The road surface texture is responsible for controlling several quality/safety road indicators, s... more The road surface texture is responsible for controlling several quality/safety road indicators, such as friction, noise, and fuel consumption. Road texture can be classified into different wavelengths, and it is dependent on the material used in the paving solution. With the aim of evaluating and characterizing the surface texture of a microsurfacing road pavement, six microsurfacing samples were made in the laboratory with both traditional materials (basaltic aggregates and bituminous emulsion) and with innovative materials from recycling procedures (crumb rubber (CR) and artificial engineered aggregate (AEA)). The characterization was performed through the use of a conoscopic holography profilometer with high precision and post-processing of the profiles detected through consolidated algorithms (ISO standards). We found that the aggregate type plays a very important role in the pavement texture. The binder agent seems to be highly important, but more studies regarding this are nec...
Bituminous surface treatments (seal coats, chip seals, etc.) are pavement wearing courses created... more Bituminous surface treatments (seal coats, chip seals, etc.) are pavement wearing courses created using asphalt binder and aggregate. They can be applied to an existing pavement or to a base course. They can act as a waterproof, skid resistant layer, sealing cracks and raveled surfaces and increasing reflection properties of road surfaces. Their expected life ranges from two to five years and are widely used in flexible pavements maintenance and rehabilitation because of reduced costs and the easiness of application. One of the most important characteristics of bituminous surface treatments is their macrotexture (initial and over time). Indeed, it affects tire-pavement interaction in wet and dry conditions and can interact with other characteristics and distress (aggregate embedment, loss of cover aggregate, streaking, bleeding, etc.). This paper focuses on the evaluation of surface performance of laboratory slabs, produced through a single-surface dressing. Macrotexture depth was measured by the Sand Patch method. A laser profilometer was also used to survey slabs texture and both aggregate descriptors and texture levels were evaluated. Finally, skid resistance and drainability data were measured by means of the British Pendulum Tester and the Belgian Permeameter, respectively. Aggregates of different size were selected in order to investigate on the relationship between aggregate dimensions and surface performance. A model was developed, implemented and validated. Results are expected to benefit both practitioners and researchers.
Abstract Safety, skid resistance and noise of roads highly depend on the characteristics of pavem... more Abstract Safety, skid resistance and noise of roads highly depend on the characteristics of pavement surface texture, for both porous and dense-graded wearing courses. In the light of the above facts, the objective of the study was to model the relationship between laser-based and volumetric-type measurements of the surface macro-texture of a pavement. In more detail, the study focused on the mean profile depth (MPD, as per ISO 13473-1:1997 and ASTM E1845-01) and on the mean texture depth (MTD, as known as sand patch texture, as per ASTM E965-96 and EN 13036-1). Different types of surface textures were considered: dense-graded friction courses (DGFC), splittmastic asphalts (SMA), open-graded friction courses (OGFC), porous European mixes (PEM). A generalised simple model has been set up, calibrated and validated. The proposed model fits the data of many types of wearing courses without neglecting the basic achievements which refer to the curves previously derived.
AbstractRoad safety builds on traffic and driver–infrastructure interaction: nighttime visibility... more AbstractRoad safety builds on traffic and driver–infrastructure interaction: nighttime visibility represents a key-aspect of this complex interaction. Therefore, providing an adequate road lighting...
The widespread use of natural aggregates is one of the main causes of the depletion of natural re... more The widespread use of natural aggregates is one of the main causes of the depletion of natural resources, as aggregates are constituents of several construction materials. Alternatively, it is, today, proven to be feasible to use mining tailings, either natural or recycled materials, to produce artificial aggregates through specific processes. A possible way to produce artificial aggregate is through the alkali activation of the powdered material in a process called geopolymerization. This study proposes to use a basalt powder and two different metakaolins as precursors for the production of an alkali-activated artificial aggregate, with a specific shape and size achieved by using 3D-printed molds. The experimental aggregates were evaluated using traditional tests for natural aggregates, such as resistance to compression, specific density and resistance to abrasion and fragmentation. Furthermore, the material was chemically analyzed in order to evaluate the geopolymerization process...
This study provides a comprehensive approach to the management of uncontrolled accesses, namely, ... more This study provides a comprehensive approach to the management of uncontrolled accesses, namely, access points without traffic lights, stop signs, right-of-way, yield signs, or right-turn acceleration/deceleration lanes. These elements of the road network are often associated with several safety issues given the inadequate conditions and limitations regarding their location, design, and visibility. This paper provides new insights into the geometric and functional design of uncontrolled accesses and contributes to the area of safety management measures. The implementation of the approach to a selected case study allows for the description of the methodology and to find interesting results concerning the cause-effect relationship between geometry-related variables and accidental events. In particular, the study focuses attention on the key factors of the geometric and functional design of accesses: radius and width, with the aim of defining more adequate design criteria aimed at impr...
La pavimentazione stradale riveste oggi peculiare rilevanza in relazione al soddisfacimento di is... more La pavimentazione stradale riveste oggi peculiare rilevanza in relazione al soddisfacimento di istanze primarie ed assolutamente generali quali la sicurezza della locomozione e la ecocompatibilit\ue0 del moto, soprattutto per ci\uf2 che concerne le caratteristiche dello strato superficiale. La logica che presiede al processo di attribuzione dei requisiti si \ue8 nel contempo sempre pi\uf9 caratterizzata in termini di esigenza di \u201cprestazioni\u201d (aderenza, regolarit\ue0, portanza, ridotta contribuzione vibro-sonora, etc.), rendendo di fatto meno prioritario e cogente il sistema di vincoli compositivo-esecutivi, diffusamente usato finora nei tradizionali Capitolati Speciali d\u2019Appalto. In tale ottica, condivisa in ambito scientifico, tecnologico e giuridico, cospicua importanza hanno acquisito i \u201ccapitolati prestazionali\u201d, con i quali \ue8 possibile governare, in un mercato dalle regole di accesso e permanenza in continua evoluzione, i rapporti tra Committenze (sempre pi\uf9 identificate in Enti Locali) ed Imprese Esecutrici, sulla base di codici di \u201csussistenza prestazionale\u201d, fondati su di un insieme di indicatori funzionali. Essi, con riferimento al piano di via, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale poich\ue9 attengono a propriet\ue0 che sono in grado di condizionare tutti i fenomeni connessi al contatto tra pneumatico e superficie di rotolamento, i cui effetti interferiscono con la sicurezza del moto, con il comfort di marcia, nonch\ue9 con la compatibilit\ue0 ambientale del trasporto su gomma, tanto in termini di inquinamenti (rumore e vibrazioni) che di costi energetici (consumo di carburanti e pneumatici). Presupposto per\uf2 indispensabile per la validit\ue0 del sistema \u201cprestazionale\u201d di rapporti tra Committenze ed Esecutori \ue8 che, a valle delle richieste di \u201cperformances\u201d avanzate dalle Prime, i Secondi abbiano riferimenti sicuri su quali strumenti (materiali, accortezze compositive, processi di messa in opera, etc.) consentiranno loro di rispondere con successo. In tale articolato scenario, caratterizzato dalla inconsueta contemporaneit\ue0 tra innalzamento e diversificazione delle prestazioni richieste, trasferimento di oneri di possesso e manutenzione agli Enti Locali, affinamento delle tecniche di indagine sperimentale e cospicuo incremento dei costi delle strumentazioni di prova, si avverte l\u2019esigenza di chiare ed affidabili regole di corrispondenza tra aspetti compositivo-esecutivi e prestazioni ottenute. Sensibili a tali istanze, nel 2001 \ue8 stato cofinanziato, ed ad oggi completato, un progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale dal titolo \u201cIstituzione di un catalogo prestazionale dei manti bituminosi per pavimentazioni stradali\u201d, il cui obiettivo era proprio la formalizzazione, a valle di una cospicua attivit\ue0 di sperimentazione, di un catalogo dei rivestimenti superficiali ove risultasse possibile accertare la corrispondenza fra protocolli di composizione, produzione e messa in opera da un lato e prestazioni risultanti dall\u2019altro
Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali e Strutture, Tecnologie e Pianificazione Ambient... more Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali e Strutture, Tecnologie e Pianificazione Ambientale, Scuola Pitagora in Scienze Ingegneristiche, Ciclo XXV, a.a. 2010-2012
The objectives and scopes of this research were confined into the formalization of strategies and... more The objectives and scopes of this research were confined into the formalization of strategies and technical procedures for recycling PEMs back to permeable wearing courses. The most relevant boundary conditions were the following: mitigating the drawback of clogging and its related consequences (decay of acoustic and drainagebility performance over the time), preserving traditional (bearing properties, skid resistance) and premium (silentness, drainagebility) performance; recycling high percentages of cold milled RAP-from-PEM, investigating on collateral effects in terms of sustainability. An experimental plan was designed and carried out, by specifying materials selection, production, tests on recycled PEMs, basic and advanced tests on surface and hydraulic properties of recycled PEMs, analyses and reports. Functional performance resulted quite promising and the tests carried out are encouraging about the possibility of achieving a satisfactory level of surface performance. Practical applications for rehabilitation interventions are outlined.
The road surface texture is responsible for controlling several quality/safety road indicators, s... more The road surface texture is responsible for controlling several quality/safety road indicators, such as friction, noise, and fuel consumption. Road texture can be classified into different wavelengths, and it is dependent on the material used in the paving solution. With the aim of evaluating and characterizing the surface texture of a microsurfacing road pavement, six microsurfacing samples were made in the laboratory with both traditional materials (basaltic aggregates and bituminous emulsion) and with innovative materials from recycling procedures (crumb rubber (CR) and artificial engineered aggregate (AEA)). The characterization was performed through the use of a conoscopic holography profilometer with high precision and post-processing of the profiles detected through consolidated algorithms (ISO standards). We found that the aggregate type plays a very important role in the pavement texture. The binder agent seems to be highly important, but more studies regarding this are nec...
Bituminous surface treatments (seal coats, chip seals, etc.) are pavement wearing courses created... more Bituminous surface treatments (seal coats, chip seals, etc.) are pavement wearing courses created using asphalt binder and aggregate. They can be applied to an existing pavement or to a base course. They can act as a waterproof, skid resistant layer, sealing cracks and raveled surfaces and increasing reflection properties of road surfaces. Their expected life ranges from two to five years and are widely used in flexible pavements maintenance and rehabilitation because of reduced costs and the easiness of application. One of the most important characteristics of bituminous surface treatments is their macrotexture (initial and over time). Indeed, it affects tire-pavement interaction in wet and dry conditions and can interact with other characteristics and distress (aggregate embedment, loss of cover aggregate, streaking, bleeding, etc.). This paper focuses on the evaluation of surface performance of laboratory slabs, produced through a single-surface dressing. Macrotexture depth was measured by the Sand Patch method. A laser profilometer was also used to survey slabs texture and both aggregate descriptors and texture levels were evaluated. Finally, skid resistance and drainability data were measured by means of the British Pendulum Tester and the Belgian Permeameter, respectively. Aggregates of different size were selected in order to investigate on the relationship between aggregate dimensions and surface performance. A model was developed, implemented and validated. Results are expected to benefit both practitioners and researchers.
Abstract Safety, skid resistance and noise of roads highly depend on the characteristics of pavem... more Abstract Safety, skid resistance and noise of roads highly depend on the characteristics of pavement surface texture, for both porous and dense-graded wearing courses. In the light of the above facts, the objective of the study was to model the relationship between laser-based and volumetric-type measurements of the surface macro-texture of a pavement. In more detail, the study focused on the mean profile depth (MPD, as per ISO 13473-1:1997 and ASTM E1845-01) and on the mean texture depth (MTD, as known as sand patch texture, as per ASTM E965-96 and EN 13036-1). Different types of surface textures were considered: dense-graded friction courses (DGFC), splittmastic asphalts (SMA), open-graded friction courses (OGFC), porous European mixes (PEM). A generalised simple model has been set up, calibrated and validated. The proposed model fits the data of many types of wearing courses without neglecting the basic achievements which refer to the curves previously derived.
AbstractRoad safety builds on traffic and driver–infrastructure interaction: nighttime visibility... more AbstractRoad safety builds on traffic and driver–infrastructure interaction: nighttime visibility represents a key-aspect of this complex interaction. Therefore, providing an adequate road lighting...
The widespread use of natural aggregates is one of the main causes of the depletion of natural re... more The widespread use of natural aggregates is one of the main causes of the depletion of natural resources, as aggregates are constituents of several construction materials. Alternatively, it is, today, proven to be feasible to use mining tailings, either natural or recycled materials, to produce artificial aggregates through specific processes. A possible way to produce artificial aggregate is through the alkali activation of the powdered material in a process called geopolymerization. This study proposes to use a basalt powder and two different metakaolins as precursors for the production of an alkali-activated artificial aggregate, with a specific shape and size achieved by using 3D-printed molds. The experimental aggregates were evaluated using traditional tests for natural aggregates, such as resistance to compression, specific density and resistance to abrasion and fragmentation. Furthermore, the material was chemically analyzed in order to evaluate the geopolymerization process...
This study provides a comprehensive approach to the management of uncontrolled accesses, namely, ... more This study provides a comprehensive approach to the management of uncontrolled accesses, namely, access points without traffic lights, stop signs, right-of-way, yield signs, or right-turn acceleration/deceleration lanes. These elements of the road network are often associated with several safety issues given the inadequate conditions and limitations regarding their location, design, and visibility. This paper provides new insights into the geometric and functional design of uncontrolled accesses and contributes to the area of safety management measures. The implementation of the approach to a selected case study allows for the description of the methodology and to find interesting results concerning the cause-effect relationship between geometry-related variables and accidental events. In particular, the study focuses attention on the key factors of the geometric and functional design of accesses: radius and width, with the aim of defining more adequate design criteria aimed at impr...
La pavimentazione stradale riveste oggi peculiare rilevanza in relazione al soddisfacimento di is... more La pavimentazione stradale riveste oggi peculiare rilevanza in relazione al soddisfacimento di istanze primarie ed assolutamente generali quali la sicurezza della locomozione e la ecocompatibilit\ue0 del moto, soprattutto per ci\uf2 che concerne le caratteristiche dello strato superficiale. La logica che presiede al processo di attribuzione dei requisiti si \ue8 nel contempo sempre pi\uf9 caratterizzata in termini di esigenza di \u201cprestazioni\u201d (aderenza, regolarit\ue0, portanza, ridotta contribuzione vibro-sonora, etc.), rendendo di fatto meno prioritario e cogente il sistema di vincoli compositivo-esecutivi, diffusamente usato finora nei tradizionali Capitolati Speciali d\u2019Appalto. In tale ottica, condivisa in ambito scientifico, tecnologico e giuridico, cospicua importanza hanno acquisito i \u201ccapitolati prestazionali\u201d, con i quali \ue8 possibile governare, in un mercato dalle regole di accesso e permanenza in continua evoluzione, i rapporti tra Committenze (sempre pi\uf9 identificate in Enti Locali) ed Imprese Esecutrici, sulla base di codici di \u201csussistenza prestazionale\u201d, fondati su di un insieme di indicatori funzionali. Essi, con riferimento al piano di via, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale poich\ue9 attengono a propriet\ue0 che sono in grado di condizionare tutti i fenomeni connessi al contatto tra pneumatico e superficie di rotolamento, i cui effetti interferiscono con la sicurezza del moto, con il comfort di marcia, nonch\ue9 con la compatibilit\ue0 ambientale del trasporto su gomma, tanto in termini di inquinamenti (rumore e vibrazioni) che di costi energetici (consumo di carburanti e pneumatici). Presupposto per\uf2 indispensabile per la validit\ue0 del sistema \u201cprestazionale\u201d di rapporti tra Committenze ed Esecutori \ue8 che, a valle delle richieste di \u201cperformances\u201d avanzate dalle Prime, i Secondi abbiano riferimenti sicuri su quali strumenti (materiali, accortezze compositive, processi di messa in opera, etc.) consentiranno loro di rispondere con successo. In tale articolato scenario, caratterizzato dalla inconsueta contemporaneit\ue0 tra innalzamento e diversificazione delle prestazioni richieste, trasferimento di oneri di possesso e manutenzione agli Enti Locali, affinamento delle tecniche di indagine sperimentale e cospicuo incremento dei costi delle strumentazioni di prova, si avverte l\u2019esigenza di chiare ed affidabili regole di corrispondenza tra aspetti compositivo-esecutivi e prestazioni ottenute. Sensibili a tali istanze, nel 2001 \ue8 stato cofinanziato, ed ad oggi completato, un progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale dal titolo \u201cIstituzione di un catalogo prestazionale dei manti bituminosi per pavimentazioni stradali\u201d, il cui obiettivo era proprio la formalizzazione, a valle di una cospicua attivit\ue0 di sperimentazione, di un catalogo dei rivestimenti superficiali ove risultasse possibile accertare la corrispondenza fra protocolli di composizione, produzione e messa in opera da un lato e prestazioni risultanti dall\u2019altro
Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali e Strutture, Tecnologie e Pianificazione Ambient... more Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali e Strutture, Tecnologie e Pianificazione Ambientale, Scuola Pitagora in Scienze Ingegneristiche, Ciclo XXV, a.a. 2010-2012
The objectives and scopes of this research were confined into the formalization of strategies and... more The objectives and scopes of this research were confined into the formalization of strategies and technical procedures for recycling PEMs back to permeable wearing courses. The most relevant boundary conditions were the following: mitigating the drawback of clogging and its related consequences (decay of acoustic and drainagebility performance over the time), preserving traditional (bearing properties, skid resistance) and premium (silentness, drainagebility) performance; recycling high percentages of cold milled RAP-from-PEM, investigating on collateral effects in terms of sustainability. An experimental plan was designed and carried out, by specifying materials selection, production, tests on recycled PEMs, basic and advanced tests on surface and hydraulic properties of recycled PEMs, analyses and reports. Functional performance resulted quite promising and the tests carried out are encouraging about the possibility of achieving a satisfactory level of surface performance. Practical applications for rehabilitation interventions are outlined.
Papers by Rosolino Vaiana