U radu se na sažet nacin prikazuju rezultati visegodisnjeg istraživanja grcke parcelacije Starogr... more U radu se na sažet nacin prikazuju rezultati visegodisnjeg istraživanja grcke parcelacije Starogradskog polja na otoku Hvaru
Cet article étudie un exemple de cadastre colonial grec sur l'île de Pharos (actuellement Hva... more Cet article étudie un exemple de cadastre colonial grec sur l'île de Pharos (actuellement Hvar sur la côte Dalmate de Croatie), à partir de l'analyse de photographies aériennes. Cette étude démontre que les géomètres grecs ont utilisé un pied de 302 mm pour établir un parcellement linéaire, mais elle n'apporte cependant pas plus de précision sur l'orientation de l'ancienne cité de Pharia.
U radu se prezentiraju rezulatai istraživanja grcke parcelacije zemljista unutar Starogradsko pol... more U radu se prezentiraju rezulatai istraživanja grcke parcelacije zemljista unutar Starogradsko polja (Hora Pharou)i isticnu vrijednosti tog najveceg inžinjerskog pothvata antickih Grka na tlu Hrvatske. Objasnjavaju se i ekonomski razlozi tog pothvata i odnos s starosjedilackim stanovnistvo.
V slovenski arheologiji je že od začetka osemdesetih let prisotna temeljna usmeritev v arheologij... more V slovenski arheologiji je že od začetka osemdesetih let prisotna temeljna usmeritev v arheologijo pokrajine. Ta smer temelji na domeni, da je človek v preteklosti s svojim delovanjem pustil sledi v celotni pokrajini in da je zato potrebno v arheoloških raziskavah poselitve analizirati pokrajino in procese v njej kot enoti bivanja. Medtem ko je arheološka stroka že vrsto let razvijala različne tehnike terenskega arheološkega pregleda, vključujoč sistematičen terenski pregled pokrajine, geofizikalne in geokemične meritve, fotointerpretacijo letalskih in satelitskih posnetkov, hkrati pa na interpretativnem nivoju prevzemala teoretske pristope iz geogrefije, pa smo šele z razvojem GIS tehnologije dobili učinkovito orodje za ovrednotenje tovrstnih podatkov. Osnovna izhodišča za aplikacijo GIS tehnologije so bila podana že pred leti z raziskovalnim projektom Geneze kulturne pokrajine na Oddelku za arheologijo ljubljanske Univerze. Pri sprejemanju GIS tehnologije je bil zlasti pomemben Pr...
John Bintliff et alii Το Πρόγραμμα της Τανάγρας: έρευνες σε μια αρχαία πόλη της Βοιωτίας και στη ... more John Bintliff et alii Το Πρόγραμμα της Τανάγρας: έρευνες σε μια αρχαία πόλη της Βοιωτίας και στη χώρα της (2000-2002) σ. 541-606 Το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει τα προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα του προγράμματος Leiden-Ljubljana για την αρχαία πόλη της Τανάγρας και για τα περίχωρά της, στην ανατολική Βοιωτία. Οι εργασίες ξεκίνησαν το 1999, από μια μεγάλη ομάδα αποτελούμενη από ερευνητές και φοιτητές από την Ολλανδία, το Βέλγιο, τη Σλοβενία και την Ελλάδα. Διευθυντές του προγράμματος είναι ο John Bintliff και ο Bozidar Slapsak και υποδιευθυντής ο Κώστας Σμπόνιας. Οι διάφοροι ειδικοί παρουσιάζουν εδώ διεξοδικά τη δουλειά τους, αναπτύσσοντας τις εκθέσεις των δύο πρώτων περιόδων εργασιών, οι οποίες δημοσιεύτηκαν στο Pharos, το ετήσιο περιοδικό του Ολλανδικού Ινστιτούτου Αθηνών.
In 2005, during the annual ‘intensive’ archaeological survey in the peri-urban zone of Sagalassus... more In 2005, during the annual ‘intensive’ archaeological survey in the peri-urban zone of Sagalassus (Pisidia, southwest Anatolia), the remains of an extensive Classical-Hellenistic settlement were identified at Düzen Tepe, 1.8km southwest of Sagalassus. The results of three seasons of site investigation (2005–2007), comprising archaeological and geophysical surveys, architectural and topographical mapping, test soundings, and archaeometric and environmental research, are presented here, together with a discussion of the settlement's most probable socio-economic background. According to the latest results of all excavated or sampled survey ceramic artefacts and AMS C14dating of faunal remains, the (proto-)urban settlement at Düzen Tepe was inhabited during the fifth to second century BC. It is the first of its kind to shed light on the material culture of the ancient inhabitants of the region, the ‘Pisidians’.
This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past... more This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past (www.radiopast.eu). It is intended to disseminate the key results achieved in the form of methodological guidelines for the application of non-destructive approaches in order to understand, visualize and manage complex archaeological sites, in particular large multi-period settlements whose remains are still mostly buried. The authors were selected from among the project research “staff” but also from among leading international specialists who served as speakers at the two international events organized as part of the project (the Valle Giulia Colloquium of Rome – 2009 and the Colloquium of Ghent – 2013) and at the three Specialization Fora, the high formation training activities organized in 2010, 2011 and 2012. As such, the book offers contributions on diverse aspects of the research process (data capture, data management, data elaboration, data visualization and site management), presenting the state of the art and drafting guidelines for good practice in each field.
In this paper, archaeological and epigraphic evidence is scrutinized, pertaining to indigenous co... more In this paper, archaeological and epigraphic evidence is scrutinized, pertaining to indigenous communities in the hinterlands of Trieste in the Late Prehistoric and Early Roman period. Not only the elements of "tongue duree" of the settlement pattern, but also the mechanisms of change are considered. The key mechanism, which triggered the final collapse of the social structure of indigenous communities there, is identified in the act of granting Latin citizenship, such as documented in the mid-second century A.D. by the honorary inscription to L. Fabius Severus (I. It. X 4,31), involving the communities of the Carni and Catali (or Subocrini).
Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of H... more Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of Hvar in Central Dalmatia (Croatia) has by now a respectable history and has gone through different phases. Started in 1981/82 as a small scale venture among friends and colleagues, upon invitation by Branko Kirigin of the Archaeological Museum in Split and by the Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Island of Hvar, it soon became an important arena for experimentation in survey techniques for at least two generations of archaeologists here. The background experience of the Ljubljana University team was the general archaeological survey as concieved within the framework of the project of the Archaeological Institute here, modelled upon the German Archaeologische Aumahme approach. On the other side, we were fascinated by the results of the systematic surveys discussed at the time, as presented at the Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean conference in Athens in 1981 (K...
This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past... more This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past (www.radiopast.eu). It is intended to disseminate the key results achieved in the form of methodological guidelines for the application of non-destructive approaches in order to understand, visualize and manage complex archaeological sites, in particular large multi-period settlements whose remains are still mostly buried. The authors were selected from among the project research “staff” but also from among leading international specialists who served as speakers at the two international events organized as part of the project (the Valle Giulia Colloquium of Rome – 2009 and the Colloquium of Ghent – 2013) and at the three Specialization Fora, the high formation training activities organized in 2010, 2011 and 2012. As such, the book offers contributions on diverse aspects of the research process (data capture, data management, data elaboration, data visualization and site management), presenting the state of the art and drafting guidelines for good practice in each field.
U radu se na sažet nacin prikazuju rezultati visegodisnjeg istraživanja grcke parcelacije Starogr... more U radu se na sažet nacin prikazuju rezultati visegodisnjeg istraživanja grcke parcelacije Starogradskog polja na otoku Hvaru
Cet article étudie un exemple de cadastre colonial grec sur l'île de Pharos (actuellement Hva... more Cet article étudie un exemple de cadastre colonial grec sur l'île de Pharos (actuellement Hvar sur la côte Dalmate de Croatie), à partir de l'analyse de photographies aériennes. Cette étude démontre que les géomètres grecs ont utilisé un pied de 302 mm pour établir un parcellement linéaire, mais elle n'apporte cependant pas plus de précision sur l'orientation de l'ancienne cité de Pharia.
U radu se prezentiraju rezulatai istraživanja grcke parcelacije zemljista unutar Starogradsko pol... more U radu se prezentiraju rezulatai istraživanja grcke parcelacije zemljista unutar Starogradsko polja (Hora Pharou)i isticnu vrijednosti tog najveceg inžinjerskog pothvata antickih Grka na tlu Hrvatske. Objasnjavaju se i ekonomski razlozi tog pothvata i odnos s starosjedilackim stanovnistvo.
V slovenski arheologiji je že od začetka osemdesetih let prisotna temeljna usmeritev v arheologij... more V slovenski arheologiji je že od začetka osemdesetih let prisotna temeljna usmeritev v arheologijo pokrajine. Ta smer temelji na domeni, da je človek v preteklosti s svojim delovanjem pustil sledi v celotni pokrajini in da je zato potrebno v arheoloških raziskavah poselitve analizirati pokrajino in procese v njej kot enoti bivanja. Medtem ko je arheološka stroka že vrsto let razvijala različne tehnike terenskega arheološkega pregleda, vključujoč sistematičen terenski pregled pokrajine, geofizikalne in geokemične meritve, fotointerpretacijo letalskih in satelitskih posnetkov, hkrati pa na interpretativnem nivoju prevzemala teoretske pristope iz geogrefije, pa smo šele z razvojem GIS tehnologije dobili učinkovito orodje za ovrednotenje tovrstnih podatkov. Osnovna izhodišča za aplikacijo GIS tehnologije so bila podana že pred leti z raziskovalnim projektom Geneze kulturne pokrajine na Oddelku za arheologijo ljubljanske Univerze. Pri sprejemanju GIS tehnologije je bil zlasti pomemben Pr...
John Bintliff et alii Το Πρόγραμμα της Τανάγρας: έρευνες σε μια αρχαία πόλη της Βοιωτίας και στη ... more John Bintliff et alii Το Πρόγραμμα της Τανάγρας: έρευνες σε μια αρχαία πόλη της Βοιωτίας και στη χώρα της (2000-2002) σ. 541-606 Το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει τα προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα του προγράμματος Leiden-Ljubljana για την αρχαία πόλη της Τανάγρας και για τα περίχωρά της, στην ανατολική Βοιωτία. Οι εργασίες ξεκίνησαν το 1999, από μια μεγάλη ομάδα αποτελούμενη από ερευνητές και φοιτητές από την Ολλανδία, το Βέλγιο, τη Σλοβενία και την Ελλάδα. Διευθυντές του προγράμματος είναι ο John Bintliff και ο Bozidar Slapsak και υποδιευθυντής ο Κώστας Σμπόνιας. Οι διάφοροι ειδικοί παρουσιάζουν εδώ διεξοδικά τη δουλειά τους, αναπτύσσοντας τις εκθέσεις των δύο πρώτων περιόδων εργασιών, οι οποίες δημοσιεύτηκαν στο Pharos, το ετήσιο περιοδικό του Ολλανδικού Ινστιτούτου Αθηνών.
In 2005, during the annual ‘intensive’ archaeological survey in the peri-urban zone of Sagalassus... more In 2005, during the annual ‘intensive’ archaeological survey in the peri-urban zone of Sagalassus (Pisidia, southwest Anatolia), the remains of an extensive Classical-Hellenistic settlement were identified at Düzen Tepe, 1.8km southwest of Sagalassus. The results of three seasons of site investigation (2005–2007), comprising archaeological and geophysical surveys, architectural and topographical mapping, test soundings, and archaeometric and environmental research, are presented here, together with a discussion of the settlement's most probable socio-economic background. According to the latest results of all excavated or sampled survey ceramic artefacts and AMS C14dating of faunal remains, the (proto-)urban settlement at Düzen Tepe was inhabited during the fifth to second century BC. It is the first of its kind to shed light on the material culture of the ancient inhabitants of the region, the ‘Pisidians’.
This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past... more This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past (www.radiopast.eu). It is intended to disseminate the key results achieved in the form of methodological guidelines for the application of non-destructive approaches in order to understand, visualize and manage complex archaeological sites, in particular large multi-period settlements whose remains are still mostly buried. The authors were selected from among the project research “staff” but also from among leading international specialists who served as speakers at the two international events organized as part of the project (the Valle Giulia Colloquium of Rome – 2009 and the Colloquium of Ghent – 2013) and at the three Specialization Fora, the high formation training activities organized in 2010, 2011 and 2012. As such, the book offers contributions on diverse aspects of the research process (data capture, data management, data elaboration, data visualization and site management), presenting the state of the art and drafting guidelines for good practice in each field.
In this paper, archaeological and epigraphic evidence is scrutinized, pertaining to indigenous co... more In this paper, archaeological and epigraphic evidence is scrutinized, pertaining to indigenous communities in the hinterlands of Trieste in the Late Prehistoric and Early Roman period. Not only the elements of "tongue duree" of the settlement pattern, but also the mechanisms of change are considered. The key mechanism, which triggered the final collapse of the social structure of indigenous communities there, is identified in the act of granting Latin citizenship, such as documented in the mid-second century A.D. by the honorary inscription to L. Fabius Severus (I. It. X 4,31), involving the communities of the Carni and Catali (or Subocrini).
Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of H... more Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of Hvar in Central Dalmatia (Croatia) has by now a respectable history and has gone through different phases. Started in 1981/82 as a small scale venture among friends and colleagues, upon invitation by Branko Kirigin of the Archaeological Museum in Split and by the Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Island of Hvar, it soon became an important arena for experimentation in survey techniques for at least two generations of archaeologists here. The background experience of the Ljubljana University team was the general archaeological survey as concieved within the framework of the project of the Archaeological Institute here, modelled upon the German Archaeologische Aumahme approach. On the other side, we were fascinated by the results of the systematic surveys discussed at the time, as presented at the Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean conference in Athens in 1981 (K...
This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past... more This volume represents the most important “deliverable” of the European-funded project Radio-Past (www.radiopast.eu). It is intended to disseminate the key results achieved in the form of methodological guidelines for the application of non-destructive approaches in order to understand, visualize and manage complex archaeological sites, in particular large multi-period settlements whose remains are still mostly buried. The authors were selected from among the project research “staff” but also from among leading international specialists who served as speakers at the two international events organized as part of the project (the Valle Giulia Colloquium of Rome – 2009 and the Colloquium of Ghent – 2013) and at the three Specialization Fora, the high formation training activities organized in 2010, 2011 and 2012. As such, the book offers contributions on diverse aspects of the research process (data capture, data management, data elaboration, data visualization and site management), presenting the state of the art and drafting guidelines for good practice in each field.
Papers by Bozidar Slapsak