The growing development of modern markets makes the traditional market conditions become worse, t... more The growing development of modern markets makes the traditional market conditions become worse, traditional market conditions that are slum, dirty, stuffy, hot, make people prefer shopping in modern markets. The need for more effort to be able to maintain the traditional market as a center of buying and selling. because the traditional market is one of the regional opinions, the Blora regency government has sought to make improvements to the Cepu Central Market but the improvements have not been fully implemented. So it is necessary to redesign the Cepu main market to get more appropriate facilities for sellers and buyers. What is the concept of architectural planning in overcoming the problems that exist in the Cepu main market. The goals and objectives achieved are to achieve a design concept that meets the standard, quality and quantity of the Cepu main market and realize the market design as a vegetable center market in Blora district that can supply regional markets and also sm...
Indonesia has a wealth of arts and culture in each province. One of them is in the province of Ce... more Indonesia has a wealth of arts and culture in each province. One of them is in the province of Central Java and precisely in the city of Surakarta which is famous for its artistry and gave birth to many activists and connoisseurs of art. Activists and connoisseurs of art not only from the city of Surakarta, but also from the surrounding area. Like the Karanganyar district which has the famous pedalang Ki Sudharsono and many theater activists in Karanganyar, especially from students. This made the Karanganyar Regent take the initiative to create a theater facility or theater for students. With these initiatives the building or art studio can be developed from the arts that develop in karanganyar such as theater, dance, and puppetry. The method used is field observations or interviews, literature studies, and analysis of data that has been collected. And the design parameters used are contemporary Javanese architecture to adjust the function of the building and location. This final pr...
The city of Solo is a large city that has an area of about 44 km2 and still has problems with loc... more The city of Solo is a large city that has an area of about 44 km2 and still has problems with local agricultural food products. The agricultural products of the city of Solo have not been able to meet the needs of the people themselves, so they have to export from the surrounding area. The limitation of agricultural land in the city of Solo is one of the problems faced by the city of Solo. In addition, there are only small number of agricultural graduates working in agriculture. The plan to abolish agricultural land from the map of Solo City RTRW by the city government will also further obscure the fate of agriculture in the city of Solo. The government must immediately look for other solutions to develop the agricultural sector, there needs to be an idea of agricultural solutions. Solo Vertical Farm focuses on community education research centers and the provision of vertical planting land for food and vegetable crops that can be considered for cities with limited land problems. So...
Kabupaten Kendal merupakan Kabupaten yang ikut dalam Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH) sejak... more Kabupaten Kendal merupakan Kabupaten yang ikut dalam Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH) sejak tahun 2012, sejak tahun 2012 banyak terjadi pembangunan dalam hal RTH publik seperti taman dan hutan kota oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kendal. Banyaknya pembangunan ruang terbuka hijau publik selain untuk pemenuhan program P2KH, juga digunakan masyarakat untuk menikmatinya. Partisipasi dari masyarakat untuk menjaga dan merawat RTH publik sangatlah penting untuk menjaga RTH publik tetap utuh.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat perkembangan serta sebaran RTH publik di wilayah perkotaan Kabupaten Kendal dan juga untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat khususnya milenial di kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kuantitatif untuk melihat sebaran RTH publik di wilayah perkotaan kabupaten Kendal. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat partisipasi masyarakat milenial dalam program RTH menggunakan kuisioner dengan menggunakan tipe pertanyaan ...
Dokumen risalah kebijakan (<em>policy brief</em>) ini secara umum dibagi menjadi lima... more Dokumen risalah kebijakan (<em>policy brief</em>) ini secara umum dibagi menjadi lima bagian. Bagian A merupakan latar belakang masalah, berisi pengantar mengenai permasalahan riset, diseminasi hasil, dan inovasi. Bagian B menjelaskan isu kebijakan yang ada, yang telah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 bagian yaitu, kualitas publikasi ilmiah, produktivitas publikasi ilmiah, tingkat relevansi riset, dan perlindungan hukum. Bagian C menjelaskan metode dan analisis yang dilakukan dalam menyampaikan data dan penjelasan terkait latar belakang dan isu-isu strategis yang akan diberikan rekomendasi. Bagian D menjelaskan berbagai alternatif kebijakan yang mendukung dalam memberikan solusi permasalahan akselerasi publikasi ilmiah Indonesia. Bagian E merupakan rekomendasi kebijakan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang di soroti, dan di susun dalam berbagai pertimbangan agar terciptanya regulasi yang efektif dan tepat sasaran. Melalui kelima bagian ini diharapkan diperoleh gambaran yang komprehens...
Diversity among society might produce vertical inequalities and horizontal inequalities. Continuo... more Diversity among society might produce vertical inequalities and horizontal inequalities. Continuous horizontal inequalities, in particular, involving exclusion of a specific community group could lead to violence conflicts. Number of research has attempted to find reasoning of the conflicts. However, there is little research focus on how to respond or to anticipate such conflicts. Urban development practice has been considered having a possibility to reduce conflict; while the capacity of such practice is less available in developing countries context such as Indonesia. This paper attempts to report a relevant approach for the research focusing on the characteristics of the recent communal conflicts and potential role of urban planning in response to the potential conflicts. It will build a basis understanding on how an urban planning and development should react or act in a socially diverse environment. A framework derived from the literature; it highlights the potential of urban d...
Indonesia experienced recent violence history of all types of conflict, particularly communal con... more Indonesia experienced recent violence history of all types of conflict, particularly communal conflicts. Several researchers have attempted to discuss urban development and urban policy delivery in relationship with social diversity issues and the potential conflicts; however, such examples are far from developing country’s context. This poster presents the urban development and planning policy in Indonesia in response to post conflict resolution process in three case studies which represent conflicts at the communal level. The analitical part uses the style adapted from Grounded Theory Methodology to analyse the interview transcript. The research uses Rich Picture Diagram to capture and present the complexity and process related to the topics from the collected data. The initial findings indicate that the urban planning and development have not well defined its elements in a response to the potential conflicts at the first place. It needs long-term development program which recogni...
Economic crisis, particularly in the mid 1990s have been directly and indirectly linked to the oc... more Economic crisis, particularly in the mid 1990s have been directly and indirectly linked to the occurrence of social friction and conflicts between different social and/or ethnic groups within an urban context. These conflicts and frictions have been considered the leading factors towards physical conflict in many urban environments around the world. In some countries, the diversity of social culture groups has been evidently taken into account as a significant issue that influences their urban design and planning, while in some others there is a lack of supporting evidence on this. There appear to be questions more than the answer on the actual role and impact of the built environment on social cohesion of the communities to either promote social harmony or prevent further social conflicts. In light of this, a research has been set to investigate the most appropriate ways for the built environment, particularly in urban design and planning premises, to promote social cohesion in the...
The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic varies as each country has a diffe... more The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic varies as each country has a different capacity to stop the virus transmission and apply social distancing. A densely populated country, such as Indonesia, tends to face challenges in implementing social distancing due to population characteristics. The Indonesian government focuses on the medical aspect as this virus is new and has been deadly with a high transmission rate. Meanwhile, the non-medical risk during the pandemic is still unclear. The main objective of this study is to assess the non-medical risk at the village level in two agglomeration cities of Central Java: Greater Surakarta and Surabaya. The methodologies use a risk index, derived from the risk reduction concept. The hazard refers to the death toll, while the vulnerability relates to parameters such as disaster, social and public facilities, health facilities, economics and demography. Further, the parameters were weighted based on expert judgement deri...
Masjid kerajaan di Surakarta yaitu Masjid Agung dan Masjid Al Wustho memiliki karakter kawasan ya... more Masjid kerajaan di Surakarta yaitu Masjid Agung dan Masjid Al Wustho memiliki karakter kawasan yang berbeda. Kawasan Masjid Agung merupakan kawasan fungsi perdagangan yang ramai, sementara kawasan Masjid Al Wustho adalah kawasan fungsi pendidikan yang cenderung lebih tenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan sonik di kedua masjid, apakah fungsi kawasan berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan sonik yang terbentuk sesuai dengan karakter aktifitasnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan objektif melalui perekaman kondisi eksisting lingkungan sonik menggunakan H6Zoom dan analisis simulasi melalui program Audacity dan Surfer Mapping. Pendekatan subjektif dengan pengamatan aktivitas dan perilaku on-site survey serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan karakter lingkungan sonik berbeda antara kedua masjid. Tingkat tekanan bunyi atau SPL rata-rata Masjid Agung adalah 60.8 dB, lebih rendah dari Masjid Al Wustho yang memiliki nilai SPL 63.8 dB. Fungsi kawas...
Violence conflicts occurred in Indonesia, in particular, West Kalimantan, were associated with et... more Violence conflicts occurred in Indonesia, in particular, West Kalimantan, were associated with ethno-communal motives. At some points, the incidents linked to the role of the built environment. A study in the local context conflicts could provide an opportunity for a better understanding. This paper aims to present the story of conflict in West Kalimantan, which mainly happened in Sambas, from the urban development perspective. It attempts to show the interplay between the conflicts and the urban/spatial development. Using case study approach, the research utilised three data collection techniques: deep guided interview, observation, and survey. It interviewed fifteen key persons representing four different stakeholders: government, planning practitioners, academics, and local leaders. It documents the built environment elements of the location. It distributed 200 questionnaires to check the perception of people toward conflicts and the built environment. The finding demonstrates th...
Ruang kelas merupakan tempat belajar mengajar antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Kampus UMS memiliki kur... more Ruang kelas merupakan tempat belajar mengajar antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Kampus UMS memiliki kurang lebih 224 ruang kelas dan mahasiswa yang berjumlah lebih dari 35.000. Di dalam dunia desain, arsitektur menciptakan suatu bentuk fisik yang dapat dirasakan atau dinikmati jika dilihat dan dipegang dan sangat mungkin menjadi fasilitator terjadinya perilaku penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu pengaruh ruang kelas Kampus UMS terhadap perilaku mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakankan adalah kualitatif dan pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pemetaan perilaku yaitu person-centered maps dan place-centered maps serta physical trace pada ruang kelas. Banyak sekali faktor pada desain dan fasilitas ruang kelas Kampus UMS yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa. Perilaku-perilaku tersebut diantaranya yaitu menggeser bangku atau tempat duduk untuk sirkulasi sehingga menjadi berantakan, laci yang menjadi stimulus untuk membuang sampah di dalamnya, serta meja dan bangku yang dij...
Pedestrian adalah jalur bagi para pejalan kaki ataupun kursi roda bagi kelompok pengguna berkebut... more Pedestrian adalah jalur bagi para pejalan kaki ataupun kursi roda bagi kelompok pengguna berkebutuhan khusus, yang dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan orang untuk bergerak aman, nyaman dan tak terhalang, termasuk jalur City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji ulang apakah City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta sudah memenuhi standar kenyamanan bagi penggunanya, termasuk penyandang cacat dan lansia, serta standar aksesibilitas pada fasilitas-fasilitasnya. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi faktor kenyamanan yang ada di City Walk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan menge-mukakan fakta-fakta yang ada di lapangan, kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar aksesibilitas. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa secara umum jalur City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas utama yang sudah memenuhi standar, seperti lebar pedestrian, kondisi tempat duduk dan vegetasi. Hanya terdapat kekurangan pada kondisi ...
The growing development of modern markets makes the traditional market conditions become worse, t... more The growing development of modern markets makes the traditional market conditions become worse, traditional market conditions that are slum, dirty, stuffy, hot, make people prefer shopping in modern markets. The need for more effort to be able to maintain the traditional market as a center of buying and selling. because the traditional market is one of the regional opinions, the Blora regency government has sought to make improvements to the Cepu Central Market but the improvements have not been fully implemented. So it is necessary to redesign the Cepu main market to get more appropriate facilities for sellers and buyers. What is the concept of architectural planning in overcoming the problems that exist in the Cepu main market. The goals and objectives achieved are to achieve a design concept that meets the standard, quality and quantity of the Cepu main market and realize the market design as a vegetable center market in Blora district that can supply regional markets and also sm...
Indonesia has a wealth of arts and culture in each province. One of them is in the province of Ce... more Indonesia has a wealth of arts and culture in each province. One of them is in the province of Central Java and precisely in the city of Surakarta which is famous for its artistry and gave birth to many activists and connoisseurs of art. Activists and connoisseurs of art not only from the city of Surakarta, but also from the surrounding area. Like the Karanganyar district which has the famous pedalang Ki Sudharsono and many theater activists in Karanganyar, especially from students. This made the Karanganyar Regent take the initiative to create a theater facility or theater for students. With these initiatives the building or art studio can be developed from the arts that develop in karanganyar such as theater, dance, and puppetry. The method used is field observations or interviews, literature studies, and analysis of data that has been collected. And the design parameters used are contemporary Javanese architecture to adjust the function of the building and location. This final pr...
The city of Solo is a large city that has an area of about 44 km2 and still has problems with loc... more The city of Solo is a large city that has an area of about 44 km2 and still has problems with local agricultural food products. The agricultural products of the city of Solo have not been able to meet the needs of the people themselves, so they have to export from the surrounding area. The limitation of agricultural land in the city of Solo is one of the problems faced by the city of Solo. In addition, there are only small number of agricultural graduates working in agriculture. The plan to abolish agricultural land from the map of Solo City RTRW by the city government will also further obscure the fate of agriculture in the city of Solo. The government must immediately look for other solutions to develop the agricultural sector, there needs to be an idea of agricultural solutions. Solo Vertical Farm focuses on community education research centers and the provision of vertical planting land for food and vegetable crops that can be considered for cities with limited land problems. So...
Kabupaten Kendal merupakan Kabupaten yang ikut dalam Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH) sejak... more Kabupaten Kendal merupakan Kabupaten yang ikut dalam Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH) sejak tahun 2012, sejak tahun 2012 banyak terjadi pembangunan dalam hal RTH publik seperti taman dan hutan kota oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kendal. Banyaknya pembangunan ruang terbuka hijau publik selain untuk pemenuhan program P2KH, juga digunakan masyarakat untuk menikmatinya. Partisipasi dari masyarakat untuk menjaga dan merawat RTH publik sangatlah penting untuk menjaga RTH publik tetap utuh.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat perkembangan serta sebaran RTH publik di wilayah perkotaan Kabupaten Kendal dan juga untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat khususnya milenial di kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kuantitatif untuk melihat sebaran RTH publik di wilayah perkotaan kabupaten Kendal. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat partisipasi masyarakat milenial dalam program RTH menggunakan kuisioner dengan menggunakan tipe pertanyaan ...
Dokumen risalah kebijakan (<em>policy brief</em>) ini secara umum dibagi menjadi lima... more Dokumen risalah kebijakan (<em>policy brief</em>) ini secara umum dibagi menjadi lima bagian. Bagian A merupakan latar belakang masalah, berisi pengantar mengenai permasalahan riset, diseminasi hasil, dan inovasi. Bagian B menjelaskan isu kebijakan yang ada, yang telah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 bagian yaitu, kualitas publikasi ilmiah, produktivitas publikasi ilmiah, tingkat relevansi riset, dan perlindungan hukum. Bagian C menjelaskan metode dan analisis yang dilakukan dalam menyampaikan data dan penjelasan terkait latar belakang dan isu-isu strategis yang akan diberikan rekomendasi. Bagian D menjelaskan berbagai alternatif kebijakan yang mendukung dalam memberikan solusi permasalahan akselerasi publikasi ilmiah Indonesia. Bagian E merupakan rekomendasi kebijakan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang di soroti, dan di susun dalam berbagai pertimbangan agar terciptanya regulasi yang efektif dan tepat sasaran. Melalui kelima bagian ini diharapkan diperoleh gambaran yang komprehens...
Diversity among society might produce vertical inequalities and horizontal inequalities. Continuo... more Diversity among society might produce vertical inequalities and horizontal inequalities. Continuous horizontal inequalities, in particular, involving exclusion of a specific community group could lead to violence conflicts. Number of research has attempted to find reasoning of the conflicts. However, there is little research focus on how to respond or to anticipate such conflicts. Urban development practice has been considered having a possibility to reduce conflict; while the capacity of such practice is less available in developing countries context such as Indonesia. This paper attempts to report a relevant approach for the research focusing on the characteristics of the recent communal conflicts and potential role of urban planning in response to the potential conflicts. It will build a basis understanding on how an urban planning and development should react or act in a socially diverse environment. A framework derived from the literature; it highlights the potential of urban d...
Indonesia experienced recent violence history of all types of conflict, particularly communal con... more Indonesia experienced recent violence history of all types of conflict, particularly communal conflicts. Several researchers have attempted to discuss urban development and urban policy delivery in relationship with social diversity issues and the potential conflicts; however, such examples are far from developing country’s context. This poster presents the urban development and planning policy in Indonesia in response to post conflict resolution process in three case studies which represent conflicts at the communal level. The analitical part uses the style adapted from Grounded Theory Methodology to analyse the interview transcript. The research uses Rich Picture Diagram to capture and present the complexity and process related to the topics from the collected data. The initial findings indicate that the urban planning and development have not well defined its elements in a response to the potential conflicts at the first place. It needs long-term development program which recogni...
Economic crisis, particularly in the mid 1990s have been directly and indirectly linked to the oc... more Economic crisis, particularly in the mid 1990s have been directly and indirectly linked to the occurrence of social friction and conflicts between different social and/or ethnic groups within an urban context. These conflicts and frictions have been considered the leading factors towards physical conflict in many urban environments around the world. In some countries, the diversity of social culture groups has been evidently taken into account as a significant issue that influences their urban design and planning, while in some others there is a lack of supporting evidence on this. There appear to be questions more than the answer on the actual role and impact of the built environment on social cohesion of the communities to either promote social harmony or prevent further social conflicts. In light of this, a research has been set to investigate the most appropriate ways for the built environment, particularly in urban design and planning premises, to promote social cohesion in the...
The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic varies as each country has a diffe... more The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic varies as each country has a different capacity to stop the virus transmission and apply social distancing. A densely populated country, such as Indonesia, tends to face challenges in implementing social distancing due to population characteristics. The Indonesian government focuses on the medical aspect as this virus is new and has been deadly with a high transmission rate. Meanwhile, the non-medical risk during the pandemic is still unclear. The main objective of this study is to assess the non-medical risk at the village level in two agglomeration cities of Central Java: Greater Surakarta and Surabaya. The methodologies use a risk index, derived from the risk reduction concept. The hazard refers to the death toll, while the vulnerability relates to parameters such as disaster, social and public facilities, health facilities, economics and demography. Further, the parameters were weighted based on expert judgement deri...
Masjid kerajaan di Surakarta yaitu Masjid Agung dan Masjid Al Wustho memiliki karakter kawasan ya... more Masjid kerajaan di Surakarta yaitu Masjid Agung dan Masjid Al Wustho memiliki karakter kawasan yang berbeda. Kawasan Masjid Agung merupakan kawasan fungsi perdagangan yang ramai, sementara kawasan Masjid Al Wustho adalah kawasan fungsi pendidikan yang cenderung lebih tenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan sonik di kedua masjid, apakah fungsi kawasan berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan sonik yang terbentuk sesuai dengan karakter aktifitasnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan objektif melalui perekaman kondisi eksisting lingkungan sonik menggunakan H6Zoom dan analisis simulasi melalui program Audacity dan Surfer Mapping. Pendekatan subjektif dengan pengamatan aktivitas dan perilaku on-site survey serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan karakter lingkungan sonik berbeda antara kedua masjid. Tingkat tekanan bunyi atau SPL rata-rata Masjid Agung adalah 60.8 dB, lebih rendah dari Masjid Al Wustho yang memiliki nilai SPL 63.8 dB. Fungsi kawas...
Violence conflicts occurred in Indonesia, in particular, West Kalimantan, were associated with et... more Violence conflicts occurred in Indonesia, in particular, West Kalimantan, were associated with ethno-communal motives. At some points, the incidents linked to the role of the built environment. A study in the local context conflicts could provide an opportunity for a better understanding. This paper aims to present the story of conflict in West Kalimantan, which mainly happened in Sambas, from the urban development perspective. It attempts to show the interplay between the conflicts and the urban/spatial development. Using case study approach, the research utilised three data collection techniques: deep guided interview, observation, and survey. It interviewed fifteen key persons representing four different stakeholders: government, planning practitioners, academics, and local leaders. It documents the built environment elements of the location. It distributed 200 questionnaires to check the perception of people toward conflicts and the built environment. The finding demonstrates th...
Ruang kelas merupakan tempat belajar mengajar antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Kampus UMS memiliki kur... more Ruang kelas merupakan tempat belajar mengajar antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Kampus UMS memiliki kurang lebih 224 ruang kelas dan mahasiswa yang berjumlah lebih dari 35.000. Di dalam dunia desain, arsitektur menciptakan suatu bentuk fisik yang dapat dirasakan atau dinikmati jika dilihat dan dipegang dan sangat mungkin menjadi fasilitator terjadinya perilaku penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu pengaruh ruang kelas Kampus UMS terhadap perilaku mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakankan adalah kualitatif dan pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pemetaan perilaku yaitu person-centered maps dan place-centered maps serta physical trace pada ruang kelas. Banyak sekali faktor pada desain dan fasilitas ruang kelas Kampus UMS yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa. Perilaku-perilaku tersebut diantaranya yaitu menggeser bangku atau tempat duduk untuk sirkulasi sehingga menjadi berantakan, laci yang menjadi stimulus untuk membuang sampah di dalamnya, serta meja dan bangku yang dij...
Pedestrian adalah jalur bagi para pejalan kaki ataupun kursi roda bagi kelompok pengguna berkebut... more Pedestrian adalah jalur bagi para pejalan kaki ataupun kursi roda bagi kelompok pengguna berkebutuhan khusus, yang dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan orang untuk bergerak aman, nyaman dan tak terhalang, termasuk jalur City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji ulang apakah City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta sudah memenuhi standar kenyamanan bagi penggunanya, termasuk penyandang cacat dan lansia, serta standar aksesibilitas pada fasilitas-fasilitasnya. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi faktor kenyamanan yang ada di City Walk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan menge-mukakan fakta-fakta yang ada di lapangan, kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar aksesibilitas. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa secara umum jalur City Walk di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas utama yang sudah memenuhi standar, seperti lebar pedestrian, kondisi tempat duduk dan vegetasi. Hanya terdapat kekurangan pada kondisi ...
Papers by Wisnu Setiawan