The Internet and the independence of individuals with disabilities
This study examines the role of the Internet and its usage on the level of perceived independence among people with physical disabilities. A questionnaire was posted on the Internet as well as distributed to two associations. It was answered by 24 people with physical disabilities who use the Internet, and 22 people with physical disabilities who do not use the Internet. The results of the two groups were compared. It was found that an increase in the number of Internet services used positively influences the perceived level of independence among individuals with physical disabilities. This was particularly true for independence related to the fields of employment and learning. The various Internet services used do not impact the same components of independence to the same degree. The usage of the World Wide Web and Telnet particularly benefits independence.
Grimaldi, C. and Goette, T. (1999), "The Internet and the independence of individuals with disabilities", Internet Research, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 272-280.
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