Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a method used to identify extreme cases in heavy tail data such as ... more Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a method used to identify extreme cases in heavy tail data such as financial time series data. This research aimed to obtain an estimate of stock risk through the EVT approach and compare the accuracy of the two EVT approaches, Block Maxima (BM) and Peaks Over Threshold (POT). The method used to estimate stock risk is VaR with the BM and POT approaches, and the Z statistic is used to compare the accuracy. The data used, and the limitation in this research is daily closing price data for non-cyclical consumer stocks included in LQ45 for the period February 01, 2017, to January 31, 2023. Other research limitations are using weekly blocks or 5 working days in dividing BM blocks, using the percentage method in determining threshold values in the POT approach, and using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to estimate EVT parameter estimates. The results of the VaR analysis show that the risk level generated by the POT method is greater than the risk level from BM. The results of backtesting between the two EVT approaches in estimating VaR values show that the POT approach is more accurate than the BM approach.
A stable and controlled process will produce products of good quality following predetermined spe... more A stable and controlled process will produce products of good quality following predetermined specifications. A control chart is one of the statistical tools that can be used to measure the stability of a product process in a controlled state. Control charts commonly used to evaluate the statistical control process are Shewhart control charts (𝑋 ̅ and 𝑆). The control chart is used to control the process, as seen from the average and variability of the process. If the data used is not normally distributed or there are outliers, then an alternative control chart, namely the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD), can be used. MAD is used to monitor the process mean and process standard deviation because it has properties that are robust or resistant to deviations. This research aims to form a control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD, apply it to data on fat content in animal feed products, and compare control charts 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆 with the control chart based on 𝑋 ̅ control chart based on MAD. The limitations in this study are the quality characteristics used consist of only one variable and the data is not normally distributed, only limited to the mean process, and the data used in this study are observation data on the fat content contained in animal feed products at PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Makassar Unit from December 2021 to January 2022. The results of this study show that the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD detects more out-of-control points than the control 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆. The performance of the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD is better at detecting changes in the process than the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆 because it has a relatively smaller ARL value.
International journal of research publications, Jul 31, 2023
A control chart is one of the tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC) used to monitor a produc... more A control chart is one of the tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC) used to monitor a production process. The control chart's ability to detect data that crosses the border is often done using variable transformation. In this paper, we will introduce a cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM) based on a Link Relative transformation technique using a regression approach. The results showed that the Link Relative control chart with regression was more sensitive compared to the previous CUSUM control chart and Link Relative CUSUM control chart. The results will be applied to the determination of the limit Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) in PPN SMK Sembawa Palembang, Indonesia.
International journal of research publications, Jul 31, 2023
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method of spatial analysis that can be used to perf... more Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method of spatial analysis that can be used to perform analysis by assigning weights based on the geographical distance of each observation location and the assumption of having spatial heterogeneity. The result of this analysis is an equation model whose parameter values apply only to each observation location and are different from other observation locations. However, when there are outliers at the observation location, a more robust estimation method is needed. One of the robust methods that can be applied to the GWR model is the Least Absolute Deviation method. In this study, model estimation was carried out on the factors that affect poverty in South Sulawesi in 2019 using Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) with the Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) method. Determination of weighting is done by using the adaptive kernel bisquare weighting function. The results obtained are Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) models which are different and apply only to each district/city in South Sulawesi. In addition, it was also found that the Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) model with the Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) method was the best model for data that experienced spatial heterogeneity and contained outliers.
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts are commonly used to detect shifts in... more Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts are commonly used to detect shifts in the process mean more quickly. The Zero-Inflated Generalized Poisson (ZIGP) distribution is a valuable method of statistical analysis for modeling data with excessive and overdispersion zero excees, particularly when analyzing counting or discrete data. In numerous cases, count data often have excessive number of zero outcomes than are expected in the Poisson. The ZIGP distribution can compensate for this overdispersion by including additional parameters that allow for greater than mean. This aim of this research is to adopt Modified-EWMA to monitoring the ZIGP processes as an alternative to handle overdispersion in zero-inflated count data. Parameter estimation ZIGP distribution using the maximum likelihood and Maximization Expectation algorithm with Newton Raphson approach. To improve the effectiveness of identifying tiny process mean shifts in overdispersion data, a control chart for the ZIGP distribution was devised in this study utilizing the modified EWMA statistic. The Average Run Length (ARL) of a Markov Chain with varied weighting constant values was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed control chart. Using the modified EWMA control chart, a superior detection ability was also compared to the old control chart. This was investigated using two sets of simulation data with different amounts of excess zero. The result shows that the ARL as a performance measure, the suggested ZIGP-Modified EWMA control chart is more suitable than the ZIGP-EWMA control chart.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fun... more The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) both advocate for initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of a baby's birth. The Indonesian government supported the WHO and UNICEF programs by implementing exclusive breastfeeding programs in 2012. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of a child's life, followed by the introduction of appropriate and safe complementary nutrition while continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years or more. There are 18 factors that can influence the success of the exclusive breastfeeding program, and these factors will be taken into consideration. To analyze the impact of these factors, the Naive Bayes algorithm and Support Vector Machine (SVM) using JASP were employed. The results indicate that SVM achieved a higher accuracy rate of 99.57% compared to the Naive Bayes method, which yielded an accuracy rate of 99.31%, when applied to exclusive breastfeeding data in Indonesia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the world, including Indonesia. Various factor... more The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the world, including Indonesia. Various factors affect the spread of COVID-19 cases in an area so that the government and the community can make prevention and control efforts so that this pandemic does not spread. This study aims to model the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia using the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) method, which develops a linear regression model. The GWR model uses weights based on the location of each observation so that the model is obtained for that location. Determine the weighting on the bandwidth. Optimum bandwidth selection is obtained by minimizing the value of Cross-Validation (CV). The GWR model using a fixed bisquare kernel weighting function has an optimum bandwidth of 0.999948 with a minimum CV value of 397.076.128 with a coefficient of determination R2 of 85.1 %. The results show that the number of positive cases positively correlates with the number of patients who died from COVID-1...
International journal of research publications, Sep 16, 2022
Diphtheria is an upper respiratory tract disease caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium Diphtheri... more Diphtheria is an upper respiratory tract disease caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium Diphtheriae. Diphtheria is a dangerous infectious disease, because there were 23 deaths from 529 cases in 2019. The data used in this final project research is secondary data taken from the Health Office in 2019. The number of deaths of diphtheria patients is calculated data and the assumption is distributed as a Poisson distribution. . The number of zero data of 73.5 percent indicates an overdispersion of the response variables. One of the conditions of Poisson Regression is that it requires equality between the mean and variance, this model is not appropriate to be applied to the dispersion below and above. The Zero Inflated Conway Maxwel Poisson (ZICMP) regression model can be an alternative because it is flexible for under-and over-dispersion data and can solve the problem of excess zero values in the response variable. In this study, ZICMP was applied to mortality cases in diphtheria patients in Indonesia. This study aims to examine the probability function and develop an algorithm to estimate ZICMP parameters and apply the ZICMP model to mortality cases in diphtheria patients. The Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method is used to estimate the parameters in ZICMP and the probability function is maximized using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm.
International journal of research publications, Jul 1, 2022
The concept of simultaneity is undoubtedly the most influential idea in econometrics, such as the... more The concept of simultaneity is undoubtedly the most influential idea in econometrics, such as the relationship in farmer exchange rate. A simultaneous equations model is model with two or more equations is defined as one in which a variable explained in one equation appears as an explanatory in another. In the simultaneous equation model, the variables used are known as endogenous variables and exogenous variables. As a result,the model's endogenous variables are determined at the same time. Moreover, in these simultaneous equations, there is a correlation between the error terms of the structural equations of the model, the two stage least square method was selected to estimate. Under the issues of multicollinearity two stage least squares estimation in a simultaneous equations model has several desirable properties. Futhermore, we use a two Stages least square estimator for the simultaneous equations model, which su ers from autocorrelation issues and then we combined with ridge regression estimator which su ers from multicollinearity issues. After adjusting this with the ordinary ridge regression estimator, we use a mixed method to apply the two stages least squares procedure. From the this study, it was found that the two stage ridge is better than two stage least square. This is influenced by the simultaneous relationship and multicollinearity in each equation.
In recent years, the use of vector variance as a measure of multivariate variability has received... more In recent years, the use of vector variance as a measure of multivariate variability has received much attention in wide range of statistics. This paper deals with a more economic measure of multivariate variability, defined as vector variance minus all duplication elements. For high dimensional data, this will increase the computational efficiency almost 50 % compared to the original vector variance. Its sampling distribution will be investigated to make its applications possible.
ESTIMASI: Journal of Statistics and Its Application, 2021
Stock is one of the popular financial market instruments. Issuing shares are one of the company&#... more Stock is one of the popular financial market instruments. Issuing shares are one of the company's choices when deciding to fund a company. The uncertainty of stock prices in the stock market is an important event to be taken into consideration in making a decision by investors so that a model is needed to describe a stock event. GARCH Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) is a model with a conditional and variance time-dependent that describes the dynamics of stock volatility. This study discusses the DCC GARCH model equation which is applied to the LQ 45 data. The model obtained for BCA shares 𝑸t = + + so it can be concluded that DCC GARCH is more appropriate for BCA shares.
The stability of the correlation matrices is noteworthy. Usually to testing stability of coorelat... more The stability of the correlation matrices is noteworthy. Usually to testing stability of coorelation matrices used to statistics M Box, Jennrich and G. Its statistics However, M Box and G statistics as computation of matrix determinant and J statistic involves matrix inversion. The former needs the condition that all sample correlation matrices are positive definite which is not always satisfied in practice. This condition is not apt for high dimension data sets because its computational efficiency becomes low. To handle this obstacles, we proposed a new statistical test based on what we call vector variance of standardized variables (VVSV). The proposed test is constucted based on vector variance (VV).This is evidenced by several papers describing the correlation matrix, Vector variance of standardized variables sample used a statistical formula variance vector. In practice there are difficulties in the calculation to determine variance of Vector Variance of Sample Variance of Stan...
Ordinary kriging is one of the geostatistical techniques used for spatial prediction on a spatial... more Ordinary kriging is one of the geostatistical techniques used for spatial prediction on a spatially distributed random plane. Ordinary kriging is a linear unbiased estimator which is part of a semivariogram system of equations that minimizes errors of variance in estimating mineral resources. The semivariogram model shows optimal results in the estimation using the least square method, the effective minimization method smoothes the data points against the curve on a semivariogram graph, the least square makes the size error efficient in the semivariogram model and has been proven to be effective in reducing errors in the semivariogram model in the case of laterite nickel deposits. at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. Thus, conclusively the prediction of unsampled Ni content results is very accurate. This is indicated by the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) in limonite in the exponential model, saprolite in the spherical model, and bedrock in the gaussian model. The greatest value of Ni co...
Dispersion Multivariate quality control can be performed through and statistical. Statistics deri... more Dispersion Multivariate quality control can be performed through and statistical. Statistics derived through the log likelihood ratio method, statistics formed by variance covariance matrix. With the relationship between the variance covariance and correlation matrices that can be statistically established . In statistical assessment and have the same asymptotic distribution, which is . When these statistics are used it turns out that both of statistics very suitable for data that has smaller variance covariance value than the large one.
Dalam analisis deret waktu terdapat model stasioner dan model non stasioner. Salah satu model der... more Dalam analisis deret waktu terdapat model stasioner dan model non stasioner. Salah satu model deret waktu yang stasioner adalah model Autoregressive . Model Autoregressive adalah suatu model yang mengasumsikan bahwa data pada periode sekarang dipengaruhi oleh data pada periode sebelumnya. Dalam memodelkan suatu data deret waktu seringkali dijumpai adanya ketidak lengkapan data yang disebut data hilang. Data hilang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain karena informasi untuk sesuatu tentang objek tidak diberikan, sulit dicari, atau memang informasi tersebut tidak ada. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut pada pendekatan model Autoregressive jika terdapat data hilang. Dalam menaksir parameter data hilang digunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Parameter model Autoregressive dengan data hilang yang signifikan akan digunakan dalam membangun model. Setelah mendapatkan model, langkah selanjutnya adalah menguji kelayakan model yaitu uji asumsi White Noise dan uji ...
Pengujian kestabilan matriks korelasimerupakan salah satuanalisis statistika yang memegang perana... more Pengujian kestabilan matriks korelasimerupakan salah satuanalisis statistika yang memegang peranan penting dalampembangunan ekonomi danindustri keuangan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas uji kestabilan dua matriks korelasi melalui vektor variansi variabel standar dan mengaplikasikannya pada data. Statistik penguji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni statistik yang didasarkan pada vektor variansi variabel standar (VVVS) sebagai ukuran dispersi multivariat di mana seluruh variabel yang terlibat berupa variabel standar di bawah asumsi kenormalan. Selanjutnya untuk menyelidiki variansi dari VVVS maka digunakan beberapa sifat-sifat dari matriks komutasi, dan operator . Dalam menganalisis data digunakan alat bantu software minitab 15 dan matlab 7.11.Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen dan simulasi dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum statistik VVVS memiliki tingkat kompleksitas komputasi jauh lebih mudah dibanding dengan statistik popular lainnya. Hasil simulasi data ...
Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a method used to identify extreme cases in heavy tail data such as ... more Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a method used to identify extreme cases in heavy tail data such as financial time series data. This research aimed to obtain an estimate of stock risk through the EVT approach and compare the accuracy of the two EVT approaches, Block Maxima (BM) and Peaks Over Threshold (POT). The method used to estimate stock risk is VaR with the BM and POT approaches, and the Z statistic is used to compare the accuracy. The data used, and the limitation in this research is daily closing price data for non-cyclical consumer stocks included in LQ45 for the period February 01, 2017, to January 31, 2023. Other research limitations are using weekly blocks or 5 working days in dividing BM blocks, using the percentage method in determining threshold values in the POT approach, and using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to estimate EVT parameter estimates. The results of the VaR analysis show that the risk level generated by the POT method is greater than the risk level from BM. The results of backtesting between the two EVT approaches in estimating VaR values show that the POT approach is more accurate than the BM approach.
A stable and controlled process will produce products of good quality following predetermined spe... more A stable and controlled process will produce products of good quality following predetermined specifications. A control chart is one of the statistical tools that can be used to measure the stability of a product process in a controlled state. Control charts commonly used to evaluate the statistical control process are Shewhart control charts (𝑋 ̅ and 𝑆). The control chart is used to control the process, as seen from the average and variability of the process. If the data used is not normally distributed or there are outliers, then an alternative control chart, namely the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD), can be used. MAD is used to monitor the process mean and process standard deviation because it has properties that are robust or resistant to deviations. This research aims to form a control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD, apply it to data on fat content in animal feed products, and compare control charts 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆 with the control chart based on 𝑋 ̅ control chart based on MAD. The limitations in this study are the quality characteristics used consist of only one variable and the data is not normally distributed, only limited to the mean process, and the data used in this study are observation data on the fat content contained in animal feed products at PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Makassar Unit from December 2021 to January 2022. The results of this study show that the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD detects more out-of-control points than the control 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆. The performance of the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on MAD is better at detecting changes in the process than the control chart 𝑋 ̅ based on 𝑆 because it has a relatively smaller ARL value.
International journal of research publications, Jul 31, 2023
A control chart is one of the tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC) used to monitor a produc... more A control chart is one of the tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC) used to monitor a production process. The control chart's ability to detect data that crosses the border is often done using variable transformation. In this paper, we will introduce a cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM) based on a Link Relative transformation technique using a regression approach. The results showed that the Link Relative control chart with regression was more sensitive compared to the previous CUSUM control chart and Link Relative CUSUM control chart. The results will be applied to the determination of the limit Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) in PPN SMK Sembawa Palembang, Indonesia.
International journal of research publications, Jul 31, 2023
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method of spatial analysis that can be used to perf... more Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method of spatial analysis that can be used to perform analysis by assigning weights based on the geographical distance of each observation location and the assumption of having spatial heterogeneity. The result of this analysis is an equation model whose parameter values apply only to each observation location and are different from other observation locations. However, when there are outliers at the observation location, a more robust estimation method is needed. One of the robust methods that can be applied to the GWR model is the Least Absolute Deviation method. In this study, model estimation was carried out on the factors that affect poverty in South Sulawesi in 2019 using Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) with the Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) method. Determination of weighting is done by using the adaptive kernel bisquare weighting function. The results obtained are Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) models which are different and apply only to each district/city in South Sulawesi. In addition, it was also found that the Robust Geographically Weighted Regression (RGWR) model with the Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) method was the best model for data that experienced spatial heterogeneity and contained outliers.
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts are commonly used to detect shifts in... more Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts are commonly used to detect shifts in the process mean more quickly. The Zero-Inflated Generalized Poisson (ZIGP) distribution is a valuable method of statistical analysis for modeling data with excessive and overdispersion zero excees, particularly when analyzing counting or discrete data. In numerous cases, count data often have excessive number of zero outcomes than are expected in the Poisson. The ZIGP distribution can compensate for this overdispersion by including additional parameters that allow for greater than mean. This aim of this research is to adopt Modified-EWMA to monitoring the ZIGP processes as an alternative to handle overdispersion in zero-inflated count data. Parameter estimation ZIGP distribution using the maximum likelihood and Maximization Expectation algorithm with Newton Raphson approach. To improve the effectiveness of identifying tiny process mean shifts in overdispersion data, a control chart for the ZIGP distribution was devised in this study utilizing the modified EWMA statistic. The Average Run Length (ARL) of a Markov Chain with varied weighting constant values was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed control chart. Using the modified EWMA control chart, a superior detection ability was also compared to the old control chart. This was investigated using two sets of simulation data with different amounts of excess zero. The result shows that the ARL as a performance measure, the suggested ZIGP-Modified EWMA control chart is more suitable than the ZIGP-EWMA control chart.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fun... more The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) both advocate for initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of a baby's birth. The Indonesian government supported the WHO and UNICEF programs by implementing exclusive breastfeeding programs in 2012. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of a child's life, followed by the introduction of appropriate and safe complementary nutrition while continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years or more. There are 18 factors that can influence the success of the exclusive breastfeeding program, and these factors will be taken into consideration. To analyze the impact of these factors, the Naive Bayes algorithm and Support Vector Machine (SVM) using JASP were employed. The results indicate that SVM achieved a higher accuracy rate of 99.57% compared to the Naive Bayes method, which yielded an accuracy rate of 99.31%, when applied to exclusive breastfeeding data in Indonesia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the world, including Indonesia. Various factor... more The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the world, including Indonesia. Various factors affect the spread of COVID-19 cases in an area so that the government and the community can make prevention and control efforts so that this pandemic does not spread. This study aims to model the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia using the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) method, which develops a linear regression model. The GWR model uses weights based on the location of each observation so that the model is obtained for that location. Determine the weighting on the bandwidth. Optimum bandwidth selection is obtained by minimizing the value of Cross-Validation (CV). The GWR model using a fixed bisquare kernel weighting function has an optimum bandwidth of 0.999948 with a minimum CV value of 397.076.128 with a coefficient of determination R2 of 85.1 %. The results show that the number of positive cases positively correlates with the number of patients who died from COVID-1...
International journal of research publications, Sep 16, 2022
Diphtheria is an upper respiratory tract disease caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium Diphtheri... more Diphtheria is an upper respiratory tract disease caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium Diphtheriae. Diphtheria is a dangerous infectious disease, because there were 23 deaths from 529 cases in 2019. The data used in this final project research is secondary data taken from the Health Office in 2019. The number of deaths of diphtheria patients is calculated data and the assumption is distributed as a Poisson distribution. . The number of zero data of 73.5 percent indicates an overdispersion of the response variables. One of the conditions of Poisson Regression is that it requires equality between the mean and variance, this model is not appropriate to be applied to the dispersion below and above. The Zero Inflated Conway Maxwel Poisson (ZICMP) regression model can be an alternative because it is flexible for under-and over-dispersion data and can solve the problem of excess zero values in the response variable. In this study, ZICMP was applied to mortality cases in diphtheria patients in Indonesia. This study aims to examine the probability function and develop an algorithm to estimate ZICMP parameters and apply the ZICMP model to mortality cases in diphtheria patients. The Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method is used to estimate the parameters in ZICMP and the probability function is maximized using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm.
International journal of research publications, Jul 1, 2022
The concept of simultaneity is undoubtedly the most influential idea in econometrics, such as the... more The concept of simultaneity is undoubtedly the most influential idea in econometrics, such as the relationship in farmer exchange rate. A simultaneous equations model is model with two or more equations is defined as one in which a variable explained in one equation appears as an explanatory in another. In the simultaneous equation model, the variables used are known as endogenous variables and exogenous variables. As a result,the model's endogenous variables are determined at the same time. Moreover, in these simultaneous equations, there is a correlation between the error terms of the structural equations of the model, the two stage least square method was selected to estimate. Under the issues of multicollinearity two stage least squares estimation in a simultaneous equations model has several desirable properties. Futhermore, we use a two Stages least square estimator for the simultaneous equations model, which su ers from autocorrelation issues and then we combined with ridge regression estimator which su ers from multicollinearity issues. After adjusting this with the ordinary ridge regression estimator, we use a mixed method to apply the two stages least squares procedure. From the this study, it was found that the two stage ridge is better than two stage least square. This is influenced by the simultaneous relationship and multicollinearity in each equation.
In recent years, the use of vector variance as a measure of multivariate variability has received... more In recent years, the use of vector variance as a measure of multivariate variability has received much attention in wide range of statistics. This paper deals with a more economic measure of multivariate variability, defined as vector variance minus all duplication elements. For high dimensional data, this will increase the computational efficiency almost 50 % compared to the original vector variance. Its sampling distribution will be investigated to make its applications possible.
ESTIMASI: Journal of Statistics and Its Application, 2021
Stock is one of the popular financial market instruments. Issuing shares are one of the company&#... more Stock is one of the popular financial market instruments. Issuing shares are one of the company's choices when deciding to fund a company. The uncertainty of stock prices in the stock market is an important event to be taken into consideration in making a decision by investors so that a model is needed to describe a stock event. GARCH Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) is a model with a conditional and variance time-dependent that describes the dynamics of stock volatility. This study discusses the DCC GARCH model equation which is applied to the LQ 45 data. The model obtained for BCA shares 𝑸t = + + so it can be concluded that DCC GARCH is more appropriate for BCA shares.
The stability of the correlation matrices is noteworthy. Usually to testing stability of coorelat... more The stability of the correlation matrices is noteworthy. Usually to testing stability of coorelation matrices used to statistics M Box, Jennrich and G. Its statistics However, M Box and G statistics as computation of matrix determinant and J statistic involves matrix inversion. The former needs the condition that all sample correlation matrices are positive definite which is not always satisfied in practice. This condition is not apt for high dimension data sets because its computational efficiency becomes low. To handle this obstacles, we proposed a new statistical test based on what we call vector variance of standardized variables (VVSV). The proposed test is constucted based on vector variance (VV).This is evidenced by several papers describing the correlation matrix, Vector variance of standardized variables sample used a statistical formula variance vector. In practice there are difficulties in the calculation to determine variance of Vector Variance of Sample Variance of Stan...
Ordinary kriging is one of the geostatistical techniques used for spatial prediction on a spatial... more Ordinary kriging is one of the geostatistical techniques used for spatial prediction on a spatially distributed random plane. Ordinary kriging is a linear unbiased estimator which is part of a semivariogram system of equations that minimizes errors of variance in estimating mineral resources. The semivariogram model shows optimal results in the estimation using the least square method, the effective minimization method smoothes the data points against the curve on a semivariogram graph, the least square makes the size error efficient in the semivariogram model and has been proven to be effective in reducing errors in the semivariogram model in the case of laterite nickel deposits. at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. Thus, conclusively the prediction of unsampled Ni content results is very accurate. This is indicated by the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) in limonite in the exponential model, saprolite in the spherical model, and bedrock in the gaussian model. The greatest value of Ni co...
Dispersion Multivariate quality control can be performed through and statistical. Statistics deri... more Dispersion Multivariate quality control can be performed through and statistical. Statistics derived through the log likelihood ratio method, statistics formed by variance covariance matrix. With the relationship between the variance covariance and correlation matrices that can be statistically established . In statistical assessment and have the same asymptotic distribution, which is . When these statistics are used it turns out that both of statistics very suitable for data that has smaller variance covariance value than the large one.
Dalam analisis deret waktu terdapat model stasioner dan model non stasioner. Salah satu model der... more Dalam analisis deret waktu terdapat model stasioner dan model non stasioner. Salah satu model deret waktu yang stasioner adalah model Autoregressive . Model Autoregressive adalah suatu model yang mengasumsikan bahwa data pada periode sekarang dipengaruhi oleh data pada periode sebelumnya. Dalam memodelkan suatu data deret waktu seringkali dijumpai adanya ketidak lengkapan data yang disebut data hilang. Data hilang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain karena informasi untuk sesuatu tentang objek tidak diberikan, sulit dicari, atau memang informasi tersebut tidak ada. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut pada pendekatan model Autoregressive jika terdapat data hilang. Dalam menaksir parameter data hilang digunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Parameter model Autoregressive dengan data hilang yang signifikan akan digunakan dalam membangun model. Setelah mendapatkan model, langkah selanjutnya adalah menguji kelayakan model yaitu uji asumsi White Noise dan uji ...
Pengujian kestabilan matriks korelasimerupakan salah satuanalisis statistika yang memegang perana... more Pengujian kestabilan matriks korelasimerupakan salah satuanalisis statistika yang memegang peranan penting dalampembangunan ekonomi danindustri keuangan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas uji kestabilan dua matriks korelasi melalui vektor variansi variabel standar dan mengaplikasikannya pada data. Statistik penguji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni statistik yang didasarkan pada vektor variansi variabel standar (VVVS) sebagai ukuran dispersi multivariat di mana seluruh variabel yang terlibat berupa variabel standar di bawah asumsi kenormalan. Selanjutnya untuk menyelidiki variansi dari VVVS maka digunakan beberapa sifat-sifat dari matriks komutasi, dan operator . Dalam menganalisis data digunakan alat bantu software minitab 15 dan matlab 7.11.Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen dan simulasi dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum statistik VVVS memiliki tingkat kompleksitas komputasi jauh lebih mudah dibanding dengan statistik popular lainnya. Hasil simulasi data ...
Papers by Erna Tri Herdiani