Technological, Economic, Computer Engineering and Social aspects of Digital Transformation (DT) n... more Technological, Economic, Computer Engineering and Social aspects of Digital Transformation (DT) need to be addressed by the designers of all professions involved in the development of these new Information and Business Systems. Therefore, it is important not only to build awareness how these different aspects are impacting future features of a new ICT system, but also to implement them interdisciplinary in the curricula of higher education institutions. Design of interdisciplinary Digital Transformation curricula should be aimed in educating students on how to design and develop useful support for Business processes in the Era of going digital, reduce efforts in struggling with understanding what customers need and also to produce the necessary digital services with a profit potential. The use of methods and techniques from various fields is common practice in teaching courses related to improving business processes, but in this paper we present experiences in designing an actual curriculum at a Faculty of organization and informatics that aims the development of a new study program oriented toward the digital transformation. When designing a new study program relevant benchmarking and the analysis of limitation factors need to be taken into consideration. In our case, the benchmarking analysis and the first iteration of suggesting desired learning outcomes, allowed us to go broadly with the digital transformation theme. At the same time the most important limitation factor was the compliance to the existing national qualification framework. The convergence from broad sets of learning outcomes, to those sets and learning outcomes that were specific to our understanding of DT was the most challenging endeavour. In this paper, experiences, methodology and frameworks that were influencing our curriculum proposal are shortly described. The methodology of our curriculum development process is depicted as well as the results of design our curriculum proposal. Finally, the suggested learning outcomes are presented in order to show how DT could be covered in HEIs.
Digital Transformation of organizations and their business processes is a challenge for education... more Digital Transformation of organizations and their business processes is a challenge for educational institutions (EIs) in many aspects. Besides digital transformation pillars dealing with strategy orientation, customer-centricity, innovation and organizational culture as well as digital competencies and skills, the fifth pillar related to ICT and process infrastructure has some specific demands. Some EI's business processes are common to all institutions within this sector and some processes are being performed differently from school to school. The variety of ways of performing processes in EIs, impacts the scope of Information Systems which need to be implemented for supporting EIs. This was recognized as a problem within several scientific projects authors worked on, whereby all projects were dealing with digital transformation, especially in a national project in Croatia, named “e-Schools: Establishing a System for Developing Digitally Mature Schools (pilot project)”. The project is a part of a wider e-schools programme aimed at introducing ICT into the school system in the 2015-2022 period. In order to introduce a new information system to Croatian EIs, we first had to discover, model, analyse and improve EI's business processes. Appropriate research methods for process discovery, modelling and analysis were applied, and a process repository was developed. Process analysis results have been discussed in several workshops with EI representatives and stakeholders (founders, i.e. local municipalities, Ministry of Science and Education, etc.) and improvements based on ICT support were suggested. An Open Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System was procured based on functional specifications derived from the process analysis and this ERP systems is currently being implemented. In this paper our research methodology is presented, the processes repository is depicted, and most important lessons learned are listed. The concept of digital transformation of educational institutions implies a high level of ICT integration in the performance of school business processes without the systematic approach to planning and management of the use of digital technologies to give the expected results. The use of digital technologies in education no longer depends on the enthusiasm of the individual, but on the systematic approach that needs to be planned, managed and implemented with the support of all stakeholders. For the digital transformation of educational institutions and their sustainability it is necessary to harmonize the implementation of ICT and process infrastructure as it was confirmed by our example.
Ratovi i druge krizne situacije su u danasnje vrijeme daleko složenije od “jednodimenzionalnih“ k... more Ratovi i druge krizne situacije su u danasnje vrijeme daleko složenije od “jednodimenzionalnih“ konvencionalnih (oružanih) sukoba iz proslosti, u kojima su razorna snaga i/ili masovnost oružane sile bili dominantni. Tehnoloskim razvojem, posebno informacijskih tehnologija, povecala se važnost pravovremenog i kvalitetnog komuniciranja s javnoscu, te je ono postalo stratesko pitanje. Informacije o svemu postale su dostupne svugdje i svakome. Iskustva iz ratova i kriza iz bliske proslosti pokazala su da uspjeh djelovanja na terenu ovisi o pravovremenoj i kvalitetnoj komunikaciji s javnoscu i medijima. Svako zanemarivanje i podcjenjivanje informacijskog i komunikacijskog aspekta, danas bi za posljedicu moglo dovesti do gubitka inicijative, politicke i vojne, a “informacijska praznina” mogla bi biti iskoristena za pokusaj senzibiliziranja javnosti kreiranjem nerealne slike stvarne situacije. Komunikacijski ratovi u buducnosti mogli bi imati “razornije“ ucinke i posljedice od onih “stvarnih“ na terenu, stoga su u ovom clanku analizirani i opisani važnost, složenost i temeljne karakteristike umijeca strateskog komuniciranja u ratovima, sukobima i krizama. Kljucne rijeci: stratesko komuniciranje, informacije, krizne situacije
Brzi razvoj tehnologije, klimatske promjene povezane sa prenapucenoscu, izražene razlike i nesraz... more Brzi razvoj tehnologije, klimatske promjene povezane sa prenapucenoscu, izražene razlike i nesrazmjer u raspolaganju s dobrima i utjecaju između male skupine bogatih i utjecajnih nasuprot ostatku stanovnistva te trend redefiniranja odnosa na međunarodnoj sceni imaju sve veci utjecaj na mikro razinu lokalnih zajednica sa vrlo dinamicnim pozitivnim i negativnim posljedicama za iste. Najvažniji katalizator promjena je globalizacija zahvaljujuci kojoj su lokalne zajednice neizbježno izložene podjednako pozitivnim i negativnim trendovima. Suocene su sa izazovima i problemima rjesavanje kojih je cesto centralizirano u sredisnjim državnim tijela i institucijama. Razvoj modernih tehnologija (prije svega informacijskih) namece potrebu redefiniranja uloge centralne države te sukladno tome povecanje uloge i mjerodavnosti lokalnih vlasti i lokalnih zajednica kroz kontroliranu decentralizaciju. Nove tehnologije s jedne strane omogucavaju brzo umrežavanje ljudskih cimbenika ugroza, ali nasuprot tog istovremeno umrežavanje cimbenika odgovora na iste. Predviđanje buducih ugroza svih oblika zahtijeva tijesnju povezanost centralnih državnih vlasti sa lokalnim vlastima i lokalnim zajednicama. Međusobna sinergija svih nadležnih zahtijeva standardizirani pristup. Zahvaljujuci modernim tehnologijama moguce je kvalitetno simuliranje buducih ugroza sto omogucava izradu planova prevencije i planova odgovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj, sustav Domovinske sigurnosti bi trebao pospjesiti združeni usredotoceni napor i sveobuhvatni pristup odgovorima na krizne situacije. U implementaciji sustava treba se voditi racuna o izbalansiranom pristupu centralizaciji i decentralizaciji uloga i odgovornosti između tijela i institucija centralne državne sa jedne strane i lokalne zajednice i lokalnih vlasti s druge strane pri cemu uporaba modernih tehnologija ne smije biti ometac vec sredstvo unapređivanja sustava. Kljucne rijeci: lokalne zajednice, sigurnost, globalizacija, moderne tehnologije.
Strategic planning is a procedure that is supposed to define organizational development through t... more Strategic planning is a procedure that is supposed to define organizational development through the identification of strategic goals. Models can help in understanding the business technology and in creation of formal specifications of the functionality, structure and behavior of real system appearances. By giving the entities in the model numerical values, possible improvements can be simulated, measured and evaluated according to the measurements, and then use for managing the organization. The issue on this approach is that the results that are gotten from the model measurements can be compared to the real values that the model results represent only after they are already accomplished. In this paper the use of reverse measurement is being introduced as a tool for evaluating management methods, in order to ensure the usability of a method prior to its application for managing the organization.
Digital transformation is the new trend in business development and it is appearing in almost all... more Digital transformation is the new trend in business development and it is appearing in almost all industries, whether traditional or modern ones, whether previously connected to information and communication technology use or not. There are many methodological frameworks that should help guide businesses to digitally transform their work and/or the results of it, developed by theoreticians and practitioners, and business are struggling with the right choice of an appropriate framework to use as help. In this paper a methodology for comparative analysis of information systems development methods is adapted for using it for digital transformation frameworks comparison and several contemporary frameworks are compared as an example of methodology usage.
Technological, Economic, Computer Engineering and Social aspects of Digital Transformation (DT) n... more Technological, Economic, Computer Engineering and Social aspects of Digital Transformation (DT) need to be addressed by the designers of all professions involved in the development of these new Information and Business Systems. Therefore, it is important not only to build awareness how these different aspects are impacting future features of a new ICT system, but also to implement them interdisciplinary in the curricula of higher education institutions. Design of interdisciplinary Digital Transformation curricula should be aimed in educating students on how to design and develop useful support for Business processes in the Era of going digital, reduce efforts in struggling with understanding what customers need and also to produce the necessary digital services with a profit potential. The use of methods and techniques from various fields is common practice in teaching courses related to improving business processes, but in this paper we present experiences in designing an actual curriculum at a Faculty of organization and informatics that aims the development of a new study program oriented toward the digital transformation. When designing a new study program relevant benchmarking and the analysis of limitation factors need to be taken into consideration. In our case, the benchmarking analysis and the first iteration of suggesting desired learning outcomes, allowed us to go broadly with the digital transformation theme. At the same time the most important limitation factor was the compliance to the existing national qualification framework. The convergence from broad sets of learning outcomes, to those sets and learning outcomes that were specific to our understanding of DT was the most challenging endeavour. In this paper, experiences, methodology and frameworks that were influencing our curriculum proposal are shortly described. The methodology of our curriculum development process is depicted as well as the results of design our curriculum proposal. Finally, the suggested learning outcomes are presented in order to show how DT could be covered in HEIs.
Digital Transformation of organizations and their business processes is a challenge for education... more Digital Transformation of organizations and their business processes is a challenge for educational institutions (EIs) in many aspects. Besides digital transformation pillars dealing with strategy orientation, customer-centricity, innovation and organizational culture as well as digital competencies and skills, the fifth pillar related to ICT and process infrastructure has some specific demands. Some EI's business processes are common to all institutions within this sector and some processes are being performed differently from school to school. The variety of ways of performing processes in EIs, impacts the scope of Information Systems which need to be implemented for supporting EIs. This was recognized as a problem within several scientific projects authors worked on, whereby all projects were dealing with digital transformation, especially in a national project in Croatia, named “e-Schools: Establishing a System for Developing Digitally Mature Schools (pilot project)”. The project is a part of a wider e-schools programme aimed at introducing ICT into the school system in the 2015-2022 period. In order to introduce a new information system to Croatian EIs, we first had to discover, model, analyse and improve EI's business processes. Appropriate research methods for process discovery, modelling and analysis were applied, and a process repository was developed. Process analysis results have been discussed in several workshops with EI representatives and stakeholders (founders, i.e. local municipalities, Ministry of Science and Education, etc.) and improvements based on ICT support were suggested. An Open Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System was procured based on functional specifications derived from the process analysis and this ERP systems is currently being implemented. In this paper our research methodology is presented, the processes repository is depicted, and most important lessons learned are listed. The concept of digital transformation of educational institutions implies a high level of ICT integration in the performance of school business processes without the systematic approach to planning and management of the use of digital technologies to give the expected results. The use of digital technologies in education no longer depends on the enthusiasm of the individual, but on the systematic approach that needs to be planned, managed and implemented with the support of all stakeholders. For the digital transformation of educational institutions and their sustainability it is necessary to harmonize the implementation of ICT and process infrastructure as it was confirmed by our example.
Ratovi i druge krizne situacije su u danasnje vrijeme daleko složenije od “jednodimenzionalnih“ k... more Ratovi i druge krizne situacije su u danasnje vrijeme daleko složenije od “jednodimenzionalnih“ konvencionalnih (oružanih) sukoba iz proslosti, u kojima su razorna snaga i/ili masovnost oružane sile bili dominantni. Tehnoloskim razvojem, posebno informacijskih tehnologija, povecala se važnost pravovremenog i kvalitetnog komuniciranja s javnoscu, te je ono postalo stratesko pitanje. Informacije o svemu postale su dostupne svugdje i svakome. Iskustva iz ratova i kriza iz bliske proslosti pokazala su da uspjeh djelovanja na terenu ovisi o pravovremenoj i kvalitetnoj komunikaciji s javnoscu i medijima. Svako zanemarivanje i podcjenjivanje informacijskog i komunikacijskog aspekta, danas bi za posljedicu moglo dovesti do gubitka inicijative, politicke i vojne, a “informacijska praznina” mogla bi biti iskoristena za pokusaj senzibiliziranja javnosti kreiranjem nerealne slike stvarne situacije. Komunikacijski ratovi u buducnosti mogli bi imati “razornije“ ucinke i posljedice od onih “stvarnih“ na terenu, stoga su u ovom clanku analizirani i opisani važnost, složenost i temeljne karakteristike umijeca strateskog komuniciranja u ratovima, sukobima i krizama. Kljucne rijeci: stratesko komuniciranje, informacije, krizne situacije
Brzi razvoj tehnologije, klimatske promjene povezane sa prenapucenoscu, izražene razlike i nesraz... more Brzi razvoj tehnologije, klimatske promjene povezane sa prenapucenoscu, izražene razlike i nesrazmjer u raspolaganju s dobrima i utjecaju između male skupine bogatih i utjecajnih nasuprot ostatku stanovnistva te trend redefiniranja odnosa na međunarodnoj sceni imaju sve veci utjecaj na mikro razinu lokalnih zajednica sa vrlo dinamicnim pozitivnim i negativnim posljedicama za iste. Najvažniji katalizator promjena je globalizacija zahvaljujuci kojoj su lokalne zajednice neizbježno izložene podjednako pozitivnim i negativnim trendovima. Suocene su sa izazovima i problemima rjesavanje kojih je cesto centralizirano u sredisnjim državnim tijela i institucijama. Razvoj modernih tehnologija (prije svega informacijskih) namece potrebu redefiniranja uloge centralne države te sukladno tome povecanje uloge i mjerodavnosti lokalnih vlasti i lokalnih zajednica kroz kontroliranu decentralizaciju. Nove tehnologije s jedne strane omogucavaju brzo umrežavanje ljudskih cimbenika ugroza, ali nasuprot tog istovremeno umrežavanje cimbenika odgovora na iste. Predviđanje buducih ugroza svih oblika zahtijeva tijesnju povezanost centralnih državnih vlasti sa lokalnim vlastima i lokalnim zajednicama. Međusobna sinergija svih nadležnih zahtijeva standardizirani pristup. Zahvaljujuci modernim tehnologijama moguce je kvalitetno simuliranje buducih ugroza sto omogucava izradu planova prevencije i planova odgovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj, sustav Domovinske sigurnosti bi trebao pospjesiti združeni usredotoceni napor i sveobuhvatni pristup odgovorima na krizne situacije. U implementaciji sustava treba se voditi racuna o izbalansiranom pristupu centralizaciji i decentralizaciji uloga i odgovornosti između tijela i institucija centralne državne sa jedne strane i lokalne zajednice i lokalnih vlasti s druge strane pri cemu uporaba modernih tehnologija ne smije biti ometac vec sredstvo unapređivanja sustava. Kljucne rijeci: lokalne zajednice, sigurnost, globalizacija, moderne tehnologije.
Strategic planning is a procedure that is supposed to define organizational development through t... more Strategic planning is a procedure that is supposed to define organizational development through the identification of strategic goals. Models can help in understanding the business technology and in creation of formal specifications of the functionality, structure and behavior of real system appearances. By giving the entities in the model numerical values, possible improvements can be simulated, measured and evaluated according to the measurements, and then use for managing the organization. The issue on this approach is that the results that are gotten from the model measurements can be compared to the real values that the model results represent only after they are already accomplished. In this paper the use of reverse measurement is being introduced as a tool for evaluating management methods, in order to ensure the usability of a method prior to its application for managing the organization.
Digital transformation is the new trend in business development and it is appearing in almost all... more Digital transformation is the new trend in business development and it is appearing in almost all industries, whether traditional or modern ones, whether previously connected to information and communication technology use or not. There are many methodological frameworks that should help guide businesses to digitally transform their work and/or the results of it, developed by theoreticians and practitioners, and business are struggling with the right choice of an appropriate framework to use as help. In this paper a methodology for comparative analysis of information systems development methods is adapted for using it for digital transformation frameworks comparison and several contemporary frameworks are compared as an example of methodology usage.
Papers by Martina Tomicic Furjan