2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2016
This paper presents a new technique to improve the centralized power sharing scheme for parallel ... more This paper presents a new technique to improve the centralized power sharing scheme for parallel connected inverters in AC islanded microgrids. The proposed technique is based on centralized power sharing scheme using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). This technique can accurately control the active and reactive power coming from inverter thus ensuring excellent power sharing. Simulation results are presented to show effectiveness of the proposed scheme in sharing the load among the parallel connected inverters.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
This work proposes a cascaded braking mechanism. It consists of dynamic braking and yaw control s... more This work proposes a cascaded braking mechanism. It consists of dynamic braking and yaw control scheme. Both schemes provide safety of the micro-wind turbine operation. It protects from over speed and also functioning as speed regulator. The goal of this study is to extend the lifespan of micro wind turbine by preventing it from over speed condition. The Proportional Integral Derivatives (PID) algorithm is used to control the braking mechanism based on Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) criteria to determine its coefficient. The proposed mechanism able to maintain rotational speed under the maximum limit when wind speed increase from 4.8-5.2 m/s without the needs to shutdown operation.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides the user with interactive visual communication to ana... more The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides the user with interactive visual communication to analyse and model the power systems. Applying the advantages of the GUI, new menu driven intelligent tutoring system was developed. The software allows the user to draw the single line diagram representing the power system with ratings of each component. The software calculates the corresponding per-unit values and the change of impedance of individual component referred to the common system MVA. These per-unit values can be used to draw the reactance diagram of symmetrical components automatically. Therefore, it becomes a convenient approach for creating an interactive tool in teaching and learning the power system. The aim of this project is to make teaching and learning more productive and efficient by employing modern technologies. It is hoped that this software will enhance the learning process and make it more interactive, interesting and user friendly.
Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) as speed controller is preferred in many AC machine drives, due to i... more Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) as speed controller is preferred in many AC machine drives, due to its ability to handle model non-linearity, speed variations and parameters change. Additionally, Self-Tuning FLC (ST-FLC) is a modified FLC controller to overcome the issues associated with a fixed parameter FLC and to avoid performance degradation of the machine drive. It can update the FLC parameters in accordance to any variation, changes or disturbances that may occur to the drive system. However, FLC system requires huge computation capacity which increases the computational burden of the overall machine drive system and may result in poor performance. This research proposed a simple ST-FLC mechanism to tune the main FLC speed controller. Three different rule-size of FLC (9, 25, and 49) rules are implemented with ST-FLC mechanism based Induction Motor (IM) drive. Performance comparison of the three different rule-size based ST-FLC is conducted based on simulation and experimental analysis. In addition, a computational effort is technically analyzed and compared for the three different rule-size. In the experiment, ST-FLC with less number of rules (9-rules) shows superior performance, lower sampling and lower computational efforts compared to ST-FLC with higher rule-size (25, 49) rules.
5th IET International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT2018), 2018
The aims of optimizing the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) model is to obtain the par... more The aims of optimizing the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) model is to obtain the parameters used to plot the polarization curves. These curves are affected by many parameters related to the nonlinearities associated with the PEMFC electrochemical processes and the vital tools for simulation and evaluation of PEMFC. In this paper, Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) is proposed to identify these unknown parameters. The results related to two real systems, a single cell Ballard Mark V and the SR-12 PEMFC generator, illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The DA presented competitive results when compared with the results of the other reported metaheuristics algorithms.
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2019
Modeling solar cell involved the formulation of the current versus voltage (I − V) non-linear cur... more Modeling solar cell involved the formulation of the current versus voltage (I − V) non-linear curve. Obtaining the accurate model parameters value is important for better performance evaluation, simulation and control of solar cell and module. Extracting these values using traditional methods required more resources, therefore, the used of meta heuristic optimization method become an attractive choice. Some optimization algorithms have been used to estimate the model parameters. However, more investigation is needed to improve model estimation. In this paper, the performance of Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) technique in identifying the unknown parameters of solar cell double diode model is studied. A measurement data of a 57 mm diameter commercial (R.T.C. France) silicon solar cell is used to observe the performance of this algorithm and the consistency of accurately estimating various parameters. The results show that the estimated and experimental data are accurately fitted and certify a good agreement. Furthermore, comparative study among different parameter estimation techniques is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This paper provides an overview of optimizing solar cell single diode parameters using Dragonfly ... more This paper provides an overview of optimizing solar cell single diode parameters using Dragonfly Algorithm. The 57 mm diameter commercial (R.T.C. France) silicon solar cell measurement data are taking as the data source for the optimization process. The results produced are compared with NM-PSO and IJAYA algorithms to observe the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of the proposed approach
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is one of the problems in the multilevel inverter. This paper dis... more Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is one of the problems in the multilevel inverter. This paper discussed a brief review of THD in different cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter topologies of five levels and seven levels at the output waveforms. The five levels inverter contains eight switches while seven levels inverter used twelve switches. Each single H-bridge inverter circuit is fed by equally independent DC source for both inverters. The inverter uses MOSFET as the switching point and acts as the controller for a fundamental switching operation. The switching value has been set at the gating block to control the operation of the MOSFET switching. Several waveforms and simulation findings are provided to validate the quality of the proposed topology.
A primary concern of multilevel inverter is its capability to produce desired alternating voltage... more A primary concern of multilevel inverter is its capability to produce desired alternating voltage close to sinusoidal at the output, using multiple sources of DC voltage input. Mostly a multilevel inverter is used to generate the AC voltage from DC voltage. The aim of this paper is to investigate the output of 9 level multilevel inverter by modifying the conventional 5 levels H-bridge cascade multilevel inverter. The proposed design intending to reduce the number of switches from 16 switches to 10 switches. Implementation of different switching pattern methods; equal phase (EP), half equal phase (HEP), half height (HH) and feed forward (FF) and the related expression are presented in this paper. In the result section shows a different percentage of total harmonic distortion achieved. Out of all 4 methods, HH method suppressed distortion wave the most and resulted in the lowest THD in the proposed inverter. This paper shows that by reducing the number of switches in multilevel invert...
This paper is presenting an implement of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and environment cont... more This paper is presenting an implement of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and environment control for indoor cultivation of oyster mushroom. By using IoT based remote monitoring system not only the labor cost can be reduced with cover a bigger area, but can improve the productivity of the oyster mushroom by control the most suitable environment for mush room to grow. This paper discuss about the oyster mushroom, IoT system in general, the system implementation and results that obtained from the system. In conclusion based on the developed system, authors discussed the advantages and points need to be considered when working on the system.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
This paper introduced two optimization algorithms which are Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) and Dragonfl... more This paper introduced two optimization algorithms which are Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) for extracting the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) polarization curve parameters. The results produced by both algorithms are being compared to observe their performance. As a results, the ALO shows great performance compared to DA. Furthermore, these results also being compared with the results of the other reported metaheuristics algorithms. The ALO and DA presented competitive results.
This paper describes a new Expert System Based Software for Reduction of Sequence Networks. The m... more This paper describes a new Expert System Based Software for Reduction of Sequence Networks. The main aim is to develop a new tool that helps students to reduce the corresponding sequence networks to its simplest form. Reduction of sequence networks is important for power system fault analysis. The equivalent positive-, negative-and zero-sequences are represented as a series and series-parallel combination of per-unit impedance. Reduction process will replaces them by the single equivalent impedance for each sequence network. Using this tool, students will deeply understand the flow of reduction process. Rather than that, the system is capable to examine the sequence network to observe whether it can be reduced depends on the selected fault location. This system applies the expert system concepts during the process. Hopefully this tool will provide new medium in learning and teaching fault analysis besides make it easy and interesting to learn.
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
This paper presents the effects of DG on the performance of an existing distribution network in t... more This paper presents the effects of DG on the performance of an existing distribution network in terms of voltage stability, loss minimization and voltage profile. In this study, a new program was developed based on Artificial Immune System optimization technique in order to ...
2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT), 2013
ABSTRACT This paper proposed a technique to identify Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)&a... more ABSTRACT This paper proposed a technique to identify Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)'s parameters using an optimization approach. This paper present the application of particle swarm optimization (PSO) based algorithm known as local optima avoidance particle swarm optimization (LOAPSO) in extracting parameters from PEMFC. The proposed technique is used to identify the PEMFC parameters in term of the voltage-current characteristics. An experimental data from publish literature are used to test and verify the consistency of accurately identifying various parameters.
2009 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 2009
This paper presents the programming and use of TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) in gene... more This paper presents the programming and use of TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) in generating the digital pulse width modulation (DPWM). The structure and functions of eZdsp 2812 board used in this work is explained briefly and the steps need to be taken for the programming is explain in detail to control the frequency, the duty cycle and dead band
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
... DC MOTOR DRIVE Tan Chee Siong, Baharuddin Ismail, Mohd Fayzul Mohammed, Mohd Faridun Naim Taj... more ... DC MOTOR DRIVE Tan Chee Siong, Baharuddin Ismail, Mohd Fayzul Mohammed, Mohd Faridun Naim Tajuddin, Siti Rafidah Abd. ... Page 2. The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010 Fig. ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2012
ABSTRACT Recently, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) replacement lamps become a viable alternative for... more ABSTRACT Recently, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) replacement lamps become a viable alternative for incandescent lamp due to the quality of light, lamp life and environmental cost of ownership. One of the critical elements in LEDs lamp in ensuring optimal performance and long operating life is the LEDs driver. The driver performs a number of functions such as power conversion, power factor correction (PFC), voltage isolation and current regulation. The main focus of this project is to improve the LED driver characteristics using Cuk topology for greater durability and efficiency. The Cuk converter is considered the optimum topology with non pulsating input current, non pulsating output current, minimum storage elements, minimum switch number, and high energy storage density using a capacitor instead of an inductor, which can operate as step up or down converter. The PIC microcontroller is used as a main controller for providing constant current to the LED. This project is designed and simulated and a prototype is developed. It has been found that the performance of developed prototype is excellent with the efficiency greater than 90% at minimum and maximum input voltage. The simulation and experimental results proved that the Cuk converter is appropriate to be used as LED driver for LED replacement lamp.
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS), 2020
Photovoltaic cell model is designed to induce nonlinear current versus voltage (I-V) curves. Due ... more Photovoltaic cell model is designed to induce nonlinear current versus voltage (I-V) curves. Due to its nonlinearity, the model parameters cannot be obtained by the use of standard measurement tools. As a consequence, the optimization procedure usually carried out to accomplish this aim. Among many PV cell models, the single diode model (SDM), consisting of a single diode with shunt and series resistance, has become a common simulation option. There are five parameters to be extracted in this model. These are photo-generated current, diode saturation current, series resistance, shunt resistance and diode ideality factor. In this paper, the Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) algorithm has been proposed to extract these parameters. Standard measurement data from the R.T.C France silicon cell is taken as a test bench. The results of AMO contrast with the state-of-the-art algorithm for further verification. As a conclusion, the AMO produced quick, reliable and accurate results. However...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2016
This paper presents a new technique to improve the centralized power sharing scheme for parallel ... more This paper presents a new technique to improve the centralized power sharing scheme for parallel connected inverters in AC islanded microgrids. The proposed technique is based on centralized power sharing scheme using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). This technique can accurately control the active and reactive power coming from inverter thus ensuring excellent power sharing. Simulation results are presented to show effectiveness of the proposed scheme in sharing the load among the parallel connected inverters.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
This work proposes a cascaded braking mechanism. It consists of dynamic braking and yaw control s... more This work proposes a cascaded braking mechanism. It consists of dynamic braking and yaw control scheme. Both schemes provide safety of the micro-wind turbine operation. It protects from over speed and also functioning as speed regulator. The goal of this study is to extend the lifespan of micro wind turbine by preventing it from over speed condition. The Proportional Integral Derivatives (PID) algorithm is used to control the braking mechanism based on Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) criteria to determine its coefficient. The proposed mechanism able to maintain rotational speed under the maximum limit when wind speed increase from 4.8-5.2 m/s without the needs to shutdown operation.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides the user with interactive visual communication to ana... more The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides the user with interactive visual communication to analyse and model the power systems. Applying the advantages of the GUI, new menu driven intelligent tutoring system was developed. The software allows the user to draw the single line diagram representing the power system with ratings of each component. The software calculates the corresponding per-unit values and the change of impedance of individual component referred to the common system MVA. These per-unit values can be used to draw the reactance diagram of symmetrical components automatically. Therefore, it becomes a convenient approach for creating an interactive tool in teaching and learning the power system. The aim of this project is to make teaching and learning more productive and efficient by employing modern technologies. It is hoped that this software will enhance the learning process and make it more interactive, interesting and user friendly.
Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) as speed controller is preferred in many AC machine drives, due to i... more Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) as speed controller is preferred in many AC machine drives, due to its ability to handle model non-linearity, speed variations and parameters change. Additionally, Self-Tuning FLC (ST-FLC) is a modified FLC controller to overcome the issues associated with a fixed parameter FLC and to avoid performance degradation of the machine drive. It can update the FLC parameters in accordance to any variation, changes or disturbances that may occur to the drive system. However, FLC system requires huge computation capacity which increases the computational burden of the overall machine drive system and may result in poor performance. This research proposed a simple ST-FLC mechanism to tune the main FLC speed controller. Three different rule-size of FLC (9, 25, and 49) rules are implemented with ST-FLC mechanism based Induction Motor (IM) drive. Performance comparison of the three different rule-size based ST-FLC is conducted based on simulation and experimental analysis. In addition, a computational effort is technically analyzed and compared for the three different rule-size. In the experiment, ST-FLC with less number of rules (9-rules) shows superior performance, lower sampling and lower computational efforts compared to ST-FLC with higher rule-size (25, 49) rules.
5th IET International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT2018), 2018
The aims of optimizing the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) model is to obtain the par... more The aims of optimizing the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) model is to obtain the parameters used to plot the polarization curves. These curves are affected by many parameters related to the nonlinearities associated with the PEMFC electrochemical processes and the vital tools for simulation and evaluation of PEMFC. In this paper, Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) is proposed to identify these unknown parameters. The results related to two real systems, a single cell Ballard Mark V and the SR-12 PEMFC generator, illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The DA presented competitive results when compared with the results of the other reported metaheuristics algorithms.
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2019
Modeling solar cell involved the formulation of the current versus voltage (I − V) non-linear cur... more Modeling solar cell involved the formulation of the current versus voltage (I − V) non-linear curve. Obtaining the accurate model parameters value is important for better performance evaluation, simulation and control of solar cell and module. Extracting these values using traditional methods required more resources, therefore, the used of meta heuristic optimization method become an attractive choice. Some optimization algorithms have been used to estimate the model parameters. However, more investigation is needed to improve model estimation. In this paper, the performance of Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) technique in identifying the unknown parameters of solar cell double diode model is studied. A measurement data of a 57 mm diameter commercial (R.T.C. France) silicon solar cell is used to observe the performance of this algorithm and the consistency of accurately estimating various parameters. The results show that the estimated and experimental data are accurately fitted and certify a good agreement. Furthermore, comparative study among different parameter estimation techniques is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This paper provides an overview of optimizing solar cell single diode parameters using Dragonfly ... more This paper provides an overview of optimizing solar cell single diode parameters using Dragonfly Algorithm. The 57 mm diameter commercial (R.T.C. France) silicon solar cell measurement data are taking as the data source for the optimization process. The results produced are compared with NM-PSO and IJAYA algorithms to observe the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of the proposed approach
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is one of the problems in the multilevel inverter. This paper dis... more Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is one of the problems in the multilevel inverter. This paper discussed a brief review of THD in different cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter topologies of five levels and seven levels at the output waveforms. The five levels inverter contains eight switches while seven levels inverter used twelve switches. Each single H-bridge inverter circuit is fed by equally independent DC source for both inverters. The inverter uses MOSFET as the switching point and acts as the controller for a fundamental switching operation. The switching value has been set at the gating block to control the operation of the MOSFET switching. Several waveforms and simulation findings are provided to validate the quality of the proposed topology.
A primary concern of multilevel inverter is its capability to produce desired alternating voltage... more A primary concern of multilevel inverter is its capability to produce desired alternating voltage close to sinusoidal at the output, using multiple sources of DC voltage input. Mostly a multilevel inverter is used to generate the AC voltage from DC voltage. The aim of this paper is to investigate the output of 9 level multilevel inverter by modifying the conventional 5 levels H-bridge cascade multilevel inverter. The proposed design intending to reduce the number of switches from 16 switches to 10 switches. Implementation of different switching pattern methods; equal phase (EP), half equal phase (HEP), half height (HH) and feed forward (FF) and the related expression are presented in this paper. In the result section shows a different percentage of total harmonic distortion achieved. Out of all 4 methods, HH method suppressed distortion wave the most and resulted in the lowest THD in the proposed inverter. This paper shows that by reducing the number of switches in multilevel invert...
This paper is presenting an implement of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and environment cont... more This paper is presenting an implement of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and environment control for indoor cultivation of oyster mushroom. By using IoT based remote monitoring system not only the labor cost can be reduced with cover a bigger area, but can improve the productivity of the oyster mushroom by control the most suitable environment for mush room to grow. This paper discuss about the oyster mushroom, IoT system in general, the system implementation and results that obtained from the system. In conclusion based on the developed system, authors discussed the advantages and points need to be considered when working on the system.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
This paper introduced two optimization algorithms which are Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) and Dragonfl... more This paper introduced two optimization algorithms which are Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) for extracting the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) polarization curve parameters. The results produced by both algorithms are being compared to observe their performance. As a results, the ALO shows great performance compared to DA. Furthermore, these results also being compared with the results of the other reported metaheuristics algorithms. The ALO and DA presented competitive results.
This paper describes a new Expert System Based Software for Reduction of Sequence Networks. The m... more This paper describes a new Expert System Based Software for Reduction of Sequence Networks. The main aim is to develop a new tool that helps students to reduce the corresponding sequence networks to its simplest form. Reduction of sequence networks is important for power system fault analysis. The equivalent positive-, negative-and zero-sequences are represented as a series and series-parallel combination of per-unit impedance. Reduction process will replaces them by the single equivalent impedance for each sequence network. Using this tool, students will deeply understand the flow of reduction process. Rather than that, the system is capable to examine the sequence network to observe whether it can be reduced depends on the selected fault location. This system applies the expert system concepts during the process. Hopefully this tool will provide new medium in learning and teaching fault analysis besides make it easy and interesting to learn.
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
This paper presents the effects of DG on the performance of an existing distribution network in t... more This paper presents the effects of DG on the performance of an existing distribution network in terms of voltage stability, loss minimization and voltage profile. In this study, a new program was developed based on Artificial Immune System optimization technique in order to ...
2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT), 2013
ABSTRACT This paper proposed a technique to identify Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)&a... more ABSTRACT This paper proposed a technique to identify Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)'s parameters using an optimization approach. This paper present the application of particle swarm optimization (PSO) based algorithm known as local optima avoidance particle swarm optimization (LOAPSO) in extracting parameters from PEMFC. The proposed technique is used to identify the PEMFC parameters in term of the voltage-current characteristics. An experimental data from publish literature are used to test and verify the consistency of accurately identifying various parameters.
2009 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 2009
This paper presents the programming and use of TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) in gene... more This paper presents the programming and use of TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) in generating the digital pulse width modulation (DPWM). The structure and functions of eZdsp 2812 board used in this work is explained briefly and the steps need to be taken for the programming is explain in detail to control the frequency, the duty cycle and dead band
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
... DC MOTOR DRIVE Tan Chee Siong, Baharuddin Ismail, Mohd Fayzul Mohammed, Mohd Faridun Naim Taj... more ... DC MOTOR DRIVE Tan Chee Siong, Baharuddin Ismail, Mohd Fayzul Mohammed, Mohd Faridun Naim Tajuddin, Siti Rafidah Abd. ... Page 2. The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010 Fig. ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2012
ABSTRACT Recently, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) replacement lamps become a viable alternative for... more ABSTRACT Recently, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) replacement lamps become a viable alternative for incandescent lamp due to the quality of light, lamp life and environmental cost of ownership. One of the critical elements in LEDs lamp in ensuring optimal performance and long operating life is the LEDs driver. The driver performs a number of functions such as power conversion, power factor correction (PFC), voltage isolation and current regulation. The main focus of this project is to improve the LED driver characteristics using Cuk topology for greater durability and efficiency. The Cuk converter is considered the optimum topology with non pulsating input current, non pulsating output current, minimum storage elements, minimum switch number, and high energy storage density using a capacitor instead of an inductor, which can operate as step up or down converter. The PIC microcontroller is used as a main controller for providing constant current to the LED. This project is designed and simulated and a prototype is developed. It has been found that the performance of developed prototype is excellent with the efficiency greater than 90% at minimum and maximum input voltage. The simulation and experimental results proved that the Cuk converter is appropriate to be used as LED driver for LED replacement lamp.
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS), 2020
Photovoltaic cell model is designed to induce nonlinear current versus voltage (I-V) curves. Due ... more Photovoltaic cell model is designed to induce nonlinear current versus voltage (I-V) curves. Due to its nonlinearity, the model parameters cannot be obtained by the use of standard measurement tools. As a consequence, the optimization procedure usually carried out to accomplish this aim. Among many PV cell models, the single diode model (SDM), consisting of a single diode with shunt and series resistance, has become a common simulation option. There are five parameters to be extracted in this model. These are photo-generated current, diode saturation current, series resistance, shunt resistance and diode ideality factor. In this paper, the Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) algorithm has been proposed to extract these parameters. Standard measurement data from the R.T.C France silicon cell is taken as a test bench. The results of AMO contrast with the state-of-the-art algorithm for further verification. As a conclusion, the AMO produced quick, reliable and accurate results. However...
Papers by zainuddin mat isa