Books by Marie-Odile Rousset
Qinnasrin II, 2021
The syro-french archaeological research mission of Qinnasrin has worked between 2008 and 2010 on ... more The syro-french archaeological research mission of Qinnasrin has worked between 2008 and 2010 on the site of al-‘Iss (Northern Syria, Aleppo region), in the village itself and in the imediate surroundings. These fieldworks have been funded by the French Commission of excavations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Fundation Max van Berchem, the French National Center of Scientific Research and the General Directory of Antiquities and Museums of Syria.
Established since the end of the 3rd millennium BC, Qinnasrin is an important road and military junction, dominating a fertile plain on the edge of the steppe and irrigated agricultural areas. Renamed Chalcis by the Greeks, it was, in Roman times, the seat of a kingship and minted coins. It plays an essential role in the fortification system of Northern Syria set up by Justinian against the Persians and then during the conquest of Northern Syria by the armies of Islam. Closely linked to Aleppo, it declined, to its benefit, from the middle of the 10th century and fell into oblivion around the 14th century.
This book provides an overview and synthesis of the textual and archaeological sources. It presents the documentation constituted by the pedestrian and geophysical surveys, the first archaeological excavations ever carried out on the site, the inventory of architectural elements and the gathering of material. Several discoveries allow us to account for the importance acquired by the city, both in the most ancient times and in the Greek, Roman and Islamic periods. For the first time, a scenario of the morphological evolution of the city and its transformations is proposed. This second volume in the series devoted to Qinnasrin provides an original portrait of an outstanding and largely unknown site.
Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient 71, 2016
Ce quatrième ouvrage de la série « Conquête de la steppe » présente de nouvelles études d’archéol... more Ce quatrième ouvrage de la série « Conquête de la steppe » présente de nouvelles études d’archéologie, de géoarchéologie et d'anthropologie issues d’un important programme de prospection de la zone steppique de la Syrie centrale à l’est de Hama, qui s'est déroulé de 1995 à 2010. Les périodes dont il est question ici vont du PPNB à l'époque contemporaine (VIIIe millénaire av. J.-C. – XXIe s. apr. J.-C.).
L'adaptation de l'homme à l'environnement est abordée du point de vue de l'acquisition et du stokage de l'eau en milieu aride grâce aux citernes pluviales et à travers deux études de cas : celle d'un village du PPNB et celle de deux années pluviométriques particulièrement extrêmes.
Une partie des articles (céramique, monnaies, monuments religieux) éclaire d'un nouveau jour la définition du territoire régional durant l'Antiquité et par la suite. Des questions de topographie historique sont aussi abordées grâce à la publication de nouvelles inscriptions.
Enfin, plusieurs contributions concernent les formes de l'habitat, aussi bien les résidences luxueuses des propriétaires terriens (des époques omeyyade et contemporaine) que les villages byzantins et les processus de sédentarisation à l'époque contemporaine.
Rarement abordée par les chercheurs, parce que jugée trop scabreuse ou relevant d’une trop grande... more Rarement abordée par les chercheurs, parce que jugée trop scabreuse ou relevant d’une trop grande intimité, la question des latrines et de l’élimination des déchets physiologiques est pourtant au centre du quotidien. Son impact sur l’organisation sociale, en particulier en milieu urbain, est loin d’être négligeable. Dans le monde islamique, elle fait partie des préoccupations relevant de la pratique religieuse. L’intensification actuelle du problème, sous l’effet de l’augmentation rapide de la population mondiale impose de comprendre comment celui-ci était posé et résolu dans le passé.
Third volume of papers about the arid area of north Syria, between Salamya and Aleppo. Focus on s... more Third volume of papers about the arid area of north Syria, between Salamya and Aleppo. Focus on some aspect of settlement patterns, rainfalls, particular buildings (roman temple), pottery, neo-hittite inscription, irrigation systems, palmyrenian inscription, statue, byzantine villages, coins, issued from the archaeological survey of the Arid Margins.
Included an article about the geographical environment of Petra (Jordan).
Ce volume présente les premiers résultats des travaux de la mission archéologique syro-française ... more Ce volume présente les premiers résultats des travaux de la mission archéologique syro-française de Qinnasrin, effectués sur le site d'al-Hadir (Syrie, région d'Alep), grâce aux financements de la commission des fouilles du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes et du laboratoire " Islam Médiéval " de l'UMR Orient & Méditerranée. Al-Hadir a été, dès le VIIe siècle, un hameau dépendant de la ville de Qinnasrin, chef-lieu éponyme de la circonscription administrative de la Syrie du Nord. La question de l'identification d'al-Hadir avec la ville de Hadir Qinnasrin évoquée dans les textes médiévaux est revue à la lumière des découvertes matérielles. L'analyse de la topographie générale du site et des secteurs fouillés est complétée par des contributions des spécialistes chargés de l'étude du matériel archéologique : céramique, verre, objets, inscriptions, ossements humains et animaux. Ces études offrent des informations rares et inédites pour la connaissance de la culture matérielle des débuts de l'époque islamique.
Synthesis of works concerning islamic archaeology in Iraq before the Gulf war. Catalogue of iraqi... more Synthesis of works concerning islamic archaeology in Iraq before the Gulf war. Catalogue of iraqian archaeological sites with islamic levels. File of every site with brief description, location (map) and bibliography. Index.
tome 1 : Study of the documentation of the french-syrian excavations at Rahba-Mayadin (1976-1981)... more tome 1 : Study of the documentation of the french-syrian excavations at Rahba-Mayadin (1976-1981) in Syrian Euphrates valley. Analysis of domestic architecture and history of this small town. Catalogue of the pottery from the abbassid to the mamluk periods.
tome 2 : maps, plans and figures
Papers by Marie-Odile Rousset
The Arid Margins of Northern Syria have been the object of a geoarchaeological survey which ended... more The Arid Margins of Northern Syria have been the object of a geoarchaeological survey which ended in 2010 after 16 field campaigns. It allowed to discover and to characterize more than 1000 archaeological sites, which were all replaced in their environmental context. The aim was to understand the complexity of the Human – environment relations in notoriously difficult environments and to redraw the history of a region with early sedentarisation where the influence of the environment upon development of the human societies has been important very early. The poster presents the way we proceeded to synthesize the environmental data and our knowledges about settlement, land use and development. This stage is essential to understand the economic models on which societies of the past based themselves to become established and develop in regions marked by strong constraints, the first of which being aridity. But, generally, only the climatic aridity is put forward to explain the modalities of land use, what distorts widely the conclusions to which one can end. We looked at ways to introduce, on one hand, realities of the edaphic aridity and, on the other hand, consequences of the human endeavour, in particular hydro-agricultural installations, to manage to define and to map classes of attractiveness at the scale of the surveyed region. This approach revealed itself particularly interesting for the Early Bronze Age IV and for the byzantine period which will be illustrated.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Rousset Marie-Odile. La céramique. In: Al-Hadir. Étude archéologique d’un hameau de Qinnasrin (Sy... more Rousset Marie-Odile. La céramique. In: Al-Hadir. Étude archéologique d’un hameau de Qinnasrin (Syrie du Nord, VIIe-XIIe siècles) Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2012. pp. 73-118. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série recherches archéologiques, 59
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 27, 2020
For the Believer, the practice of prayer is conditioned by a personal state of purity. This is of... more For the Believer, the practice of prayer is conditioned by a personal state of purity. This is often mentioned in written sources—particularly medieval legal texts. But archaeology has provided only scarce information on practices linked to the rituals of purification in the Islamic world. This article gives a summary of our knowledge of ablution spaces and latrines connected with Muslim religious buildings. It presents in detail the ablution area of the Fatimid mosque of Tyre/Sour (Lebanon), datable to the eleventh century. It demonstrates that there were different ways of implementing hygiene and purification practices, which found expression in the architecture, depending on the community, period or region. Could these anthropological differences be linked to religious affiliations?
The HyperThesau project was initiated by a multidisciplinary team consisting of two research labo... more The HyperThesau project was initiated by a multidisciplinary team consisting of two research laboratories of archaeology and computer science, respectively, a digital library, two archeological museums and a private company. This project has two main objectives: 1) the design and implementation of an integrated platform to host, search, share and analyze archaeological data; 2) the design of a domain-specific thesaurus taking the whole archaeological data lifecycle into account, from data creation to publication. Archeological data may bear many different types, e.g., textual documents, images (photos, drawings...), sensor data, etc. Moreover, similar documents, e.g., excavation reports, are often created by various software tools that are not compatible with each other. The description of an archaeological object also differs with respect to users, usages and time (De Luca et al., 2016). Such variety of archeological data induces many scientific challenges related to storing hetero...
Archéorient - Le Blog, 2024
Review of the article of Jesse Casana and David D. Goodman and Carolin Ferwerda (2023)
Books by Marie-Odile Rousset
Established since the end of the 3rd millennium BC, Qinnasrin is an important road and military junction, dominating a fertile plain on the edge of the steppe and irrigated agricultural areas. Renamed Chalcis by the Greeks, it was, in Roman times, the seat of a kingship and minted coins. It plays an essential role in the fortification system of Northern Syria set up by Justinian against the Persians and then during the conquest of Northern Syria by the armies of Islam. Closely linked to Aleppo, it declined, to its benefit, from the middle of the 10th century and fell into oblivion around the 14th century.
This book provides an overview and synthesis of the textual and archaeological sources. It presents the documentation constituted by the pedestrian and geophysical surveys, the first archaeological excavations ever carried out on the site, the inventory of architectural elements and the gathering of material. Several discoveries allow us to account for the importance acquired by the city, both in the most ancient times and in the Greek, Roman and Islamic periods. For the first time, a scenario of the morphological evolution of the city and its transformations is proposed. This second volume in the series devoted to Qinnasrin provides an original portrait of an outstanding and largely unknown site.
L'adaptation de l'homme à l'environnement est abordée du point de vue de l'acquisition et du stokage de l'eau en milieu aride grâce aux citernes pluviales et à travers deux études de cas : celle d'un village du PPNB et celle de deux années pluviométriques particulièrement extrêmes.
Une partie des articles (céramique, monnaies, monuments religieux) éclaire d'un nouveau jour la définition du territoire régional durant l'Antiquité et par la suite. Des questions de topographie historique sont aussi abordées grâce à la publication de nouvelles inscriptions.
Enfin, plusieurs contributions concernent les formes de l'habitat, aussi bien les résidences luxueuses des propriétaires terriens (des époques omeyyade et contemporaine) que les villages byzantins et les processus de sédentarisation à l'époque contemporaine.
Included an article about the geographical environment of Petra (Jordan).
tome 2 : maps, plans and figures
Papers by Marie-Odile Rousset
Established since the end of the 3rd millennium BC, Qinnasrin is an important road and military junction, dominating a fertile plain on the edge of the steppe and irrigated agricultural areas. Renamed Chalcis by the Greeks, it was, in Roman times, the seat of a kingship and minted coins. It plays an essential role in the fortification system of Northern Syria set up by Justinian against the Persians and then during the conquest of Northern Syria by the armies of Islam. Closely linked to Aleppo, it declined, to its benefit, from the middle of the 10th century and fell into oblivion around the 14th century.
This book provides an overview and synthesis of the textual and archaeological sources. It presents the documentation constituted by the pedestrian and geophysical surveys, the first archaeological excavations ever carried out on the site, the inventory of architectural elements and the gathering of material. Several discoveries allow us to account for the importance acquired by the city, both in the most ancient times and in the Greek, Roman and Islamic periods. For the first time, a scenario of the morphological evolution of the city and its transformations is proposed. This second volume in the series devoted to Qinnasrin provides an original portrait of an outstanding and largely unknown site.
L'adaptation de l'homme à l'environnement est abordée du point de vue de l'acquisition et du stokage de l'eau en milieu aride grâce aux citernes pluviales et à travers deux études de cas : celle d'un village du PPNB et celle de deux années pluviométriques particulièrement extrêmes.
Une partie des articles (céramique, monnaies, monuments religieux) éclaire d'un nouveau jour la définition du territoire régional durant l'Antiquité et par la suite. Des questions de topographie historique sont aussi abordées grâce à la publication de nouvelles inscriptions.
Enfin, plusieurs contributions concernent les formes de l'habitat, aussi bien les résidences luxueuses des propriétaires terriens (des époques omeyyade et contemporaine) que les villages byzantins et les processus de sédentarisation à l'époque contemporaine.
Included an article about the geographical environment of Petra (Jordan).
tome 2 : maps, plans and figures
236 sites were inhabited in 3rd mill. BC. Their analysis contributed significantly to the knowledge of many aspects in a diachronic perspective, from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium: territorial boundaries (the "Very Long Wall" that we connect with the Early Bronze Age IV), route systems, hierarchy of sites (urban, rural, nomads), definition of cultural markers and regional interaction based on the analysis of the material culture (especially pottery typology and technology).
These largely unpublished data allow us to propose an interpretation of the settlement patterns according to geographical opportunities offered by the landscape. They also allow to consider regional and inter-regional connections on a large scale, from a broader and systemic point of view, shedding light on technological developments and changing production strategies in pottery production during the 3rd millennium BC.
The findings of the mission "Arid Margins of Northern Syria" thus make it possible to connect data from neighbouring regions to the analysis of the spatial and socio-economic organisation of the eastern fringes of the central Syrian kingdoms.