The idea for this resource arose out of a desire to develop specific development education materi... more The idea for this resource arose out of a desire to develop specific development education materials that would target the new EU member state sector, and which would bring something new to the significant stock of development education resources already available. To this end, instead of providing just another book on general development education topics we aimed to address contemporary development issues with a focus on the needs of educators in the new EU member states, as well as drawing material from contributors in those countries. We hope this book will be used by academics, researchers, NGO practitioners and students as part of development education work, we hope it will further their understanding of key development issues facing the global community, and more so, we hope to encourage citizen action to bring about a fairer more equitable world. The book covers twelve themes, each chapter includes both a conceptual overview and a teaching methodology section. The conceptual overview introduces the topic, explores the key concepts, theories and current debates. The teaching methodology section offers educators a set of tools that could help them introduce the topic in both formal and non-formal settings.
Migration of Muslims into Europe has become an ubiquitous topic, which penetrates lay as well as ... more Migration of Muslims into Europe has become an ubiquitous topic, which penetrates lay as well as scholarly discourse with remarkable poignancy. For years it has raised attention mostly in "traditional" migration countries of Western Europe. With positive economic and political developments, however, post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe are confronted with increasing immigration of Muslims. This book analysis the only European country without a single mosque: Slovakia, and its capital Bratislava. In conservative environment marked by Catholic tradition and post-communism, Muslims form an internally diverse and dynamic community of mostly temporary migrants. Since many of them are university students and businessmen, they form a peculiar group of social elite unknown to the mainstream Slovak public. This book offers important insight into migration dynamics of the Central European region. It will serve everyone interested in migration of Muslims to Europe, who wishes to understand implications of these processes in the locality of Slovakia.
Príčiny a dôsledky environmentálnej migrácie Každý štyridsiaty človek dnes žije na území, ktorému... more Príčiny a dôsledky environmentálnej migrácie Každý štyridsiaty človek dnes žije na území, ktorému budú v priebehu tohto storočia hroziť pravidelné záplavy. Aktuálne je to približne 175 miliónov ľudí. Ďalších 135 miliónov ohrozuje dezertifikácia. V roku 2050 bude na svete asi 200 miliónov tzv. environmentálnych migrantov, t.j. ľudí, ktorí sa presťahovali v dôsledku prírodných zmien v ich okolí.
In recent years the international development sector has found itself confronting new as well as ... more In recent years the international development sector has found itself confronting new as well as persistent challenges to poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Climate change has loomed large as a crisis for development practitioners as well as environmentalists, with natural disasters occurring with increasing frequency and impacting severely on the most vulnerable in the Global South. The ongoing financial crisis has created recurrent recessions in the global North, while causing budget lines to be reduced for development aid across the Global South.
From The Local to the Global highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today’s globalised economy and questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. This completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
From The Local to the Global will continue to serve as an indispensable introduction to key development issues such as aid, debt, trade, migration, security, gender in development and climate change.
This study draws from ethnographic data of a scarcely researched region of Central Europe to show... more This study draws from ethnographic data of a scarcely researched region of Central Europe to show how migrant Muslims in Slovakia confront everyday translocality by reifying a single community of Muslims. This symbolic community is articulated in the concept of the ummah. Muslims in Slovakia are mostly migrants, since formation of a larger “native” Muslim population was historically limited. It will be argued that ummah is an imagined community that translates the political and religious narratives of a global Muslim community into the local group of Muslims and, in such way, enables Muslims to transcend mutual ethnocultural, national and social heterogeneity. Furthermore, this study will show four different ways how the ummah as an imagined single community is reified: (1) ummah as a set of functional networks; (2) ummah as a symbol to interpret migrant experience; (3) ummah as a network of trust; and (4) ummah as a symbol in political narratives.
Tento príspevok bližšie priblíži niekoľko aspektov komplexného vzťahu medzi migráciou a rozvojom.... more Tento príspevok bližšie priblíži niekoľko aspektov komplexného vzťahu medzi migráciou a rozvojom. Napriek tomu, že migrácia bola dlhodobo politicky ignorovaná, nejde o novodobý fenomén ani o produkt súčasnej globalizácie. Aktuálny sekuritizačný diskurz považuje migráciu iba za negatívnu externalitu“ po-litického a ekonomického vývoja bohatých krajín tzv. globálneho Severu. Avšak ako upozorňuje napríklad de Haas (2005), podiel migrantov voči celkovému obyvateľstvu sa podľa odhadov za posledných 150 rokov znížil. Aktuálny rozmer a podoby migrácie sú preto jedinečné skôr vo vzrastajúcom význame migrantov pre rozvoj cieľových aj zdrojových krajín.
Kapitola poskytne základné vymedzenie súčasných poznatkov o medzinárodnej migrácii. V prvom rade ... more Kapitola poskytne základné vymedzenie súčasných poznatkov o medzinárodnej migrácii. V prvom rade sa pokúsi priblížiť jej komplexný charakter, ktorý od vzniku systematického štúdia migrácie spôsobuje komplikácie v konceptuálnom uchopení tejto problematiky. Zároveň priblíži najdôležitejšie teoretické prístupy k štúdiu migrácie, vysvetlí základné pojmy a načrtne niekoľko hlavných diskusií v tejto oblasti. Nakoniec sa bude kapitola snažiť zodpovedať otázku, ktorá najprv implicitne a od druhej polovice 20. storočia aj explicitne sprevádzala migračné štúdiá, a síce, či migrácia vedie k rozvoju a ak áno, tak k akému a čiemu.
The idea for this resource arose out of a desire to develop specific development education materi... more The idea for this resource arose out of a desire to develop specific development education materials that would target the new EU member state sector, and which would bring something new to the significant stock of development education resources already available. To this end, instead of providing just another book on general development education topics we aimed to address contemporary development issues with a focus on the needs of educators in the new EU member states, as well as drawing material from contributors in those countries. We hope this book will be used by academics, researchers, NGO practitioners and students as part of development education work, we hope it will further their understanding of key development issues facing the global community, and more so, we hope to encourage citizen action to bring about a fairer more equitable world. The book covers twelve themes, each chapter includes both a conceptual overview and a teaching methodology section. The conceptual overview introduces the topic, explores the key concepts, theories and current debates. The teaching methodology section offers educators a set of tools that could help them introduce the topic in both formal and non-formal settings.
Migration of Muslims into Europe has become an ubiquitous topic, which penetrates lay as well as ... more Migration of Muslims into Europe has become an ubiquitous topic, which penetrates lay as well as scholarly discourse with remarkable poignancy. For years it has raised attention mostly in "traditional" migration countries of Western Europe. With positive economic and political developments, however, post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe are confronted with increasing immigration of Muslims. This book analysis the only European country without a single mosque: Slovakia, and its capital Bratislava. In conservative environment marked by Catholic tradition and post-communism, Muslims form an internally diverse and dynamic community of mostly temporary migrants. Since many of them are university students and businessmen, they form a peculiar group of social elite unknown to the mainstream Slovak public. This book offers important insight into migration dynamics of the Central European region. It will serve everyone interested in migration of Muslims to Europe, who wishes to understand implications of these processes in the locality of Slovakia.
Príčiny a dôsledky environmentálnej migrácie Každý štyridsiaty človek dnes žije na území, ktorému... more Príčiny a dôsledky environmentálnej migrácie Každý štyridsiaty človek dnes žije na území, ktorému budú v priebehu tohto storočia hroziť pravidelné záplavy. Aktuálne je to približne 175 miliónov ľudí. Ďalších 135 miliónov ohrozuje dezertifikácia. V roku 2050 bude na svete asi 200 miliónov tzv. environmentálnych migrantov, t.j. ľudí, ktorí sa presťahovali v dôsledku prírodných zmien v ich okolí.
In recent years the international development sector has found itself confronting new as well as ... more In recent years the international development sector has found itself confronting new as well as persistent challenges to poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Climate change has loomed large as a crisis for development practitioners as well as environmentalists, with natural disasters occurring with increasing frequency and impacting severely on the most vulnerable in the Global South. The ongoing financial crisis has created recurrent recessions in the global North, while causing budget lines to be reduced for development aid across the Global South.
From The Local to the Global highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today’s globalised economy and questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. This completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
From The Local to the Global will continue to serve as an indispensable introduction to key development issues such as aid, debt, trade, migration, security, gender in development and climate change.
This study draws from ethnographic data of a scarcely researched region of Central Europe to show... more This study draws from ethnographic data of a scarcely researched region of Central Europe to show how migrant Muslims in Slovakia confront everyday translocality by reifying a single community of Muslims. This symbolic community is articulated in the concept of the ummah. Muslims in Slovakia are mostly migrants, since formation of a larger “native” Muslim population was historically limited. It will be argued that ummah is an imagined community that translates the political and religious narratives of a global Muslim community into the local group of Muslims and, in such way, enables Muslims to transcend mutual ethnocultural, national and social heterogeneity. Furthermore, this study will show four different ways how the ummah as an imagined single community is reified: (1) ummah as a set of functional networks; (2) ummah as a symbol to interpret migrant experience; (3) ummah as a network of trust; and (4) ummah as a symbol in political narratives.
Tento príspevok bližšie priblíži niekoľko aspektov komplexného vzťahu medzi migráciou a rozvojom.... more Tento príspevok bližšie priblíži niekoľko aspektov komplexného vzťahu medzi migráciou a rozvojom. Napriek tomu, že migrácia bola dlhodobo politicky ignorovaná, nejde o novodobý fenomén ani o produkt súčasnej globalizácie. Aktuálny sekuritizačný diskurz považuje migráciu iba za negatívnu externalitu“ po-litického a ekonomického vývoja bohatých krajín tzv. globálneho Severu. Avšak ako upozorňuje napríklad de Haas (2005), podiel migrantov voči celkovému obyvateľstvu sa podľa odhadov za posledných 150 rokov znížil. Aktuálny rozmer a podoby migrácie sú preto jedinečné skôr vo vzrastajúcom význame migrantov pre rozvoj cieľových aj zdrojových krajín.
Kapitola poskytne základné vymedzenie súčasných poznatkov o medzinárodnej migrácii. V prvom rade ... more Kapitola poskytne základné vymedzenie súčasných poznatkov o medzinárodnej migrácii. V prvom rade sa pokúsi priblížiť jej komplexný charakter, ktorý od vzniku systematického štúdia migrácie spôsobuje komplikácie v konceptuálnom uchopení tejto problematiky. Zároveň priblíži najdôležitejšie teoretické prístupy k štúdiu migrácie, vysvetlí základné pojmy a načrtne niekoľko hlavných diskusií v tejto oblasti. Nakoniec sa bude kapitola snažiť zodpovedať otázku, ktorá najprv implicitne a od druhej polovice 20. storočia aj explicitne sprevádzala migračné štúdiá, a síce, či migrácia vedie k rozvoju a ak áno, tak k akému a čiemu.
Books by Michal Cenker
To this end, instead of providing just another book on general development education topics we aimed to address contemporary development issues with a focus on the needs of educators in the new EU member states, as well as drawing material from contributors in those countries.
We hope this book will be used by academics, researchers, NGO practitioners and students as part of development education work, we hope it will further their understanding of key
development issues facing the global community, and more so, we hope to encourage citizen action to bring about a fairer more equitable world.
The book covers twelve themes, each chapter includes both a conceptual overview and a teaching methodology section. The conceptual overview introduces the topic, explores the key
concepts, theories and current debates. The teaching methodology section offers educators a
set of tools that could help them introduce the topic in both formal and non-formal settings.
Papers by Michal Cenker
From The Local to the Global highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today’s globalised economy and questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. This completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
From The Local to the Global will continue to serve as an indispensable introduction to key development issues such as aid, debt, trade, migration, security, gender in development and climate change.
To this end, instead of providing just another book on general development education topics we aimed to address contemporary development issues with a focus on the needs of educators in the new EU member states, as well as drawing material from contributors in those countries.
We hope this book will be used by academics, researchers, NGO practitioners and students as part of development education work, we hope it will further their understanding of key
development issues facing the global community, and more so, we hope to encourage citizen action to bring about a fairer more equitable world.
The book covers twelve themes, each chapter includes both a conceptual overview and a teaching methodology section. The conceptual overview introduces the topic, explores the key
concepts, theories and current debates. The teaching methodology section offers educators a
set of tools that could help them introduce the topic in both formal and non-formal settings.
From The Local to the Global highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today’s globalised economy and questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. This completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
From The Local to the Global will continue to serve as an indispensable introduction to key development issues such as aid, debt, trade, migration, security, gender in development and climate change.