Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Itali... more Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Italiana di Igiene e medicina preventiva e sanità Pubblica (SItI). Il gruppo coagula l'interesse dei ricercatori e degli operatori territoriali che da sempre si occupano di queste tematiche e che in passato ha intensamente lavorato su specifici progetti sia applicativi che di ricerca. Esso, spinto dal desiderio di mettere a disposizione le eseperienze maturate sul campo e le competenze svuluppate nella sperimentazione e nella ricerca nonchè in aderenza all'invito della Giunta nazionale SItI, ha lavorato per alcuni mesi alla formulazione di alcune raccomandazionii sulle principali vaccinazioni. In particolare sono state selezionate quelle vaccinazioni che, per occorrenza delle patologie da prevenire, per la gravità degli esiti ad esse correlati per l'iinovazione tecnologica nella produzione dei vaccini, per la novità degli stessi, per l'evoluzione scientifica delle consoscenze ...
Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Itali... more Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Italiana di Igiene e medicina preventiva e sanità Pubblica (SItI). Il gruppo coagula l'interesse dei ricercatori e degli operatori territoriali che da sempre si occupano di queste tematiche e che in passato ha intensamente lavorato su specifici progetti sia applicativi che di ricerca. Esso, spinto dal desiderio di mettere a disposizione le esperienze maturate sul campo e le competenze sviluppate nella sperimentazione e nella ricerca nonchè in aderenza all'invito della Giunta nazionale SItI, ha lavorato per alcuni mesi alla formulazione di alcune raccomandazioni sulle principali vaccinazioni. In particolare sono state selezionate quelle vaccinazioni che, per occorrenza delle patologie da prevenire, per la gravità degli esiti ad esse correlati per l'innovazione tecnologica nella produzione dei vaccini, per la novità degli stessi, per l'evoluzione scientifica delle conoscenze in tema di immunizzazione e sicurezza, per le modificazioni epidemiologiche osservate e per quelle prevedibili sulla base di appositi modelli matematici, per l'impatto economico e sociale che avrebbe avuto la loro implementazione, rivestono in questo momento particolare interesse per la sanità pubblica..
Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less g... more Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less good health than people with a higher socioeconomic status. The Italian deprivation index (DI) was used with the aim to evaluate the association between the DMFT index and risk factors for dental caries, including city population and DI. The study included 4,305 12-year-old children living in 38 cities classified by demographic size as small, midsize and large. Zero-inflated negative binomial multilevel regression models were used to assess risk factors for DMFT and to address excess of zero DMFT and overdispersion through a Bayesian approach. The difference in the average level of DMFT among children living in cities with different DI quintile was not statistically significant (p = 0.578). The DI and ln(population), included as city-level fixed effects in the two-level variance components model, were not statistically significant. Consuming sweet drinks on average increased the mean DMFT...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2020
INTRODUCTION Despite continuing efforts, compliance rates and knowledge of best practices in hand... more INTRODUCTION Despite continuing efforts, compliance rates and knowledge of best practices in hand hygiene remain disappointing. Recognizing that conventional educational tools seem out of touch with young people and that the med and messages contents need refreshing, the Italian Study Group of Hospital Hygiene of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health devised a novel approach to promote the creation of innovative educational tools for improving knowledge of, and compliance with, hand hygiene rules among healthcare and medical students. METHODS A contest in creating educational material on hand hygiene practices involved university students of nursing and medicine, and of other healthcare degrees. Students from the universities of the GISIO network were invited to create educational material (e.g., videos, posters, presentations, leaflets, and screensavers) to be presented by May 5th 2019 during the World Hand Hygiene Day / Save Lives: Clean Your Hands ...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2016
BACKGROUND The aim of the study is to analyze the regional district ordinances and the warnings r... more BACKGROUND The aim of the study is to analyze the regional district ordinances and the warnings regarding qualitative and quantitavive drinking water abnormalities discovered by the Sardinian Municipalities and the Water Managing Authority between 2010 and 2015 in order to describe and identify the causes leading to an interruption or a limitation of the drinking water supply. METHODS We carefully reviewed all ordinances and warnings of non-potable water and service interruption published between 2010 and 2015 by the websites of 377 Sardinian Municipalities and by the main regional newspapers, the Water Managing Authority and the Regional Health Trusts. RESULTS From 2010 to 2015, 738 warnings/ordinances regarding drinking water supply limitation or interruption were issued. The warnings involved more than half (n. 191, 50.7%) of the 377 Sardinian Municipalities. Considering that these Municipalities included the main Sardinian cities we estimated that 80.3% of the population was aff...
Summary The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between social deprivation ... more Summary The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between social deprivation indexes and anti-influenza vaccination coverage in the elderly population (over 65 years old) in Sardinia. This relationship was first observed in a regional context. An already-known deprivation index was used, and its trivial relationship with anti-influenza vaccination coverage was evaluated. Secondly, the same relationship was assessed in the homogeneous area of the Municipality of Sassari. This required the adoption of an ad hoc deprivation index, which allowed us to stratify the population into deprivation groups and to correlate vaccination coverage with socio-economic variables. The results showed that regional anti-influenza vaccination coverage increased linearly as deprivation decreased. This trend was confirmed in the Municipality of Sassari. Pearson’s analysis highlighted factors that significantly correlate with vaccination coverage. In Sardinia, the relationship between an...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2021
BACKGROUND Despite the scientific consensus about vaccines safety and effectiveness, there is sti... more BACKGROUND Despite the scientific consensus about vaccines safety and effectiveness, there is still a discrepancy between scientific evidence and perception by the general population. The "VaccinarSì" portal was created in 2013 by Italian specialists in Public Health to provide evidence-based information regarding vaccination. STUDY DESIGN The purpose of this study was to analyse the web traffic on "VaccinarSì" platform during a six-year period (May 8, 2013-May 8, 2019). Moreover, we compared the first six-month with the last six-month period of the website activity, to identify potential areas of improvements. METHODS This is a descriptive study using Google Analytics data. We collected data regarding the following: total number of sessions to the portal, total number of pages viewed, total number of users and the number of new visitors, geographical locations and demography of users as well as user access mode (type of device used and way of access). We also co...
The Vaccination Calendar for Life is an alliance of scientific and professional societies of publ... more The Vaccination Calendar for Life is an alliance of scientific and professional societies of public health physicians, paediatricians and general practitioners in Italy which provides a periodical update on the ideal, scientifically driven vaccination calendar throughout lifetime. Since 2012, the Lifetime Immunization Schedule has represented a benchmark for Regional and National Authorities to set up the updated list of vaccines provided actively and free of charge to infants, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly by inclusion in the Triennial National Vaccination Plan (TNVP), and in the Essential Levels of Care (LEA). The impact of the different editions of the Lifetime Immunization Schedule on the TNVP was deep, representing the inspiring source for the present vaccination policy. The 2019 edition called for more attention to pregnant women immunization; risk groups vaccination; uniform high coverage with the MMRV vaccine; extension of Meningococcal B vaccination also at adolescent age; use of quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal vaccine also at 1 year of life; progressive decrease of the age of free-of-charge offer of influenza to ≥ 60 and then to ≥ 50 year-old population; implementation of flu immunization ages 6 months-6 years; HPV vaccination also offered to 25-year old women at the time of the first screening (gender neutral immunization already offered); sequential PCV13-PPV23 pneumococcal vaccination in 65 year-old subjects; increased coverage with rotavirus vaccine in infants and zoster vaccine in the elderly.
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
To study professional exposure to biological materials an investigation was carried out in the Ho... more To study professional exposure to biological materials an investigation was carried out in the Hospital-University Complex of Sassari during the period January 1st 1995-December 31 2000. 1003 occupational accidents were notified (incidence rate=6%). Infirmaries were the most at risk category (45%) and about the half part of the accidents occurred in surgical area (44.7%). The most frequent accident was needle puncture (53%); exposure involved principally the hands (76.3%). The basal serology of injured personnel showed low positivity for any HBV markers (72.7%), HCV (0.4%) and no positivity for HIV; while high levels were found among source patients. From the comparison between serological data (injured vs source), when ascertainable, emerged a biological hazard of 7.7% for HBV, 30.2% for HCV and 3.2% for HIV; however no seroconversions were observed at follow up. The study also pointed out the need of improve prevention programmes.
INTRODUZIONE: Numerosi studi inerenti le problematiche igienicosanitarie dell\\u2019assistenza od... more INTRODUZIONE: Numerosi studi inerenti le problematiche igienicosanitarie dell\\u2019assistenza odontoiatrica hanno dimostrato che l\\u2019ambulatorio pu\\uf2 costituire un ambiente a rischio sia per il paziente che per gli operatori sanitari. Il presente studio mira a valutare la contaminazione microbica in un campione di ambulatori odontoiatrici di otto citt\\ue0 italiane.MATERIALI E METODI: Lo studio \\ue8 stato condotto su 102 riuniti di 64 ambulatori odontoiatrici pubblici. \\uc8 stata valutata la contaminazione dell\\u2019acqua (CMT a 22\\ub0C e 36\\ub0C, coliformi fecali e totali, Legionella spp e Pseudomonas aeruginosa), dell\\u2019aria (determinazione attiva SAS e passiva IMA) e delle superfici (accumulo microbico con membrane da contatto). Tutte le determinazioni sono state effettuate prima (T0) e durante (T1) l\\u2019attivit\\ue0 lavorativa.RISULTATI: Per quanto riguarda la contaminazione dell\\u2019acqua, la proporzione dei campioni che al T0 presentava una CMT superiore ai limiti previsti dal D.Lgs.n.31/01 (20 cfu/mL a 36\\ub0C e 100 cfu/mL a 22\\ub0C) si riduce significativamente al T1. Non sono mai state segnalate positivit\\ue0 per coliformi totali o fecali. Le percentuali di positivit\\ue0 per Legionella spp e P.aeruginosa sono risultate rispettivamente 33.3% e 13.8%. I livelli di contaminazione dell\\u2019aria risultano significativamentepi\\uf9 alti al T1 rispetto al T0 con metodo IMA, mentre nessunadifferenza \\ue8 stata segnalata con il metodo SAS. Oltre il 50% dellesuperfici presentava livelli di accumulo microbico eccedenti il limite di 1 cfu/cm2, senza differenze prima e durante l\\u2019attivit\\ue0 lavorativa.CONCLUSIONI: I risultati del presente studio confermano che, come in altri Stati europei, anche in Italia gli ambulatori odontoiatrici presentano situazioni critiche, sottolineando la possibilit\\ue0 di rischi infettivi e la necessit\\ue0 di applicare efficaci misure di prevenzione
Citation: Battistone A, Buttinelli G, Amato C, Fiore S, Palmieri A, Mancuso G, Patti AM, Vulcano ... more Citation: Battistone A, Buttinelli G, Amato C, Fiore S, Palmieri A, Mancuso G, Patti AM, Vulcano A, Barbi M, Binda S, Tanzi ML, Cesari C, Castiglia P, Germinario C, Triassi M, Cicala A, Fiore L, Study Group. Environmental surveillance of polio and other ...
Introduction Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable d... more Introduction Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable disease, with high fatality rate and severe sequelae in up to 20% of survivors. MenB, MenC and MenACWY vaccines are available in Italy, but recommendations vary among Italian regions in terms of type of vaccines and targeted age groups. The aim of the study is to describe epidemiology of IMDs in order to provide the best vaccination strategy. Methods IMDs surveillance data in the period 2011-2017 from the Italian National Health Institute were explored. Excel was used to present trend analysis, stratifying by age and serogroups. Results In Italy, during the period 2011-2017, IMDs overall incidence increased from 0.25 cases/100,000 inhabitants in 2011 to 0.33 in 2017. Most cases after 2013 were caused by non-B serogroups (52%, 52%, 66%, 64%, 59% from 2013 to 2017). Although incidence is highest in 1 years old children, the number of cases is highest in the age range 25-64. The number of ca...
Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Itali... more Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Italiana di Igiene e medicina preventiva e sanità Pubblica (SItI). Il gruppo coagula l'interesse dei ricercatori e degli operatori territoriali che da sempre si occupano di queste tematiche e che in passato ha intensamente lavorato su specifici progetti sia applicativi che di ricerca. Esso, spinto dal desiderio di mettere a disposizione le eseperienze maturate sul campo e le competenze svuluppate nella sperimentazione e nella ricerca nonchè in aderenza all'invito della Giunta nazionale SItI, ha lavorato per alcuni mesi alla formulazione di alcune raccomandazionii sulle principali vaccinazioni. In particolare sono state selezionate quelle vaccinazioni che, per occorrenza delle patologie da prevenire, per la gravità degli esiti ad esse correlati per l'iinovazione tecnologica nella produzione dei vaccini, per la novità degli stessi, per l'evoluzione scientifica delle consoscenze ...
Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Itali... more Il presente volume è stato realizzato a cura del Gruppo di lavoro sui vaccini della Società Italiana di Igiene e medicina preventiva e sanità Pubblica (SItI). Il gruppo coagula l'interesse dei ricercatori e degli operatori territoriali che da sempre si occupano di queste tematiche e che in passato ha intensamente lavorato su specifici progetti sia applicativi che di ricerca. Esso, spinto dal desiderio di mettere a disposizione le esperienze maturate sul campo e le competenze sviluppate nella sperimentazione e nella ricerca nonchè in aderenza all'invito della Giunta nazionale SItI, ha lavorato per alcuni mesi alla formulazione di alcune raccomandazioni sulle principali vaccinazioni. In particolare sono state selezionate quelle vaccinazioni che, per occorrenza delle patologie da prevenire, per la gravità degli esiti ad esse correlati per l'innovazione tecnologica nella produzione dei vaccini, per la novità degli stessi, per l'evoluzione scientifica delle conoscenze in tema di immunizzazione e sicurezza, per le modificazioni epidemiologiche osservate e per quelle prevedibili sulla base di appositi modelli matematici, per l'impatto economico e sociale che avrebbe avuto la loro implementazione, rivestono in questo momento particolare interesse per la sanità pubblica..
Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less g... more Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less good health than people with a higher socioeconomic status. The Italian deprivation index (DI) was used with the aim to evaluate the association between the DMFT index and risk factors for dental caries, including city population and DI. The study included 4,305 12-year-old children living in 38 cities classified by demographic size as small, midsize and large. Zero-inflated negative binomial multilevel regression models were used to assess risk factors for DMFT and to address excess of zero DMFT and overdispersion through a Bayesian approach. The difference in the average level of DMFT among children living in cities with different DI quintile was not statistically significant (p = 0.578). The DI and ln(population), included as city-level fixed effects in the two-level variance components model, were not statistically significant. Consuming sweet drinks on average increased the mean DMFT...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2020
INTRODUCTION Despite continuing efforts, compliance rates and knowledge of best practices in hand... more INTRODUCTION Despite continuing efforts, compliance rates and knowledge of best practices in hand hygiene remain disappointing. Recognizing that conventional educational tools seem out of touch with young people and that the med and messages contents need refreshing, the Italian Study Group of Hospital Hygiene of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health devised a novel approach to promote the creation of innovative educational tools for improving knowledge of, and compliance with, hand hygiene rules among healthcare and medical students. METHODS A contest in creating educational material on hand hygiene practices involved university students of nursing and medicine, and of other healthcare degrees. Students from the universities of the GISIO network were invited to create educational material (e.g., videos, posters, presentations, leaflets, and screensavers) to be presented by May 5th 2019 during the World Hand Hygiene Day / Save Lives: Clean Your Hands ...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2016
BACKGROUND The aim of the study is to analyze the regional district ordinances and the warnings r... more BACKGROUND The aim of the study is to analyze the regional district ordinances and the warnings regarding qualitative and quantitavive drinking water abnormalities discovered by the Sardinian Municipalities and the Water Managing Authority between 2010 and 2015 in order to describe and identify the causes leading to an interruption or a limitation of the drinking water supply. METHODS We carefully reviewed all ordinances and warnings of non-potable water and service interruption published between 2010 and 2015 by the websites of 377 Sardinian Municipalities and by the main regional newspapers, the Water Managing Authority and the Regional Health Trusts. RESULTS From 2010 to 2015, 738 warnings/ordinances regarding drinking water supply limitation or interruption were issued. The warnings involved more than half (n. 191, 50.7%) of the 377 Sardinian Municipalities. Considering that these Municipalities included the main Sardinian cities we estimated that 80.3% of the population was aff...
Summary The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between social deprivation ... more Summary The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between social deprivation indexes and anti-influenza vaccination coverage in the elderly population (over 65 years old) in Sardinia. This relationship was first observed in a regional context. An already-known deprivation index was used, and its trivial relationship with anti-influenza vaccination coverage was evaluated. Secondly, the same relationship was assessed in the homogeneous area of the Municipality of Sassari. This required the adoption of an ad hoc deprivation index, which allowed us to stratify the population into deprivation groups and to correlate vaccination coverage with socio-economic variables. The results showed that regional anti-influenza vaccination coverage increased linearly as deprivation decreased. This trend was confirmed in the Municipality of Sassari. Pearson’s analysis highlighted factors that significantly correlate with vaccination coverage. In Sardinia, the relationship between an...
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 2021
BACKGROUND Despite the scientific consensus about vaccines safety and effectiveness, there is sti... more BACKGROUND Despite the scientific consensus about vaccines safety and effectiveness, there is still a discrepancy between scientific evidence and perception by the general population. The "VaccinarSì" portal was created in 2013 by Italian specialists in Public Health to provide evidence-based information regarding vaccination. STUDY DESIGN The purpose of this study was to analyse the web traffic on "VaccinarSì" platform during a six-year period (May 8, 2013-May 8, 2019). Moreover, we compared the first six-month with the last six-month period of the website activity, to identify potential areas of improvements. METHODS This is a descriptive study using Google Analytics data. We collected data regarding the following: total number of sessions to the portal, total number of pages viewed, total number of users and the number of new visitors, geographical locations and demography of users as well as user access mode (type of device used and way of access). We also co...
The Vaccination Calendar for Life is an alliance of scientific and professional societies of publ... more The Vaccination Calendar for Life is an alliance of scientific and professional societies of public health physicians, paediatricians and general practitioners in Italy which provides a periodical update on the ideal, scientifically driven vaccination calendar throughout lifetime. Since 2012, the Lifetime Immunization Schedule has represented a benchmark for Regional and National Authorities to set up the updated list of vaccines provided actively and free of charge to infants, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly by inclusion in the Triennial National Vaccination Plan (TNVP), and in the Essential Levels of Care (LEA). The impact of the different editions of the Lifetime Immunization Schedule on the TNVP was deep, representing the inspiring source for the present vaccination policy. The 2019 edition called for more attention to pregnant women immunization; risk groups vaccination; uniform high coverage with the MMRV vaccine; extension of Meningococcal B vaccination also at adolescent age; use of quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal vaccine also at 1 year of life; progressive decrease of the age of free-of-charge offer of influenza to ≥ 60 and then to ≥ 50 year-old population; implementation of flu immunization ages 6 months-6 years; HPV vaccination also offered to 25-year old women at the time of the first screening (gender neutral immunization already offered); sequential PCV13-PPV23 pneumococcal vaccination in 65 year-old subjects; increased coverage with rotavirus vaccine in infants and zoster vaccine in the elderly.
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
To study professional exposure to biological materials an investigation was carried out in the Ho... more To study professional exposure to biological materials an investigation was carried out in the Hospital-University Complex of Sassari during the period January 1st 1995-December 31 2000. 1003 occupational accidents were notified (incidence rate=6%). Infirmaries were the most at risk category (45%) and about the half part of the accidents occurred in surgical area (44.7%). The most frequent accident was needle puncture (53%); exposure involved principally the hands (76.3%). The basal serology of injured personnel showed low positivity for any HBV markers (72.7%), HCV (0.4%) and no positivity for HIV; while high levels were found among source patients. From the comparison between serological data (injured vs source), when ascertainable, emerged a biological hazard of 7.7% for HBV, 30.2% for HCV and 3.2% for HIV; however no seroconversions were observed at follow up. The study also pointed out the need of improve prevention programmes.
INTRODUZIONE: Numerosi studi inerenti le problematiche igienicosanitarie dell\\u2019assistenza od... more INTRODUZIONE: Numerosi studi inerenti le problematiche igienicosanitarie dell\\u2019assistenza odontoiatrica hanno dimostrato che l\\u2019ambulatorio pu\\uf2 costituire un ambiente a rischio sia per il paziente che per gli operatori sanitari. Il presente studio mira a valutare la contaminazione microbica in un campione di ambulatori odontoiatrici di otto citt\\ue0 italiane.MATERIALI E METODI: Lo studio \\ue8 stato condotto su 102 riuniti di 64 ambulatori odontoiatrici pubblici. \\uc8 stata valutata la contaminazione dell\\u2019acqua (CMT a 22\\ub0C e 36\\ub0C, coliformi fecali e totali, Legionella spp e Pseudomonas aeruginosa), dell\\u2019aria (determinazione attiva SAS e passiva IMA) e delle superfici (accumulo microbico con membrane da contatto). Tutte le determinazioni sono state effettuate prima (T0) e durante (T1) l\\u2019attivit\\ue0 lavorativa.RISULTATI: Per quanto riguarda la contaminazione dell\\u2019acqua, la proporzione dei campioni che al T0 presentava una CMT superiore ai limiti previsti dal D.Lgs.n.31/01 (20 cfu/mL a 36\\ub0C e 100 cfu/mL a 22\\ub0C) si riduce significativamente al T1. Non sono mai state segnalate positivit\\ue0 per coliformi totali o fecali. Le percentuali di positivit\\ue0 per Legionella spp e P.aeruginosa sono risultate rispettivamente 33.3% e 13.8%. I livelli di contaminazione dell\\u2019aria risultano significativamentepi\\uf9 alti al T1 rispetto al T0 con metodo IMA, mentre nessunadifferenza \\ue8 stata segnalata con il metodo SAS. Oltre il 50% dellesuperfici presentava livelli di accumulo microbico eccedenti il limite di 1 cfu/cm2, senza differenze prima e durante l\\u2019attivit\\ue0 lavorativa.CONCLUSIONI: I risultati del presente studio confermano che, come in altri Stati europei, anche in Italia gli ambulatori odontoiatrici presentano situazioni critiche, sottolineando la possibilit\\ue0 di rischi infettivi e la necessit\\ue0 di applicare efficaci misure di prevenzione
Citation: Battistone A, Buttinelli G, Amato C, Fiore S, Palmieri A, Mancuso G, Patti AM, Vulcano ... more Citation: Battistone A, Buttinelli G, Amato C, Fiore S, Palmieri A, Mancuso G, Patti AM, Vulcano A, Barbi M, Binda S, Tanzi ML, Cesari C, Castiglia P, Germinario C, Triassi M, Cicala A, Fiore L, Study Group. Environmental surveillance of polio and other ...
Introduction Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable d... more Introduction Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable disease, with high fatality rate and severe sequelae in up to 20% of survivors. MenB, MenC and MenACWY vaccines are available in Italy, but recommendations vary among Italian regions in terms of type of vaccines and targeted age groups. The aim of the study is to describe epidemiology of IMDs in order to provide the best vaccination strategy. Methods IMDs surveillance data in the period 2011-2017 from the Italian National Health Institute were explored. Excel was used to present trend analysis, stratifying by age and serogroups. Results In Italy, during the period 2011-2017, IMDs overall incidence increased from 0.25 cases/100,000 inhabitants in 2011 to 0.33 in 2017. Most cases after 2013 were caused by non-B serogroups (52%, 52%, 66%, 64%, 59% from 2013 to 2017). Although incidence is highest in 1 years old children, the number of cases is highest in the age range 25-64. The number of ca...
Papers by P. Castiglia