Questo articolo vuole mettere in evidenza la necessità (spesso ignorata)
di percorsi educativi ne... more Questo articolo vuole mettere in evidenza la necessità (spesso ignorata) di percorsi educativi nelle scuole italiane sulla cittadinanza interculturale/ globale e in particolare sulla parità di genere. Approcci che integrano l’insegnamento della lingua straniera e l’educazione alla cittadinanza interculturale/ globale possono portare al centro nella classe questioni fondamentali della contemporaneità, promuovere la cittadinanza attiva e quindi un impegno nella comunità. Un esempio di questo tipo di percorso è il Virtual Exchange tra l’Università della Virginia e un Liceo di Pavia, che presento in questo articolo. Basato sulla parità di genere, il progetto è stato svolto per quattro anni (2018-2022). Parte integrante del curriculum dell’apprendimento della lingua straniera, il progetto crea uno spazio virtuale parallelo allo spazio fisico dell’aula, che studentesse e studenti abitano con grande autonomia. Questo articolo mostra come studentesse e studenti, attraverso real-world task, possano sviluppare competenze di cittadinanza interculturale/globale e promuovere la parità di genere.
This paper concerns the (often neglected) necessity of educational pathways in Italian schools on intercultural/global citizenship, and in particular on gender equality. Approaches integrating foreign language education and intercultural/global citizenship education can bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement and active citizenship. An example of this is the Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary school in Pavia, Italy. Centred on the question of gender equality, the project took place over four years (2018-2022). As an integrated part of the language learning curriculum, the project creates a virtual space which parallels the space-time of traditional class tuition, and which students can inhabit with a significant degree of autonomy. This paper gives an account of how students, through real-world tasks, could develop intercultural/ global citizenship competences and foster gender equality.
In this paper, we describe the latest iteration of our virtual exchange project (see [1], [5], [6... more In this paper, we describe the latest iteration of our virtual exchange project (see [1], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] for context) between students of Italian in an Australian university and students in a liceo linguistico in Italy. Students, in pairs or groups of three, met online for 4 weeks and, unlike previous virtual exchanges where we prescriptively programmed topics to be discussed, were given the instruction to define their own topics of interest to pursue together. The objective of this freer approach was to encourage students to become stronger agents of meaning-making using the languages at their disposal. As García and Kleifgen [2] note “[t]o liberate the meaning-making potential of […] bilinguals, a translanguaging pedagogy privileges emergence of meaning making, feeling, intensity, and excitement, as it moves the imaginaries of students to make connections across what are perceived and encoded as separate sign systems” (p. 568). Multilinguals can experience a transformation “when they realize the artificial and constructed nature of the categories imposed on them” ([4], p. 498), and they can then coordinate their own performances without the strictures of external categories.” ([4], p. 560). We explore the range of topics defined by student participants and compare this with both our own previous models for virtual exchange as well as others drawn from the literature. We also detail student responses to their online translanguaging experience. We examine the ramifications of this information for future similar projects but also for meaningful meaning-making for young people in languages education.
Jomela the Journal of Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology, 2023
This article focuses on a virtual exchange project between the University of Virginia, United Sta... more This article focuses on a virtual exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and Liceo Adelaide Cairoli, an upper-secondary institution in Pavia, in Northern Italy. Centred on the question of inclusive language and gender equality, the project has been designed to span three-four years (2018-2022). The project builds on the idea that language pedagogies afford educators the opportunity not only to teach vocabulary and grammar, and to engage in social discourse, as a common occurrence in the past, but above all, to draw on their lexicon to debate with their student community of practice on present-day issues in an often international and diverse setting and help them to become global and active citizens. As a consequence, educators in the field of languages have the opportunity to rethink themselves also as 'cross-cultural mediators,' connecting people around the world and creating spaces where diversity, inclusion and, more significant to this paper, gender equality, are the norm rather than the exception.
This paper aims to explore the (neglected) role of foreign language pedagogy in educating learner... more This paper aims to explore the (neglected) role of foreign language pedagogy in educating learners for global citizenship, and in particular for gender equality, diversity, and inclusion. I begin by pointing out the necessity of authenticity in foreign language pedagogy, of the development of intercultural communicative competence, and of the adoption of an intercultural/global citizenship pedagogy. Approaches integrating foreign language education and intercultural/global citizenship education bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement and active citizenship. In this context Virtual Exchange could have a fundamental role for developing self-regulated language learning, creating communities of inquiry and extending learning beyond the classroom. A Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary school in Pavia, Italy is presented. Centered on the question of gender equality, it took place over four years (2018-2022). The project aims to create a virtual space where students' social participation and engagement is stimulated, and formally valued.
Rewriting and Rereading the XIX and XX Century Canons, 2022
Italy has been the destination of a lifetime for an endless stream of travellers and since the st... more Italy has been the destination of a lifetime for an endless stream of travellers and since the start of Australian travel to Italy, Tuscany has always had a special and persistent attraction for Australian writers and artists. The connection between Italy and Australia will be explored here highlighting two periods in which Tuscany, and particularly Florence and Prato, became active and lively hubs for the reflection and study of the relationship between Australia and Italy.
Socioscapes. International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures, 2022
It is as if women had aquired a surplus of invisibility during the pandemic. Very much present, i... more It is as if women had aquired a surplus of invisibility during the pandemic. Very much present, indeed, in the hospital wards, in the laboratories, in research centres, but invisible, or rather inexistent in the commissions of experts, in the task forces, at the summit of power which governs emergency. As if women knew less than men, as if they did not have the essential competences, as if we could do without them in deciding what to do and how to do it during the pandemic. All this is terribly depressing" (Loewenthal 2020). Hard-fought gains in gender equality, obtained through the struggles of generations, seem to have been obliterated during the response to Covid-19 emergency, when women scientists were not considered in the formation of task forces and many working women, trained since childhood to put the needs of others before their own, were left without daycare centres and obliged to leave their jobs. Furthermore, media and press coverage of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy has reinforced women's invisibility giving space mainly to male experts on TV and newspapers: the "silent" message is that in times of crisis serious problems can be solved exclusively by male experts. A synthesis of Italy's male dominated response to the Covid-19 emergency will be presented, with an emphasis on the absence of women in positions of power and decision-making. In the second part of the article, a proposal to tackle the problem of women's (in)visibility in spaces of power in Italy and to foster gender equality will be described. It consists of an active citizenship project developed in Italy at upper secondary school level (language learning) which will help students to reflect on how to make women more visible and represented, and on the socio-cultural evolution of the language, on how an inclusive language can be used to address issues of identity and diversity. Language learning classrooms can be reimagined as spaces for students to think and to take collective action in the world as active and engaged citizens, informed by reflection and critical enquiry. In the context of their language studies, the young people will be encouraged to actively reflect on their role in a democratic society, and situated as active contributors; that is, in this case, as intercultural and global citizens addressing social injustice and fostering gender equality.
Sommario Questo articolo presenta un progetto di telecollaborazione per l'acquisizione di una lin... more Sommario Questo articolo presenta un progetto di telecollaborazione per l'acquisizione di una lingua straniera elaborato da Roberta Trapè, Università di Melbourne e Francesca Calamita, Università della Virginia (UVa). Il progetto fa parte del "Language Forward Initiative", un'iniziativa ben più ampia promossa dall'Institute of World Languages (UVa) per creare programmi immersivi online che mirino ad espandere le opportunità per studentesse e studenti che studiano una lingua straniera presso l'Università della Virginia di interagire con parlanti madrelingua all'estero. "Telecollaboration", "online intercultural exchange" o "virtual exchange" sono definizioni che vengono usate per far riferimento a incontri interculturali di discenti che interagiscono online, e a progetti di collaborazione con partner che provengono da diversi contesti culturali e/o da diversi luoghi geografici, come parte integrante dei curricola istituzionali. Il progetto "Language Forward Initiative" tra Italia e Stati Uniti verrà sviluppato in tre anni (2018-2021) e si basa su uno scambio virtuale tra 'Italian Studies' (UVa) e una scuola superiore italiana a Milano. Il progetto ha creato spazi virtuali, paralleli allo spazio-tempo tradizionale delle lezioni in classe, nei quali studentesse e studenti hanno l'opportunità di utilizzare e produrre la lingua straniera e le loro conoscenze in un contesto significativo. L'idea portante è quella di condurre i discenti in uno spazio 'altro' virtuale e relazionale, nel quale possano esaminare fenomeni e sperimentare la loro posizione culturale mentre cercano di entrare nel mondo culturale degli altri (Scarino, 2014:391). Studentesse e studenti statunitensi sono stati associati a studentesse e studenti che vivono in Italia per parlare in gruppi da due in videoconferenza attraverso Skype di argomenti selezionati dalle docenti. Le attività che si svolgono fuori dalla classe in questo spazio alternativo hanno favorito lo sviluppo delle capacità di interazione e di conversazione in lingua
I: Abstract II: The article explores possibilities of creating a space to develop empathy in teac... more I: Abstract II: The article explores possibilities of creating a space to develop empathy in teaching foreign languages and cultures. It draws upon studies on empathy (Deardoo loom Guntersdsorfer Goulbeva), the ideas of intercultural competence and citiienship ((yram , yram et al.) and thirdspacee as theorised by Eddard ooa (((((), highlighting the importance of emotions in intercultural education. If we consider the phenomenon of the spatial turnn in its pedagogical dimension, ooa's conceptualisation of a "thirdspace" can be connected to the development of an alternative learning space for inter-linguistic and intercultural interactions, enhanced and shaped by social relationships, designed through cross-institutional collaborations, and achieved through virtual exchanges. A space that is built in terms of the lived experiences of those who inhabit it can foster empathy. The author presents a virtual exchange project for intercultural citizenship between Italy and the U.S.A. where one of the key objectives is building empathy and allowing the verbalisation of students' emotional understanding. L'articolo esplora possibilità di creare uno spaaio che sviluppi l'empatia nell'insegnamento delle lingue e culture straniere. i basa su studi sull'empa-tia (Deardoo loom Guntersdsorfer Goulbeva), sulle idee di competenna e cittadinanna interculturale ((yram , yram et al.), e sull'idea di terro spaaioo come teoriiiata da Eddard ooa (((((), e mette in evidenna l'importanna delle emooioni nell'educaaione interculturale. Se consideriamo il fenomeno del cosiddetto "spatial turn" nella sua dimensio-ne pedagogica, la concettualiiiaaione proposta da ooa di un terro spaaioo può essere connessa allo sviluppo di uno spazio di apprendimento alternativo per interaaioni interlinguistiche e interculturali, ampliato e delineato da rela-ioni sociali, pianificato attraverso collaboraaioni cross-culturali, e costruito attraverso scambi virtuali. Uno spazio che è costruito sulla base delle espe-rienne vissute di coloro che lo popolano puu favorire l'empatia. L'autrice pre-senta in sintesi uno scambio virtuale di cittadinanna interculturale tra l'Italia e gli tati niti, dove uno degli obiettivi principali lo sviluppo dell'empatia e la verbalizzazione della comprensione emotiva da parte degli studenti.
II: The prolific Australian author and artist, Paul Carter (1951-) has made an important contribu... more II: The prolific Australian author and artist, Paul Carter (1951-) has made an important contribution to the reconceptualisation of colonial cultures and their postcolonial prospects. As an artist and place-maker, his work is widely published and studied. However, the important Italian engagement underwriting his scholarly and creative production has not been widely studied. This article attempts to rectify the omission. It offers a chronological overview of Carter's forty-year engagement with situations in Italian urbanism, art and philosophy. It also isolates key themes: archipelagic sense of place, echoic mimetic communicational principles, and a migrant epistemology rooted in the notion of 'self-becoming at that place', which can be productively linked to Carter's unfinished return to Italy, a process of repeated encounter that is a biographical equivalent of Giambattista Vico's historical ricorso.
Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente, 2017
Simon West's collection of poems The Ladder (2015), with its multilay-ered places, mirrors West's... more Simon West's collection of poems The Ladder (2015), with its multilay-ered places, mirrors West's travel to Italy from Australia, his journeying into the Italian past and at the same time his ties with his own country. The focus of the essay is the historical dimension of space in West's poems. The images of Italian and Australian places, both landscapes and cityscapes, evoke forms through which Italian and Australian nature and culture declare their presence through multiple layers of time. The poems deal with the relationship between past and space, the movement between past and present, and between the physical and the metaphysical. In the evocations of such crossings Australia and Italy meet in an in-between space that the reader is invited to share.
II: Within the theme of Australian Travel to Italy, the article will analyse images of Naples in ... more II: Within the theme of Australian Travel to Italy, the article will analyse images of Naples in Michelle de Kretser's novel Questions of Travel (2012). It will begin with a short introduction to Australian travel and an outline of de Kretser's journeys in Italy, as well as her comments on her Italian experiences (Trapè 2015). It will then move on to the treatment of Italy in her novel. I will analyse which views of Italy the writer presents in Questions of Travel in order to define her way of approaching and responding to this country. I will do this by focusing on her descriptions of Italy and will avail myself of the theoretical discussions of description provided by Philippe Hamon. Abstract I: All'interno del tema del viaggio australiano in Italia,
Questo articolo vuole mettere in evidenza la necessità (spesso ignorata)
di percorsi educativi ne... more Questo articolo vuole mettere in evidenza la necessità (spesso ignorata) di percorsi educativi nelle scuole italiane sulla cittadinanza interculturale/ globale e in particolare sulla parità di genere. Approcci che integrano l’insegnamento della lingua straniera e l’educazione alla cittadinanza interculturale/ globale possono portare al centro nella classe questioni fondamentali della contemporaneità, promuovere la cittadinanza attiva e quindi un impegno nella comunità. Un esempio di questo tipo di percorso è il Virtual Exchange tra l’Università della Virginia e un Liceo di Pavia, che presento in questo articolo. Basato sulla parità di genere, il progetto è stato svolto per quattro anni (2018-2022). Parte integrante del curriculum dell’apprendimento della lingua straniera, il progetto crea uno spazio virtuale parallelo allo spazio fisico dell’aula, che studentesse e studenti abitano con grande autonomia. Questo articolo mostra come studentesse e studenti, attraverso real-world task, possano sviluppare competenze di cittadinanza interculturale/globale e promuovere la parità di genere.
This paper concerns the (often neglected) necessity of educational pathways in Italian schools on intercultural/global citizenship, and in particular on gender equality. Approaches integrating foreign language education and intercultural/global citizenship education can bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement and active citizenship. An example of this is the Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary school in Pavia, Italy. Centred on the question of gender equality, the project took place over four years (2018-2022). As an integrated part of the language learning curriculum, the project creates a virtual space which parallels the space-time of traditional class tuition, and which students can inhabit with a significant degree of autonomy. This paper gives an account of how students, through real-world tasks, could develop intercultural/ global citizenship competences and foster gender equality.
In this paper, we describe the latest iteration of our virtual exchange project (see [1], [5], [6... more In this paper, we describe the latest iteration of our virtual exchange project (see [1], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] for context) between students of Italian in an Australian university and students in a liceo linguistico in Italy. Students, in pairs or groups of three, met online for 4 weeks and, unlike previous virtual exchanges where we prescriptively programmed topics to be discussed, were given the instruction to define their own topics of interest to pursue together. The objective of this freer approach was to encourage students to become stronger agents of meaning-making using the languages at their disposal. As García and Kleifgen [2] note “[t]o liberate the meaning-making potential of […] bilinguals, a translanguaging pedagogy privileges emergence of meaning making, feeling, intensity, and excitement, as it moves the imaginaries of students to make connections across what are perceived and encoded as separate sign systems” (p. 568). Multilinguals can experience a transformation “when they realize the artificial and constructed nature of the categories imposed on them” ([4], p. 498), and they can then coordinate their own performances without the strictures of external categories.” ([4], p. 560). We explore the range of topics defined by student participants and compare this with both our own previous models for virtual exchange as well as others drawn from the literature. We also detail student responses to their online translanguaging experience. We examine the ramifications of this information for future similar projects but also for meaningful meaning-making for young people in languages education.
Jomela the Journal of Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology, 2023
This article focuses on a virtual exchange project between the University of Virginia, United Sta... more This article focuses on a virtual exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and Liceo Adelaide Cairoli, an upper-secondary institution in Pavia, in Northern Italy. Centred on the question of inclusive language and gender equality, the project has been designed to span three-four years (2018-2022). The project builds on the idea that language pedagogies afford educators the opportunity not only to teach vocabulary and grammar, and to engage in social discourse, as a common occurrence in the past, but above all, to draw on their lexicon to debate with their student community of practice on present-day issues in an often international and diverse setting and help them to become global and active citizens. As a consequence, educators in the field of languages have the opportunity to rethink themselves also as 'cross-cultural mediators,' connecting people around the world and creating spaces where diversity, inclusion and, more significant to this paper, gender equality, are the norm rather than the exception.
This paper aims to explore the (neglected) role of foreign language pedagogy in educating learner... more This paper aims to explore the (neglected) role of foreign language pedagogy in educating learners for global citizenship, and in particular for gender equality, diversity, and inclusion. I begin by pointing out the necessity of authenticity in foreign language pedagogy, of the development of intercultural communicative competence, and of the adoption of an intercultural/global citizenship pedagogy. Approaches integrating foreign language education and intercultural/global citizenship education bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement and active citizenship. In this context Virtual Exchange could have a fundamental role for developing self-regulated language learning, creating communities of inquiry and extending learning beyond the classroom. A Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary school in Pavia, Italy is presented. Centered on the question of gender equality, it took place over four years (2018-2022). The project aims to create a virtual space where students' social participation and engagement is stimulated, and formally valued.
Rewriting and Rereading the XIX and XX Century Canons, 2022
Italy has been the destination of a lifetime for an endless stream of travellers and since the st... more Italy has been the destination of a lifetime for an endless stream of travellers and since the start of Australian travel to Italy, Tuscany has always had a special and persistent attraction for Australian writers and artists. The connection between Italy and Australia will be explored here highlighting two periods in which Tuscany, and particularly Florence and Prato, became active and lively hubs for the reflection and study of the relationship between Australia and Italy.
Socioscapes. International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures, 2022
It is as if women had aquired a surplus of invisibility during the pandemic. Very much present, i... more It is as if women had aquired a surplus of invisibility during the pandemic. Very much present, indeed, in the hospital wards, in the laboratories, in research centres, but invisible, or rather inexistent in the commissions of experts, in the task forces, at the summit of power which governs emergency. As if women knew less than men, as if they did not have the essential competences, as if we could do without them in deciding what to do and how to do it during the pandemic. All this is terribly depressing" (Loewenthal 2020). Hard-fought gains in gender equality, obtained through the struggles of generations, seem to have been obliterated during the response to Covid-19 emergency, when women scientists were not considered in the formation of task forces and many working women, trained since childhood to put the needs of others before their own, were left without daycare centres and obliged to leave their jobs. Furthermore, media and press coverage of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy has reinforced women's invisibility giving space mainly to male experts on TV and newspapers: the "silent" message is that in times of crisis serious problems can be solved exclusively by male experts. A synthesis of Italy's male dominated response to the Covid-19 emergency will be presented, with an emphasis on the absence of women in positions of power and decision-making. In the second part of the article, a proposal to tackle the problem of women's (in)visibility in spaces of power in Italy and to foster gender equality will be described. It consists of an active citizenship project developed in Italy at upper secondary school level (language learning) which will help students to reflect on how to make women more visible and represented, and on the socio-cultural evolution of the language, on how an inclusive language can be used to address issues of identity and diversity. Language learning classrooms can be reimagined as spaces for students to think and to take collective action in the world as active and engaged citizens, informed by reflection and critical enquiry. In the context of their language studies, the young people will be encouraged to actively reflect on their role in a democratic society, and situated as active contributors; that is, in this case, as intercultural and global citizens addressing social injustice and fostering gender equality.
Sommario Questo articolo presenta un progetto di telecollaborazione per l'acquisizione di una lin... more Sommario Questo articolo presenta un progetto di telecollaborazione per l'acquisizione di una lingua straniera elaborato da Roberta Trapè, Università di Melbourne e Francesca Calamita, Università della Virginia (UVa). Il progetto fa parte del "Language Forward Initiative", un'iniziativa ben più ampia promossa dall'Institute of World Languages (UVa) per creare programmi immersivi online che mirino ad espandere le opportunità per studentesse e studenti che studiano una lingua straniera presso l'Università della Virginia di interagire con parlanti madrelingua all'estero. "Telecollaboration", "online intercultural exchange" o "virtual exchange" sono definizioni che vengono usate per far riferimento a incontri interculturali di discenti che interagiscono online, e a progetti di collaborazione con partner che provengono da diversi contesti culturali e/o da diversi luoghi geografici, come parte integrante dei curricola istituzionali. Il progetto "Language Forward Initiative" tra Italia e Stati Uniti verrà sviluppato in tre anni (2018-2021) e si basa su uno scambio virtuale tra 'Italian Studies' (UVa) e una scuola superiore italiana a Milano. Il progetto ha creato spazi virtuali, paralleli allo spazio-tempo tradizionale delle lezioni in classe, nei quali studentesse e studenti hanno l'opportunità di utilizzare e produrre la lingua straniera e le loro conoscenze in un contesto significativo. L'idea portante è quella di condurre i discenti in uno spazio 'altro' virtuale e relazionale, nel quale possano esaminare fenomeni e sperimentare la loro posizione culturale mentre cercano di entrare nel mondo culturale degli altri (Scarino, 2014:391). Studentesse e studenti statunitensi sono stati associati a studentesse e studenti che vivono in Italia per parlare in gruppi da due in videoconferenza attraverso Skype di argomenti selezionati dalle docenti. Le attività che si svolgono fuori dalla classe in questo spazio alternativo hanno favorito lo sviluppo delle capacità di interazione e di conversazione in lingua
I: Abstract II: The article explores possibilities of creating a space to develop empathy in teac... more I: Abstract II: The article explores possibilities of creating a space to develop empathy in teaching foreign languages and cultures. It draws upon studies on empathy (Deardoo loom Guntersdsorfer Goulbeva), the ideas of intercultural competence and citiienship ((yram , yram et al.) and thirdspacee as theorised by Eddard ooa (((((), highlighting the importance of emotions in intercultural education. If we consider the phenomenon of the spatial turnn in its pedagogical dimension, ooa's conceptualisation of a "thirdspace" can be connected to the development of an alternative learning space for inter-linguistic and intercultural interactions, enhanced and shaped by social relationships, designed through cross-institutional collaborations, and achieved through virtual exchanges. A space that is built in terms of the lived experiences of those who inhabit it can foster empathy. The author presents a virtual exchange project for intercultural citizenship between Italy and the U.S.A. where one of the key objectives is building empathy and allowing the verbalisation of students' emotional understanding. L'articolo esplora possibilità di creare uno spaaio che sviluppi l'empatia nell'insegnamento delle lingue e culture straniere. i basa su studi sull'empa-tia (Deardoo loom Guntersdsorfer Goulbeva), sulle idee di competenna e cittadinanna interculturale ((yram , yram et al.), e sull'idea di terro spaaioo come teoriiiata da Eddard ooa (((((), e mette in evidenna l'importanna delle emooioni nell'educaaione interculturale. Se consideriamo il fenomeno del cosiddetto "spatial turn" nella sua dimensio-ne pedagogica, la concettualiiiaaione proposta da ooa di un terro spaaioo può essere connessa allo sviluppo di uno spazio di apprendimento alternativo per interaaioni interlinguistiche e interculturali, ampliato e delineato da rela-ioni sociali, pianificato attraverso collaboraaioni cross-culturali, e costruito attraverso scambi virtuali. Uno spazio che è costruito sulla base delle espe-rienne vissute di coloro che lo popolano puu favorire l'empatia. L'autrice pre-senta in sintesi uno scambio virtuale di cittadinanna interculturale tra l'Italia e gli tati niti, dove uno degli obiettivi principali lo sviluppo dell'empatia e la verbalizzazione della comprensione emotiva da parte degli studenti.
II: The prolific Australian author and artist, Paul Carter (1951-) has made an important contribu... more II: The prolific Australian author and artist, Paul Carter (1951-) has made an important contribution to the reconceptualisation of colonial cultures and their postcolonial prospects. As an artist and place-maker, his work is widely published and studied. However, the important Italian engagement underwriting his scholarly and creative production has not been widely studied. This article attempts to rectify the omission. It offers a chronological overview of Carter's forty-year engagement with situations in Italian urbanism, art and philosophy. It also isolates key themes: archipelagic sense of place, echoic mimetic communicational principles, and a migrant epistemology rooted in the notion of 'self-becoming at that place', which can be productively linked to Carter's unfinished return to Italy, a process of repeated encounter that is a biographical equivalent of Giambattista Vico's historical ricorso.
Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente, 2017
Simon West's collection of poems The Ladder (2015), with its multilay-ered places, mirrors West's... more Simon West's collection of poems The Ladder (2015), with its multilay-ered places, mirrors West's travel to Italy from Australia, his journeying into the Italian past and at the same time his ties with his own country. The focus of the essay is the historical dimension of space in West's poems. The images of Italian and Australian places, both landscapes and cityscapes, evoke forms through which Italian and Australian nature and culture declare their presence through multiple layers of time. The poems deal with the relationship between past and space, the movement between past and present, and between the physical and the metaphysical. In the evocations of such crossings Australia and Italy meet in an in-between space that the reader is invited to share.
II: Within the theme of Australian Travel to Italy, the article will analyse images of Naples in ... more II: Within the theme of Australian Travel to Italy, the article will analyse images of Naples in Michelle de Kretser's novel Questions of Travel (2012). It will begin with a short introduction to Australian travel and an outline of de Kretser's journeys in Italy, as well as her comments on her Italian experiences (Trapè 2015). It will then move on to the treatment of Italy in her novel. I will analyse which views of Italy the writer presents in Questions of Travel in order to define her way of approaching and responding to this country. I will do this by focusing on her descriptions of Italy and will avail myself of the theoretical discussions of description provided by Philippe Hamon. Abstract I: All'interno del tema del viaggio australiano in Italia,
Papers by Roberta Trapè
di percorsi educativi nelle scuole italiane sulla cittadinanza interculturale/
globale e in particolare sulla parità di genere. Approcci che integrano
l’insegnamento della lingua straniera e l’educazione alla cittadinanza interculturale/
globale possono portare al centro nella classe questioni fondamentali
della contemporaneità, promuovere la cittadinanza attiva e
quindi un impegno nella comunità. Un esempio di questo tipo di percorso
è il Virtual Exchange tra l’Università della Virginia e un Liceo di Pavia,
che presento in questo articolo. Basato sulla parità di genere, il progetto
è stato svolto per quattro anni (2018-2022). Parte integrante del curriculum
dell’apprendimento della lingua straniera, il progetto crea uno spazio
virtuale parallelo allo spazio fisico dell’aula, che studentesse e studenti
abitano con grande autonomia. Questo articolo mostra come studentesse
e studenti, attraverso real-world task, possano sviluppare competenze di
cittadinanza interculturale/globale e promuovere la parità di genere.
This paper concerns the (often neglected) necessity of educational pathways in Italian schools on intercultural/global citizenship, and in particular on gender equality. Approaches integrating foreign language education and
intercultural/global citizenship education can bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement
and active citizenship. An example of this is the Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary
school in Pavia, Italy. Centred on the question of gender equality, the project took place over four years (2018-2022). As an integrated part of the
language learning curriculum, the project creates a virtual space which parallels the space-time of traditional class tuition, and which students can
inhabit with a significant degree of autonomy. This paper gives an account of how students, through real-world tasks, could develop intercultural/
global citizenship competences and foster gender equality.
di percorsi educativi nelle scuole italiane sulla cittadinanza interculturale/
globale e in particolare sulla parità di genere. Approcci che integrano
l’insegnamento della lingua straniera e l’educazione alla cittadinanza interculturale/
globale possono portare al centro nella classe questioni fondamentali
della contemporaneità, promuovere la cittadinanza attiva e
quindi un impegno nella comunità. Un esempio di questo tipo di percorso
è il Virtual Exchange tra l’Università della Virginia e un Liceo di Pavia,
che presento in questo articolo. Basato sulla parità di genere, il progetto
è stato svolto per quattro anni (2018-2022). Parte integrante del curriculum
dell’apprendimento della lingua straniera, il progetto crea uno spazio
virtuale parallelo allo spazio fisico dell’aula, che studentesse e studenti
abitano con grande autonomia. Questo articolo mostra come studentesse
e studenti, attraverso real-world task, possano sviluppare competenze di
cittadinanza interculturale/globale e promuovere la parità di genere.
This paper concerns the (often neglected) necessity of educational pathways in Italian schools on intercultural/global citizenship, and in particular on gender equality. Approaches integrating foreign language education and
intercultural/global citizenship education can bring real cogent contemporary issues into the classroom, promoting community engagement
and active citizenship. An example of this is the Virtual Exchange project between the University of Virginia, United States, and an upper-secondary
school in Pavia, Italy. Centred on the question of gender equality, the project took place over four years (2018-2022). As an integrated part of the
language learning curriculum, the project creates a virtual space which parallels the space-time of traditional class tuition, and which students can
inhabit with a significant degree of autonomy. This paper gives an account of how students, through real-world tasks, could develop intercultural/
global citizenship competences and foster gender equality.