes city and about 30 km at the NW of Fez city on the main road between Fez and Sidi Kacem. It was commissioned in 1997 and has a capacity of 170 million m3. It crosses three different structural units with the Middle Atlas to the south, the basin know the center and south-north Rif wrinkles. The use of ArcGIS and Global Mapper has been used to characterize the edge of the dam and its retention Sidi Chahed from ASTER images making several thematic maps which are: the map contours, the DTM, the map slopes and their exposure, thematic map of sub-basins, the thematic map of the river system and its classification, the superposition of the structural and drainage networks, thematic map of rainfall and late distribution maps of physico-chemical parameters. From thematic maps produced for the watershed studied, several geometric calculations were performed to characterize the watersheds under long view, width, equivalent rectangle, area, perimeter and compactness index. These parameters indicate that sub tanks are elongated favoring low flow rates, a greater flow of water and a total amount of time of considerable precipitation harvested. Rainfall results, which were obtained from the isohyets maps are divided into 7 classes with lower values since the Middle Atlas at the south (850 mm) to the Sidi Chahed dam at the north (450 mm).
La mer d'Alboran constitue la partie située à l’extrême ouest de la mer Méditerranée. Ell... more La mer d'Alboran constitue la partie située à l’extrême ouest de la mer Méditerranée. Elle est comprise entre l'Espagne au nord, l'Algérie et le Maroc au sud et le détroit de Gibraltar à l'ouest. Elle appartient à la chaine bético-rifaine et représente un point d’échange à travers le détroit de Gibraltar entre l’océan atlantique à l’Ouest et le bassin algéro-baléare à l’Est. Le présent travail porte sur la prédiction des teneurs en carbone organique dans les dépôts du Quaternaire terminal de la mer d’Alboran, en utilisant deux outils de modélisation : la régression linéaire multiple et les réseaux de neurones artificiels de type Perceptron Multicouches ( PMC ) . Ces derniers ont été effectués avec le langage Matlab qui représente un réseau multicouche non récurent en se basant sur un apprentissage supervisé et un algorithme de levenberg Marquardt. Les résultats obtenus aboutissent à modéliser avec performance les relations entre le carbone organique et les autres paramètres environnementaux dans chacune des bases de données analysées et par conséquent de prédire les teneurs en carbone organique dans les dépôts du Pléistocène – Holocène de la mer d’Alboran.
A lineament analysis of Middle Atlas Plateaus was carried out by interpretation of ETM+ images ac... more A lineament analysis of Middle Atlas Plateaus was carried out by interpretation of ETM+ images acquired by Landsat 7 satellite. The features of geological interest detected during the interpretation process were digitized using a raster-based GIS software. Synthesis map of lineaments was produced from combining four methods; filtering techniques, color compositions, ratios bands and principal components analysis (PCA). In the study area, knowledge of structural lineaments is very interesting to identify areas suitable for circulation of groundwater. A spatial statistic analysis of the lineaments was performed to detect their frequency and main direction, helped then to identify interesting technical for extraction lineaments.
Eight trace elements (Pb, Cd, As, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were analyzed by ICP-AES in surface sedi... more Eight trace elements (Pb, Cd, As, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were analyzed by ICP-AES in surface sediments of Sidi Chahed dam and its watershed (NE of Meknes, Morocco). Several thematic maps on spatial distributions of heavy metal concentrations were obtained by integration of data into a GIS. The results show low contents of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu which reflect natural conditions in relation to the area geological nature. They also highlight the presence of contamination respectively dominated by As (3.930 to 7.179 μg/g), Pb (8.62 to 19.09 μg/g), Cd (1.271 to 3.038 μg/g) and Cr (19,95 à 79,07 μg/g) with significant levels above those taken as reference stations in the watershed. Sources of this contamination would probably related runoff, erosion of agricultural land, spills of sewage and road traffic. It is therefore an anthropogenic metal pollution related to agricultural activity using fertilizers and pesticides.
The region of Sidi Abdalwahd is located in the High Moulouya, about 3 km NE of Mibladane. It occu... more The region of Sidi Abdalwahd is located in the High Moulouya, about 3 km NE of Mibladane. It occupies the SE of the Mibladane-Ahouli Paleozoic-buttonhole. The geological map, drawn, shows a geological substratum with varied backgrounds ranging from Paleozoic to Jurassic. These lands are capped by current and quaternary deposits. Current deposits, composed of detritus, are deposits of slope, spreading alluvial fans and / or bottom of the valley. These deposits were created by landslides and intermittent flow, diffuse type of concentrated torrential. Quaternary deposits are in the form of three terraces (T3, T1 and T2) to staggered nested. These deposits, sedimentological characteristics similar to the current deposits, were established by flow intermittent torrential type in bioclimatic conditions comparable to current conditions. Deposits recorded neotectonic events that have been expressed by joints and faults, having a role in the drainage pattern and the current route of the vall...
La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d’accumulation des sédiments qui constitue ... more La retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed est un site propice d’accumulation des sédiments qui constitue un réservoir potentiel de stockage des polluants. L’étude des sédiments de la retenue de barrage a pour but de documenter l’histoire de la pollution métallique qui peut être d’origine naturelle ou anthropique L’évaluation de cette ampleur se fait par l’étude des sédiments des carottes qui ont été prélevées au niveau de quatre points de la retenue de barrage Sidi Chahed et qui sont réparties dans l’espace (oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Mikkès, embouchure oued Lmallah et embouchure oued Jajouiyne). Ces sédiments prélevés à l’aide d’un carottier ont été transportés dans des sacs en plastique et conditionnés à la température de 4°C jusqu'au laboratoire. Ensuite, ils ont été découpés en tranches de 5cm d’épaisseur, séchés à l’étuve pendant 48 heures à 80°C. Après broyage, la fraction inférieure à 200 μm a été extraite par tamisage. Le dosage des teneurs en huit éléments traces métalliques:...
The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about... more The Dam Sidi Chahed is located downstream of the Mikkes and Lmaleh rivers. It's located about 30 km at the NE of Meknes city and about 30 km at the NW of Fez city on the main road between Fez and Sidi Kacem. It was commissioned in 1997 and has a capacity of 170 million m3. It crosses three different structural units with the Middle Atlas to the south, the basin know the center and south-north Rif wrinkles. The use of ArcGIS and Global Mapper has been used to characterize the edge of the dam and its retention Sidi Chahed from ASTER images making several thematic maps which are: the map contours, the DTM, the map slopes and their exposure, thematic map of sub-basins, the thematic map of the river system and its classification, the superposition of the structural and drainage networks, thematic map of rainfall and late distribution maps of physico-chemical parameters. From thematic maps produced for the watershed studied, several geometric calculations were performed to characteriz...
Modélisation de l'érosion hydrique via les SIG et l'équation universelle des pertes en so... more Modélisation de l'érosion hydrique via les SIG et l'équation universelle des pertes en sol au niveau du bassin versant de l'Oum Er-Rbia - Morocco. The objective of the present work was to estimate soil losses in the oued Oum Er-Rbia watershed (SW Middle Atlas, Morocco). The adopted method is based on the use of Wischmeier model and geographic information system (GIS). The mean and maximum values of rainfall erosivity factor R were 90 and 119, respectively. The soil erodibility factor K is ranged from 0.01 to 0.54 (mean= 0.33). The topographical factor LS varied from 0 to 216 (mean= 16). Thecombination of different maps related to different parameters (R, K, LS, vegetation cover C and anti-erosive practices P) allowed obtaining the erosion map. The obtained results showed that the erosion affected the entire Oum Rbia watershed, but with different degrees. The mean of rate of soil loss was of 224 t / ha / year, with 45% of the basin area is subject to erosion between 50 an...
The detailed study of the ostracofauna of three cores, taken on the Moroccan Western Mediterranea... more The detailed study of the ostracofauna of three cores, taken on the Moroccan Western Mediterranean margin (Alboran sea), between 240 and 785 m of depth is carried out. It has leads, for the first time, to obtaining informations about quantitative and qualitative ostracodes distribution in this region from the last glacial maximum to the Recent. It also allowed to propose a sedimentary typical sequence highlighting the principal climatic variations and consequently the corresponding chronological limits.
In 2004, during the TTR 14 mission aboard the R/V Professor Logachev, several mud volcanoes have ... more In 2004, during the TTR 14 mission aboard the R/V Professor Logachev, several mud volcanoes have been sampled for further studies related to the field of geology, geochemistry and sedimentology. These mud volcanoes are discovered on gulf of Cadiz. Four core samples were taken from two sites : the Ginsburg mud volcano crater and a circular structure near by the kidd mud volcano.The DRX mineralogical analyses run on these four cores samples show the following findings : The average percentage composition of the two core samples taken from the Ginsburg mud volcano crater is 40 % smectite and 30 % kaolinite. The average percentage composition of the samples taken from the neighbouring circular structure of the Kidd mud volcano indicated less than 10 % smectite, 35 % kaolinite, and 35 % illite. This heterogeneity in the distribution of the clayey minerals can be bound to the nature of the materials of the origin and to the alteration process occurring during the mud volcano activities. K...
In Morocco, as in most developing countries, landfill is still the only solution for the final di... more In Morocco, as in most developing countries, landfill is still the only solution for the final disposal of municipal solid waste. The choice of suitable site for waste disposal is one of the main problems in waste management. This requires that many environmental and economic considerations be respected. This paper describes a decisional step for locating a suitable site to dispose the municipal solid wastes of using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The methodology adopted is based on a multi-criteria analysis grid and was applied the case of the Meknes area in Morocco. The landfill sitting criteria were subdivided in two types: exclusion or constraint criteria and assessment criteria. These criteria are based on geographical data from several layers such, geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, demography, topography, etc. The prevailing wind direction, distance from city, proximity to water body, visual exposition, and proximity to road networks were also considered. After integrat...
Papers by Abdellah Elhmaidi