Armando Mei
Armando Mei started his academic career at the University Federico II in his esoteric hometown, Naples. He successfully entered the professional fields of communications and media, becoming an active journalist, able to cover a variety of topics on all national territory. Armando then began to unravel his passion for the world of ancient civilizations, in particular that of Ancient Egypt. In fact, since 2002, he has been completely invested in a path of historical and archaeological research that led him to explore the ancient sites of the Egyptian civilization. Armando focuses his study on the Pyramids of Giza, on the evolution of Egyptian culture, and on its influence found in Western cultures and beyond. Armando has taken an active role in the sharing of his knowledge. In fact, he has presented at various conferences around the world, and participated in several TV programs both in Italy and abroad. More recently, he has been in the spotlight at the Gaia Sphere Event Center for the Ancient Civilizations Conference, where he has obtained the highest index of appreciation. He also was the protagonist of Season 4 of the documentary Ancient Civilizations, of which Episode 2 entirely centered on his theory of the Zep Tepi and the origins of Ancient Egypt, also available on Prime. This too has obtained the highest reviews, as did his many books, which can also be found in English on Amazon. Armando is a firm believer that the torch of knowledge must be passed on. This is especially true in light of his findings and discoveries, which he wishes to divulge, share, and eventually see carried on by future generations of scholars. In Canto XXVI of the Inferno, Dante stated, “Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza" (vv. 119-120) - [Ye were not made to live like unto brutes, but for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge]. Similarly, Armando’s primary objective is to stimulate the much needed curiosity in order to guide his audience to continuously ask questions, as questioning is indeed the first step towards knowledge.
Address: Torre Annunziata (Naples)
Address: Torre Annunziata (Naples)
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Papers by Armando Mei
Egyptian Cubit or Short Cubit:
proposal on its possible nonlinear origins
according to dimensionless number 137
Replicable model
One of the most fascinating tales refers to the myth of Cuzco’s founding, the majestic capital of the great Inca Empire, with its mysterious buildings. Q’eros were direct descendants of the Inca priest caste, and they broke off through the internal areas of Peru, to save themselves from Spanish persecution and murder.
Actually, scholars cannot yet explain what its original purpose was. There are a quantity of theories, which seem to have a great deal of reliability. Nevertheless, as is often the case, official theory is the least convincing.
Egyptologists believe the Djed, into the Great Pyramid, as an engineering purpose due its architectural peculiarity. In fact, its chambers should have had a specific function: unload the weight of the top of the monument, in order to avoid any structural effect on the King Chamber. Anyway, along the years, alternative researchers broken down, piece by piece, Egyptologists’ proposal, through very exhaustive reasoning focused on scientific and symbolic issues detected during the archaeological investigations.
At that time, I believed in my hearth that the buildings were keepers of scientific informations communicating the history of the pyramids builders.
Now, I know it for sure!
In the last two centuries, scholars and alternative researchers found many of the secrets of the Great Pyramid, following discoveries of the inside chambers. They brought us to the core of the monument, by revealing its architecture and engineering complexity.
The building’s external features are well-known, particularly, the pi-greek relationship between base and height, or the relationship with planet’s geophyisical properties, even its connection with the stars of the Belt of Orion.
The special signs carved on the stone are not ancient writings, or protorunic, as some researchers assumed, but the clear evidence of a stellar configuration of the sky above Visoko in a very ancient time.
Conference Presentations by Armando Mei
Talks by Armando Mei
La sua presenza nella Volta Celeste era un elemento determinante e, la scoperta del suo corrispettivo, avrebbe cambiando il percorso della ricerca, indirizzandola verso contesti, molto più complessi di quanto si potesse sospettare all’inizio.
Il ritrovamento del “Trono di Iside”, quindi, rappresentava un punto di riferimento fondamentale, al fine di ricostruire l’evoluzione delle società protodinastiche e disegnare quella sottile linea che congiunge i tempi remoti con la cultura che si è sviluppata sulle sponde del Nilo nel periodo dinastico.
L’esigua disponibilità di reperti, per quanto sia fortemente condizionante, non giustifica una ricostruzione delle società del tempo piena di forzature e difforme dalla pura oggettività. L’Egittologia propone argomentazioni in totale contraddizione con le meraviglie della Scienza, immortalata nei complessi monumentali. Le teorie ufficiali, dunque, sono caratterizzate da eccessive incongruenze per poter essere accolte nella loro totalità.
Books by Armando Mei
My new book is a tool to analyse the enigmas from a new point of view. It is a compilation of Author’s articles published on the main specialized journals.
Egyptian Cubit or Short Cubit:
proposal on its possible nonlinear origins
according to dimensionless number 137
Replicable model
One of the most fascinating tales refers to the myth of Cuzco’s founding, the majestic capital of the great Inca Empire, with its mysterious buildings. Q’eros were direct descendants of the Inca priest caste, and they broke off through the internal areas of Peru, to save themselves from Spanish persecution and murder.
Actually, scholars cannot yet explain what its original purpose was. There are a quantity of theories, which seem to have a great deal of reliability. Nevertheless, as is often the case, official theory is the least convincing.
Egyptologists believe the Djed, into the Great Pyramid, as an engineering purpose due its architectural peculiarity. In fact, its chambers should have had a specific function: unload the weight of the top of the monument, in order to avoid any structural effect on the King Chamber. Anyway, along the years, alternative researchers broken down, piece by piece, Egyptologists’ proposal, through very exhaustive reasoning focused on scientific and symbolic issues detected during the archaeological investigations.
At that time, I believed in my hearth that the buildings were keepers of scientific informations communicating the history of the pyramids builders.
Now, I know it for sure!
In the last two centuries, scholars and alternative researchers found many of the secrets of the Great Pyramid, following discoveries of the inside chambers. They brought us to the core of the monument, by revealing its architecture and engineering complexity.
The building’s external features are well-known, particularly, the pi-greek relationship between base and height, or the relationship with planet’s geophyisical properties, even its connection with the stars of the Belt of Orion.
The special signs carved on the stone are not ancient writings, or protorunic, as some researchers assumed, but the clear evidence of a stellar configuration of the sky above Visoko in a very ancient time.
La sua presenza nella Volta Celeste era un elemento determinante e, la scoperta del suo corrispettivo, avrebbe cambiando il percorso della ricerca, indirizzandola verso contesti, molto più complessi di quanto si potesse sospettare all’inizio.
Il ritrovamento del “Trono di Iside”, quindi, rappresentava un punto di riferimento fondamentale, al fine di ricostruire l’evoluzione delle società protodinastiche e disegnare quella sottile linea che congiunge i tempi remoti con la cultura che si è sviluppata sulle sponde del Nilo nel periodo dinastico.
L’esigua disponibilità di reperti, per quanto sia fortemente condizionante, non giustifica una ricostruzione delle società del tempo piena di forzature e difforme dalla pura oggettività. L’Egittologia propone argomentazioni in totale contraddizione con le meraviglie della Scienza, immortalata nei complessi monumentali. Le teorie ufficiali, dunque, sono caratterizzate da eccessive incongruenze per poter essere accolte nella loro totalità.
My new book is a tool to analyse the enigmas from a new point of view. It is a compilation of Author’s articles published on the main specialized journals.