Football in the Balkans I Internal Views, External Perceptions, 2023
Until the breakup of Yugoslavia in Mostar there was just one football team, Velež. With the rise ... more Until the breakup of Yugoslavia in Mostar there was just one football team, Velež. With the rise of nationalism in the 1990s, Croatian nationalists created a new team, Zrinjski, as the sporting representation of the new nationalist trend. Competitions between the two Mostar teams therefore evolved into a political and ideological battle, as the management and supporters of both clubs perceived themselves as the bearers of opposing ideological views. Football is indeed a metaphor for the city's enduring political divisions, which last until the present day. This paper analyses the socio-political dimension of football in Mostar against the background of political context. The main sources for our research are the statements of local politicians, the clubs' management, fan songs, and club monographs.
Lo sport è un fenomeno a tutto tondo, che assume dimensioni politiche, ideologiche e culturali, m... more Lo sport è un fenomeno a tutto tondo, che assume dimensioni politiche, ideologiche e culturali, meritando di essere indagato alla pari di altre realtà sociali. Il calcio, in particolare, attira un’attenzione mediatica senza pari e assume valenze ideali, economiche e persino politiche che gli altri sport raramente raggiungono; è la disciplina che più si presta a divenire oggetto di analisi e ciò è vero soprattutto nel contesto politico e sociale dei Balcani. Nelle società balcaniche il calcio mantiene infatti un potenziale simbolico di primaria importanza e il mondo del tifo regionale rappresenta un terreno di indagine interessantissimo.
Tenendo ben presenti potenzialità, confini e contesto dell’oggetto di studio, questo volume analizza la realtà storica e sociale dei paesi jugoslavi attraverso la lente degli stadi e delle curve.
Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии ● Том 15, 2020
Вступая в Первую мировую войну, Италия рассчитывала добиться гегемонии в Адриатическом море. Одна... more Вступая в Первую мировую войну, Италия рассчитывала добиться гегемонии в Адриатическом море. Однако с 1917 г. ряд событий серьезно изменил политическую обстановку, заставив Италию пересмотреть военные цели. В статье описываются дебаты в итальянских политических кругах в связи с возникновением югославского юнионизма. Некоторые группы итальянских политических и государственных деятелей предлагали заключить двустороннее соглашение с Сербией и Югославянским комитетом и вели прямые переговоры с целью выработки компромиссного решения по Адриатике. Министр иностранных дел Соннино, напротив, продолжал считать Лондонский договор 1915 г. единственным документом, определяющим позицию Италии в войне, и отказывался от любых предложений о заключении двусторонних договоров. Неспособность Италии пересмотреть дипломатическую стратегию в итоге привела к усилению изоляции Рима, особенно после того, как Франция и Англия поддержали требования югославян.
After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach toward... more After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach towards Yugoslav unity. Following Mazzini’s ideas, democratic interventionists had claimed since the beginning of the war a policy based on the national principle. They were eventually joined by more conservative sectors, which believed the international context had radically changed since 1915 and therefore it was necessary to make a general reappraisal of Italy’s war aims. They favoured a deal with Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee in order to destabilize the Austrian Empire and agree a mutually acceptable definition of the common border. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sonnino instead believed that Italian war aims had been fixed once and for all in 1915 and refused both direct talks and a reappraisal of Italian war aims. Lacking a bilateral deal with Serbs/Yugoslavs, Rome finally found itself helpless at the peace negotiations, when Paris and London backtracked from the promises made in 1915.
Maintenant encore, les matches du dimanche, dans un stade plein à craquer, et le théâtre, que j'a... more Maintenant encore, les matches du dimanche, dans un stade plein à craquer, et le théâtre, que j'ai aimé avec une passion sans égale, sont les seuls endroits du monde où je me sente innocent. Albert Camus, La chute
The following contribution describes the historiographical fortune of the German-Soviet non-aggre... more The following contribution describes the historiographical fortune of the German-Soviet non-aggression treaty, which in the last decades has been interpreted in different ways, according to the cultural sensibility and the interests of the political moment. It also presents the interpretation of the treaty prevalent in current Russian historiography, whose opinions are often absent in the European debate, even in specialised publications.
Football in the Balkans I Internal Views, External Perceptions, 2023
Until the breakup of Yugoslavia in Mostar there was just one football team, Velež. With the rise ... more Until the breakup of Yugoslavia in Mostar there was just one football team, Velež. With the rise of nationalism in the 1990s, Croatian nationalists created a new team, Zrinjski, as the sporting representation of the new nationalist trend. Competitions between the two Mostar teams therefore evolved into a political and ideological battle, as the management and supporters of both clubs perceived themselves as the bearers of opposing ideological views. Football is indeed a metaphor for the city's enduring political divisions, which last until the present day. This paper analyses the socio-political dimension of football in Mostar against the background of political context. The main sources for our research are the statements of local politicians, the clubs' management, fan songs, and club monographs.
Lo sport è un fenomeno a tutto tondo, che assume dimensioni politiche, ideologiche e culturali, m... more Lo sport è un fenomeno a tutto tondo, che assume dimensioni politiche, ideologiche e culturali, meritando di essere indagato alla pari di altre realtà sociali. Il calcio, in particolare, attira un’attenzione mediatica senza pari e assume valenze ideali, economiche e persino politiche che gli altri sport raramente raggiungono; è la disciplina che più si presta a divenire oggetto di analisi e ciò è vero soprattutto nel contesto politico e sociale dei Balcani. Nelle società balcaniche il calcio mantiene infatti un potenziale simbolico di primaria importanza e il mondo del tifo regionale rappresenta un terreno di indagine interessantissimo.
Tenendo ben presenti potenzialità, confini e contesto dell’oggetto di studio, questo volume analizza la realtà storica e sociale dei paesi jugoslavi attraverso la lente degli stadi e delle curve.
Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии ● Том 15, 2020
Вступая в Первую мировую войну, Италия рассчитывала добиться гегемонии в Адриатическом море. Одна... more Вступая в Первую мировую войну, Италия рассчитывала добиться гегемонии в Адриатическом море. Однако с 1917 г. ряд событий серьезно изменил политическую обстановку, заставив Италию пересмотреть военные цели. В статье описываются дебаты в итальянских политических кругах в связи с возникновением югославского юнионизма. Некоторые группы итальянских политических и государственных деятелей предлагали заключить двустороннее соглашение с Сербией и Югославянским комитетом и вели прямые переговоры с целью выработки компромиссного решения по Адриатике. Министр иностранных дел Соннино, напротив, продолжал считать Лондонский договор 1915 г. единственным документом, определяющим позицию Италии в войне, и отказывался от любых предложений о заключении двусторонних договоров. Неспособность Италии пересмотреть дипломатическую стратегию в итоге привела к усилению изоляции Рима, особенно после того, как Франция и Англия поддержали требования югославян.
After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach toward... more After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach towards Yugoslav unity. Following Mazzini’s ideas, democratic interventionists had claimed since the beginning of the war a policy based on the national principle. They were eventually joined by more conservative sectors, which believed the international context had radically changed since 1915 and therefore it was necessary to make a general reappraisal of Italy’s war aims. They favoured a deal with Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee in order to destabilize the Austrian Empire and agree a mutually acceptable definition of the common border. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sonnino instead believed that Italian war aims had been fixed once and for all in 1915 and refused both direct talks and a reappraisal of Italian war aims. Lacking a bilateral deal with Serbs/Yugoslavs, Rome finally found itself helpless at the peace negotiations, when Paris and London backtracked from the promises made in 1915.
Maintenant encore, les matches du dimanche, dans un stade plein à craquer, et le théâtre, que j'a... more Maintenant encore, les matches du dimanche, dans un stade plein à craquer, et le théâtre, que j'ai aimé avec une passion sans égale, sont les seuls endroits du monde où je me sente innocent. Albert Camus, La chute
The following contribution describes the historiographical fortune of the German-Soviet non-aggre... more The following contribution describes the historiographical fortune of the German-Soviet non-aggression treaty, which in the last decades has been interpreted in different ways, according to the cultural sensibility and the interests of the political moment. It also presents the interpretation of the treaty prevalent in current Russian historiography, whose opinions are often absent in the European debate, even in specialised publications.
Papers by Giordano Merlicco
Tenendo ben presenti potenzialità, confini e contesto dell’oggetto di studio, questo volume analizza la realtà storica e sociale dei paesi jugoslavi attraverso la lente degli stadi e delle curve.
Con la prefazione di Dejan Savićević
Tenendo ben presenti potenzialità, confini e contesto dell’oggetto di studio, questo volume analizza la realtà storica e sociale dei paesi jugoslavi attraverso la lente degli stadi e delle curve.
Con la prefazione di Dejan Savićević