2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED)
The present work analysed the feasibility and impacts of a biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Powe... more The present work analysed the feasibility and impacts of a biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant in the Frascati Scientific Park (FSP). The biomass-fuelled CHP will be fed by the pruning coming from the adjoining vineyards of Frascati DOC winemaking chain, thus creating a circular economy on a supposed waste. This process can help an important economic player in the local social community, which is suffering from climate changes conditions. Thus, the local pruning energy potential is calculated and the impacts of the afore-mentioned waste-to-energy strategy by means of a CHP, as well as other solutions in an integrated and synergic model, over the areas of economy, environment, energy, and community are evaluated. The results show how much, with a wider organization, it is possible to increase the direct revenues of the local winemaking of 79,915.79 € and to avoid of 1,213 t of CO2per year.
Dottorato di ricerca in filologia greca e latina. 6. ciclo. A.a. 1991-94Consiglio Nazionale delle... more Dottorato di ricerca in filologia greca e latina. 6. ciclo. A.a. 1991-94Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
Due to the growing use of Green Energy Sources (GESs), the activities of mapping, monitoring, mea... more Due to the growing use of Green Energy Sources (GESs), the activities of mapping, monitoring, measurement, and detection of various GESs have become crucial. Assessing and measuring GESs are very complex since different environmental conditions occur. This importance is even greater when researchers face a shortage of measuring instruments and tools in many parts of the world. GES assessment is a challenging task that requires accurate and continuous measurement methods. Currently, traditional methods are very time-consuming and require spending money and human sources. So, the use of accurate and fast measurement methods and tools assessing measuring GESs potential are seriously recommended, which can greatly help the growth of the use of GESs, especially to cover and focus large areas. Satellite remote sensing is used to observe the environment in many fields and new and fast applications. Satellites remote sensing technologies and techniques for GESs assessing are fast, accurate,...
La formazione nelle urine di bolle di modeste dimensioni, come quelle della birra, e persistenti ... more La formazione nelle urine di bolle di modeste dimensioni, come quelle della birra, e persistenti fu evidenziata sin da tempi remoti dai primi cultori della uroscopia. L’interesse diagnostico, raro ed incerto in Ippocrate, è andato crescendo con il tempo. La scuola ippocratica si limitava a constatare il segno senza darne una interpretazione fisiopatologia, non lo confrontava con altri segni clinici, esprimeva solo un parere sulla gravità e sulla prognosi della patologia che l’aveva prodotto. Galeno non si discosta molto dalla scuola ippocratica, cerca però di interpretare il perché si formano le bolle nelle urine. Certamente, essendo a lui sconosciute le leggi sui fluidi e quindi sulla tensione superficiale dei liquidi, egli crede che l’aria contenuta nelle bolle della schiuma nelle urine provenga dall’interno dell’organismo. Intuisce però che la schiuma nelle urine si forma solo nel caso esse siano più dense (più viscose). L’uroscopia bizantina con Teofilo Protospatario e Stefano d...
Hourly energy consumption profiles are of primary interest for measures to apply to the dynamics ... more Hourly energy consumption profiles are of primary interest for measures to apply to the dynamics of the energy system. Indeed, during the planning phase, the required data availability and their quality is essential for a successful scenarios’ projection. As a matter of fact, the resolution of available data is not the requested one, especially in the field of their hourly distribution when the objective function is the production-demand matching for effective renewables integration. To fill this gap, there are several data analysis techniques but most of them require strong statistical skills and proper size of the original database. Referring to the built environment data, the monthly energy bills are the most common and easy to find source of data. This is why the authors in this paper propose, test and validate an expeditious mathematical method to extract the building energy demand on an hourly basis. A benchmark hourly profile is considered for a specific type of building, in ...
2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED)
The present work analysed the feasibility and impacts of a biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Powe... more The present work analysed the feasibility and impacts of a biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant in the Frascati Scientific Park (FSP). The biomass-fuelled CHP will be fed by the pruning coming from the adjoining vineyards of Frascati DOC winemaking chain, thus creating a circular economy on a supposed waste. This process can help an important economic player in the local social community, which is suffering from climate changes conditions. Thus, the local pruning energy potential is calculated and the impacts of the afore-mentioned waste-to-energy strategy by means of a CHP, as well as other solutions in an integrated and synergic model, over the areas of economy, environment, energy, and community are evaluated. The results show how much, with a wider organization, it is possible to increase the direct revenues of the local winemaking of 79,915.79 € and to avoid of 1,213 t of CO2per year.
Dottorato di ricerca in filologia greca e latina. 6. ciclo. A.a. 1991-94Consiglio Nazionale delle... more Dottorato di ricerca in filologia greca e latina. 6. ciclo. A.a. 1991-94Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
Due to the growing use of Green Energy Sources (GESs), the activities of mapping, monitoring, mea... more Due to the growing use of Green Energy Sources (GESs), the activities of mapping, monitoring, measurement, and detection of various GESs have become crucial. Assessing and measuring GESs are very complex since different environmental conditions occur. This importance is even greater when researchers face a shortage of measuring instruments and tools in many parts of the world. GES assessment is a challenging task that requires accurate and continuous measurement methods. Currently, traditional methods are very time-consuming and require spending money and human sources. So, the use of accurate and fast measurement methods and tools assessing measuring GESs potential are seriously recommended, which can greatly help the growth of the use of GESs, especially to cover and focus large areas. Satellite remote sensing is used to observe the environment in many fields and new and fast applications. Satellites remote sensing technologies and techniques for GESs assessing are fast, accurate,...
La formazione nelle urine di bolle di modeste dimensioni, come quelle della birra, e persistenti ... more La formazione nelle urine di bolle di modeste dimensioni, come quelle della birra, e persistenti fu evidenziata sin da tempi remoti dai primi cultori della uroscopia. L’interesse diagnostico, raro ed incerto in Ippocrate, è andato crescendo con il tempo. La scuola ippocratica si limitava a constatare il segno senza darne una interpretazione fisiopatologia, non lo confrontava con altri segni clinici, esprimeva solo un parere sulla gravità e sulla prognosi della patologia che l’aveva prodotto. Galeno non si discosta molto dalla scuola ippocratica, cerca però di interpretare il perché si formano le bolle nelle urine. Certamente, essendo a lui sconosciute le leggi sui fluidi e quindi sulla tensione superficiale dei liquidi, egli crede che l’aria contenuta nelle bolle della schiuma nelle urine provenga dall’interno dell’organismo. Intuisce però che la schiuma nelle urine si forma solo nel caso esse siano più dense (più viscose). L’uroscopia bizantina con Teofilo Protospatario e Stefano d...
Hourly energy consumption profiles are of primary interest for measures to apply to the dynamics ... more Hourly energy consumption profiles are of primary interest for measures to apply to the dynamics of the energy system. Indeed, during the planning phase, the required data availability and their quality is essential for a successful scenarios’ projection. As a matter of fact, the resolution of available data is not the requested one, especially in the field of their hourly distribution when the objective function is the production-demand matching for effective renewables integration. To fill this gap, there are several data analysis techniques but most of them require strong statistical skills and proper size of the original database. Referring to the built environment data, the monthly energy bills are the most common and easy to find source of data. This is why the authors in this paper propose, test and validate an expeditious mathematical method to extract the building energy demand on an hourly basis. A benchmark hourly profile is considered for a specific type of building, in ...
Papers by Gioacchino Greco