In addressing age discrimination, a major driver of exclusion in later life, Astrid Stuckelberger... more In addressing age discrimination, a major driver of exclusion in later life, Astrid Stuckelberger, Dominic Abrams and Philippe Chastonay examine steps being taken in Europe and through the United Nations to create a 'society for all ages'. The chapter reviews core processes of discrimination and exclusion based on old age, such as ageism, stigmatisation and stereotyping, and moves on to highlight the extent to which European citizens perceive ageism and age discrimination to be problematic. In terms of legislative responses to age discrimination, the EU has led the way internationally in outlawing different forms of discrimination in the workplace. However, loopholes in the legislative framework need to be filled if the risks of employment-related exclusion are to be minimised. Moreover, despite a range of UN initiatives in recent years, the authors suggest that relatively little progress has been made. As a result, many older people around the world are continuing to experience disadvantage.
Questions asked on the occasion of health survey at home usually refer to frequency of medical co... more Questions asked on the occasion of health survey at home usually refer to frequency of medical consultations and prescribed drugs, but often also to reported somatic symptoms and self-evaluated general health status. Interview data collected in a population of aged widows and widowers revealed a high degree of concordance between these various health indicators, justifying in particular the value assigned to the subjective appreciation of the level of general health.
La question de savoir si, au fil des annees, le bilan de sante de la population âgee s'amelio... more La question de savoir si, au fil des annees, le bilan de sante de la population âgee s'ameliore ou se pejore fait l'objet d'un large debat scientifique. Sur la base d'une etude transversale sur un echantillon aleatoire de la population âgee (65 ans et plus) a domicile, realisee en 1979 (N = 805) et repetee en 1994 (N = 904) a Geneve, sont presentes ici les changements observes a 15 ans d'ecart dans la sante fonctionnelle, la sante psychique et la sante auto-evaluee, ainsi que -- mais pour 1994 seulement -- la prevalence des troubles aigus. Compte tenu de l'evolution proportionnelle de la population âgee institutionnalisee et malgre l'allongement de l'esperance de vie, l'etude releve une diminution significative de la prevalence des personnes dependantes ou en perte d'independance selon les AVQ, et plus substantielle encore de celles affectees de symptomes depressifs comme de celles qui jugent leur sante mauvaise, dans la population âgee totale (65 ans et plus). Parmi les personnes tres âgees (80 ans et plus), ces prevalences soit sont restees stables, soit ont diminue (sante auto-evaluee). Les auteurs discutent en conclusion des causes possibles de cette embellie.
Objective: This study assessed health care utilization of aging prisoners and compared it with th... more Objective: This study assessed health care utilization of aging prisoners and compared it with that of younger prisoners. Method: Health care utilization comprised visits to general practitioners (GPs), nurses, and mental health professionals (MHPs) for a period of 6 months. Using retrospective study design, data were extracted from medical records of 190 older prisoners (50 years and older) and 190 younger inmates (18-49 years). Age group was a dichotomous predictor variable with type of sentencing and time spent in prison as covariates. Descriptive statistics and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were performed. Results: For each of the three outcome variables, two GLMMs were constructed. The first model only included age group as the predictor variable (3 × Unadjusted models). The second included the two covariates in addition to the predictor variable (3 × Adjusted model). Results from the adjusted model indicate that visits to GPs significantly differed between the two age groups ( p = .022). Older prisoners visited GPs 1.43 times more often than younger prisoners over the 6-month period (adjusted risk ratio [RR] = 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [1.05, 1.94]). The finding for visits to nurses was not statistically significant ( p = .080). However, older prisoners visited nurses 1.36 times more frequently (adjusted RR = 1.36, 95% CI = [0.96, 1.91]). Finally, older prisoners visited MHPs 1.24 times more often than younger prisoners (adjusted RR = 1.24, 95% CI = [.95, 1.61]) and this finding was also not statistically significant ( p = .11). Discussion: Study findings underline that older prisoners utilized health care more often than younger prisoners although in most models the finding did not reach statistical significance. The prison system must develop solutions to address the needs of an aging population, particularly those with physical and mental health problems.
A comprehensive study of "anti-aging medicine" was conducted including a literature review and su... more A comprehensive study of "anti-aging medicine" was conducted including a literature review and survey as well as interviews of international experts, practitioners and clinics in Switzerland, Japan and the United States. The objective of the study was: 1) to provide state of the art theoretical background and empirically validated anti-aging interventions; 2) to assess their impact and risks; 3) to provide recommendations for researchers, professionals and decision-makers. Anti-aging medicine claims to be an individualized and futurist medicine, that focus on prevention, early detection and treatment of age-related pathologies, using latest medical technologies. Anti-aging medicine holds risks and opportunities, making it necessary to regulate, educate and carefully integrate anti-aging medicine's blooming global expansion.
Le vieillissement des populations et ses transitions demographiques, epidemiologiques, socio-cult... more Le vieillissement des populations et ses transitions demographiques, epidemiologiques, socio-culturelles et technologiques ont des consequences sans precedent sur les pratiques professionnelles et sur les politiques de sante du futur. La recherche scientifiques se situent dans le contexte d'une « double revolution » : a) d'enormes progres scientifiques ont ete accomplis sur la comprehension des phenomenes et processus du vieillissement individuel et de sa sante (biologique, psychique et fonctionnel) conduisant a de nouveaux modeles de vieillissement, d'interventions et de prevention; b) le vieillissement est specifique a chaque cohorte ou generation. De plus, les progres rapides de la science et de la technologie exigent une constante adaptation des realites medicales et politiques. Cet ouvrage espere contribuer a une meilleure conception et comprehension du vieillissement, de la prevention des pathologies qui y sont liees et de la sante tant au niveau de l'individu que de la population et des politiques.
In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem N... more In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm «Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani» (NFP 32) vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auf der Grundlage der durchgefuhrten empirischen Forschungsarbeiten wird die wirtschaftliche Lage, das psychische und das gesundheitliche Befinden sowie die soziale Stellung alterer und betagter Menschen von heute thematisiert. Dabei werden auch zentrale Einflussfaktoren fur ein «erfolgreiches Altern» deutlich. Themenschwerpunkte: Demographische Entwicklung und Stellung alterer Menschen, Bilder zum Alter und Generationenbeziehungen, wirtschaftliche Lage alterer Menschen, Pensionierung und Ubergang in die nachberufliche Phase, Sozialbeziehungen und Wohnformen im Alter, Gesellschaftspolitische Aktivitaten alterer Menschen, Wohlbefinden und kognitive Leistungen bei alteren und betagten Menschen, Gesundheit und Behinderungen im hoheren Lebensalter.
In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem N... more In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm «Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani» (NFP 32) vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auf der Grundlage der durchgefuhrten empirischen Forschungsarbeiten wird die wirtschaftliche Lage, das psychische und das gesundheitliche Befinden sowie die soziale Stellung alterer und betagter Menschen von heute thematisiert. Dabei werden auch zentrale Einflussfaktoren fur ein «erfolgreiches Altern» deutlich. Themenschwerpunkte: Demographische Entwicklung und Stellung alterer Menschen, Bilder zum Alter und Generationenbeziehungen, wirtschaftliche Lage alterer Menschen, Pensionierung und Ubergang in die nachberufliche Phase, Sozialbeziehungen und Wohnformen im Alter, Gesellschaftspolitische Aktivitaten alterer Menschen, Wohlbefinden und kognitive Leistungen bei alteren und betagten Menschen, Gesundheit und Behinderungen im hoheren Lebensalter.
Die gegenwgrtig verftigbaren demographischen Daten f'tir die Schweiz belegen, dass die Z... more Die gegenwgrtig verftigbaren demographischen Daten f'tir die Schweiz belegen, dass die Ziele 1 und 2 des Programmes der WHO Europa <<Altern in Gesund-heit>> in allen Schweizer Kantonen bereits erreicht, wenn nicht sogar weit iiberschritten worden sind. 9 Die Lebenserwartung ...
In addressing age discrimination, a major driver of exclusion in later life, Astrid Stuckelberger... more In addressing age discrimination, a major driver of exclusion in later life, Astrid Stuckelberger, Dominic Abrams and Philippe Chastonay examine steps being taken in Europe and through the United Nations to create a 'society for all ages'. The chapter reviews core processes of discrimination and exclusion based on old age, such as ageism, stigmatisation and stereotyping, and moves on to highlight the extent to which European citizens perceive ageism and age discrimination to be problematic. In terms of legislative responses to age discrimination, the EU has led the way internationally in outlawing different forms of discrimination in the workplace. However, loopholes in the legislative framework need to be filled if the risks of employment-related exclusion are to be minimised. Moreover, despite a range of UN initiatives in recent years, the authors suggest that relatively little progress has been made. As a result, many older people around the world are continuing to experience disadvantage.
Questions asked on the occasion of health survey at home usually refer to frequency of medical co... more Questions asked on the occasion of health survey at home usually refer to frequency of medical consultations and prescribed drugs, but often also to reported somatic symptoms and self-evaluated general health status. Interview data collected in a population of aged widows and widowers revealed a high degree of concordance between these various health indicators, justifying in particular the value assigned to the subjective appreciation of the level of general health.
La question de savoir si, au fil des annees, le bilan de sante de la population âgee s'amelio... more La question de savoir si, au fil des annees, le bilan de sante de la population âgee s'ameliore ou se pejore fait l'objet d'un large debat scientifique. Sur la base d'une etude transversale sur un echantillon aleatoire de la population âgee (65 ans et plus) a domicile, realisee en 1979 (N = 805) et repetee en 1994 (N = 904) a Geneve, sont presentes ici les changements observes a 15 ans d'ecart dans la sante fonctionnelle, la sante psychique et la sante auto-evaluee, ainsi que -- mais pour 1994 seulement -- la prevalence des troubles aigus. Compte tenu de l'evolution proportionnelle de la population âgee institutionnalisee et malgre l'allongement de l'esperance de vie, l'etude releve une diminution significative de la prevalence des personnes dependantes ou en perte d'independance selon les AVQ, et plus substantielle encore de celles affectees de symptomes depressifs comme de celles qui jugent leur sante mauvaise, dans la population âgee totale (65 ans et plus). Parmi les personnes tres âgees (80 ans et plus), ces prevalences soit sont restees stables, soit ont diminue (sante auto-evaluee). Les auteurs discutent en conclusion des causes possibles de cette embellie.
Objective: This study assessed health care utilization of aging prisoners and compared it with th... more Objective: This study assessed health care utilization of aging prisoners and compared it with that of younger prisoners. Method: Health care utilization comprised visits to general practitioners (GPs), nurses, and mental health professionals (MHPs) for a period of 6 months. Using retrospective study design, data were extracted from medical records of 190 older prisoners (50 years and older) and 190 younger inmates (18-49 years). Age group was a dichotomous predictor variable with type of sentencing and time spent in prison as covariates. Descriptive statistics and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were performed. Results: For each of the three outcome variables, two GLMMs were constructed. The first model only included age group as the predictor variable (3 × Unadjusted models). The second included the two covariates in addition to the predictor variable (3 × Adjusted model). Results from the adjusted model indicate that visits to GPs significantly differed between the two age groups ( p = .022). Older prisoners visited GPs 1.43 times more often than younger prisoners over the 6-month period (adjusted risk ratio [RR] = 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [1.05, 1.94]). The finding for visits to nurses was not statistically significant ( p = .080). However, older prisoners visited nurses 1.36 times more frequently (adjusted RR = 1.36, 95% CI = [0.96, 1.91]). Finally, older prisoners visited MHPs 1.24 times more often than younger prisoners (adjusted RR = 1.24, 95% CI = [.95, 1.61]) and this finding was also not statistically significant ( p = .11). Discussion: Study findings underline that older prisoners utilized health care more often than younger prisoners although in most models the finding did not reach statistical significance. The prison system must develop solutions to address the needs of an aging population, particularly those with physical and mental health problems.
A comprehensive study of "anti-aging medicine" was conducted including a literature review and su... more A comprehensive study of "anti-aging medicine" was conducted including a literature review and survey as well as interviews of international experts, practitioners and clinics in Switzerland, Japan and the United States. The objective of the study was: 1) to provide state of the art theoretical background and empirically validated anti-aging interventions; 2) to assess their impact and risks; 3) to provide recommendations for researchers, professionals and decision-makers. Anti-aging medicine claims to be an individualized and futurist medicine, that focus on prevention, early detection and treatment of age-related pathologies, using latest medical technologies. Anti-aging medicine holds risks and opportunities, making it necessary to regulate, educate and carefully integrate anti-aging medicine's blooming global expansion.
Le vieillissement des populations et ses transitions demographiques, epidemiologiques, socio-cult... more Le vieillissement des populations et ses transitions demographiques, epidemiologiques, socio-culturelles et technologiques ont des consequences sans precedent sur les pratiques professionnelles et sur les politiques de sante du futur. La recherche scientifiques se situent dans le contexte d'une « double revolution » : a) d'enormes progres scientifiques ont ete accomplis sur la comprehension des phenomenes et processus du vieillissement individuel et de sa sante (biologique, psychique et fonctionnel) conduisant a de nouveaux modeles de vieillissement, d'interventions et de prevention; b) le vieillissement est specifique a chaque cohorte ou generation. De plus, les progres rapides de la science et de la technologie exigent une constante adaptation des realites medicales et politiques. Cet ouvrage espere contribuer a une meilleure conception et comprehension du vieillissement, de la prevention des pathologies qui y sont liees et de la sante tant au niveau de l'individu que de la population et des politiques.
In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem N... more In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm «Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani» (NFP 32) vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auf der Grundlage der durchgefuhrten empirischen Forschungsarbeiten wird die wirtschaftliche Lage, das psychische und das gesundheitliche Befinden sowie die soziale Stellung alterer und betagter Menschen von heute thematisiert. Dabei werden auch zentrale Einflussfaktoren fur ein «erfolgreiches Altern» deutlich. Themenschwerpunkte: Demographische Entwicklung und Stellung alterer Menschen, Bilder zum Alter und Generationenbeziehungen, wirtschaftliche Lage alterer Menschen, Pensionierung und Ubergang in die nachberufliche Phase, Sozialbeziehungen und Wohnformen im Alter, Gesellschaftspolitische Aktivitaten alterer Menschen, Wohlbefinden und kognitive Leistungen bei alteren und betagten Menschen, Gesundheit und Behinderungen im hoheren Lebensalter.
In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem N... more In diesem wissenschaftlichen Synthesebericht werden wichtige Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm «Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani» (NFP 32) vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auf der Grundlage der durchgefuhrten empirischen Forschungsarbeiten wird die wirtschaftliche Lage, das psychische und das gesundheitliche Befinden sowie die soziale Stellung alterer und betagter Menschen von heute thematisiert. Dabei werden auch zentrale Einflussfaktoren fur ein «erfolgreiches Altern» deutlich. Themenschwerpunkte: Demographische Entwicklung und Stellung alterer Menschen, Bilder zum Alter und Generationenbeziehungen, wirtschaftliche Lage alterer Menschen, Pensionierung und Ubergang in die nachberufliche Phase, Sozialbeziehungen und Wohnformen im Alter, Gesellschaftspolitische Aktivitaten alterer Menschen, Wohlbefinden und kognitive Leistungen bei alteren und betagten Menschen, Gesundheit und Behinderungen im hoheren Lebensalter.
Die gegenwgrtig verftigbaren demographischen Daten f'tir die Schweiz belegen, dass die Z... more Die gegenwgrtig verftigbaren demographischen Daten f'tir die Schweiz belegen, dass die Ziele 1 und 2 des Programmes der WHO Europa <<Altern in Gesund-heit>> in allen Schweizer Kantonen bereits erreicht, wenn nicht sogar weit iiberschritten worden sind. 9 Die Lebenserwartung ...
Papers by Astrid Stuckelberger PhD PD Msc