The main methodologies applied to obtain the economic impact of a port, are discussed in this pap... more The main methodologies applied to obtain the economic impact of a port, are discussed in this paper. A systematic classification which allows to evaluate the availability of the resources as well as the advantages, and disadvantages of every methodology, is offered according to the aims. Moreover, with these methodologies, the impact of port industry on the rest of the economy, can be obtained.
ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL N. o 353 • 2003 / V 47 las nuevas tecnologías en el transporte, una alternati... more ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL N. o 353 • 2003 / V 47 las nuevas tecnologías en el transporte, una alternativa a la inversión en carreteras.
In this paper, we propose a methodology to estimate the economic impact of the ports of a country... more In this paper, we propose a methodology to estimate the economic impact of the ports of a country. Inspired by traditional literature about the research on port impact, we obtain the estimation of the impact of ports on the Spanish economy in 1993. Input–output techniques are used to obtain direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for the different types of economic agents: port users, port industry and port authority.
The aim of Essays on Port Economics is to offer further reading for specialist and postgraduate c... more The aim of Essays on Port Economics is to offer further reading for specialist and postgraduate courses, Master’s degrees and doctorates in Economics, Business Administration, Engineering, the merchant navy and other port professionals. The editors all teach at the University of Cantabria: Pablo Coto-Millán has a Ph.D. in Economics and is a Professor of Transport Economics and Microeconomics; Miguel Ángel Pesquera has a Ph.D. in Engineering and is a Professor of Port Management and Operations, and Juan Castanedo has a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and Merchant Shipping and is an Associate Professor of Port Management and Operations.
In the present section, we estimate cost functions for Solid Bulk shipping transport by 34 privat... more In the present section, we estimate cost functions for Solid Bulk shipping transport by 34 private firms for 1991. The functional form used is the Translog drawn by Christensen et al. (1973). We also estimate the Allen and Morishima elasticities of substitution, and compare and interpret the results as well.
This paper present a cost–benefit analysis approach applied to measure benefits involving the exp... more This paper present a cost–benefit analysis approach applied to measure benefits involving the expansion of container capacity in a seaport context. The paper starts by setting out the theoretical background for identifying and measuring the project benefits. There have been identified and calculated three different benefits: benefits from existing traffic, benefits from avoided diversion costs and benefits from generated traffic. A practical application of this methodology has been included. The results for this application show that this project is viable, either if this infrastructure has congestion problems in the present or may have them in the short term.
The values of saving in the time spent in journeys to study locations range from 3.04 €/hour for ... more The values of saving in the time spent in journeys to study locations range from 3.04 €/hour for students with low preference for leisure (α=0), to 1.35 €/hour for students with very high preference for leisure. The estimated coefficients of supply variables are affected by negative signs, results which are intuitively appropriate and show us that an increase in variable private vehicle times and costs difference with respect to bus will decrease the probability to travel by private vehicle. On the other hand, the socio-economic variables reveal that younger men have more probability to travel by private car than women and older people. The annex shows that, statistics improve if we eliminate socio-economic, age and sex variables from our model.
This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (w... more This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren't self-contained things; they're more like ecosystems and networks.
This article presents an approach to the impact of new technology on the management of port servi... more This article presents an approach to the impact of new technology on the management of port services. After an introduction on motivation, there are three sections of a descriptive nature in which the methods used to incorporate new technology in the management of the port sector are presented. In the fourth section an empirical approximation is carried out, focusing on efficiency frontiers, on the impact of investment in new technology in Spanish ports for the period 1985–1995. The research is conclusive on the existence of technological progress in the Spanish port sector from the 1990s onwards, with more technical efficiency in ports that have been pioneers in applying new information technology such as Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
This paper analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime t... more This paper analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime transport mode in Spain during the period 1994.I–1998. IV Cointegration techniques are used in the estimations to obtain long-term price and income elasticities. These estimations can be used to assess the effects of price modifications in the volume of imports and exports and, hence, to carry out forecasts on international trade and maritime transport.
The empirical analysis of production functions can be directed at least in two different ways whi... more The empirical analysis of production functions can be directed at least in two different ways which may have the same results. Firstly, we may directly assume a particular and flexible production function, and then test the different restrictions stage by stage, in order to find the most suitable functional form. An alternative way would be to assume cost, profit or input conditioned demand functions, which, after satisfying the corresponding duality theorems must provide the same information as the production function. Therefore, if the production integrability problem allows us to change from a cost function – for instance – to a production function, the technology can be perfectly detected from such a cost function. In this study, I will use the former method in which a flexible functional form such as the logarithmic transcendental or translog is directly assumed, which allows us to execute different parametrical tests of the various properties of the production technology. This choice requires information about the amount of output and of productive input. Some interesting results can be obtained from this function, such as the input elasticities of substitution, the returns to scale of the production function, the marginal products of inputs, the output elasticities and different economic hypotheses.
In this paper, we have studied the behaviour of state company RENFE costs from 1964 to 1992. Tran... more In this paper, we have studied the behaviour of state company RENFE costs from 1964 to 1992. Translog function with the restriction of grade-one homogeneity in the factor prices, has been analized and acceptable results have been obtained for the vehicles-km output. The cost function estimated has an good behaviour since it meets the conditions of monotonicity, quasi concavity and grade-one homogeneity in the factor prices. The comparison between elasticities support the results in previous research since it can be observed that the Allen elasticities of substitution with respect to the Morishima elasticities, overestimate both the substituibility and complementariety relationships. The estimations basically find that the industry is characterized by constant returns to scale.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Trabajos De Estadistica Y De Investigacion Operativa, 1979
Para resolver un problema concreto de optimización de una flota de camiones-cisterna, destinados ... more Para resolver un problema concreto de optimización de una flota de camiones-cisterna, destinados a distribuir productos petrolíferos, fue necesario diseñar un método de cálculo que tuviera en cuenta algunos aspectos específicos del problema tratado, como eran la dispersión y escasa dimensión de los clientes, la aleatoriedad de la demanda y las necesidades comerciales de dar un servicio inmediato, sin posibilitar la realización de circuitos estables de distribución. El procedimiento de cálculo que se puso a punto constaba de dos fases diferenciadas: En primer lugar, un modelo aleatorio de simulación de la demanda permitía obtener la distribución física y el volumen de pedidos a lo largo de un período de tiempo representativo. En segundo lugar, un método de análisis y selección de la flora óptima permitía deducir el número y tamaño de los camiones que eran necesarios. Los resultados obtenidos por aplicación de ambas fases han resultado lo suficientemente satisfactorios como para programar un plan de inversiones en vehículos de transporte a plazo medio.
The most efficient airports are the ones of Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Gran Ca... more The most efficient airports are the ones of Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Gran Canaria, Tenerife South, Alicante, Ibiza, Fuerteventura, Menorca and Bilbao. These airports have the highest traffic of passengers (between 3 million and 19 million). Airports of medium efficiency are the ones of Tenerife North, Valencia, Seville, Santiago, Almeria, Las Palmas, Asturias, Vigo, Reus, Jerez de la Frontera, Girona and La Coruña. These airports have medium volumes of traffic (between 400 thousand and 3 million). The airports of Granada, Pamplona, Melilla, San Sebastian, Santander, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Murcia and Hierro have a low efficiency, with volumes of traffic of up to 400 thousand passengers. The airports of Madrid and Barcelona present constant returns to scale because they have extinguished their scale economies as they have achieved their optimum size. However, the airports of Malaga and Alicante present decreasing returns. A possible reason for this is the strong stationarity in traffics, which requires that airports are big in order to answer to the peaks in demand, while traffics are low the rest of the year. The remaining airports present increasing returns, as expected. These airports will extinguish their returns to scale economies as they increase the traffic (we have estimated an average increase around 5% during the last 10 years), thus achieving the optimum size.
In this paper we use a theoretical model for sea transport demand services in Spain for the perio... more In this paper we use a theoretical model for sea transport demand services in Spain for the period 1975–1990. Using quarterly data, we estimate separate equations for the different of sea traffic, focus in Liquid Bulk traffic.
Abstract This article analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by... more Abstract This article analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime transport in Spain during the period 1994. I1998. IV. Cointegration techniques are used in the estimations to obtain long-term price and income elasticities. ...
The previous models, based on the conventional demand theory, provide us with empirical evidence ... more The previous models, based on the conventional demand theory, provide us with empirical evidence for road, railway and air transport in Spain from 1980 to 1988. We obtain the Marshallian demand functions with respect to relevant income and price variables for each modes of transport analyzed. In this work we offer income and price elasticities estimations as well as exchange of data aggregated to interurban passengers transport in Spain. It is necessary to be cautious when interpreting data, due to the high variable aggregation. Some research could be made in the future on this type of model from the desagregation of transport service demand into different lines.
The main methodologies applied to obtain the economic impact of a port, are discussed in this pap... more The main methodologies applied to obtain the economic impact of a port, are discussed in this paper. A systematic classification which allows to evaluate the availability of the resources as well as the advantages, and disadvantages of every methodology, is offered according to the aims. Moreover, with these methodologies, the impact of port industry on the rest of the economy, can be obtained.
ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL N. o 353 • 2003 / V 47 las nuevas tecnologías en el transporte, una alternati... more ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL N. o 353 • 2003 / V 47 las nuevas tecnologías en el transporte, una alternativa a la inversión en carreteras.
In this paper, we propose a methodology to estimate the economic impact of the ports of a country... more In this paper, we propose a methodology to estimate the economic impact of the ports of a country. Inspired by traditional literature about the research on port impact, we obtain the estimation of the impact of ports on the Spanish economy in 1993. Input–output techniques are used to obtain direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for the different types of economic agents: port users, port industry and port authority.
The aim of Essays on Port Economics is to offer further reading for specialist and postgraduate c... more The aim of Essays on Port Economics is to offer further reading for specialist and postgraduate courses, Master’s degrees and doctorates in Economics, Business Administration, Engineering, the merchant navy and other port professionals. The editors all teach at the University of Cantabria: Pablo Coto-Millán has a Ph.D. in Economics and is a Professor of Transport Economics and Microeconomics; Miguel Ángel Pesquera has a Ph.D. in Engineering and is a Professor of Port Management and Operations, and Juan Castanedo has a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and Merchant Shipping and is an Associate Professor of Port Management and Operations.
In the present section, we estimate cost functions for Solid Bulk shipping transport by 34 privat... more In the present section, we estimate cost functions for Solid Bulk shipping transport by 34 private firms for 1991. The functional form used is the Translog drawn by Christensen et al. (1973). We also estimate the Allen and Morishima elasticities of substitution, and compare and interpret the results as well.
This paper present a cost–benefit analysis approach applied to measure benefits involving the exp... more This paper present a cost–benefit analysis approach applied to measure benefits involving the expansion of container capacity in a seaport context. The paper starts by setting out the theoretical background for identifying and measuring the project benefits. There have been identified and calculated three different benefits: benefits from existing traffic, benefits from avoided diversion costs and benefits from generated traffic. A practical application of this methodology has been included. The results for this application show that this project is viable, either if this infrastructure has congestion problems in the present or may have them in the short term.
The values of saving in the time spent in journeys to study locations range from 3.04 €/hour for ... more The values of saving in the time spent in journeys to study locations range from 3.04 €/hour for students with low preference for leisure (α=0), to 1.35 €/hour for students with very high preference for leisure. The estimated coefficients of supply variables are affected by negative signs, results which are intuitively appropriate and show us that an increase in variable private vehicle times and costs difference with respect to bus will decrease the probability to travel by private vehicle. On the other hand, the socio-economic variables reveal that younger men have more probability to travel by private car than women and older people. The annex shows that, statistics improve if we eliminate socio-economic, age and sex variables from our model.
This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (w... more This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren't self-contained things; they're more like ecosystems and networks.
This article presents an approach to the impact of new technology on the management of port servi... more This article presents an approach to the impact of new technology on the management of port services. After an introduction on motivation, there are three sections of a descriptive nature in which the methods used to incorporate new technology in the management of the port sector are presented. In the fourth section an empirical approximation is carried out, focusing on efficiency frontiers, on the impact of investment in new technology in Spanish ports for the period 1985–1995. The research is conclusive on the existence of technological progress in the Spanish port sector from the 1990s onwards, with more technical efficiency in ports that have been pioneers in applying new information technology such as Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
This paper analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime t... more This paper analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime transport mode in Spain during the period 1994.I–1998. IV Cointegration techniques are used in the estimations to obtain long-term price and income elasticities. These estimations can be used to assess the effects of price modifications in the volume of imports and exports and, hence, to carry out forecasts on international trade and maritime transport.
The empirical analysis of production functions can be directed at least in two different ways whi... more The empirical analysis of production functions can be directed at least in two different ways which may have the same results. Firstly, we may directly assume a particular and flexible production function, and then test the different restrictions stage by stage, in order to find the most suitable functional form. An alternative way would be to assume cost, profit or input conditioned demand functions, which, after satisfying the corresponding duality theorems must provide the same information as the production function. Therefore, if the production integrability problem allows us to change from a cost function – for instance – to a production function, the technology can be perfectly detected from such a cost function. In this study, I will use the former method in which a flexible functional form such as the logarithmic transcendental or translog is directly assumed, which allows us to execute different parametrical tests of the various properties of the production technology. This choice requires information about the amount of output and of productive input. Some interesting results can be obtained from this function, such as the input elasticities of substitution, the returns to scale of the production function, the marginal products of inputs, the output elasticities and different economic hypotheses.
In this paper, we have studied the behaviour of state company RENFE costs from 1964 to 1992. Tran... more In this paper, we have studied the behaviour of state company RENFE costs from 1964 to 1992. Translog function with the restriction of grade-one homogeneity in the factor prices, has been analized and acceptable results have been obtained for the vehicles-km output. The cost function estimated has an good behaviour since it meets the conditions of monotonicity, quasi concavity and grade-one homogeneity in the factor prices. The comparison between elasticities support the results in previous research since it can be observed that the Allen elasticities of substitution with respect to the Morishima elasticities, overestimate both the substituibility and complementariety relationships. The estimations basically find that the industry is characterized by constant returns to scale.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Trabajos De Estadistica Y De Investigacion Operativa, 1979
Para resolver un problema concreto de optimización de una flota de camiones-cisterna, destinados ... more Para resolver un problema concreto de optimización de una flota de camiones-cisterna, destinados a distribuir productos petrolíferos, fue necesario diseñar un método de cálculo que tuviera en cuenta algunos aspectos específicos del problema tratado, como eran la dispersión y escasa dimensión de los clientes, la aleatoriedad de la demanda y las necesidades comerciales de dar un servicio inmediato, sin posibilitar la realización de circuitos estables de distribución. El procedimiento de cálculo que se puso a punto constaba de dos fases diferenciadas: En primer lugar, un modelo aleatorio de simulación de la demanda permitía obtener la distribución física y el volumen de pedidos a lo largo de un período de tiempo representativo. En segundo lugar, un método de análisis y selección de la flora óptima permitía deducir el número y tamaño de los camiones que eran necesarios. Los resultados obtenidos por aplicación de ambas fases han resultado lo suficientemente satisfactorios como para programar un plan de inversiones en vehículos de transporte a plazo medio.
The most efficient airports are the ones of Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Gran Ca... more The most efficient airports are the ones of Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Gran Canaria, Tenerife South, Alicante, Ibiza, Fuerteventura, Menorca and Bilbao. These airports have the highest traffic of passengers (between 3 million and 19 million). Airports of medium efficiency are the ones of Tenerife North, Valencia, Seville, Santiago, Almeria, Las Palmas, Asturias, Vigo, Reus, Jerez de la Frontera, Girona and La Coruña. These airports have medium volumes of traffic (between 400 thousand and 3 million). The airports of Granada, Pamplona, Melilla, San Sebastian, Santander, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Murcia and Hierro have a low efficiency, with volumes of traffic of up to 400 thousand passengers. The airports of Madrid and Barcelona present constant returns to scale because they have extinguished their scale economies as they have achieved their optimum size. However, the airports of Malaga and Alicante present decreasing returns. A possible reason for this is the strong stationarity in traffics, which requires that airports are big in order to answer to the peaks in demand, while traffics are low the rest of the year. The remaining airports present increasing returns, as expected. These airports will extinguish their returns to scale economies as they increase the traffic (we have estimated an average increase around 5% during the last 10 years), thus achieving the optimum size.
In this paper we use a theoretical model for sea transport demand services in Spain for the perio... more In this paper we use a theoretical model for sea transport demand services in Spain for the period 1975–1990. Using quarterly data, we estimate separate equations for the different of sea traffic, focus in Liquid Bulk traffic.
Abstract This article analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by... more Abstract This article analyses the behaviour of the functions of importing and exporting goods by maritime transport in Spain during the period 1994. I1998. IV. Cointegration techniques are used in the estimations to obtain long-term price and income elasticities. ...
The previous models, based on the conventional demand theory, provide us with empirical evidence ... more The previous models, based on the conventional demand theory, provide us with empirical evidence for road, railway and air transport in Spain from 1980 to 1988. We obtain the Marshallian demand functions with respect to relevant income and price variables for each modes of transport analyzed. In this work we offer income and price elasticities estimations as well as exchange of data aggregated to interurban passengers transport in Spain. It is necessary to be cautious when interpreting data, due to the high variable aggregation. Some research could be made in the future on this type of model from the desagregation of transport service demand into different lines.
Papers by Miguel Pesquera